⚙️ Essays on Tech & Engineering - Page 2

Tech & Engineering

Impact of Information Technology on the Audit Process

Introduction Great advancements in the information technology area have changed the manner in which organizations and corporations conduct many of their internal activities. The speed and efficiency characteristics of the IT systems have resulted in companies investing heavily to acquire the automated systems. One area within the organization that has...

Tech & Engineering

How to Commit Cyber Fraud: The Phising Expedition

Phising attacks are used to steal information, particularly debit and credit card information. I have used this kind of cyber fraud in enriching myself even if this is a criminal talent. I consider it a legitimate job but actually it involves stealing other people’s money. Most of my victims are...

Tech & Engineering

San Francisco Bridge: Engineering Culture and Communications

Introduction The idea of constructing San Francisco Bridge came about in 1872. Francisco’s geographical location did not favor its construction since it was an island. Consequently, no one thought that the project could take off. Evidently, after thorough consultation in 1916, the idea became manifest. Emerging concerns indicated that San...

Tech & Engineering

IT Management: Business Productivity and Cost Reduction

Abstract This paper explores articles that report on results of the relationship that exists between business productivity, cost reduction and IT management. The paper will be based on numerous studies that have been conducted on productivity and cost reduction as key issues in IT management (Carden & Egan, 2010). The...

Tech & Engineering

Mobile Phones: The Current Challenges

Introduction Mobile phone technology has emerged as the favorite method of communication among many people today. It is important to note that it has impacted negatively on their social life and human wellbeing. Some of the challenges that this technology has brought and which will be explored in this essay...

Tech & Engineering

Content Management and Web Analytics

Introduction The Content of this paper includes data and data information. Data in this case can be in different file formats which include music and video. A content management system (CMS) involves various procedures that govern workflow enabling controlled access to data through an elaborate storage and retrieval system. This...

Tech & Engineering

The CIMS Project Management Analysis

Introduction Business intelligence has been applied by many business organizations with an intention to drive organizational performance. Business intelligence is preferred because it carries the possibility of enhancing sharing of information among employees, as well as organizational departments and across business organizations. Among other benefits include enhancing knowledge sharing, enhancing...

Tech & Engineering

ISO 9126 International Standard’s Weaknesses

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has been updating the present ISO 9126 international standard on software product quality measurement. The update has been ongoing since 2005. The present standard will be replaced by the quality measurement division of the forthcoming ISO 25000 series of international standards on software quality...

Tech & Engineering

The Use of Tablets in Classroom

Introduction Electronic learning tools have long been included in the educational process. Personal computers are used to perform laboratory and practical work not only in the subjects of the computer science cycle but also in various disciplines in almost all areas of the educational process. Together with modern demonstration tools,...

Tech & Engineering

Artificial Intelligence: The Role in Business

To this day, people continue to associate artificial intelligence or AI with something fantastic. However, opportunities exist to apply AI in various industries, which will significantly improve the company’s work. In particular, there are advantages to using AI in business, as it will dramatically improve the yield and efficiency of...

Tech & Engineering

Mubadala Investment Company: HR Practices and Organizational Culture

Project management remains one of the main elements of a successful business, providing the enterprise with means and tools to recognize, evaluate, and plan the necessary actions for effectively operating a company. Moreover, it often leads to the creation of the new, innovative approaches that can help the company attract...

Tech & Engineering

Waterfall and Agile Software Development

To successfully complete the software development project, one must thoroughly understand the many specified processes and techniques that go into making stable software. Every strategy has benefits and drawbacks, and every person has their own reasons for favoring a certain way. The project manager or development team will choose the...

Tech & Engineering

Role of Business Technology in Project Management

Introduction Effective project management is crucial among organizations since it enhances the timely execution of processes. Successful project managers are equipped with technical skills that promote efficient management. Technological advancements have revolutionized the project management field through automation and digitization of managing activities. Therefore, investigating the role of business technology...

