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Popular Sample Essays


Case Study as Qualitative Research Design

A case study is used in investigating problems that cannot be unearthed by the quantitative study as it is an in-depth examination of a research phenomenon that is utilized in the understanding of an issue that relates to the present situation. This means that it examines a situation in its...


Generalization in Scientific Research

The generalization of research findings is one of the tenets of social research studies that most often than not motivate researchers in the first place to undertake a research study in the area of interest, and as controversial as this might be, most study designs in social sciences are designed...


The Crusades: Holy War or War Between Empires?

The Crusades are a controversial episode of the history of Christianity. Initially, it was believed to be the blessed war, but the perspective of the victims shows the crusaders as the cruel invaders. The primary purpose of the crusades was the prevention of the spread of Islam across the former...


Bullying Sexual Minorities from Different Perspectives

Failure of reporting these incidences to school staff or adults was realized (66% did not report), and a low percentage (29%) said that school staff gave ineffective intervention after reporting incidences according to GLSEN. Evidence of the negative impact of harassment of GLBTQ in high schools can be evidenced by...


Bullying Sexual Minorities from Cross-Cultural Perspectives

Some communities and countries have well-defined rules and policies that deal with discrimination of people on gender and sexual orientation while others do not have clearly defined rules. Even where rules exist, implementation is a problem in some cases because the problem of harassment can still be identified. It can...


Personality Theory for the Best Explanation of Development

The best personality theory to explain the contemporary patterns of development of a personality seems to be the psychodynamic theory of Sigmund Freud. This theory is highly relevant for the present period of time as the influence of the unconscious level of the human mind on human behavior, motivation and...


Big Data Analytics for Different Industries

During the last several years, big data analytics has been identified as a significant business concept in the field of the global economy. Big data means a variety of information that could influence the development of organizations and the people in them. It may shed light on different market trends,...


Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade in the 16-19th Centuries

Slavery was a common phenomenon practised in Africa even before the kickoff of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. Prior to the arrival of the Europeans in Africa, African societies had supplied the Arab merchants with slaves for a couple of centuries. The trans-Atlantic slave trade originated from the Portuguese interest in...


Refugee Definitions of 1951, 1967, 1969, and 1984

The definition of the word refugee has grown dramatically since its inception in 1951 by the United Nations Convention. The growth could be attributed to the ever-changing status and challenges of the refugee phenomena. Not only contemporary challenges call for a change in the definition to cater for the new...

Politics & Government

Industrial and Information Revolutions Effect on US Economy

The industrial revolution changed the U.S economy in several ways. During the revolution, several innovations were made which greatly changed the way society operated, turning the U.S from an agrarian society into a highly industrialized economy. Steam power made the running of machinery faster, improving both agricultural and industrial growth....


Refugee Definition Development in the 20th Century

Definitions are very important, and the term refugee has had its definition evolving over time. It is a term that has been used since time immemorial. A refugee is any person who leaves his or her country of origin due to circumstances beyond their control. They are forced to leave,...


Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and Migration in the 1500-1800s

Slavery began around 1440 when the Portuguese started to trade with West Africa in slaves. Later the slave trade business became organized with the western European countries who were involved. The slave trade had its challenges and did not run as smoothly as expected because many slaves revolted and attempted...


Immigration Patterns to America in the 19-20th Centuries

Immigrants entered America from continents such as Europe, Asia and Africa, with various reasons and factors for leaving their mother continents or countries. For instance, the Africans entered America as European slaves to work in their plantations. Europeans entered the new country as colonial masters and settlers, owning the plantations....


Personal Ethical Dilemma’s Retrospective Analysis

Theoretical tools used in ethics are very convenient in real life, as they help understand oneself when making an important decision. For example, applying theories related to the schools of ethics allows one to evaluate the causes and consequences of choices. Ethical tools, such as Lonergan’s operations of consciousness, enable...


How Nationalism Affects Schools and Students

It can be said that nationalism would affect schools and students. Nationalism as a doctrine can be influence radicalism, which in the context of many multicultural societies, where representatives of many nationalities can be victims of such influence. It can be argued that nationalism is about loyalty to one nation....


