🪶 Essays on Literature

When you are asked to write a literature paper, you should first consult a literature database. This will give you access to thousands of novels, poems, and plays, as well as the biographies of their authors. You can use these resources to better understand the literary canon and the different styles that writers use.

You can also find free paper examples on literature in our database, which can be a great way to start your paper. In addition to the literature database, many websites offer study guides for specific works of literature. These guides can be beneficial in understanding the main themes and ideas in a piece of literature. With enough research, you can easily find everything you need to write an excellent literature paper.


Twins’ Story in Samuel Holiday’s Under the Eagle

The Twins’ story illustrates the necessity and importance of symbolism and ritual in Navajo culture. However, the more important meaning of the story is the narrative that spirituality and reliance on traditional symbolic values help people find their way even in the most difficult life situations. Based on this, we...


The Play “An Enemy of the People” by Henrik Ibsen

The play An Enemy of the People by Henrik Ibsen is considered especially emotionally loaded, as it expresses the author’s social fears and a cry from the heart. In addition, this performance has a personal relationship with the author, as it is his response to the negative public opinion about...


Violence and Terror in “Waiting for the Barbarians”

Introduction The study of literary works of various epochs and times can provide valuable information about the problems of society at that time. This is due to the fact that many authors have thus made an attempt to spread awareness about existing issues. Thus, this academic paper aims to review...


Emotional Abuse and Depression in Feminist Short Stories

Introduction Feminist literature created on the verge of the 19th and 20th centuries signifies the inequalities between women and men in society. This inequality was manifested through the economic dependence of women on their husbands, female isolation due to the restrictions of their domestic gender roles, and the emerging existential...


“The City We Became” Novel by Nora K. Jemisin

Introduction The City We Became, an award-winning urban fantasy novel by Nora K. Jemisin, incorporates various ideas and concepts relevant to the modern era. Whereas racism, oppression, social injustice, and gentrification may be considered the primary keywords of the narrative, one can see interconnectedness as a subtle yet highly important...


Relevance of Orwell’s “1984” in Today’s World

The novel Nineteen Eighty-Four or 1984 has become one of Orwell’s most famous works and one of the best-known dystopian works. The author used themes and plots that he saw in the world of his day (Bradfield, 2019). In this context, 1984 was never a prediction but rather a reflection...


“The Little Prince” by Saint-Exupery as a Mirror

It is difficult to name a single book that influenced me the most. After all, every book a person reads brings something new, teaches, and makes one reflect on the nature of things or events. However, there are books one wants to reread again and again, and each time he...


Settings in “All Summer in a Day” by Ray Bradbury

The story entitled “All Summer in a Day” raises the themes of human cruelty and inability to accept and respect differences. The topics are masterfully depicted by description of the settings of the story that play a vital role in bringing the message home to the reader. The main idea...


The Book “The Prophet” by Kahlil Gibran

Introduction Kahlil Gibran is among the most decorated poets whose works have been significant to society. The Prophet remains one of the Kahlil’s greatest writings that uses religious fiction to address general issues in society. The book has been quoted on several occasions, including weddings and situations where spiritual guidance...


Characters in Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House”

In Act 3 of “A Doll’s House”, Nora waits in anxious anticipation of her husband’s opening Krogstad’s letter. She knows about it, of course, before they go to the dance, and learns from Mrs. Linde that the letter is still in her husband’s letter box awaiting him. Her nervousness and...


What Could the Modern Version of Pride and Prejudice Be?

The best Pride and Prejudice modern version is Bridget Jones Diary by Helen Fielding. Bridget’s and Mark Darcy’s romantic story reminds of Elizabeth’s and Mr. Darcy’s love line. The plot of both writings coincides in several moments. Both Austen’s Elizabeth and Fielding’s Bridget try to look for a perfect match....


Fanon and Memmi vs. Abufarha on Imperialism

There can be little doubt as to the fact that both Memmi and Fanon would have enjoyed reading Abufarha’s book – after all, it promotes the idea that indulging in suicidal violence against Israeli authorities is the legitimate way for Palestinians to deal with oppression: “The targeting of civilians in...


“Morning Song” Poem by Sylvia Plath

“Morning Song” has been written by Sylvia Plath as a part of her “Ariel” collection. This poem reveals her personal issues through a mixture of somber and joyous moments. Sylvia Plath has made the poem extremely powerful by using ironic wit, metaphors, fantastic imagery, assonance, and controlled stanzas. A number...


