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Popular Sample Essays


Types of Hypotheses and Their Examples

The different types of hypotheses are inductive, deductive, and research. The last is divided into directional or non-directional research and statistical hypotheses, which include a null hypothesis. An example of a directional hypothesis is if the students who use the study pack will score higher on the science test than...


Research Study: Clear Purpose and Research Question

Research should have a clear purpose as it should give benefits for both the writer and the reader. For the reader, a comprehensible purpose enables one to understand the area of study and what the research proposes to improve on the subject. On the other hand, it is a benefit...


Catastrophic Organizational Failure in Examples

Textual evidence from the investigation of disasters shows that accidents have a background, cultural context, and history. Examples of recent disasters which have a background of human failure due to the complexity of the system are the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident and the deepwater horizon spill in the Gulf of...


Environmental Trends Showing Improvement

According to Adebobola, “the spread of democratic government brings more support for spreading resources to address environmental problems, in the remote rural areas.” These efforts to reverse the trend in environmental degradation have not gone without having positive impacts on environmental trends. There are trends at both local and global...


How Hobbes’ Views on the Senses Influence His Overall Theory

In his work Leviathan, Hobbes states that the knowledge about the surrounding world is acquired through five original senses of the body or object, “which presents the organ to each sense, either immediately, as in the taste and touch, or mediate, as in seeing, hearing, and smelling”. The sense is...


The Hobbes’ Thinking on the Commonwealth

Hobbes defines Commonwealth as the multitude consolidated into one person, which he calls Leviathan. At this point, commonwealth can be also regarded as one person, of whose acts a great multitude, by mutual covenants one with another, have made themselves every one the author, to the end he may use...


Feminism: Current Gendered Movements and Causes

The third wave of the feminist movement has caused a range of debates and has stirred quite a turmoil across the globe. In hindsight, what made it so powerful and, thus, subjected to such strong opposition from the conservative side was its propensity to advocating for the rights of the...


Quality Education Without Utilizing Technology

The usage of computers in both elementary schools, classrooms, and colleges is extremely important not only for students but also for the tutors. The benefits of using computers in learning and teaching cannot be gainsaid. First, computers are capable of handling a variety of activities. Second, computers are capable of...


Ethical Decision Making Impact on Social Change

Decision-making has diverse impacts on society. Decisions are normally made to bring a lucrative change to the management and the production of various institutions. In any decision-making scenario, it is basically the responsibility of the administrators to make sure that effective decisions are made. They initiate new strategies and modes...


State of Ethics in a School as a Workplace

The present state of ethics in the workplace is very devastating. This is because of the nature and the way people in these workplaces behave when managing various departments of the companies they work for. Many organizations are now not prospering and growing as they are supposed to. The kind...


Brain-Based Learning Principles

Significance of meaningful learning In meaningful learning, there is the requirement for relevant information to accomplish the goals using the dimensions of thinking. Jensen explains that the students can apply the strategies in various activities involving decision making, solving problems, and conducting an experiment. Knowledge background The background knowledge on...


US Civil Service’s Features Establishment

The precipitating cause for the reforms package has been the assassination of President James A. Garfield by a disgruntled office-seeker during 1883. This was the culmination of the prevailing chaos and public apathy in the public administration system during that time and also the inadequacy of the government to deal...


Foucault’s Contribution to Understanding Society and Culture

Michel Foucault is mostly revered for his rather controversial ‘technologies of the self.’ He is an eminent philosopher who most contemporary social scientists and enthusiasts draw on for intellectual stimulation on matters of society and culture. Specifically, his concentration on sexuality appears intricate to an average mind. Foucault is undeniably...

Politics & Government

Policy Analysis and Political Science: Definitions

Policy Analysis Policy analysis studies ‘who gets what’ in politics, ‘why’, and ‘what consequences does it bring’. Policy analysis identifies the policies governments take, the reason why they undertake such policies, and the effects of the policies on the politicians and citizens. Policy analysis can be categorized into two broad...


Resources to Inform Teachers of Inclusive Schooling

The Australian Department of Education states that inclusive schooling programs and practices need to be evidence-based. Therefore, it is safe to say that one of the best resources to inform teachers are scientific, peer-reviewed journal articles that provide practical implications. Torres-Carrión, González-González, Bernal-Bravo, and Infante-Moro conducted a systematic review on...