Idealist Doctrine Practiced as Part of Today’s Culture

It is not easy to spot idealists’ reflections in today’s modern society. Nevertheless, the idealists’ doctrine is reflected based on the interpretation of what modern idealism is. The preservation of peace in the whole can be seen as a reflection of idealism, and in that regard, the foreign policies of...


Epigenetics as a Field of Studies

Epigenetics studies mitotically or meiotically inherited and reversible changes that affect gene expression and genome stability, but occur without a change in the DNA sequence. At the same time, environmental factors, such as metals, persistent organic pollutants, or endocrine disorders caused by chemicals, can influence epigenetic changes. The extension of...


Human Genome Project’s Purpose and Findings

The main strategic task of the Human Genome Project for the future is to study DNA variations at the level of individual nucleotides in different organs and cells of individuals and to identify these differences. Typically, single mutations in human DNA occur on average per thousand unchanged bases. An analysis...


Human Genome Project: Lessons and Surprises

The Human Genome Project was conducted in order to decode the entire genome of a person. The main goal of the project is to determine the sequence of nucleotides in all molecules of human DNA with the simultaneous establishment of localization of all genes. Priority areas were declared structural and...


The Liberal Theory and Invasion to Iraq

As per the liberal theory, Iraq posed a number of problems that threatened the stability of the world. Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait was a direct violation of liberal principles in that a totalitarian state had invaded a peaceful state out of hegemonistic ambitions. Liberal theory rested on principles of liberty,...

Politics & Government

Liberal Explanations for War and Peace

Liberalism posits that liberty, equality, rule of law and individual rights are the best panacea for ensuring peace in human affairs and a liberal democracy is the best form of government that ensures maintenance of such peace. Liberal approach holds that peace, stability and security are endangered by non-liberal states...

Politics & Government

The Realist Approach to National Security

The realist theory posits that since humans are predisposed to disagreements, conflict is inevitable in human affairs. All states strive for survival in such an anarchic world and thus it is national interests that reign supreme rather than ethics, morals and ideals. Doyle has very aptly put it that “International...


The Use of Armed Forces by the United States and Its Effect

Since 1890, the United States have deployed U.S. troops in various parts of the world to protect its interests and have in turn affected events in those countries. The US sent troops to Argentina to help prop up the Argentine government in 1890. In 1891, US troops landed in Chile...

Tech & Engineering

Database Entities and Relations in the Real World

A database comprises a collection of related data and information such that the data is about a single topic. It typically consists of tables of organized information for a specific function. Database operations are of 4 types – Create, Read, Update and Delete and are collectively known as CRUD operations....


Mexico: Changes Since the Revolution

The political system in Mexico, despite its stability when comparing to other countries in Latin America, has gone through many political changes after the revolution that started in 1910. It can be argued that this stability was combined with a certain monopoly of power during the reign of the Institutional...

Tech & Engineering

Information Technology-Enabled Business Transformation

Level One: Localized exploitation Localized exploitation is the first level in IT-enabled business transformation. It insists on the decentralization of decision-making over isolated systems among different functional and operational managers. It insists on making changes in the deployment of the IT applications of the firm to enhance the business process....


Inequality in the US and Other Advanced Industrial Countries

Research by Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has shown that inequality is most prevalent among wealthy nations. This goes against what many people would be expecting. Modernization and democracy as preached by the developed nations ought to bring the level of earning by households to the highest possible...


American Dream of Upward Mobility for Modern Generation

The social mobility question is often used to question the much-hyped American dream often talked about in sarcasm. Social mobility is simply the ability, chance, or possibility that an individual or group of persons such as a family can change through time from one social stratification to the other. Generational...


Mexico: PRI and “Perfect Dictatorship”

The notion of dictatorship can be confusing when it is combined with the word perfect. Perfect dictatorship can be related to a ruling regime when the government claims it is practicing democratic principles, and besides the apparent simulation of such practices; however, the regime is far from being democratic. One...

Politics & Government

The Influence of Public Opinion on the Policy Choices of Public Choices

To answer this question one must have a clear understanding of the terms ‘Public Opinion’ and ‘Public Choice’. The pooled or collective perspective of the public concerning a specific issue may be termed as Public Opinion. Political economy is an issue, which has enormous implications on the daily lives on...


