💼 Essays on Politics & Government

To write a good paper on politics and government, students should familiarize themselves with the basics of how these systems work. Additionally, you can review our database of essay examples to see how other students have tackled this assignment. By using these resources, students can ensure that they are well-equipped to write a successful paper on politics and government.

Politics & Government

Private Sector’s Critical Infrastructure Protection

The private sector owns a large number of critical infrastructures; therefore, it has roles and responsibilities of protecting them. The role and responsibilities of the private sector involve limiting the ability of terrorists to carry out attacks in the United States. Since the private sector carries out daily transactions, which...

Politics & Government

Violent Means Used in Response to Social Movements

The government has too frequently employed violent tactics to silence social movements based on specific conditions of intervention. Inadvertently, some of this violence, such as the mass violence motivated by centuries of racial harassment by state agents and private citizens against people of color, led to the development of social...

Politics & Government

The Non-Partisan Elections to Select City Officials in the USA

There is a good reason why partisan politics is popular all over the world. It is a byproduct of man’s ability to organize and create efficient systems. If elections are held on a regular basis then it is just logical to establish a group that not only will groom the...

Politics & Government

Technology Transfer to a Developing Nation

Technology transfer is an important condition for sustained growth. The article reviewed in the scope of this paper is titled “Challenges in Technology Transfer from Developed to Developing Countries.” In it, the authors discuss several barriers in implementation of new technological solutions for waste management in Middle Europe. Waste management...

Politics & Government

Canada’s and the United States’s Unique Relationship in World Politics

The United States of America and Canada have been related for over two centuries now. They both have a common political system and structure, which they inherited from their former colonial master, Britain. The two countries have enjoyed a warm bilateral relationship, especially in trading activities, in spite of the...

Politics & Government

Limited Government Doctrine

The doctrine of limited government rests on the assumptions about the corrupt and evil nature of the human being in general, and the theories of Locke and Jean-Jacque Rousseau about the limitations that should be posted on the government by a constitution, a set of laws, and the social contract...

Politics & Government

The Electoral System Definition and Its Role

An electoral system represents all customs, laws, procedures, and institutions used to elect representatives in a political system, political group, or another entity. The electoral system of any country is of prime importance for the outcome of elections. For example, in Canada, elections are conducted under the rule of federal...

Politics & Government

The Functions of Legislatures in Democratic, Authoritarian, and Totalitarian Regimes

Legislatures are a relatively new branch of power, as compared to the executive one. The prime function of the legislature is law-making, this is why the legislative bodies of power are usually composed of the nation’s representatives that are able to voice the needs of the whole country with the...

Politics & Government

The United States as a 2-Party Dominated Political System

Numerous factors encourage a binary party choice in the United States as opposed to the multiparty system that exists in other countries. An important structural reason that the United States has only two viable parties is our “winner takes all” elections, as opposed to the proportional representation common in parliamentary...

Politics & Government

The Liberal Theory Applicable to U.S. Foreign Policy Today

America has always held the liberal principles of liberty, freedom and ‘pursuit of happiness as its core principles for realizing the ‘American Dream’. America’s avowed policy of ‘spreading democracy everywhere’ has been the galvanizing element of its foreign policy. Today, America stands by the liberal theory and has always taken...

Politics & Government

The Politics Differentiation From Government

There is a clear distinction between the notions of ‘politics’ and ‘government’. The political government is “the centralized system that maintains an institutionalized system of order within a society large or small”. In contrast to the government which is a legal body governing and controlling the social order and all...

Politics & Government

Role of Government, Employers, and Trade Unions in Individual Skills Development

Although the high individual skills of employees are their personal achievements, other stakeholders can contribute to meeting the needs of people’s professional growth. In particular, the role of government boards may be significant as support for workers, which provides convenient conditions for advanced training and, therefore, enhances employees’ individual values....

Politics & Government

Food Aid as an Important Part of Global Aid Policies

Food aid is an important part of global aid policies, as it helps in stabilizing the overall situation in the country. Supporting people with food makes them survive and live. It also corresponds to healthcare prospects. Maintaining health on an appropriate level worldwide reduces dangers for mankind. In developing countries...