The History of United States’ Conquest and Occupation of the Philippians

February 4, 1899, went down in the history of the Philippines as the beginning of a war with the United States. The barely born Philippine Republic entered into an unequal struggle with the most potent imperialist power, possessing multiple military and economic superiority. From the course and nature of military...


Achebe’s Portrayal of Africa and the African People

Comparing Achebe’s portrayal of Africa and the African people with Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, it is possible to say that the main themes of these two works are different. Achebe describes Africans as people with their own culture and tradition, he speaks that being pagans in general, they managed...


Sociopolitical Role of Art in African Tribes

Art is highly valued in African tribes. Of course, their understanding of art is rather different from ours but, still, it is no less important. Conversation, oral tradition, and literature are the most crucial types of art in Igbo tribes that make a social and political influence. Taking the role...


Story of the Tortoise and the Birds Parable Significance

The significance of parables in Ibo’s tradition may not be overestimated. It seems that parables are given as the symbols of life which people have to lead. Taking the example of the parable Tortoise and the Birds, it is notable that it is one of the best examples of Ibo’s...


Ritual, Ceremony, and Hierarchy Importance Among the Ibos

Rituals, ceremonies, and hierarchy are crucial in Igbo traditions. To prove this statement, it is important to present some examples of rituals from the book. The ritual of the kola nut symbolizes the Ibo’s tradition and desire to please their gods. When two tribes want to start a war, a...


Technology and Society in Octavia Butler’s “Bloodchild and Other Stories”

Introduction It is impossible to imagine the modern world without technological advancements. They are present in multiple spheres, including business operations, communications, entertainment, and even personal relationships among individuals. That is why it is exciting to know how this state of affairs impacts society. In particular, it is reasonable to...


Huntington’s and Barnett’s Terrorism Evolution Theories

After the end of the cold war, many writers and theorists predicted no other such historical events. However, according to Huntington, the fundamental source of conflict in this new world will not be primarily ideological or primarily economic. The great divisions among humankind and the dominating source of conflict will...


Terror Groups’ Common Structure and Organization

Understanding the structure and organization of a terrorist group is critical to identifying its weaknesses and strengths. “The smallest elements of terrorist organizations are the cells that serve as building blocks for the terrorist organization. A cellular organizational structure makes it difficult for an adversary to penetrate the entire organization.”...


Balance and Confirmation in Dreams

Balance and confirmation are the issues, which have to be mentioned during the analysis of dreams and their meaning. Proper balancing help to comprehend what makes this life fulfilling, and why people make mistakes. With the help of confirmation, people get a chance to realize that there is a certain...


How Women Are Affected by Gender and Race

Women have for the longest time possible fought for equality, and as a result of their effort, notable progress has been achieved in such areas as reproductive rights, the right to vote, and equal pay. Unfortunately, society still remains largely patriarchal, and women in different parts of the world still...


The Second Wave of Feminism and Its Criticism

The second wave of feminism refers to a phase of feminist thought and activity that took place in the United States between the early 1960s and the 1980s. This wave of feminism spread fast to different parts of the Western world. Its aim was to increase equality for women. The...


Research Design Versus Methods

Research design can be defined as the scientific model that helps in creating research that will be quantifiable, replicable, defensible, and verifiable. Normally, the model can be flexible but it is often used in the day-to-day life and it often brings evidence for any research or a report that one...

Politics & Government

Reinventing Government Services and Performance

Streamlining the Government business is a new type of technical development. This also helps the Government to involve more and more people directly in the public administration sphere. Al Gore launched a revolutionary concept about public administration. This also stops duplication in the process. There are talks about outsourcing the...

Politics & Government

Federal Bureaucracy Size and Demands on Government

The two of the most important parties in the United States of America are the Republican and the Democratic Party. One of the most important controversies between these two parties is the size of the Government. While the liberals believe that a larger government is one of the most important...


Value in the Presence of Multiple Cultural Centers

The world always shows diversity in a very vast range. “A philosophy that recognizes ethnic diversity within a society and that encourages others to be enlightened by worthwhile contributions to society by those of diverse ethnic backgrounds.” The above is the definition of multiculturalism. Multiculturalism always adds to the social...