Tech & Engineering

The Computer Forensic Investigations

Introduction In recent years, there have been remarkable developments in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) aspects. Communications systems, Cloud-Based Services, mobile devices, Virtual Systems, and Internet of Things c(IoT) solutions have enriched technologically evolved societies in various ways. However, there has been an increase in cybercrime crime cases with these...

Tech & Engineering

Integrating Sustainability in Project Management

Introduction A project is a short-term activity with a specific start and end date, and it involves change and uncertainty, which increase the risk of failure. Projects should be accomplished on time and per the budget and quality for the manager to succeed. All tasks necessary for the project’s success...

Tech & Engineering

Management Information System and Security

Introduction An information system is a technique that keeps, operates, and provides information. It comprises five components; hardware, software, network, database, and people. These constituents combine to perform various integrated functions such as input, process, output, feedback, and control. When the components are effectively coordinated and utilized by an organization,...

Tech & Engineering

Apple Inc.’s Business Processes & Technology

Introduction Every company or organization strives to achieve its goals and objectives through clear guidelines and milestones. Organizations are social structures built with well-defined patterns of activity. Business processes are activities that firms utilize to achieve organizational goals. Business processes need to be continually reviewed to ensure they do not...

Tech & Engineering

Data Visualization in Data Mining

Data visualization can be defined as a graphical depiction of various data and information. The use of different maps, graphs, and charts could be exceptionally helpful because it could aid researchers in understanding data trends and patterns (Golfarelli & Rizzi, 2020). Since the concept of Big Data continues to evolve...

Tech & Engineering

Satellite Imagery Compression Frameworks

Abstract At present, satellite imagery is one of the most efficient methods to retrieve an accurate visual representation of the landscape. From these considerations, satellite imagery has found immense popularity in cartography, urban planning, agriculture, emergency response, and the studies of climate change. However, comprehensive satellite imagery of the highest...

Tech & Engineering

Classroom Technology and Teacher-Student Interaction Perception

Summary One of the defining characteristics of the modern age is the ubiquitous and irreplaceable presence of technology in people’s daily lives. Over the past decades, technological advancements have naturally led to changes in all areas of life, including education. Currently, there is an increasing trend towards the integration of...

Tech & Engineering

Banning the Use of Cell Phones While Driving Should Be Mandatory

Introduction Nowadays, with the advent of mobile phones, more and more people use them while driving. Distracted driving while talking, messaging, or viewing information on a phone has become one of the leading causes of accidents. However, few people consider the use of phones while driving a serious issue and...

Tech & Engineering

Systems Theory in IT and Its Applications

Research Problem System theory is increasingly gaining popularity as a concept that helps in assessing how different components of a firm work together to facilitate the success of the holistic entity. As Nguyen and Tran (2019) put it, it holds the principle that the whole is greater and should be...

Tech & Engineering

How Visual Analytics Enhance Human Decision-Making

Explanation Visual analytics are tools for data analysis and representation that provide support for an individual’s analytical reasoning ability. Visual analytics is a complex multidisciplinary field that includes different components and techniques. Visual analytics is often connected with the data visualization process, even though visual analytics offers a more comprehensive...

Tech & Engineering

Researching of Big Data Analysis

Big data is a term first coined in the 1990s. Nonetheless, it gained traction and relative fame in 2011, eliciting major debates on what it is and its importance in propagating effective product and service delivery. In the first instance, many people take big data at face value, defining it...

Tech & Engineering

Technology’s Impact on the Petroleum Industry

Abstract Technological inventions are disruptive business aspects with substantial prospects and influence in several industries. Over the last three years, technological advancements have sparked various developments in the global business, considering the need for reformation. This assessment investigates the technological developments in the oil and gas sector. The outcomes of...