The French Revolution an Outcome of Enlightenment Ideas

The cause of the French Revolution of 1789-1799 is perhaps the most widely discussed issue when it comes to this remarkable historical period of a great social and political upheaval. Out of numerous causes which the researchers offer there are only two which deserve attention and thorough consideration. The question...


Colonization of Freedmen: Arguments For and Against

The debate on the colonization of freedmen revolved around racial relations, politics, and peace. Advocates of this policy like the American Colonization Society felt that colonial territories in Central America (Haiti) would be more attractive to the black population than those in Africa (Liberia) were after the Proclamation. Their argument...

Politics & Government

Lincoln’s vs. Davis’ Administrations During the War

The respective circumstances of the administrations of Lincoln and Davis were dissimilar in many ways. The confederacy had a limited military capacity because only ten percent of the white American population lived in the Southern states. Although many Southerners predicted victory for the South, as Davis had served as Secretary...


European Union’s Position on Clinical Trial & Human Material

Clinical Trials Currently, the Clinical Trials Regulation is the primary document considering clinical trials and health research. It has a broader scope as it regulates more than “the conduct of trials on pharmaceuticals, or ‘medicinal products’” and includes a different definition of the processes. It also defines a “clinical study”...


European Union Health Law on Clinical Trial & Human Material

Clinical Trials The history of creating regulations for pharmaceutical trials was impacted by the events of the 1960s when pregnant women were given Thalidomide which led to them having children with major disabilities. This situation is reflected in the case of Distillers v Thompson. Health law on clinical trials and...


Nien Cheng’s Art Treasures and Artist Representation

Porcelain treasures such as wine cups are nearly three hundred years old and priceless and cannot be replaced by any modern artist. These represent to her a Chinese cultural heritage that every Chinese should be proud of. The Blanc de chine Goddess of Mercy, Guanyin, a genuine artifact of the...


A Class Divided: Third-Grade Class and Adults at Work

A Class Divided There are some similarities between the dynamics in Jane Elliot’s third-grade class and the adults who work in organizations. She is highly successful in triggering the desired emotions and reactions among the group of people whom she places on the top so that they feel confident about...

Politics & Government

Views of Reagan on the Government Role in the Economy

Ronald Reagan became the President of the USA at a time when the country had suffered massive setbacks in terms of suffering diminishing growth in almost all fronts of the economy in addition to a decline in the morale that resulted from a gradual deterioration of the country’s image and...

Politics & Government

National Security Concerns for the U.S. Since the End of the Cold War

The fact that the majority of American mainstream politicians cherish the concept of Globalization does not make a whole lot of sense. We need to understand that Globalization is nothing by a synonym for economic interdependence and outsourcing, which in its turn, implies that countries affected by Globalization will have...

Politics & Government

The American “Style” of Approaching National Security Policy

American “style” of approaching national security policy is best described as being not overly intelligent, to say the least. We create problems only to think of how to deal with them later. The adoption of policy of “multiculturalism” has resulted in this country being flooded by potential agents of foreign...


How Are Gender, Race, Ethnicity, and Class Interconnected?

Race, class and gender shape experience. Racism is a belief that one race is superior over all others. Sexism is one of discrimination forms according to which one sex is believed to be inherently superior over the other sex. Both sexism and racism shape the culture of society. Culture refers...

Politics & Government

Three Different Authors Studied on America and Americans

If we make attempt to analyze the way in which modern Americans tend to define themselves not only themselves but also their country, probably it will be prudent to compare their views with the views of Americans who lived at the very dawn of the United States. Moreover, it is...


Violence as the Biggest Challenge for Women Today

Violence against women is one of the most pervasive societal issues undermining the wellbeing of women. Violence and patriarchy are intrinsically related, with male violence against women being viewed as a means to exert power and control over the weaker gender. According to statistics by the UN, 35% of women...


Civil War’s Impact on Northern and Southern Economies

The Civil War impacted the Northern and Southern economies differently. While the North witnessed significant post-war economic growth, the Confederacy was left in shambles. Factors such as the location of the battlegrounds and the Union’s triumph over the South can explain this disparity. According to Dupont and Rosenbloom, the war...