Hospitality in Homer’s Epic Poem The Odyssey

Hospitality was an essential part of ancient Greece’s etiquette, not only in The Odyssey. The guest was supposed to be welcomed in the house, fed and warmed, and released with a gift. Philoxenia was not only a concept for the ancient Greeks but it is also considered an unwritten law...


“The Yellow Wallpaper” Book Analysis

Introduction Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s The Yellow Wallpaper is one of the earliest American feminist literature that put a major spotlight on the perceived role of women in society and the need to allow them to take active roles in socio-economic activities. Narrated in the form of a collection of journal...


William Blake’s “The Lamb” and “The Tyger” Songs

William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience are both some of the most well-known poetry collections, which rightfully became an integral part of the author’s literary merit. The very essence of each book can be captured in a single poem from them. This paper aims to compare “The...


Hamlet’s Incapability of Avenging His Father’s Death

When King Hamlet appears to his son as a Ghost, revealing that he did not die of snakebite but was murdered by his own brother Claudius, and urges Hamlet to avenge his death: “Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder” “Hamlet” Shakespeare Hamlet quickly develops a strong desire to avenge...


The Autobiography of St. Ignatius

Among the presented paragraphs from autobiographies, the one from The Autobiography of St. Ignatius appeals to me most, as this is the story of a strong personality with independent thinking, the one who does not give up in the face of difficulties and dangers. The strength of the spirit is...


Story of Love: “Jolene” Song by Dolly Parton

“Jolene” is a song that was written a few decades ago and is considered to be one of the greatest songs of all time. However, it remains interesting to understand why “Jolene” by Dolly Parton appeals to a large audience that goes beyond culture and genre. The following essay will...


Search for Identity in Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis”

Searching for identity is never easy, especially when an individual has to come to terms with drastic and irreversible changes that destroy his or her self-image and the perception of life. The main character of Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis,” Gregor Samsa, faces the dissolution of everything that he knew about life...


Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”: The Infantilization of Women

Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s literary work The Yellow Wallpaper is often considered an important early work of American feminist literature that illustrates general social and physiological attitudes towards women in the 19th century. There are many interpretations of this story, which is impressive even after a long time. Emphasis is placed...


Maxson’s Yard in August Wilson’s “Fences”

Maxson’s yard is a critical part of the story narrated through August Wilson’s “Fences”. It can be argued that there are several things (when one looks at the play as a whole) that the garden emphasizes. This is especially in relation to symbolism. It is critical to note that the...


Who Is the Narrator of The Yellow Wallpaper?

The narrator of the story is a nameless woman. She personifies female weakness and submission in a patriarchal society. In this short story, a woman was diagnosed with a mental disease and treated at home by her husband. She has been locked in a room for three months. More Information...


What is Pride and Prejudice Vocabulary Like?

Pride and Prejudice’s vocabulary is rather difficult to read for modern people. One of the reasons might be the change of a writing style over time. In addition, in the novel, free indirect discourse is used to provide insight into the characters’ inner world. More Information Pride and Prejudice was...


Jim Crow and Nation in American Short Stories

In the literary piece called “Of the Two Johns,” the author presents Jim Craw’s system of regulation through schools. Since African-American John strives to open a school to educate his community members, one may assume that he wants to make their lives better. He faces rejection and racial segregation in...


Suitors’ Behavior Towards Telemakhos, Odysseus, Eumaios

The behavior of the suitors appears to be too harsh when it came to Telemakhos in the disguise story. The suitors don’t seem to cope with anything they think is not casual. This is evidenced by when Odysseus goes back to his own house and experiences rowdy behavior. In addition,...


Edward Said’s Book, Abufarha’s Ethnography and Power’s Novel

One of the main themes explored throughout Said’s book Culture and Imperialism is the fact that, even though most Western countries had ceased being imperialist, in the geopolitical sense of this word, the legacy of imperialism remains alive and well in the hearts of many Westerners, which explains their arrogant...


Asian Studies: Ota Yôko’s “Fireflies”

Fireflies, as written by Ota Yoko is about the events of the second world war. In the story, the destruction that comes with the dropping of bombs at Nagasaki and Hiroshima is captured as well as the outcome of other actions related to the war. This story has well pronounced...