Tech & Engineering

Big Data Analytics Technologies

Introduction Organizations have been pushed to adapt to remain relevant in today’s highly competitive marketplace due to the development of information technology, increased customer expectations, economic globalization, and other modern competitive priorities. Therefore, competition between businesses now occurs between companies and their supply chains rather than just between firms. In...

Tech & Engineering

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is believed to be a subfield of computer science devoted to constructing intellectual machines capable of simulating human mental processes, is a rapidly expanding subject of study. Two limited instances of artificial intelligence are speech recognition and facial recognition. In other words, the use of computers to...

Tech & Engineering

IT Trend Research: A Case Study about Cloud Systems

Cloud systems are the internet-based delivery of various services, including information storage, workstations, spreadsheets, connectivity, and application programs. Subramanian and Jeyaraj (2018) describe cloud computing as a model for offering appropriate and on-demand web accessibility to a shared pool of configurable circuits, memory, data centers, technology, and services that can...

Tech & Engineering

Computer Security versus Privacy

Introduction Due to human activity computerization, ensuring computer security and protecting privacy are critical modern issues. Computer security is associated with data protection from unauthorized access (Symanovich, 2021). Privacy is the protection of the identities of users and their ability to control personal information (Symanovich, 2021). A recent concern is...

Tech & Engineering

Data Warehouse and Its Characteristics

Summary A data warehouse is a central storage system that stores data from various sources. Data from sources like transactional systems, relational databases, and others flow into a data warehouse. In other words, a data warehouse refers to a collection of organizational data obtained from operational and external data sources....

Tech & Engineering

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Technology

Over the last two decades, technology has dramatically transformed the world. Some of these significant emerging technologies are artificial intelligence and machine learning which attempts to simulate typical human reasoning. These technological inventions have, over the years, become dominant in most problem-solving techniques. The technologies are currently used in various...

Tech & Engineering

Usage of Information Systems in Companies

Information systems are formal, technical systems that are almost used by organizations to collect, store and process information for work; these systems can be laptops or software. Nowadays, almost all companies are using Information systems. Some of the most famous companies are Amazon, Walmart, and Netflix. These companies use the...

Tech & Engineering

Agile Project Management (International Projects)

The four agile project management (PM) characteristics include high customer interactions, flexible scope, embracing change, and self-organized project teams. In agile methodology, the customer has complete documentation of what is being done in the project. A high customer interaction features improved customer relations with decision-makers as they are actively involved...

Tech & Engineering

Information Technologies for Virtual Teams

A virtual team is a group of employees located far from each other but working on the same project. Information systems for business help organize the coordinated work and set clear goals (Stair, 2020). Virtual teams have several undeniable advantages: savings on equipment and office maintenance and a wider choice...

Tech & Engineering

John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success

Introduction A large part of the modern business all over the world is project-oriented: more and more companies are oriented towards the creation of fundamentally new products or services, to achieve new results in well-known areas. Finding ways to plan, manage, and execute work is important for any team or...

Tech & Engineering

Encryption Algorithms and Data Security

Introduction The development and advancement in computer technology have brought many benefits. From the early days of mainframe computers to personal computers, computers have revolutionized every aspect of human life. However, rapid development in computing comes with the problem of data safety. There have been many instances of data breaches...

Tech & Engineering

Project Management and Its Role in Business

Introduction Project management refers to applying experience, knowledge, skills, methods, and processes to achieve particular objectives based on the acceptance criteria and parameters. In businesses, project management provides final deliverables constrained to a budget and timescale. It also ensures that a business aligns its strategic goals to meet corporate objectives....

Tech & Engineering

Cloud-Based Data Services: Analysis

Cloud-based data services include the infrastructure or platforms hosted by third-party providers through the internet. They allow the flow of user data to providers’ systems and back. These services promote the development of cloud-native applications and work flexibility through the internet. Users need only computers, internet connectivity, and operating systems...