Politics & Government

How State Capacity Can Enhance the Quality of Democracy

Without any doubt, state capacity can either enhance or undermine the quality of democracy. The United States and Russia are among the most powerful nations whose governments have an enormous ability to influence domestic and foreign policies. On the one hand, the government and people in power in Russia have...

Politics & Government

UK Electoral System and Necessary Democratic Criteria

The UK electoral system may be said to meet the required criteria in ascertaining the implementation of democratic principles as a real example of a working and truly thriving democracy that nations can emulate due to several reasons. First, there is a full franchise of the public where they participate...

Politics & Government

National Sovereignty and UK’s Membership of EU

The UK’s membership of the EU has come in the wake of intense debate, disagreement, and demonstrations requiring the nation to disengage itself from the regional community as it would lose its sovereignty in many ways. The engagement of the UK with the EU was seen by many as a...

Politics & Government

Bush’s Lead in the Polls at 2000 Presidential Election

It is a common practice to see many statistical organizations that either handle business-related matters or political matters trying to always present their cases of possible verdicts in current national affairs either for the purposes of predicting the opinions of the people on very sensitive issues or as a prediction...

Politics & Government

Sampling Techniques at 2000 Presidential Election

Politics being a very sensitive national issue, there is a need to exhibit high levels of accuracy in such opinions as the opinion poll. As a result, the polling companies should ensure that their results have a very low standard deviation and consequently as low a margin error as possible....

Politics & Government

Political System Stability and Influencing Elements

In order to identify the key factors in determining whether a legal/political system is going to be stable, there is a need to establish the indicators of stability. A political system can be considered steady if individual governments are efficient in ensuring economic prosperity, the absence of violence, and control...

Politics & Government

National Power Instruments With Examples

Diplomacy  Diplomatic instruments are principles for coordinating with foreign states and groups to promote US interests, objectives, and values. The US utilizes diplomacy to organize alliances, allies, proxies, and surrogates to support US military functions. Geographic combatant commanders (GCCs) align military operations with diplomatic engagements in designated areas. The US...

Politics & Government

What Is the European Union and What Is Its Purpose?

The European Union (EU) is a political and economic partnership of 27 European countries. The Europe Commission (EC) is the precursor of the EU. It was founded after the Second World War by six states with the objective of fostering economic cooperation. Economic cooperation was seen as a way of...

Politics & Government

The Secret Service Code Names for Barbara and George H. W. Bush

George H.W. Bush had Timberwolf as his secret service name, and Barbara Bush was named Tranquility. Secret names have been issued for candidates protection initially; however, Secret Service uses other ways of confidential communication nowadays, which led to the disclosure of names. Explanation: President’s service code name is a secret...

Politics & Government

World in Which China Is No. 1

It is a fact that today China is the fourth-largest economy in the world but has the possibility of reaching the top position within 40 years. Nevertheless, the reason China will be number one is because of its population. According to my, this means that China will be highly self-sufficient....

Politics & Government

Latin Americanization of China’s Domestic Politics

China is a particular instance of East Asian capitalism. If in Western countries, notably the US, capitalism is linked to the rise of wealth and the widening of the middle class, in China capitalism is associated with a failed welfare system and the rise of a wealthy middle class in...

Politics & Government

How Immigration Affects the United States and Other Nations

Due to globalization, immigration has become a prominent trend in many developed nations. In the United States, immigration had both positive and negative impacts on the economy and society. On the one hand, immigration increased the diversity of American society and increased the availability of a cheap workforce, which led...

Politics & Government

Sustainability and Development Methods in the United States

Some of the most common words that we hear almost daily include sustainable development, sustainable community, sustainable industry, sustainable agriculture, etc. If we observe, the term “sustainable” is very common in all these terms. In a layman’s language, sustainability is associated with the quality of life in a community. This...

Politics & Government

Essential Role of United Nations in the 21st Century

When the United Nations was created upon WWII, its major declared role was to perpetuate peace among countries worldwide. The horrors of the world wars have undeniably led to the creation of this institution. However, the international challenges to peace worldwide have evolved mainly in terms of the rise of...

Politics & Government

State and Federal Government in Ensuring Healthcare Access

The states and the federal government should collaborate in ensuring that there is accessibility and provision of quality services in healthcare. Their collaboration is very vital as it helps in overcoming barriers and challenges in creating high-quality services and affordable health care. The states on their own cannot make changes...