Hamlet’s “To Be, or Not to Be” Soliloquy

Hamlet has become an eternal character of classical literature not in vane – his personality has found many revelations in literature, art, and real-life during many centuries to come, and the image of a naïve, pure man who found himself caught into a cage of plotting, cruelty, and blood-thirst for...


Understanding the City in Ehrenreich’s Nickel and Dimed

The city can be a complicated place to comprehend especially by a person that has not been brought up close to one. There are certain attitudes that are held towards city dwellers which minimizes the activities that people do there. A couple of years ago, the city was mainly for...


The Hand in “The Story of an Hour” by Chopin

The Hand in the story exhibits that paradox of life that is faced by women. This is so with respect to freedom. Ideally, all people have the freedom to do as they please so long as they can withstand the consequences of their actions. However, for the woman, she does...


Greek Myths and Legends

The play Antigone by Sophocles provides us with a wonderful piece of ancient Greek literature, which reflects the views, customs, and traditions that ruled that society. Based on the Theban legend, the play is focused on the destiny of Antigone, the daughter of Oedipus. As seen in the passage taken...


War Is Peace in G. Orwell’s 1984 Novel and Film

One of the slogans of the world of Big Brother, at first sight, sounds rather conflicting and paradoxical: “war is peace.” Indeed, these two conceptions typically contradict each other, and people may ask themselves how fights, violence, and cruelty of wars can lead to harmony, peace, and quiet. However, in...


John Donne and Andrew Marvell: Comparison

Definitely, the destiny and poetry of two great English poets, John Donne and Andrew Marvell were connected. Still, if we compare the lyrics of the poets we would see that despite the fact that they both were representatives of the metaphysical poetic school. John Donne and Andrew Marvell dedicated their...


“My Homework” Poem by Michael Rawlinson

The poem “My Homework” by Michael Rawlinson is direct, candid, and depicts a majority of students nowadays. It shows a challenged student who accepts easy from difficult tasks or assignments. It is very notable that he is one student who dislikes doing homework. In fact, he admits that whenever he...


“Ode to a Nightingale” Poem by John Keats

“Ode to a Nightingale” by John Keats is among his most personal and longest odes and describes the poet’s voyage into a condition of negative capability. The essential premise of the text explores mortality, humanity, and the natural world and these themes honestly submit to his brother, Tom’s death. The...


Conclusion of The Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano

With regards to the conclusions that the author reaches in the book, it appears that Equiano strives to prove that anything is possible in case the person dreams about it, and works hard in order to achieve it. The author related numerous pieces of evidence of this idea demonstrating that...


Horatio and His Catalog of Ghosts Appearing Reasons

Horatio and Marcellus have a conversation in the first scene of Hamlet – during their discussion the Ghost enters the scene. It is silent and does not inform anything them anything, but Horatio makes a conclusion about the Ghost being an omen of something dreadful coming to their province. He...


“Doll’s House” by H. Ibsen Review

A Doll’s House by Ibsen is an outstanding play because it is said to lay the foundation for a feminist movement to emerge and develop. This piece of art depicts women and their role in the man-dominated society. Back then, women did not have many rights, and all they needed...


Analysis of “The Way to Rainy Mountain” by Momaday

The first chapter of the first division of the book is The Setting Out, which introduces the readers into the arousal of the Kiowa tribe. Its main meaning is to allow the reader to meet the story, the Kiowa culture, and to describe the process of the Kiowa’s creation. The...


Clare in the “Passing” Novel by Nella Larsen

The novel “Passing” by Nella Larsen revolves around the life of Clare, who assumes the life of a white lady despite being African-American. However, the story tells of a monumental cultural transformation that occurs after the first world war and serves to define the concepts of gender and race in...


“I Was Sleeping Where the Black Oaks Move” by Erdrich

Louise Erdrich’s poem “I Was Sleeping Where the Black Oaks Move” retells the story of assumingly the author’s home being destroyed by a flood while she and her grandfather are left to witness the event. Such a traumatic experience is something that a person will remember their entire life, affecting...


Biographical Criticism of Wilde’s “The Picture of Dorian Gray”

Introduction According to the literary theory of cultural studies, it is crucial to examine novels from the perspective of socio-cultural context and the author’s biography. The Picture of Dorian Gray, written by Oscar Wilde, is an excellent example of a story that encompasses the author’s values and aspirations. In his...


