Free 200 Words Essay Examples

As a rule, a short 200-word essay is assigned by teachers to assess one’s ability to articulate their ideas succinctly together with their knowledge of a particular topic. Commonly used genres for 200 words essays include personal statements and discussion board posts.

You don’t need to conduct an in-depth analysis to write a paper of 200 words. The keys to success are good planning, a catchy hook, conciseness, and creativity. Check free 200-word essay examples on this page to get inspired!


Conducting a Study: The Role of Researcher’s Ethical Principles

Post One Well-trained and skilled persons can understand the various challenges faced in research. However, this does not strictly refer to qualified and experienced researchers. For other qualitative research programs, such as undergraduate research, the institutions should employ qualified and experienced researchers as supervisors for their learners (Lemon & Hayes,...

Tech & Engineering

Cloud-Based Data Services: Analysis

Cloud-based data services include the infrastructure or platforms hosted by third-party providers through the internet. They allow the flow of user data to providers’ systems and back. These services promote the development of cloud-native applications and work flexibility through the internet. Users need only computers, internet connectivity, and operating systems...


Natural Rights Philosophy in the US Political System

The philosophy of natural rights is a doctrine in the philosophy of law and jurisprudence. It recognizes that a person has a number of inalienable rights that belong to them based on the very fact of their belonging to the human race (American government, 2016). The main idea of the...


“The Chrysanthemums” and “A Doll’s House”: Literature Comparison

There are numerous similarities between the two female characters Nora from John Steinbeck’s “The Chrysanthemums” and Elisa from Henrik Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House.” Both are wives of men who do not comprehend them or share the same emotions as women. Both of the protagonists are intelligent women who need to...

200-Word Essay FAQ

A 200 words essay would typically be about 1 page long, assuming it is double-spaced and written with a standard font (Arial or Times New Roman) in 12-point size. If the text is single-spaced, it will be twice shorter. Other factors that influence the 200-word essay length are formatting and paragraph structure.

How many paragraphs are there in a 200 words essay? A paper of such a length would contain 2 to 3 paragraphs. This works for an academic writing assignment because a typical paragraph there is about 100 words long.

It usually takes 4 to 7 minutes to type a text of this length on your keyboard at an average speed. However, if you are assigned a 200 words essay, it is going to take much more time, as you will need to conduct research, study the sources, and plan your paper. Writing a solid essay of 200 words will take about an hour.

At a rough estimate, 200 words would take up about 20 to 25 lines. However, the exact number of lines in your 200-word essay depends on a number of factors such as the spacing, the font size, and the margins.


Themes of “A Good Man…” Story by Flannery O’Connor

The short story A good man is hard to find was written by Flannery O’Connor in 1953, and it illuminates several themes, one of which is a theme of genuine good. All characters in the story represent different attitudes toward good and evil, and they have contrasting perceptions of what...


Civil Rights: King’s Letter to the Birmingham Jail

In his Letter to the Birmingham Jail, Martin Luther King Jr. aimed to answer the criticism of his actions from his fellow clergymen. King was troubled by the white moderates because he believed that their actions only impeded the establishment of equality and progress (King, 1963). According to King, law...


Perspectives and Implications of the Social Disability Model

The medical model of disability is a conceptual approach that relates the diagnosis of disability to a person’s physical body. The main goal of this model is to correct a disability through medical intervention. This approach focuses on treatment and assumes that a “compassionate” society should invest resources in health...


History of Drug Abuse in the United States

When it comes to discussing victimless crimes – that is, crimes where those involved are willing participants – one is to inevitably address drug abuse. In Chapter 14 of Criminology Today: An Integrative Introduction, which this paper summarizes, Schmalleger (2018) explores the issue. Illegal drugs in America were made use...


Plato’s Dialogue “Euthyphro” and the Divine Command Theory

In Plato’s dialogue Euthyphro, Euthyphro and Socrates discuss the dilemma of whether the pious is loved by gods because it is pious, or is it pious because it is loved by gods. Initially, the speakers posit that they should perceive the pious as something loved by all gods. Then, they...


The Love of God and the Love of a Neighbor

In my view, the love of God and the love of neighbor are inseparable aspects and are joined together to form the greatest commandment. It is impossible to love God effectively if one does not love their neighbors. Similarly, one cannot claim to love their neighbor effectively if they do...


Gender Differences in Caring About Children

There is an open debate regarding men’s and women’s attitudes toward children. Many people believe that women care more about children, while others disagree. It may be challenging to evaluate the “amount of care” that the representatives of different genders express. However, though there is much evidence from various historical...