Politics & Government

Federal Mandates for Healthcare to Implement Standards

National standards for culturally and linguistically appropriate services in health and healthcare, otherwise referred to as the national CLAS principles were designed specifically to strengthen health justness, advance the quality of healthcare, and ensure that healthcare inequalities are eradicated in the state. This would be achieved through the provision of...

Politics & Government

The Role of Bureaucracy in Capitalism

According to Weber, capitalism is a system of production, which provides human needs through a rational enterprise that focuses on making profits. A rational enterprise is an establishment that measures its ability to generate income through calculations based on modern bookkeeping techniques. Bureaucracy promotes rationalized capitalism by facilitating the use...

Politics & Government

Is Democracy Under the Siege Since 9/11?

In an open letter to John Howard in 2005, the Law Council of Australia stated, “The Government is using the threat of terrorism to introduce laws that put our most basic civil liberties under threat. The ramifications have the potential to be as terrifying as terrorism itself.” This statement was...

Politics & Government

Influence of Lobbyists in the Legislative Process

The consumer lobby groups and other stakeholders create networks through which they advocate for issues concerning affordability of the insurance covers and also lobby for effective policies that expand the qualification or legibility levels of those to be covered under the insurance. They protect people earning low incomes from paying...

Politics & Government

Checks and Balances the President, Congress, and the Judiciary Have on the Bureaucracy

Separation of powers is one of the most vital principles that do undergird the American government system. This describes the parceling out of functions of government, authority and power to different institutions that possess relative independence in the federal system. This will help to prevent any institution from being controlled...

Politics & Government

Contemporary Societies Without Political Parties

The power under question is purely political, and so a political party is a well-organized unit that will often participate in electoral processes to elect popular and most deserving leadership. In addition, a political party will at times launch protests in cases where it feels the government has overstepped or...

Politics & Government

Roles of Political Parties in Democratic and Non-Democratic States

Political parties in democratic states have broad-based roles compared to those operating in governments that are not democratic at all. For instance, in a country where democratic ideals are not practiced, political parties have limited powers and duties to perform. In most cases, there is usually a single ruling party...

Politics & Government

The Pros and Cons of the U.S. Primary System

Some countries, the US included, use a specific method for choosing candidates for elections – it is called primary elections, or plainly the primary. This method is used to allow voters in a certain jurisdiction to choose candidates for the further general election. The primary system has greatly influenced the...

Politics & Government

Federal Principle Incorporated in the Constitution Act, 1867 and Modern Times

As it has been proven by long-standing conflicts and discrepancies between the federal government and provincial government spheres of influence, the federal principle incorporated by the Canadian Constitution Act, 1867, does not survive any criticism in the modern period of time. As it comes from the thorough analysis of the...

Politics & Government

Democracy And Contemporary Societies Without Political Parties

The modern world is diverse, and despite the fact that all countries are united by a common territory, nation, and culture, there are still many differing opinions, goals, and standpoints within every separate country. People form groups according to their beliefs and interests, all of them wish to take part...

Politics & Government

Underlying Tenets of Modern Constitutionalism

The tendency towards constitutionalism has grasped the majority of nations and countries in the course of the 20th century. Constitutionalism, in fact, dictates the necessity to limit the power and authority of the government to the borders of the constitution that serves to protect human rights and to establish the...

Politics & Government

The Keynesian Fiscal Policies

The Keynesian theory put forward that a nation prospers not because of the physical assets but because of the revenue they get. The income is the whole amount of the income the population of the country receives. This can be evaluated by the working money in a countries economy that...

Politics & Government

The Territories and the Municipalities in the Politics of Nation-Building in Canada

The politics of nation-building in Canada is mostly the responsibility of the federal government. The Constitution Act of 1867 granted the federal government the power to conduct nation-building, is in force even nowadays, and establishes the clear dominance of federal decisions concerning nation-building over all other levels of government. However,...

Politics & Government

The U.S. and Adoption of IFRS

The United States will accept IFRS because of its well-built moral tradition and its long-standing intolerance for unethical conduct. Its economic and financial principles have been applied by other nations as a benchmark to assess their economic and accounting success until lately. The United States must lead in adhering to...