Beowulf as an Epic Hero of an Anglo-Saxon Poem

Introduction Beowulf is an old Anglo-Saxon poem written around the 10th century. It tells about the heroic deeds and victories of a warrior named Beowulf. Although this text was written in old English and a very long time ago, the debate about the meaning of the poem and the characterization...


Paradox in “Ozymandias” by Percy Bysshe Shelley

In poetry, poets focus on arresting the attention while provoking the fresh thinking of their audience. It is done through paradox, which refers to the tensions exposed at the surface of verses in the poem that result in deceptive irony and insincerity a poem. Cleanth Brooks strongly believed that a...


Is Satan the True Hero of “Paradise Lost” by John Milton

Introduction Paradise Lost by John Milton is a classical work of literature with a detailed plot representing Christian myth. Its look on Satan and his rebellion against God was new for his time and is still discussed by scholars. The reason for this is that, in early books of Milton’s...


The Novel “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley

Introduction Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is a Gothic novel with science fiction elements that tells the story of a researcher Victor Frankenstein, who made a creature out of corpse parts and brought them to life. Authors in fiction decide which stories to tell and their implications based on their knowledge...


The Book “Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic” by Alison Bechdel

Introduction Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic is a literary work done by Alison Bechdel published in 2007. The author describes her life in the family setting by establishing grounds that led to a battle between her and Bruce, who is her father. Majorly in the book, Bechdel describes how she...


Allusions in “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” by T.S. Eliot

Allusions are a sort of reference that the author uses by directly or indirectly mentioning someone or something outside of the context to enrich it with a specific meaning. Consequently, if a reader knows the reference, he might be able to better understand and see the author’s work from a...


The Poem “The Hill We Climb” by Amanda Gorman

Amanda Gorman is an American poet and activist who has received several awards and prizes. The author was born in 1998, and during this time, Gorman managed to become a widely known activist. He is the youngest poet who read the poem during a presidential inauguration. In the verse The...


Literary Analysis pf Stevenson’s Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Introduction The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a novel written by Robert Louis Stevenson in the nineteenth century. One main character in the novel is Dr. Jekyll, who is reasonable and has morals, but he is two-faced. The other character is Mr. Hyde, who is aggressive,...


“Who Moved My Cheese” by Johnson

The book entitled “Who moved my cheese” is one of the best motivational books of the 20th century. The book raises the issue of change and its place in a person’s everyday life. Faced with unexpected events, people tend to panic and stick to once fruitful course of action when...


Feminism in Chopin’s and Glaspell’s Works

Introduction Feminism was a central topic of many literary works in the late 19th-early 20th century, while Trifles by Susan Glaspell and “The Storm” by Kate Chopin are among them. These writing pieces describe the times when women were not considered equal members of society, which provided representatives of this...


The Fault of Fate in the Death of Romeo and Juliet

Several factors led to the death of young people in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. These factors are the enmity between families, Friar Laurence, the marriage plans of Lord Capulet, and the wrong decisions of the lovers themselves. At the very start of Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare expresses his indignation toward...


Goddess of the Moon in Malaysian Mythology

Malaysian mythology is a set of mythological representations of the Malagasy race, which is the indigenous population of the island of Madagascar, whose ancestors moved from the islands of the Malay Archipelago. The primary source for studying mythology is the records of Malagasy folklore produced by Europeans and Malagasy scholars...


Modern Technology in Samuel Holiday’s Under the Eagle

Endowing technology with its own individual meaning transforms not only the way of seeing what the technology is but also the way of being an object entangled in the subjective world. It is known that not a single object has an initially given objective meaning, and the way of its...


Achilles’ and Heracles’ Portrayals by Homer and Euripides

In the Iliad, Homer depicts how Achilles, being upset that Agamemnon took his beloved Briseis, falls into wrath, renouncing his intention to fight on the Greeks’ side. Over time, his anger subsides, but when he learns that Hector killed his friend Patroclus, Achilles again falls into a rage bordering with...


Achilles as the Main Character of Homer’s Iliad

The main character of Homer’s Iliad is Achilles, who behaves like a hero during the war, fights bravely, and defeats the strongest Trojan warrior Hector. However, this poem does not depict how Thetis, the mother of Achilles, bathed the hero in the waters of the Styx River in full detail....