Women and Blacks’ Participation in the Civil War

Women Women served various roles in the Civil War. First, they volunteered to fight in battles, despite army restrictions on the enlistment of female soldiers. Historians believe that over 250 women participated in major military engagements, including the 1862 Battle of Shiloh. Notable figures include Mary Owens and Loreta Velázquez....


“A Good Man Is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor’s

Literature plays a crucial role in influencing people’s perspectives of life. Works of literature, be it poems, short stories, spoken word, or songs, are influenced by several factors. The main source of inspiration is personal experiences and the writer’s background. Reading a piece of work and analyzing its contextual setting...


Theories of Learning: Significant Elements

There are various theories of learning that include; Constructivism, Behaviorism, Piaget’s Developmental Theory, Neuroscience, Brain-Based Learning, Learning Styles, Multiple Intelligences, Right Brain/Left Brain Thinking, Communities of Practice, Control Theory, Observational Learning, and Vygotsky and Social Cognition. Constructivism can be explained as a philosophy of learning based on reflecting on the...


“Trouble Persons Industries” Support Deaf

The members of “trouble persons industries” tend to support the linguistic minority construction of deafness. “Medical practices with children and adults who are members of a linguistic and cultural minority known as the DEAF-WORLD”. Medical practitioners, deaf children, and deaf adults are members of this linguistic minority construction. The parents...


Two Dominant Social Constructions of Deafness by Lane

There are two dominant social constructions of deafness. They are disability construction and linguistic minority construction. People with hearing disabilities come under the deaf community. The linguistic minority consists of a very small group of people with separate manual language, associations, and culture. They differ from the other deaf people...


The Age Discrimination in the Workplace

Age discrimination in the workplace remains to be a major problem. One of the pieces of evidence that support age discrimination lies in talent and recruitment management. Most employers state that the age gap has an impact on their process of recruitment. Almost less than 50 percent of the companies...


Palestinian Liberation Organization’s History

PLO is a political group with a legislative wing formed in May 1964. The organization today has worldwide recognition as the representative of the Palestinian people. PLO was founded in Cairo by the Arab league. PLO has a charter that unites it and sets out its objectives. One of the...


Child and Adolescent from a Social Constructivist Approach

A social construction entails any phenomenon that is created or constructed with the intentional or unintentional consent of the particular people of the society after following a particular culture that escorts them to behave in a certain manner that encompasses the follow up of conventional rules. Social construction is an...

Politics & Government

The Future of US Geopolitical Reality in the Next Fifty Years

The coming decade of the 21st century would perhaps require an extraordinary focus on Asia which includes China, India, and several other southeast Asian nations. The cumulative population of these nations and regional powers would be more than the combined population of all others nations and are among the most...


The Causes of the Protestant Reformation

The late middle ages in the life of Catholic Church was marked with serious corruption. Money became the source of all evils in the church. The reputation of the church and the entire clergy went down. As a result, the opposing group, called the Protestants tried to find their way...


“Birth of Modernity” of Renaissance

The renaissance began sometimes back between the years one thousand three hundred and fifty to one thousand five hundred and fifty or between the years one thousand three hundred and one thousand six hundred. This was an era marked by regeneration, rebirth as well as tragedy. Historians believe that this...

Politics & Government

US Civil Service’s Features for Democratic Values

“Among the major features of the act are provisions for the selection of civil service personnel by open competitive examinations; guarantees to civil service employees against coercion in any form for political reasons, or solicitation in government buildings or by other federal employees for political purposes; and allocation to the...


The Middle Ages as the “Dark Ages”

The Early Middle Ages also known as the Dark Ages was a time span in the history of Europe soon after the fall of Roman Empire. “The term Middle Ages seems to have been first used by Flavio Biondo”. There seems to have been retarded development which plunged Europe into...


Social Structure and Lifestyles of the 1960s Counterculture

The era of the 1960s was considered a duration of counter-culture it gave birth to a conflict between men and women who were born before the second world war and those who were born after the second world war. These two groups’ school of thought and the way they viewed...