Politics & Government

Election Outcomes of the Televised Debates Between and Among Leadership Candidates

The use of television in election campaigns has been very instrumental in persuading voters to vote either way since the era of U.S President J.F. Kennedy. In fact, televised campaigns were later found to be the most powerful tool for not only reaching potential voters but also influencing their opinions...

Politics & Government

Stone’s Critique of Economic, Social, Political Inequality

One of the questions that dominate the political theory is who has better chances to seize power in society and whether all people can have access to power in one capacity or another. Over the last few decades, the political field has seen the formation of two opposing theories: structuralist...

Politics & Government

The Evolution of Party Systems

One way through which parties can evolve is through their number as well as the different philosophies or ideas which they stand for or support. It is important to note that political parties are not static vehicles of change, but they respond to every stimulus within their environment of operation....

Politics & Government

The Main Characteristics of Parliamentary and Presidential Governments

The democracies can be presidential and parliamentary. The parliamentary government is the one where the legitimate power to govern is granted to parliament; it is the most widely spread type of democracy in the world. “A parliament is a legislative body usually comprised of two houses of assembly”. Parliament is...

Politics & Government

Fail of the Canadian Parliament in Its Law-Making Function

The Canadian Parliament really seems to have failed its public in law-making because of the distribution of power in it. There are diverse parliamentary committees that conduct many supplementary activities in addition to the work of Parliament in law-making; there are such committees as the Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development...

Politics & Government

Senate Reform Would Benefit the Implementation of Public Policy in Canada

There exists a highly supported opinion that the Canadian legislature is clearly unrepresentative in the modern period of time. The support for this opinion can be found in the words of Lisa Young who was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Calgary. This...

Politics & Government

International System and US Hegemonic Power

This paper is going to take the position that the world is not moving away from the US hegemonic power to a new system of world order. In doing so, the paper seeks to evaluate the United States with reference to parameters used to judge whether a country is super-powered...

Politics & Government

International Relations: Liberalism Schools, Ideas, Theories

Analysts and scholars, such as Immanuel Kant, developed three schools of liberalism: reciprocity, identity, and interdependence. The first idea reveals that states can develop rules and organizations that have the potential to facilitate cooperation. The consideration of such federations ensures that countries are willing to cooperate. The concept that forms...

Politics & Government

Slogan “Let’s Get the Governments off Our Backs!”

The issue of government interference and involvement in the personal affairs of individuals has been met with fiery resistance all down the years. As mentioned in the article ‘#1 Habeas Corpus for any person’, there seems to be a paranoid fear that the government would bring in draconian measures and...

Politics & Government

Politics: Conflict, Cooperation, and Governments

Shalom suggests that the word science in political science reflects the belief by some that the political world can be studied in the same manner as the physical world that just as physicists have discovered formulas to express the relationship between physical phenomena and so too will political scientists find...

Politics & Government

How Does Party Control Affect Presidential Success

The relationship between the President and the congress is dependent on a myriad of other relationships, top on it being whether the government is acting in unity or divided altogether. The other dominant factor that cannot be ignored is the prevailing relationship between the President and his or her party....

Politics & Government

The Tools of the President Than Can Lead the Congress

As Genovese observes, the former presidents “exercised legitimate emergency powers in the midst of crises”. The act that the President can lead the Congress emanates from the constitutional powers the President has. The available tools of leadership are derived from the constitution itself. For instance, the President is the Chief...

Politics & Government

The Role of Government, Employers and Trade Unions

The labour market has a long history of development, which has led to the emergence of various participants. Since the labour market unfolded from feudal to capitalist relations, the latter implied the interaction of influential capitalist owners and industrial workforce. Since working conditions in factories did not meet sanitary and...

Politics & Government

U.S. Meeting Post-Cold War Threats to Nuclear Security

The threat to nuclear security after the end of the Cold War can be seen divided between the heritages of the fallen Soviet Union through the newly found states that inherited nuclear weapons, and the states that took an active role in the development of their own nuclear weapons. In...

Politics & Government

Civil Rights and Minimal Definitions of Democracy

There are two civil rights that are worth special consideration, as they are closely connected with political rights and democracy. First, freedom of the press is undoubtedly among the most crucial civil rights for the development of democracy in any state. If there is an absence of censorship, journalists can...