Symbolic Roles in Bret Harte’s “The Heathen Chinee”

“The Heathen Chinee” is a poem by the American writer Bret Harte that has a profound historical implication. The writer was counter to any type of racial discernment. Evidently, the poem was inscribed as an ironical perception of the preconception that Irish employees had against Chinese settlers in northern California...


“The Hollow Men” Poem by Thomas Stearns Eliot

“The Hollow Men” is among T. S. Eliot’s major poems and has fragmentary and overlapping themes. It is a short poem published as part of “Poems 1909-1925” and it addresses the emptiness and hopelessness of modern life. Unlike in “The Waste Land”, this poem has no mythologies and it represents...


“The Waste Land” Poem by Thomas Stearns Eliot

“The Waste Land” by T. S. Eliot is a modernist poem of 434 lines and it shifts between prophecy and satire. It has 5 parts entitled, “The Burial of the Dead”, “A Game of Chess”, “The Fire Sermon”, “Death by Water” and “What the Thunder Said”. The first 4 parts...


Family Relationships in “Hamlet” by Shakespeare

During his lifetime, Shakespeare wrote numerous plays which remain popular to this day and are staged in a variety of theaters worldwide. The Tragedy of Hamlet is of the most notable plays written by Shakespeare, and it raises many topical themes, the main among which is the relationships between parents...


Truth and Justice in Shakespeare’s The Tempest

Truth and justice are mutually reinforcing, with truth having a significant influence on justice. The manner in which truth is expressed contributes to the formation of institutions’ structure, role, and function. Justice entails equal opportunity, righting wrongs, and making reparations. It is the ethically just attribute and the most critical...


Traditional Binary in “The Lottery” by Jackson

There are multiple traditional binaries that society has instituted to simplify internal social processes, and prominent authors often achieve a more dramatic effect by destroying such expectations. In “The Lottery,” Jackson shatters the binary construct of losing and winning and the related socially acceptable reactions to each option. In our...


Why Is Bloodchild by Butler Philosophically Interesting?

It means to be human when one can pass information through symbols, words, body posture, and facial expressions. From the story Bloodshot, it is clearly illustrated where Gan has a conversation with his mother during a delivery process by T, Gatoi. As they continue to have the conversation, they also...


Historical Context of Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus

The historical context plays a significant role in shaping the main idea of the work. The historical component gives meaning to the author’s choice in relation to specific details. However, it is important not to attach too much importance to it, as this can lead to the formation of unnecessary...


Christopher Marlowe and Dr. Faustus Similarity

Doctor Faust is considered the most outstanding work of Christopher Marlowe. Due to its prevalence, many readers and experts like to compare the main character and the author of the play. Many believe that Faust is a reflection of Marlowe’s unconventional and controversial views. It is important to note that...


Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus as Morality Play or Tragedy

“Doctor Faust” by Christopher Marlowe is considered a play with elements of morality and tragedy. At the beginning of the play, after the main character’s introductory speech, the reader is presented with a Good and a Bad Angel. In work, they represent abstract moral qualities that can be traced through...


Contrasting Views in Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus Play

Religion and the relationship to God permeate the entire play of Christopher Marlowe. Many critics and readers find it difficult to come to a consensus about whether the main character’s repentance to higher powers is even. The author of the work himself deliberately misleads them, supporting different points of view....


Doctor Faustus’s Last and First Soliloquy

Through the inner speech of the main character, the reader can easily trace the development of his personality and the change in his views over time. Doctor Faust’s last soliloquy plays a significant role in the work, as it takes place in the last moments of his life. It is...


The First Page of “Watchmen” by Moore and Gibbons

“Watchmen” is a book written by Alan Moore and produced by artist Dave Gibbons. The book represents an alternate reality and closely depicts the contemporary world that people lived in during the 1980s. This was the period when the Vietnam War occurred. In the book, Moore presents the reality of...


Dystopia in “Watchmen” by Moore and Gibbons

Dystopia is an imaginary society normally in the form of fiction works. It is a place full of fearful and dehumanized life; the condition of living is not favorable. Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ comic book titled “Watchmen’ is mostly concerned with dystopic concepts and imagery as compared to utopic...


Metaphors in Hughes’, Poe’s and Dickinson’s Poems

Poetry is a unique genre of literature full of bright descriptions and unique images created by poets. They use various stylistic devices and means to emphasize the central idea and attract readers’ attention to a particular message. Metaphor is a widely used figures of speech and can be found in...