United States’ Policy of Isolationism Since the 19th Century

In the late 19th century, United States policies and expansion in the western hemisphere and elsewhere seemed to greatly rely on Monroe Doctrine, Roosevelt Corollary, and Taft’s Dollar Diplomacy. Monroe Doctrine was established in 1823 that asserted that further attempts by European nations to control states that were within America...


The Islamic Revolution of 1979 and Its Main Causes

For a long time, Iran was under the monarchial rule of the Safavid dynasty. The rule of Mohammad Reza Shah scuttled due to a popular revolutionary movement. During World War II, Iran declared itself neutral, but the presence of German troops in its territory contrasted this declaration. Shah later called...


Industrial Growth During the Last 100 Years in the US

Industrial growth in America began in the 1800s and continued up to the beginning of the civil war. After the war, it saw significant growth. This development had a significant effect on America with respect to political, social, and economic affairs. As most of the industries were concentrated in cities,...


Radical Republicans During the Reconstruction Era

Reconstruction’s efforts resulted due to the effects of the civil war that had occurred in Southern states. The war had greatly affected the states politically, socially, and economically. In 1861, Southern success cleared the need for Republicans to compromise their stand for them to win their bid to preserve the...


Dawkins’ View of Science and Religion

Dawkins is an atheist and is outspoken about his beliefs. He is a science writer who uses his scientific naturalistic worldview to support atheism. He believes that God is not a complete explanation for the creation of the complex biological structures. He believes religion is not based on evidence and...


Al-Qaida Terrorist Group’s Intentions

The intentions of terrorist groups all around the world are different. In most cases, it is based on religious and political grounds. However, terrorism is not that easy to describe in a few words. It is a machine that is constantly in motion. It is a war that terrifies by...


Graying Population in Developed and Underdeveloped Countries

Low mortality combined with low fertility produces a population with a high proportion of older adults. The median age of the population rises, and the population experiences “aging” or “graying.” Further increase in the number of women beyond the age of child-bearing reduces the fertility rate even more. Life expectancy...


Religion Ethics in Jewish and Christian Scriptures

It is an open secret that religion can be considered as the source of ethical principles and stimulators for leading an ethical life. To understand this statement, it is necessary to stress that most religions are based on ethical components balance being derived from supernatural guidance; this can be seen...


Government in Plato’s vs. Hobbes and Locke’s Views

According to the great thinker Plato, the ideal city being riled by the philosophers is considered to be based on the aristocratic form of government, depriving the citizens of their basic rights, worship, and choice of freedom. The thinker’s aristocratic form of government is characterized as intelligent, wise, and strong,...


Biological & Humanistic Approaches to Personality

The humanistic approach to personality is based on the research and studies of eminent psychologists, including Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow, and George Kelly, and is built on the premise that human beings are responsible for their lives and the actions which they take through the course of their lives which...


What Makes Up the Hindu Religion?

The Hindu religion could rightly be seen as unity in diversity. A religion which claims reverence to at least 330 million gods and goddesses, is underpinned by the doctrine of Sanatana Dharma, or eternal form of worship that has existed since time immemorial. Hinduism as evolved through this doctrine does...


Social Structure of the Social Setting

The best social structure that best describes my position in society is a social institution. A social institution has the role of fulfilling a certain function in society. Seeing that I am a father, this is a social institution that shows continuity in the generations that were started by my...


Influences That Have Made Hinduism Vital

It would be an understatement to believe that it is believed that in the earlier days, in the Indian context, a person’s occupation was determined by the status of birth. Thus, having been born in a cultured and upper class society would naturally confer a person higher religious status than...

Politics & Government

US Civil Service’s Features for Government Efficiency

Perhaps one of the major factors that could lead to governmental efficiency and effective management in governmental enterprises would be with regard to the security of jobs. In this context, it is seen that many administrative staff were circumspect about carrying out their duties diligently if it were to conflict...

Politics & Government

United States Civil Service’s Four Features

The passing of the Pendleton Civil Services Act 1883, supported by Senator George H. Pendleton of Ohio and signed into law by President Chester A. Arthur, could be seen as one of the landmark reforms packages that were desperately needed in the United States during the post Civil War period,...