Politics & Government

Outsourcing as an Issue the 44th US President Should Address

This discussion addresses the issue of outsourcing and its impact on the United States of America economy and the reasons why the 44th president of the United States should address it as a national concern that has affected the US economy and its citizenry negatively. Outsourcing is an act of...

Politics & Government

Strategic Analyses for a Policy

Pestle Analysis – PESTEL is an acronym coined from the first letters beginning each of the six tiers of the general environment of a firm. Pestle Analysis as a tool addresses the political, economic, sociocultural, technological, legal, and environmental aspects of a policy. Political: this facet includes government strategic directions,...

Politics & Government

Practices of Direct Democracy in Canadian Society

The legislative structure of Canada is identical to the one of Great Britain – it was adopted by the country as soon as it became a nation in 1867, with the country’s political pattern being built according to the British sample. However, much has changed, and the system shows its...

Politics & Government

The Definition of American and Canadian Politics

One of the main reasons for which it is so hard to define politics is that this notion covers a wide range of definitions, participants, events and tendencies. As it comes from the explanation of Guy, every society is an organized community of individuals who want to achieve a unique...

Politics & Government

The Difference of Political Culture in Each Canadian Province

It is widely known that Canadian provinces possess a large set of individual characteristics and enjoy a high level of autonomy from the federal government and from each other. It is understandable in case one looks in more detail at the history of their formation and inclusion in the territory...

Politics & Government

US Government Policies That Affect Trade With Foreign Nations

International trade policy is an integral part of every state’s financial policy, which involves influencing foreign trade through economic and administrative levers, such as taxes, subsidies, and restrictions on imports and exports. The United States currently has a number of trade arrangements with foreign countries. They help facilitate the exchange...

Politics & Government

The Term “Norms” in Constructivist and English Schools

Constructivist theories are grounded in social norms that describe a general and standard behavior expected from different actors. The states are integral entities that interact with others in developing their identities within specific realms. This means that the countries belonging to a particular identity must comply with the established expectations....

Politics & Government

Presidential Immunity and President Nixon’s Position

The US President has absolute immunity from criminal liability for committing frivolous crimes punishable by up to six months of the arrest or a fine of less than $5000. Among reasons for the attraction of the President to criminal responsibility, the US Constitution notes treason, bribery, or other serious crimes...

Politics & Government

The Enumerated Powers of Congress

Enumerated powers refer to specific powers granted to the U.S. Congress, which are listed in Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution. This course is designed to provide the students with a broad range of skills and knowledge to help them understand and understand how to use these skills....

Politics & Government

What Was Woodrow Wilson’s Foreign Policy?

Wilson’s foreign policy is, first of all, famous for his interference in the political affairs of Mexico and Latin America, as well as his plan of neutrality maintenance during World War I and Fourteen Points Address. Explanation: Woodrow Wilson’s foreign policy in Mexico started with him imposing democratic elections. He...

Politics & Government

Iran-Contra Affair and Its Unintended Consequence

The Iran-Contra affair covered the selling of arsenal to Iran and the funding given to Nicaraguan Contra militants, a move by the US government to free its citizens held hostage by the Hezbollah forces. The support for the rebels in Nicaragua was banned by the Boland amendment. The militants received...

Politics & Government

The Concept Politics of Privatization

Everyone is frustrated with bureaucracy. Bureaucracy means inflexibility, doing everything by the book, and being unable to see the big picture. When someone uses the term bureaucrat, one can be sure that it is not a compliment. Bureaucracy is not only confined to the government. This phenomenon is also evident...

Politics & Government

Russian Federation vs. Former Soviet Republic

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was an association of at least 15 republics forming a socialist state that existed from 1922 until 1991. The Russian Federation, which is a replacement of the socialist nation, is regarded as the Russian Administration. The Russian Federation and the Soviet Republic display...

Politics & Government

The U.S. Congress Functions

The US Congress was established by the 1st Article of the Constitution. The founders enumerated a litany of powers, such as the power to coin money, establish a post office and raise taxes, as well as a basic structure. For example, Congress was established as a bicameral legislature (primarily as...

Politics & Government

Constitution Arguments by Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists

The Great Compromise that was achieved through the balance of the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan created the legislative system of the Constitution. The role of Federalism is essential to mention, as it indicates a relationship between the states and the national government. In contrast to the Articles...