Tech & Engineering

The Benefits of Hybrid Cloud and Its Applications

Introduction Hybrid cloud is a type of cloud environment where different clouds and/or on-premise infrastructure function together, as interconnected mechanism. The benefits of hybrid cloud are that it is more variable, allows for faster application development, and combines the better qualities of other clouds while mitigating their disadvantages. For example,...

Tech & Engineering

Neelkanth Drugs Pvt. Ltd’s Information Sharing

Role IS Plays in the Pharmaceutical Industry Information sharing (IS) is essential for any business’s smooth functioning and survival. With the current technological advancements, competition is high and demands practical approaches for sustainable business operations. Thus, small and big businesses have IS technologies that facilitate operations, management, decision-making, team collaboration,...

Tech & Engineering

The New Yang Sing Hotel Project Management

Executive Summary This article explores and reports on the projected New Yang Sing Hotel project and the benefits and cons of running a premium luxury resort in a prominent location in Manchester’s China Town district. Investors in the property are worried about the difficulties that led to the Yang Sing...

Tech & Engineering

Data Security Measures and the Importance of Securing Data

Introduction Initially, the availability of paper records was restricted to health records. Access to Electronic Health Records and other information systems is now possible anywhere. Subsequently, proper security measures must be implemented to protect data in all three states: data in use, data at rest, and data in motion (Sayles...

Tech & Engineering

Cyber Vulnerabilities in Organization’s Supply Chain

Introduction Cyber vulnerabilities refer to weaknesses in an organization’s system processes, internal controls, or information systems. The weaknesses are targets for prowling cybercrimes and open to manipulation through the areas of vulnerability. While firms form cybersecurity forts for themselves, there are many vulnerabilities at touchpoints with suppliers, global partners, manufacturers,...

Tech & Engineering

Aspects of Airport Operations

Introduction All of the procedures performed at an airport to make sure a journey runs smoothly are referred to as airport services. These amenities cover the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), gateways operators, and other services offered by airports. Efficient airport operations ensure that various people arrive at their destinations safely....

Tech & Engineering

Competitive Advantage Using Social Media and Artificial Intelligence

Introduction Social computing is an area that businesses can leverage to stay ahead of competitors. It refers to the interactive and collaborative facet of online behavior. Social computing elements include wikis, instant messaging, blogs, microblogging, and social networking sites. Social computing is supported by Web 2.0 through a framework of...

Tech & Engineering

The Internet Impact on Society

Introduction The Internet can be called one of the most significant inventions in the history of humankind, without which it is impossible to imagine modern society. Like all global discoveries, the Internet has positive and negative impacts. The positive effects of the Internet on society include expanding career and learning...

Tech & Engineering

The Impact of Smartphones on People’s Lives

Smartphones became a considerable part of many lives after the 2007 first iPhone release. The first action most people do after waking up is opening their phone. In a similar way, smartphones are the last things people see before falling asleep. The breakthrough piece of technology slowly replaced watches, calendars,...

Tech & Engineering

Project Management Leadership and Skills: Planning and Control

The Yang Sing Hotel was a possibly effective venture in Manchester, with the possibility to become one of the nation’s top lavish inns. In any case, as per the contextual investigation, it was constrained to close its entryways after just eight months of activity. The undertaking’s disappointment was a significant...

Tech & Engineering

Business Operations Management in Galveston

Business Scenario Potential implications that result from natural disasters and pandemic events would lead to having to stop the organization’s operations in Galveston. Such natural cataclysm as hurricane Ike caused billions of dollars of damage and killed many people (Irvine, 2022). Despite the residents wanting to build a barrier to...

Tech & Engineering

Artificial Intelligence in Business in Canada

Introduction Sniper Intel is a platform designed for efficient B2B sales collaboration in the marketplace. With the help of Sniper, any employee has the opportunity to receive up-to-date, and, most importantly, necessary, information in a timely manner, without wasting time searching for it. That is essential personalized information for each...