Religious Terrorist Organizations of Lebanon, Egypt, Turkey

Hezbollah Hezbollah is an Islamic organization formed after the attack of Lebanon in 1982 by the Israeli military. It is a radical resistant organization with the aim of liberalizing the occupied parts of Lebanon like Jerusalem and driving out Israel’s forces in order to establish Islamic rule. Hezbollah started a...


Gender Factor of Anorexia & Bulimia

Ninety percent of the affected are young females. White upper class and middle-class women usually suffer from this illness. Only 5 % are males. It is believed that males undergo fitness regimes, masking the disorder they would otherwise have expressed. Males would be increasing their body looks and personality to...


Writing a Research Essay Based on Al Jazeera

There are numerous topics that can be the basis for research essays. Al Jazeera happens to be one of them, and for this case, it is the one that I recommend as the topic of choice. Al Jazeera is a respectable television station in the Arab world. It is based...


The Purpose of the Literature Review in Research

Literature review plays a significant role in any research work. In most of cases, research conducted aims at proving a specific hypothesis or adding value to a known idea. As a result, one starts by giving a review of what is known so as to help the leader understand the...


The Three Types of Justice Which Fairness of Different Situations

Studies point out three basic forms of justice from which individuals can make their decisions. These are communicative justice, distributive justice and social justice. Communicative justice champions for the respect of dignity for every individual when making decisions in economic transactions, promising or making contracts. For example, while workers must...


The Jamestown Colonists’ Settlement and Tobacco Industry

The Virginia Company founded the Jamestown colony after they came into the New Land. In this new land, they decided to establish their settlement on an island peninsula. The main reason behind such a decision was to avoid any surprise attacks from their Spanish rivals. However, this decision proved to...


Energy Management and Nuclear Power Plants Development

An advertisement about nuclear energy in an American scientific magazine runs like this “cleaner and greener”, referring to the energy obtained from nuclear power plants. “Our 103 nuclear power plants don’t burn anything, so they don’t produce greenhouse gases.” The Nuclear institutes try to tell the world that nuclear energy...


The Impacts of Terrorism and the Impacts of Crime on Affected Tourist Destinations

Although both terrorism and crime have an effect on tourist destinations, nevertheless it is important to appreciate the fact that their levels of impact usually differ. In the case of terrorism, disasters usually results in difficult, and often tragic situations not just to the area that ahs been afflicted by...

Politics & Government

Undersecretary and Changes in the US

The public image of the US is marred due to the perceived anti-Muslim actions taken by the government post-9/11. The image-building strategy taken by the previous US government international relations advisors was faulty in its approach to international or public diplomacy. International public relations are defined as the organized effort...


Research Methods: Imaging, Recording, Stimulation, Lesion

New innovations in imaging technology have enabled significant advantages which are far better than an autopsy. Thus, imaging brings a better understanding of relationships between the brain structure and functions of memory and speech, and the existence of disorders such as depression, stroke, and schizophrenia can be identified. Imaging also...


Africa’s Ideas Contributed to the Early Christian Church

The spread of Christianity on the African continent prior to colonization can be traced to the regions that were parts of the Roman Empire, such as Carthage or Egypt, where some of the first Christian communities were located. Despite being far from the center of the vast country, the African...


Lessons From J. Spector St. John’s Letter ‘What is an American’

From J. Spector St. John’s letter ‘What is an American’, we learn much about the things that distinguish an American from a European. To begin, he writes that wealthy Europeans do not mingle with poor members of the society, these same wealthy people live a very luxurious life and employ...

Politics & Government

Diplomacy’s History: Short Review

Diplomacy got its roots from what is presently the French language, with its activities dating beyond the past two millennia. With the first Foreign Ministry created in Paris France, other European countries saw the importance of their own countries being represented in foreign land. This would therefore drive these states...

Politics & Government

Relations Between Canada and the USA

The most important relation that the Canadian government would want to conserve is its relation with its neighbors, the United States. In essence, the country relies heavily on policies such as defense and security, water and air pollution, indulging in investment, and many other agreements that it has with the...