Politics & Government

The Four Models of State Authority

Democracy is a system of elected government wherein authority is theoretically delegated from the people to elected leaders. Under this model, a strong constitution grants authority for elected leaders to govern the people and manage the affairs of government. The power of a state is clearly defined in this model...

Politics & Government

Things to Be Legitimized for Government to Proceed

The issue of legitimacy is closely tied with the issues of power, stability, and government. It seems that legitimacy problems could have become the primary interest of societal agents after political and economic power developed as in certain way autonomous spheres of society. This is connected with a growing division...

Politics & Government

Strengths and Issues of Current Border Security Measures

The 9/11 attacks proved three important means for the American society: a) Anti-American terrorists do exist and will continue to be in the foreseeable future; b) the terrorists have the resources to carry attacks; c) the consequences of the attacks will strengthen the terrorism wave (Flynn). The domestic security efforts,...

Politics & Government

Global Trade Obligations and Australian Policies

“A bank assumes no liability or responsibility for the form, sufficiency, accuracy, genuineness, falsification or legal effect of any document, or for the general or particular conditions stipulated in a document or superimposed thereon; nor does it assume any liability or responsibility for the description, quantity, weight, quality, condition, packing,...

Politics & Government

The Exclusionary Rule and the Fourth Amendment

Stakeholders in the American criminal justice system have been facing challenges in enforcing those rights contained in the Bill of Rights until the development of the exclusionary rule, which: “Commands that where evidence has been obtained in violation of the search and seizure protections guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, the...

Politics & Government

What Defines Pure Democracy?

The concept of “democracy” means the power of the people. The socio-political phenomenon “democracy” is wider than the power of the people. Not only “the power of the people” as such, but also the social and political system is connected with the notion of democracy. Democracy is often understood as...

Politics & Government

Countries Classified Based on Accounting Practice Systems

Notably, Belgium, China, the Czech Republic, Gambia, India, Mexico, Senegal, and Taiwan have a varied classification in terms of their legal system and accounting practice systems. However, it is evident that the legal system that a country adopts will greatly influence the accounting practice system that will be put in...

Politics & Government

Government Branches in a Statute Developing Process

The roles of Congress and the president in creating laws that are reviewed by the Supreme Court are straightforward. Since Congress is the legislative branch charged with making laws in the country, it creates bills, which become laws after the president assents to them. In the constitution, the president has...

Politics & Government

Role of an Electoral System in Determining the Outcome of an Election

An electoral system refers to a systematic and structured method through which all the votes which have been cast during an election are subjected to the process of counting, analyzing, and eventually announcing the outcome. For an electoral system to work, there must be an electoral body that is specifically...

Politics & Government

Political Parties in Democratic and Non-democratic States

Generally, the functions of political parties are being agents of political learning, interest articulation, and aggregation. The first function is exercised through the political communication tools, political socialization, and communication of the party’s goals, the true situation in the country and the pitfalls of opposing parties, and the ways this...

Politics & Government

The Doctrine of Limited Government

The doctrine of limited government states that for citizens to be ruled in a more just and humane manner, the existing government should have restricted powers that are very limited in practice. In instances where the government has excessive powers over its subjects, justice to the citizens may be limited;...

Politics & Government

The Advantages and Disadvantages of the U.S. Primary System

The U.S primary system gives eligible voters the chance to vote for candidates who will then proceed to subsequent elections. One merit of the U.S primary system is that it is more consultative and thorough. Usually, a candidate goes through a series of voting processes that ensures that the right...

Politics & Government

Affirmative Action for United States

The election of Barack Obama as President in 2008 marked the first time an African-American had been elected to the nation’s highest office. While many of his political opponents were inspired by the milestone, it also raised questions about affirmative action policies. These policies started in the late-1960’s and required...

Politics & Government

Republic as a Govenrment Form. Its Strengths and Weaknesses

This form of government in which people elect the authorities is called a republic. Depending on the main body of power elected by the people, three types of republican governance are distinguished: presidential, parliamentary, and mixed. Republic, as a form of government, has its pros and cons. The advantages are...

Politics & Government

Canada, the United States, and Mexico Renegotiations the NAFTA

The North American Free Trade Agreement is a binding pact that was appended by three member countries, namely Canada, Mexico, and United States. The agreement has been operational for nearly one and a half-decade. The impact of the treaty created a trading zone in North America. This agreement has two...