Tech & Engineering

A Nonstationary Mathematical Model for Acceleration Time Series

Introduction Both time and frequency domains are utilized to generate acceleration time series from stochastic models. Extensive reviews of acceleration time series process models in the frequency and times domain have been presented by[1], [2], and [3]. A number of papers in the literature have reported ARMA models. ARMA models...

Tech & Engineering

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Supply Chains

Introduction New technologies, their development, and application contribute to significant changes in various areas of life, in particular, business. For instance, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), also known as drones, can improve supply chains at various stages. They can perform labor-intensive or routine tasks instead of people, significantly increasing efficiency and...

Tech & Engineering

The Project of the Sydney Opera House

The Sydney Opera House (SOH) is a modern musical arts center on the shores of Sydney Harbour in Sydney, Australia. Despite the beauty and majesty of this structure, the design and construction process took place with a lot of mistakes and misunderstandings within the working teams. The project of the...

Tech & Engineering

Information Technology Security Standards

Privacy issues are acute from the point of view of large companies, which often have a lot of personal data. The relevance of this area and the need for its financing are reinforced by the constant development of various fraudulent schemes that can steal information up to electronic money. An...

Tech & Engineering

The Impact of Technology on Social Change

Abstract Communication plays an important role in almost every aspect of modern society. Technological advancements in the communication sector have changed the way people communicate, search for information, conduct businesses, work, manage their daily lives, and look for government services. As Technology touches on everyday lives, it influences macroeconomic growth,...

Tech & Engineering

The Significance of Smartphone Mobile Applications to Companies

Research Overview Technological advancements in the use of mobile phones have revolutionized information technology. Mobile phones were initially invented for person-to-person communication over a distance. However, none could imagine how much the use of mobile phones could revolve beyond communication between two people. The advent of smartphones was a hallmark...

Tech & Engineering

Network Security and Its Important Issues

Introduction Cyberattacks, data breaches, and intrusions are becoming more prevalent as technology advances. Notably, more than twice as many data leaks compromised confidential information between 2015 and 2017 (Key et al., 2020). Network security is a matter of the highest relevance, particularly for existing and aspiring qualified IT experts, due...

Tech & Engineering

Hybrid Cars and Green Technologies

Introduction With the shift of the contemporary economies to green technologies and the reduction of conventional fuel use in transportation, the search for alternative energy has become a priority. In the context of vehicles used for domestic purposes, the transition to hybrid cars, which incorporate at least two energy sources...

Tech & Engineering

The Negative Impact of Technology on Children

Introduction Technology has a significant impact on the growth and development of children, given the interaction they have with tech tools. Parenting has been an issue due to technological advancement over the years as children become engaged with technology. Technology has an immense reach in people’s and children’s lives. In...

Tech & Engineering

The DevOps Project Management Plan

Purpose of Document Planning makes it possible to ensure a high probability and a high level of achievement of goals based on the systematic preparation of solutions. Thus, it acts as a prerequisite for the effective implementation of the project. In this case, this document aims to demonstrate the implementation...

Tech & Engineering

Biometric Authentication: Advanced Networking and Applications

Personal identification has always been at the core of data security and access control. Before the technological era, physical identification documents were used extensively in security controls. With the rise in technological innovation and complexities within human-computer interaction, biometric identification was born to alleviate the challenges associated with physical identification...

Tech & Engineering

The Clemente Global Summit Project Management

Introduction The development of the Clemente Global Summit will have a lot of tasks that will require to take place simultaneously hence the application of the agile project management approach. The agile process involves continuous development and improvement of a project whereby the project manager breaks it into phases and...

Tech & Engineering

Technology Has Changed People’s Lives

There has been a swift change in technology that impacts society and transforms people’s lives. In almost all parts of the world, technology plays a pivotal role in thriving, evolving, and meeting population needs. Transformations have significantly affected education systems, and Zayed University, in particular, bringing new opportunities. Today, most...