Environmentalist Carson in “The Gentle Subversive” by Lytle

The book titled The Gentle Subversive by Mark Hamilton Lytle is a perfect account of the life and professional development of the famous American scientist and environmentalist Rachel Carson. Moreover, this book is a skilful piece of literature that allows for a better understanding of Carson’s scientific progress in the...


How the Bird Flies: Process Analysis

It has long been appreciated that what was achieved during the invention of airplanes, had long been achieved in nature by birds. The basic concept is to create a balance between weight and strength. Flight is a special adaptation of birds that enables them to obtain food, travel, escape from...


Trends in Atmospheric Carbon Concentration Over 150 Years

The recent trends in atmospheric concentration reveal that this greenhouse has level has been steadily increasing with time. For instance, the concentration of CO2 has been rising at a margin of 1.5ppm annually since 1970 up to the advent of the new millennium, although this annual rise in carbon dioxide...


Strategies and Course Components to Foster Critical Thinking

Most business schools are currently redesigning their courses to incorporate critical thinking in MBA studies. They are introducing courses that relate to liberal arts, which usually analyze complex and broad problems that require value-laden trade-offs. Liberal arts courses usually offer a better understanding of global and historical context and perspective,...

Family, Life & Experiences

Dogs as a Source of Support for Humans

For many centuries, dogs have been people’s companions and pets. The role of a dog in a modern family is controversial. It is a big responsibility to keep a dog, as it demands a lot of time, financial expenses, and attention. Nevertheless, a dog can serve as a great support...


Work-Life Balance in Employed Women

Work-life balance involves evaluating how employed individuals balance time spent at and outside their occupation. In ancient days, women mainly concentrated on their kitchens, and those who had jobs worked in industries, shops, and farms. However, with the rapid advance in the economy, a greater number of them are getting...


Helping a Child With a Disability to Play With Others

Children with disabilities often have challenges when engaging in play activities. These problems are more explicit when they are with other children who do not suffer from the same disabilities. While younger children with disabilities may have extensive coping mechanisms where they try to play with whatever they can for...


European Groups’ Motives to Migrate to America

The beginning of European migration with Americans resulted in numerous factors such as escaping political subjugation, seeking freedom of religion, searching for opportunities they were rejected at home. In the early 16th century, economic challenges rocked England. Many people, even trained artisans, were unemployed and had poor living standards. In...


Liberty City’s Community Health Factors

The health status of any community is affected by a mix of environmental, community, interpersonal, and individual issues. Public health nurses should consider these areas when providing care to patients as it will enable the healthcare professional to evaluate this person’s needs and expectations. Liberty City in Miami (Florida) is...


Slave Community on the Plantation

Slaves were majorly the young, strong men in their teens and twenties who worked under cruel conditions on the plantations. The slaves in the plantations worked either in the master’s home or in the fields. Tasks were assigned according to physical stability. Completion of the work assigned on the fields...


Colonists’ Actions in the Pre-Revolutionary Era

The Pre-revolution of 1760-1775 was a 15-year upheaval before the American Revolution against England’s colony and policies. The revolution was a great milestone in ending slavery and establishing a more stable republic guided by policies and legislation acceptable to all. The revolt began after the end of the Seven Year...


How Educational Institutions Value Diversity

My educational institution values diversity, and this can be seen in its multicultural workforce and the diverse student population. In addition, my educational institution has specific mechanisms and services aimed at ensuring that all students and employees, regardless of their background, feel that they are part of the institution. For...


Guantanamo Closure Plan Implementing

Before the announcement of the president’s order of closing Guantanamo Bay, the latter was heavily criticized by human rights organizations, which were later joined by former detainees and academics. Although it is stated that the closure of Guantanamo would have little impact on US detention practices elsewhere, the controversies resulting...

Politics & Government

The Ways of Governmental Policy Formulating in Britain

In Britain, laws are adopted in Parliament at Westminster as it is the highest body of legislative power in the country. In recent years the tendency has been established for the European Union’s impact on law adaption in Britain. However, this tendency is still not powerful enough to take it...

Politics & Government

The Factors Affecting Power Distribution in Britain

In the British political system, a row of checks and balances and other constraints, both formal and informal, exist to prevent the emergence of concentrated and unconstrained political power. In particular, they are the state system of power separation, the role that the monarch plays in the process, and the...