Central Falls High School’s Problem and Theory Application

To be addressed in this discussion are the circumstances surrounding the firing of seventy-four teachers and nineteen staff officials of Central Falls High School in the Rhode Islands’ region, inclusive of the school’s principal. The firing of these teachers was decided upon by the school board on a five to...


Conflicting Cultural Values Problem

The views of the superior position of Western culture over others have been examined by investigators worldwide. It was sorted out that the superior centricity of Europe, along with the feminist and majestic principles, was just accepted due to the economic factors prevailing in the production and business fields. The...


No Child Left Behind in Low-Performing Schools

One of the benefits of the transfers, as provided in the No Child Left Behind, was that economically segregated and middle-class schools would have a minimal divide if minority and low-income groups of students were allowed to attend those schools with higher achievement levels. In addition, the practice can lead...


No Child Left Behind and Parents’ Participation in Schools

The actual problem in the education system was that children from poor communities were receiving not as much attention as concerned their education. The article outlines what the Bush administration could have considered as parental involvement in education. One of the problems cited by Paige on what parents could have...


Unfair Treatment Experience Based on Cultural Diversity

Cultural diversity has always been a source of conflict and possible division of individuals along ethnic lines. On the basis of this assertion, there are individuals who will never acknowledge or appreciate other people’s culture. Cultural diversity should be embraced by societies and, by extension, the people in it. No...

Politics & Government

Nationalism, Trans-Nationalism, Power and Globalization Concepts Definition

Over the past decade, these four concepts have been heavily used in the political language around the globe. Many scholars do believe that three of these concepts are also the stages of history for the last century, from the rise of nationalism to that of trans-nationalism and toward a global...


Why Scholars Analyze a Variety of Perspectives Regularly

It is very vital for scholars to get access to as many materials as possible when carrying out any research so as to get firsthand knowledge at the same time they are acquainted with more information on their topic of research. For you to be able to know how people...


Hamlet’s Revenge Delay Causes

While Hamlet is still mourning the death of his father, he realizes that King Claudius killed him. Moreover, his mother has betrayed both his late father and him. Therefore, loaded with all these troubles, he is unable to make the right decisions thus, delaying his plans to revenge the father’s...


Discussion of Potential Hamlet’s Madness

Although Hamlet pretends he is mad, a psychological analysis of his actions shows that he is only ferocious because of the betrayal he has undergone. He feigns the madness to divert the king’s attention away from him. In reality, a mad person can never discover a death trap planned for...


General Nature of the “Hamlet” Play

Comment on the general nature of Hamlet’s greatest play. Why does it continue to captivate people even now, four hundred years? What does the play have to say to us, smart, hip folks living in North America noShakespeare’s play Hamlet is among a few of the ancient writings that still...


Judicial Activism and Supreme Court’s Policymaking

According to the United States Constitution, it can be quoted that “The judicial Power of the United States shall be vested in one supreme Court and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.” Janda also mentioned that “judicial Power shall extend to...


Asian Studies: Takahashi Mutsuo’s “The Snow of Memory”

This is a story that provides a wide view into not only world history but also Japanese history. It also gives us a glimpse of the cultural inclinations of Japanese families. It takes a biographical note as it talks about the experiences of the author, Takahashi. It is a clear...


Discovery Learning: When Did It Start

This theory of learning has had immense contributions from Dewey and Bruner as is in pedagogical models- discovery learning. Bruner first outlined the principle of discovery of learning when he discussed the construction of knowledge from experiences. It is believed that Bruner is the first person to bring forth pragmatic...


Interpersonal Communications: Principles and Misconceptions

Communication is the process of transmitting or imparting information to a receiver. In the case of interpersonal communication, both the transmitter and receiver are human beings, although they need not necessarily be in direct physical contact with each other. Therefore, for communication to be affected in interpersonal relationships, there are...

Entertainment & Media

Television, Movies, and Games’ Relationships with Culture

Televisions have become the major communication media used to display different cultural values as well as to inform and educate the public on different topics and issues. A TV screen can be connected to other gadgets to display images as well as to play video games. It is through these...


David’s Identity in “Twelve Moments in the Life of an Artist”

A manifesto is not just a politician’s powerful tool for hoodwinking voters into buying them time in office. There are creative ways of developing and using one for personal ‘motivation,’ and it can be proudly listed in one’s portfolio of achievements. It does not matter whether the aspirations articulated in...