Tech & Engineering

Self-Driving Machines and Related Safety Issues

The introduction of self-driving machines raised several questions about their safety and the manufacturer’s liability for accidents. While many people still prefer driving without any additional help to ensure full control, others already enjoyed the small implementation of partial automation, such as cruise control functions. However, the rapid development of...

Tech & Engineering

Effective Project Management: Sharp Printing

Effective project management is an important aspect of an organization since it helps prevent the emergence of negative results from various activities performed by the firm. Organizations also ensure the adoption of an effective project management structure to ensure that the resources allocated towards various projects are utilized appropriately through...

Tech & Engineering

Professional Issues in Information Technology

Ways of Protecting Customer’s Privacy The security of customers’ data is integral for the success of the business. It is important to use a secured socket layer (SSL) certificate to protect customers’ privacy. SSL is among the most effective methods of providing online security to a business’ customer. This solution...

Tech & Engineering

Technology and Mental Health of University Students

Abstract Technology and the internet play an increasingly large role in the lives of people. However, the effects of the online space on specific demographics are poorly explored, with contradictory results from different researchers. In particular, the effects of social media and IM software on the mental wellbeing of university...

Tech & Engineering

Accident Prevention and Safety Recommendations Units in Aviation

Introduction The aviation industry is one of the fastest-growing, and the increase in technological advances is the main reason for that. Safety is the main concern in general aviation and comprises of many numerous aspects and elements. Boyd (2017) defines general aviation as all the operations and aspects of civil...

Tech & Engineering

The Use of Technology in Distance Learning

Introduction The shift from traditional teaching methodologies to online learning requires integrating distance learning technologies that deliver teaching materials and learning to students enrolled in such programs. In this case, course content and educational materials are delivered through web-based applications over the internet, offering greater flexibility and convenience. However, the...

Tech & Engineering

Computer Hardware and Software Components

Hardware Components Central Processing Unit (CPU)- The CPU is a component responsible for enabling a computer to function as it serves as the computer’s brain. The CPU is composed of sub-components such as the arithmetic logic unit (ALU), instruction pointers, cache, memory management unit, control unit and random-access unit. Memory/storage–...

Tech & Engineering

Authorization and Access Control

Introduction System authentication is the verification of a user’s identification by a computer coordination. When a user asks access to a certain resource, authentication is required to ensure that the user’s identity is verified. Credentials, such as a username and password, are used to verify a person’s identity. If a...

Tech & Engineering

Project Management and Operational Failings

Executive Summary After the information technology meltdown at the TSB bank, about 1.9 million customers were locked out from accessing their bank accounts. This problem resulted from the bank’s information technology system migration from its former parent company Lloyds banking group. In my previous report, it was clear that the...

Tech & Engineering

Data and Information Management and Administration

Introduction The administrator aims to incorporate GIS to provide precise data visualizations and mapping to manage the database. A “geographic information system” (GIS) refers to generating, accomplishing, examining, and plotting all kinds of data. It attaches information to a plan, assimilating location facts (where possessions are) through all categories of...

Tech & Engineering

Problematic Gaming and Addiction Among Children

Introduction To begin off, how many of you enjoy playing video games? What are your thoughts after watching this video? Do you have any resentment for your character’s death? How often would you play the game before giving up and turning it off? It is, after all, human nature to...

Tech & Engineering

Information Assets Management: Security Program and Policies

Information assets management is the field that illustrates the approach to the security, governance, and realization of the value of information assets. In case information has value for an organization that stores it, it is to be managed efficiently to maximize opportunities of its profitability and reduce risks that correlate...

Tech & Engineering

Preventing Identity Theft Among Adolescents

Introduction Social media has undoubtedly entered the public consciousness in more ways than one. In 2021, there are none but a few groups limited to older people, those without Internet access, or individuals deliberately rejecting digitization who do not use Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat. Social applications such as the ones...