Freedom of Speech: The Constitution of the United States

Human rights in the United States are enshrined in the US Constitution, its amendments, federal and state laws. The first ten amendments to the Constitution, which constitute the Bill of Rights, were added to the Constitution in 1791. The amendments proclaimed freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of...


Identity Development: Definition and Adolescents Identity Development

Define Identity Development As children grow and develop with time, they go through many stages of forming their identity. Adolescents experience many crucial changes and shifts in their personalities and behavior when they become adolescents. There are several theories on identity development and how this process affects teenagers. Erik Erikson...


Language and Symbols in Communication

Language is a big part of almost every sphere of people’s lives. Without language and communication signs, it would be impossible to contribute to any of the subjects, be it politics, media, or a simple conversation with another person. It is true that with the help of proper knowledge of...


Communication Issues at the Workplace

It is hard to overestimate the value of effective communication – either written or verbal – in every sphere of our lives, including the workplace. However, many conflicts may arise due to the lack of awareness about and training in how to interact with others in a manner that reduces...


Quantitative and Qualitative Research and Its Aims

Quantitative research is concerned with the calculation of observation results. Quantitative data is any data presented in a numerical format, such as statistics, percentages, etc. Causal-comparative research is done primarily to explain and better understand the causal processes involved in creating an event, feature, or relationship, usually by bringing together...


The Black Lives Matter Movement Impact on American Society

The Black Lives Matter movement was a struggle for social justice and equality for African Americans between the 1950s and 1960s. It altered the social order of that time, providing legal rights for millions of African Americans. This essay claims that the movement made a long-lasting change in American society....


Importance of the Consent Principle in Ethical Research

The fourth principle of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights is consent, which refers to the pre-emptive acceptance of the human subject to participate in an ethical study. It is established to protect the decision of the human subjects during any research. Ethical research involves active interaction with...


Aspects of Tay–Sachs Disease

Currently, medical experts are aware of numerous genetic diseases, diverse in the severity of their course, consequences, and the effect on the organs. In this regard, Tay–Sachs disease is one of the most complicated and simultaneously rarest disorders, which still cannot be entirely treated by any available means. The objective...


Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

It is hard not to agree with the fact that TANF is an essential program for families who want to get back on track. TANF, standing for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, provides territories with opportunities to implement programs aimed at helping low-income families to become economically self-sufficient. This initiative...

Tech & Engineering

The Future of Voice over Internet Protocol

VoIP is a technological solution which allows users to maintain telephone connection over cyberspace. It implies transferring audio signal using Internet Protocol networks. How VoIP Works VoIP transforms analog signal into digital one by utilizing various codecs. Codecs process voice signals and create data packages which are then sent out...


The Complexities of Illegal Immigration in the United States

The problem of illegal immigration is one of the most vital ones for American society. Thousands of people who try to cross the border are detained and deported out of the country without any chance to go back. This problem is complex and has many reasons, and there are two...


Domestic Violence as a Form of Child Abuse

Researchers estimate that three to 17.8 million children are compelled to witness a form of domestic violence on an annual basis. The fact that domestic violence subjects a child to physical, behavioral, and emotional torture makes it a form of child abuse. Moreover, these children are prone to child maltreatment,...


The Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution

All 27 amendments of the US Constitution are immensely significant. However, this paper discusses the fourth amendment that was ratified on December 15, 1791. According to the fourth amendment, searches and seizures that are not backed up with a solid reason are prohibited. Besides, this amendment establishes criteria for search...


Causes of the Great Depression

The problem of the Great Depression occupies a prominent place in American history. The crisis that resulted in massive unemployment, the collapse of the financial sector, and other severe problems left an imprint on the United States, and today, its study is still relevant. Numerous reasons that led to the...


Government Snitches and Policing Procedures

Using informants – that is, the witnesses who testify in exchange for an incentive – has long been a part of the common law and, in particular, the American legal system. Snitches, as they are also known, are used regularly when their testimony helps to build a stronger case. Naturally,...


Keeping Black Women at the Center

The third piece presents a conversation between Gloria T. Hull and Barbara Smith — two editors of But Some of Us Are Brave (1982). Two scholars share experiences about educational paths and how their backgrounds influenced their views and careers in academia. Although Hull attended a southern Black university and...


Criminology: Due Process Model

First of all, it is essential to mention that I believe that it is impossible to apply only one model. On the one hand, people should live safely, and their protection requires crime control and severe though just punishment of offenders as a preventative measure. On the other hand, citizens’...