Mythology: The Role in Ancient Greece

Greek mythology clearly presents Ancient Greece’s religious beliefs and superstitions as people showed their everyday life in primarily fictional tales. Therefore, the mythical stories about human-like gods were beyond meaningful to people as they also expressed people’s values and heroism. In fact, myths tell stories that everyone can learn from...


Gothic and Victorian Fears in Bram Stoker’s Dracula

Stoker’s Dracula and other fictions usually have an attraction to prohibited, illegal, and troublesome acts. Dracula is basically an attractive novel that is capable of surprising its readers. The extraordinary quality of the novel is mainly due to the perfect storytelling by Stroker. Dracula is considered a horror genre novel...


Orwell’s Technological Optimism and Pessimism Attributes

People see technology as a means of progress and the creation of a moral society. Thus, television is one of the ways to learn more about the world. However, some say that it is also a tool used to control people. One of the brightest examples of a pessimistic view...


Marriages in Novels “The Murder” and “The Awakening”

Communication and honesty they say are the keys to all human relations and this truth is made evident in two notable works of fiction: John Steinback’s “The Murder” and Kate Chopin’s “The Awakening”, in the context of marital relations. The Awakening published in 1899, was a controversial book. In this...


Money and Power in Contemporary American Literature

The entanglement of human life with the two driving forces of money and power is amazing. The literature in the past twenty years has so many twists in the presentation of this aspect of sociological life. The exposure to consumerism and declining spiritualism is closely liked with the drive for...


What Was Gilman’s Reason for Sending Her Story to Her Former Physician?

Charlotte Perkins Gilman sent a copy of her story to her former doctor. She wanted to show him how wrong the treatment of depression was. After the birth of her child, the author, similar to her character, suffered from severe postpartum depression. Gilman recovered only because she stopped following the...


What Is the Theme of The Yellow Wallpaper?

Charlotte Perkins Gilman discussed the theme of the position of women in society. It was especially relevant in the past. Females had few rights and freedom compared with males having complete control over them. Sadly, the theme is still significant in the 21st century. Women constantly face both direct and...


What did Darcy’s proposal in Pride & Prejudice look like?

“Pride and Prejudice” reveals the connection between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy. He first proposes to Elizabeth when she is in the Hunsford Parsonage. The girl rejects Darcy because he seems too arrogant to her. Besides, he insults her family. This refusal facilitates Darcy’s character development. His second proposal is more...


Literary Modernism and Nation in American Short Stories

The story “Of the Two Johns” depicts the role of education in one’s perception of the community. When African-American John becomes educated, he starts to understand that racial and ethnic differences do not matter, while his relatives cannot comprehend it. White John becomes disregardful for racial discrimination and sexually assaults...


Rachel Carson in “The Gentle Subversive” by Lytle

The book ‘The Gentle Subversive’ by Mark Hamilton is dedicated to the disclosure of Rachel Carson’s life, illustrating the road leading to the creation of influential work ‘Silent Spring’. Hamilton managed to explore the evolution of developed Carson’s ideas as to nature, her devotion to the sea, and her description...


About Gregor’s Family in the Novel “Heart of Darkness”

Gregor’s family comes off as a selfish one. In other words, one can assert that they all exploited the straightforwardness and loyalty of Gregor throughout. His father is rather lazy as he spends all day reading, yet he is deeply in debt. He leaves his son Gregor to toil for...


Venkatachalam’s “Guns, Germs, and Steel”

The book mentions some very important facts. It is true that the factual relationship is very hard to determine and as such is the strength of the book. There are countless amount of factors that played a role in the separation between cultures. Venkatachalam’s book review dully notes that biological...


Close Reading of Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness”

The given extract from Conrad perfectly demonstrates the existence of imperialistic and colonial values in the minds of people. The speaker offers the idea of “an instrument” that has always been “at my back” and helps to cope with different situations. In such a way, we can see a specific...


The Roles of the Gods in Homer’s and Aeschylus’ Works

According to Homer in the Iliad book Vol. 1, the gods had the role of disciplining people who went astray by sending them an evil sickness to kill them as in the case of Latona’s son on the first page. Importantly, Homer used gods in order to add winds to...