Tech & Engineering

Mobile Devices and Cybersecurity

Medical state structures and commercial organizations have daily access to many personal data, including date of birth, first and last name of patients and staff, marital status. The issue of security is particularly acute in front of medical institutions, where data such as diagnoses, research results, and medical histories are...

Tech & Engineering

Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems

Introduction Intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS) are security tools that are often utilized to mitigate potential security violations and ensure that the computers and the whole network are safe. Most cases of intrusion occur when hackers intend to compromise the system and gain access to the most sensitive areas...

Tech & Engineering

Group Project Management Aspects

Abstract Group projects are often more productive and successful than individual ones because various skills and ideas are incorporated into a single team. However, adequate preparations and management are required to ensure the assignment is completed satisfactorily. Consequently, it was only appropriate that we followed the right steps of forming...

Tech & Engineering

Impact of Technology on Society and Various Fields

Currently, technology has dominated most sectors of the economy such that operations can’t take place without its involvement. Due to this abrupt growth of technology, there has been an imbalance between everyday life activities, resulting in positive and negative outcomes. The advantages of technology are numerous to society because of...

Tech & Engineering

Methods of IT Project Management

The fashion industry is one of the most dynamic sectors around the globe, and the dynamism arises from the diverse needs of the client base. Fashion is a personal statement and a symbol of societal status that also defines a person’s culture and individuality. As a result, clients are always...

Tech & Engineering

The Effect of Technology on Aviation Security

Abstract The study examined the adoption and implementation of technology in the aviation industry and how this affects security in the industry. The purpose of this research is informed by the threats that the aviation industry continues to experience since the 1960s, when over 130 hijackings were recorded, especially for...

Tech & Engineering

Technology and Evolution of Communication

Technology has transformed people’s lives to a considerable extent in all spheres, including communication. Two hundred years ago, people had to write letters or meet personally to communicate. One hundred years ago, people could communicate with little attention to distance as they had telephones. Nowadays, people are constantly in contact...

Tech & Engineering

Violent Video Games and Children’s Empathy

Introduction People’s pastime has changed significantly over the past decades due to technology. Video games took one the critical places among children and adolescents’ hobbies. Video games are controlled by electronic equipment launched on special platforms using game consoles, computers, or other devices (Funk et al., 2003). The content of...

Tech & Engineering

Data Mining Algorithms for Business Intelligence

Abstract Data mining joins computer science and statistics used to discover trends from the information bank. The main objective is to generate useful information from large data and mold it into understandable structures that can make key decisions and predictions for the future. Data mining algorithms have been used for...

Tech & Engineering

Information Technology Project Risks

Successful initiation, implementation, and conclusion of a project are necessary, especially when implementing Information Technology (IT) projects. The project team needs to ensure that the IT project is conducted well and the deliverables are delivered within the budget, on time, and fulfill the stated project scope that should offer the...

Tech & Engineering

The Chunnel Tunnel: Engineering Project

Introduction One of the marvels of modern engineering is the 50.5 km long undersea rail tunnel commonly referred to as the “Chunnel tunnel” linking northern France and the United Kingdom. The American society of civil engineers (ASCI) identifies the channel as one of the seven wonders of the modern world....

Tech & Engineering

Migrating Technical Infrastructure to Cloud

Project Description Viability Cloud Computing to Companies project aims to substantiate why associations should have an urge to shift their infrastructure to the cloud. This shift includes the recommendation of the best cloud service providers. Organizations should also be aware of the merits and demerits of each product supplier. This...

Tech & Engineering

Project Management: Project Management Principles

Project management is a process of applying various skills, methods, and knowledge to accomplish certain project objectives. A project manager typically regulates the whole process and allocates the budget for the expenses. Project Management Institute provides 12 principles of leading a successful project (see Appendix A). From these principles, adaptability...