Politics & Government

What are the Implied Powers of Congress?

The definition of “implied powers” applies to powers that are not expressly provided to Congress by the Constitution but are nevertheless exercised by it. They are considered to be “necessary and proper” for the effective execution of those powers granted to it by the Constitution. Explanation: The authors of the...

Politics & Government

Seven Principles in the Context of International Relations

There are seven principles that revolve around the field of realism. The first one is the importance of evidence-based analysis to have a better or positive view of human nature. This kind of approach is essential since it tries to describe the thoughts of human beings and how they can...

Politics & Government

The Persistence of a 2-Party System Contribute to or Detract From American Democracy

The persistence of a two-party system has both positive and negative effects on the function of American democracy. The parties contribute to the organization and operation of the government. Many of the positions in the congress are a function of the two-party system, such as Majority and Minority leaders, and...

Politics & Government

The Four Democratic Concepts

The four democratic concepts/principles include property relations as one of the major principles of democracy, freedom or liberty, majority as the basic source of decisions which should be treated as sovereign, and equality which can be considered to have different meanings and forms in various theories. Thus, the concept of...

Politics & Government

U.S. Immigration Policy and Its Processes

Over 30% of newly coming to the U.S. legal immigrants are the holders of “preference visas”. It means that they have sponsors among employers or family members, being already either permanent residents or citizens. The reality is that these reference visas are not available to everyone on an equal basis....

Politics & Government

Reasons Why Franklin Delano Roosevelt Was the Greatest Leader

The first New Deal began in 1933 and focused on banking reform, work relief programs, and the end of the gold standard. That included the establishment of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which guaranteed deposits up to $5,000, thereby restoring public confidence in the banking system. Huge public works programs...

Politics & Government

Food Waste Policy Stakeholders in the UAE

The main stakeholders in the policies addressing food waste are the UAE residents, the residents of the developing countries who experience hunger, and the UAE government. The residents of the UAE play a significant role in resolving the policy problem. Thus, the main factor of the problem resolution is people’s...

Politics & Government

Industrial and Information Revolutions Effect on US Economy

The industrial revolution changed the U.S economy in several ways. During the revolution, several innovations were made which greatly changed the way society operated, turning the U.S from an agrarian society into a highly industrialized economy. Steam power made the running of machinery faster, improving both agricultural and industrial growth....

Politics & Government

Liberal Explanations for War and Peace

Liberalism posits that liberty, equality, rule of law and individual rights are the best panacea for ensuring peace in human affairs and a liberal democracy is the best form of government that ensures maintenance of such peace. Liberal approach holds that peace, stability and security are endangered by non-liberal states...

Politics & Government

The Realist Approach to National Security

The realist theory posits that since humans are predisposed to disagreements, conflict is inevitable in human affairs. All states strive for survival in such an anarchic world and thus it is national interests that reign supreme rather than ethics, morals and ideals. Doyle has very aptly put it that “International...

Politics & Government

The Influence of Public Opinion on the Policy Choices of Public Choices

To answer this question one must have a clear understanding of the terms ‘Public Opinion’ and ‘Public Choice’. The pooled or collective perspective of the public concerning a specific issue may be termed as Public Opinion. Political economy is an issue, which has enormous implications on the daily lives on...

Politics & Government

Lincoln’s vs. Davis’ Administrations During the War

The respective circumstances of the administrations of Lincoln and Davis were dissimilar in many ways. The confederacy had a limited military capacity because only ten percent of the white American population lived in the Southern states. Although many Southerners predicted victory for the South, as Davis had served as Secretary...

Politics & Government

Views of Reagan on the Government Role in the Economy

Ronald Reagan became the President of the USA at a time when the country had suffered massive setbacks in terms of suffering diminishing growth in almost all fronts of the economy in addition to a decline in the morale that resulted from a gradual deterioration of the country’s image and...

Politics & Government

National Security Concerns for the U.S. Since the End of the Cold War

The fact that the majority of American mainstream politicians cherish the concept of Globalization does not make a whole lot of sense. We need to understand that Globalization is nothing by a synonym for economic interdependence and outsourcing, which in its turn, implies that countries affected by Globalization will have...