Viola’s Disguise in Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night”

William Shakespeare’s comedy “Twelfth Night” explores the themes of identity and self. In a bid to protect herself after the death of her brother and father, Viola, the main character, seeks refuge in the guise of a male. In one day, she is transformed from an upper-class female into a...


Poems of Allen Ginsberg and Dylan Thomas Analysis

Literary devices are an integral part of any poem as they allow authors to embed deep meanings with a few words. Allen Ginsberg and Dylan Thomas also use a variety of literary devices to bring sense to their poems. For example, Ginsberg’s poem’s central element is allusion as he refers...


“A Good Man Is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor’s

Literature plays a crucial role in influencing people’s perspectives of life. Works of literature, be it poems, short stories, spoken word, or songs, are influenced by several factors. The main source of inspiration is personal experiences and the writer’s background. Reading a piece of work and analyzing its contextual setting...


Environmentalist Carson in “The Gentle Subversive” by Lytle

The book titled The Gentle Subversive by Mark Hamilton Lytle is a perfect account of the life and professional development of the famous American scientist and environmentalist Rachel Carson. Moreover, this book is a skilful piece of literature that allows for a better understanding of Carson’s scientific progress in the...


Achebe’s Portrayal of Africa and the African People

Comparing Achebe’s portrayal of Africa and the African people with Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, it is possible to say that the main themes of these two works are different. Achebe describes Africans as people with their own culture and tradition, he speaks that being pagans in general, they managed...


Technology and Society in Octavia Butler’s “Bloodchild and Other Stories”

Introduction It is impossible to imagine the modern world without technological advancements. They are present in multiple spheres, including business operations, communications, entertainment, and even personal relationships among individuals. That is why it is exciting to know how this state of affairs impacts society. In particular, it is reasonable to...


Hamlet’s Revenge Delay Causes

While Hamlet is still mourning the death of his father, he realizes that King Claudius killed him. Moreover, his mother has betrayed both his late father and him. Therefore, loaded with all these troubles, he is unable to make the right decisions thus, delaying his plans to revenge the father’s...


Discussion of Potential Hamlet’s Madness

Although Hamlet pretends he is mad, a psychological analysis of his actions shows that he is only ferocious because of the betrayal he has undergone. He feigns the madness to divert the king’s attention away from him. In reality, a mad person can never discover a death trap planned for...


General Nature of the “Hamlet” Play

Comment on the general nature of Hamlet’s greatest play. Why does it continue to captivate people even now, four hundred years? What does the play have to say to us, smart, hip folks living in North America noShakespeare’s play Hamlet is among a few of the ancient writings that still...


Asian Studies: Takahashi Mutsuo’s “The Snow of Memory”

This is a story that provides a wide view into not only world history but also Japanese history. It also gives us a glimpse of the cultural inclinations of Japanese families. It takes a biographical note as it talks about the experiences of the author, Takahashi. It is a clear...


David’s Identity in “Twelve Moments in the Life of an Artist”

A manifesto is not just a politician’s powerful tool for hoodwinking voters into buying them time in office. There are creative ways of developing and using one for personal ‘motivation,’ and it can be proudly listed in one’s portfolio of achievements. It does not matter whether the aspirations articulated in...


How Wiesel’s Understanding of God Changes in the Book “Night”

The book “Night” by Wiesel, which was awarded the Nobel Prize, depicted the events of World War II and touched upon the problem of the Holocaust. The author of the book was the prisoner of Buchenwald, and he saw with his own eyes all those terrible events. The book, written...


Robert Frost’s “After Apple-Picking” and “The Road Not Taken”

Robert Frost is the author of the poems “After Apple-Picking” and “The Road Not Taken”, and many other poetic works of literature, as well as one of the most famous poets of America. He has been awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry four times. Robert Frost subtly felt human emotions,...


Relationship in Baldwin’s “Sonny’s Blues” Story

In the story “Sonny’s Blues” by Baldwin James, two characters, Sonny and his brother, the narrator, have a complex relationship. In the story, the narrator, who mainly focuses on telling us about Sonny’s story, is seen as a peripheral character as the main focus is on Sonny, making him the...


The Short Story “To Build a Fire” by Jack London

Words Objective – something that correlates with the reality or truth, an unbiased perspective. Objective summary – a summary of events without analysis or interpretation, in the order that they occur. Subjective – a view that is attempted through a specific lens, done in relation to a theory, a point...