Analysis of Mixed-Method Research Design

A mixed-method research design is a sequential approach that involves combining one qualitative and another quantitative research element. The qualitative step utilizes deductive and inductive techniques followed by data collection in the quantitative phase. A combination of the methods enhances the validity of the results, which is why researchers opt...


Errors that Are Contained in the Certificate of Incorporation of SASHA FIERCE

Rules NY CLS Bus-Corp §403 (a) requires that on signing the certificate of incorporation which will be delivered to the department state, the incorporators should not only provide their names but also their address. NY CLS Bus-Corp §403 (a) (7) also requires that the certificate of incorporation shall set forth...


Family, Identity, and Heritage in Alice Walker’s ‘Everyday Use’

Introduction The story “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker tells about the relationship between mother and two daughters with different views and beliefs, and how a mother’s attitude towards her younger daughter changed with time. This story also addresses the topic of cultural identity in a way of how this term...


“A Good Man Is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor

The story A Good Man Is Hard to Find written by Flannery O’Connor has many subtexts that underline the author’s religiosity and the desire to promote peace. Nevertheless, the plot itself is frightening, and the actions that unfold, on the contrary, describe the cruelty and injustice of the world. When...


Self-Efficacy, and Student Satisfaction in Higher Education by R. L. Huber

Huber is the author of a three-article dissertation about servant leadership, self-efficacy, and student satisfaction in higher education online learning. In this project, the problem statement was properly developed and explained using statistical data. A brief description of academic management innovations and the evaluation of the results that led to...


A Symbolism Essay – Writing Tips

Writers use various techniques in literature to enable readers to understand a character or a concept in an essay. For literature writers, the use of symbolism is one of the many methods used in essay writing. This has been seen in every great literature work most of which are symbolism...


An Informal Essay – Writing Tips

In literature an individual can write either a formal or an informal essay depending on the target group. An informal essay is usually more personal compared to a formal essay. A good informal essay contains: A strong structure though flexible compared to a formal essay. Relaxed writing style An expression...


“Rip Van Winkle” by Washington Irving

Washing Irving’s “Rip Van Winkle” is a powerful historical material that describes the issues experienced by many Americans before and after the Revolutionary War. The author uses the life of Rip Van Winkle to analyze the practices of many communities. The story highlights the economic activities embraced by different people...


Security Systems and Loss Prevention

Conducting Risk and Vulnerability Assessments Risk management refers to the process of setting up various measures within an enterprise for the purpose of addressing any identified risks and thus, entails plans to avoid, reduce, spread transfer, eliminate, as well as accept risks. However, for effective risk management and vulnerability assessments,...


Wind Energy: Is It Viable or Not?

Although wind power does have some drawbacks, both minor and more serious ones, I firmly believe that this energy source is viable, and the majority of its disadvantages can be eliminated. Wind power is a green energy source, which probably goes first on the list of its advantages. This method...


Criminology: Biological Theory of Deviant Behavior

Criminological theories as a separate area of ​​this science differ in many criteria, and one of them is the hereditary nature of delinquency. In this regard, a biological concept has emerged, which, as Cullen, Agnew, and Wilcox (2017) note, represents the idea that deviant behavior and criminal tendency are innate...


Research Design, Procedures and Steps

Sampling is a significant factor of a scientific approach that determines the validity and reliability of any research. By definition, a sample is a representative group of a population observed to generalize the findings (Ary, Jacobs, Sorencen, & Walker, 2014). The sampling strategy depends on the research design and research...

Family, Life & Experiences

Egypt Families in Changed and Traditional Forms

Egyptians have families as their central and most important institution in societies. The country has a culture that advocates for stable families guided by Sharia laws on marriage and divorce. Families and kinship are respected and upheld; some families are blended as royal families mostly because of their leadership roles...

Family, Life & Experiences

Millennium Development and Well-Being of Families

Analyze how the Millennium Development Goals are related to the well being of families Millennium goals towards family settings targeted different aspects of social, economic, and cultural nature. At an international level and national level, families were recognized as the most important element in society. The role of women in...

Family, Life & Experiences

Japanese & Chinese Families and Their Differences

Japan and China are Asian countries that have had a rapid economic growth of late; Japan is the third-largest economy from China and the United States that are the second-largest and largest economies in the world respectively. Though different countries have different family settings, the two communities have managed to...


The Korean War vs. the Vietnam War

The Korean War is also known as the “Fatherland Liberation War” that lasted between June 25, 1950, and July 27, 1953. The war broke as a disagreement over boundaries between North and South Korea. The United Nations forces led by the US fought for the South while China and the...