Entertainment & Media

Digital Media Impact on Children

As an ever-developing technology, digital media has rapidly changed our world. From daily routines and work to entertainment and leisure, digital media surrounds us. It shapes us, just as we shape it. It exerts great influence on the young, fragile minds of our children, and the next generation is going...


Tchaikovsky’s Eugene Onegin Opera’s Aspects

Eugene Onegin is an opera composed by Tchaikovsky. One of its best performances was maintained in 1983. The opera was played in three acts, but its plot required more scene changes, which attracted my attention greatly. As the first act started, the audience and the viewers could see only a...


Personality and Cognitive Development in Middle Adulthood

According to Erikson’s theory, middle adulthood faces the main conflict between generativity and stagnation. Generativity may be defined as “the concern in establishing and guiding the next generation” that becomes a key developmental event for the middle adulthood stage. When people realize that half of their life has passed, they...


Tchaikovsky’s Sixth Symphony’s Aspects

Pyotr Tchaikovsky was an outstanding Russian composer of the 19th century whose works appealed to the international public, including Europeans and Americans. For his talent, he was awarded by Emperor Alexander III and achieved enormous success. However, it did not prevent him from facing personal crisis and depression. Some music...


Organizations’ Characteristics in the Disaster Context

Studies on the causes of technological disasters have pointed out the existence of common patterns that lead to disasters. The patterns present the characteristics of most organizations. About the organizational setting, there are perception and belief rigidities. This feature has been associated with the complex nature of organizations which dictate...


Tchaikovsky’s Ballets’ Unique Aspects

According to Tchaikovsky’s brother’s words, the composer was a big admirer of the ballet who was looking for any chance to employ his musical talent in the art of dance. However, the ballet was not considered as a high-quality form of art, but, on the other hand, a primitive endeavor...


War on Drugs: Is America Winning It?

America has a pool of experience of drug interdiction. Even though it is not a new entrant to the war on drugs, its achievements are not significant. As such, there is a series of critical problems that needs to be discussed. The principal reason why it might be claimed that...


Drug Enforcement: What Is the Most Effective Form?

While discussing the most effective form of drug enforcement, it is, first and foremost, necessary to identify the main driver of the growing flow of drugs within the country. Abadinsy explains that the incidence of the use of drugs is in direct proportion to their availability. As such, it becomes...


Research Design Types and Threats to Validity

A non-experimental research design is not appropriate for addressing threats to internal validity because it depends on a non-controlled environment and does not factor treatments to the data being researched. Typically, the predictor variables cannot be manipulated by the researcher, and the results of the study are obtained through observations...


Classroom Environment Threats for Students with Autism

Apart from focusing on improving the learning environment by introducing essential elements into it, a teacher that has to address the needs of ASD learners will also have to consider the items that inhibit successful studying and get rid of them. For example, the items that will challenge the sensory...


Classroom Environment Components for Students with Autism

When considering the unique needs of ASD students and the specifics of the classroom environment that they require, one must bear in mind that the target audience is easily distracted or upset by unexpected changes in the classroom setting. Therefore, using easily recognizable elements that are incorporated in the classroom...


Protestant Reformation Leaders & Catholic Church’s Response

The Protestant movement is preceded by many others over hundreds of years. All of them were eliminated by the Roman Catholic Church. The Waldensian movement of the 12th and 13th centuries was against the public displays of wealth among churchmen. They have gained a following in Spain, France, and Italy,...


Re-Entry Policy in US Society After Prisons

According to The Re-Entry Policy Council, approximately “650,000 people were released from prison in 2004”. It means that many people with criminal records try to re-entry American society. It is sad to say that not all of them cope with the task, and recidivism rates are relatively high across the...


What Does Anthropology Analyze in the Issue of Language?

Studying languages, the anthropologist prefers to consider the nature of the language, the origin of the words and the thematic of the language in general. Many scholars are sure that each language makes the nations that use it to see the environment from different perspectives. Thus, the perception of reality...


Anthropological Perspective Regarding Language

One of the main ideas of the anthropological linguists which is not put under question is that languages are changing. Anthropological linguists in the contemporary world are sure that the languages are changing and the basis for these languages are the dialects and the languages of the communities which influence...