Tech & Engineering

Use of Data in Business. Knowledge Management Systems

Data is a key aspect in business intelligence and analytics. Business intelligence focuses on the present, taking data to apply it towards enhanced decision-making through aggregation, visualization, and analysis which can improve operational efficiency. This paper continues building on the example of a medium-sized business offering business development education services....

Tech & Engineering

Creating and Effectively Managing a Virtual Team

Introduction Global technological advancements have greatly revolutionized the way human beings interact and work the changes being witnessed are on the rise. This has left organizations with no option but to style up look so as to leverage on the numerous opportunities that have become available. Faced with increased pressure...

Tech & Engineering

Artificial Intelligence Overview

Introduction The quantity of data generated by humans and machines currently far exceeds the ability of human beings to absorb, interpret and make complex decisions. Therefore, machine learning forms the foundation and perspective of complex strategic planning in computer learning (Shabbir and Anwer 1). AI is, therefore, a multi-faceted, interdisciplinary...

Tech & Engineering

Open Data Policies: Benefits, Issues, and Best Practices

Introduction The Open Data Policy is a U.S. policy governing the management, storage, and publication of data by government agencies. Although initially presented in an Executive Order by Barack Obama’s administration in the U.S., similar policies are being adopted internationally. It requires that data collected or created by such agencies...

Tech & Engineering

Data Mining Algorithms: Applications

Over the years, technological advancement and the competitive business world have necessitated the development of various data mining algorithms. These different techniques have proved useful in obtaining important data from large sets of raw data. Data mining, therefore, is the processes through which different algorithms and software are used to...

Tech & Engineering

Discussion of the UK Huawei Ban

The article at the center of this discussion has been posted online by Business Standard – a popular free business newspaper. It covers the details of the recent decision of the United Kingdom government to ban all Huawei equipment from the country’s 5G network. The decision to prohibit the purchase...

Tech & Engineering

Policies Enhancing Information Security of Global Distribution, Inc.

Executive Summary The increase in demand for data driven service at GDI is the source of emerging security and system integrity risks. The firm needs to implement policies to address these issues to reduce the impact of the associated risks. The critical assets requiring policy protection include the 81 remote...

Tech & Engineering

State Government IT Security Policies

Introduction Having a clearly articulated information technology (IT) security policy is crucial for any organization, including state agencies and offices in the executive branch. A well-established IT security policy prevents unauthorized disclosure, access, use, or modification of information assets of an organization (Briffa et al., 2020). Illinois Department of Innovation...

Tech & Engineering

Information Systems and Software Application

Introduction Streamlining business processes with appropriate information technology software’s is critical towards success in the world of today. This streamlining has been transforming businesses to operate in modern information age discarding the traditional way of conducting business or managing organizational resources. This has been important to many organizations because it...

Tech & Engineering

The Future of Voice over Internet Protocol

VoIP is a technological solution which allows users to maintain telephone connection over cyberspace. It implies transferring audio signal using Internet Protocol networks. How VoIP Works VoIP transforms analog signal into digital one by utilizing various codecs. Codecs process voice signals and create data packages which are then sent out...

Tech & Engineering

Testing Software and Web Application Performance Tool

Introduction The given literature review will primarily focus on the topic of Web Application Performance Tool (WAPT), which is utilized in order to test web-based interfaces and related applications. Aside from general background, this literature review contains sections of load testing and stress testing comparisons and the section discussing gaps...

Tech & Engineering

Knowledge Management Tools in the 21st Century

Introduction Many scholars acknowledge that the knowledge management field is an emerging field that has not developed to its full potential. Nonaka &Takeuchi (1995) says that knowledge management is the creation, dissemination, use of knowledge through processes that have been put in place by stakeholders in the field (p. 67)....

Tech & Engineering

Advantages of the Computer Games

Introduction A computer game refers to an electronic game that entails contact with a user interface to produce image response on a video gadget. Other references given to computer games are PC games or video games. The electronic gadgets employed in playing computer games are referred to as platforms. Illustrations...