Ethnographic Sketch of Brazilians

This is a group of people who are found in Brazil that is located on the East Central Coast of the South American continent. Being autonomous people, each unit or village is led by a headman. This headman relies on a group of sons and in-laws for support, since his...


The Leaders of Command for the Modern War in 1864

Lincoln introduced the modern system of command for the modern war in 1864. He detailed three top positions that would affect how the war and the country was to be led. These positions were the commander in chief, the general in chief and the chief of staff. Being the president,...

Politics & Government

Conservatism in American Life From 1968 to the Present

The conservatism movement in the U.S. was influenced by various political and economic factors. Since the late 1960s, many Republican party supporters have supported conservative government policies which favor a reduction in government regulation of economic activities and an increase in military spending. Conservatism grew as a reaction to the...


The Protection of Human Research Participants

There has been a dramatic change in the issues in regard to the protection of human research participants during the past thirty years. With the onset and realization of human rights on an increasing basis, the scientific community has become very protective in regard to the well-being and safety of...

Politics & Government

Why Should Legal Immigration Be Expanded?

Such issues as immigration have long-been debated by economists and policy-makers. In popular opinion, this phenomenon is often associated with job insecurity and increased expenses on social security. However, one should take into account that legal immigrants can pay the same taxes and insurance fees and they do not always...


Which Social Issues Are Most Relevant?

The most common social issues examples in society include bad habits, drug abuse, social stratification, racism, sexism, chauvinism, crime, bribery, and corruption. Explanation: With the development of humankind and under the influence of the latest technologies, new problems arise that people have not even thought about before. They accumulate and,...


What Were the Consequences of Hamdan v. Rumsfeld Case?

In Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, the U. S. Supreme Court ruled that the trial of Guantanamo Bay detainees by military commission or tribunal is illegal. This contradicts the Uniform Code of Military Justice and Common Article 3 of the Geneva Convention. Ultimately, this means these regulations are enforceable by the Supreme...


What is the Purpose of the FERPA?

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is an act regulating access to educational records by public structures such as educational institutions, employers, and foreign governments. Explanation: FERPA is a law that was established and introduced by James L. Buckley in 1974 in the United States. This act presupposes the protection...


What is the Third Estate? What Role Did it Play in Revolution?

The Third Estate was the social class under the Old Regime, represented by peasants. The struggles the representatives of the Third Estate had were the causes of the French Revolution. Explanation: Three estates, also known as estates of the realm, were orders of the hierarchy of society used in Christian...


What’s the Difference Between Equity and Equality?

Equity admits that different people have diverse conditions and attempts to fill the gap. It distributes resources in accordance with individual needs, while equality divides the resources between all the subjects equally because it aims to treat all people as they are the same in their rights. Explanation: Both equality...


A Country’s Change in Diplomatic Norms of Behavior

There is a high likelihood for every long-term crisis to turn into a real war, which entails a complete change in the countries’ approach to each other. In 2020, there was another Nagorno-Karabakh war, which is a solid example of how nations that have been engaged in a tense but...


Islam and Its Personally Important Six Characteristics

There are certain characteristics of Islam that are important for humanity and religion in general, and therefore, are appealing to me. Firstly, I see the principle of collaboration and assistance as one of the most significant characteristics of Islam, as I think that religion has the power of unification. Secondly,...


Ijtihad and Legislation Sources in Islam

In Islamic law, Ijtihad is the process of legal reasoning and interpretation of the issues that are not clearly covered in the sacred sources. In its literal meaning, the word can be defined as striving or a physical or mental effort. Indeed, using reasoning in finding a solution is a...

Politics & Government

What Did George Washington Thanksgiving Proclamation State?

George Washington’s Thanksgiving proclamation stated that there should be a special day when all Americans would unite in the appreciation of safety and happiness across the United States, celebrating all the religious and civil liberties that are available to them. Explanation For the first time, George Washington, the first President...

Politics & Government

Racism in Stories by Coates & Eberhardt, Obama and Stevenson

The selected works offer powerful insights and arguments that policymakers and government officials need to consider in the coming years. The studied stories present a nexus that can support a paradigm shift in an effort to address the longstanding issue of racism in American society. The first notable solution is...


Field Education Experiences in Social Work

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of field education experiences in social work. This initiative is directly connected to the improvement of one’s skills, allowing one to cope with practical situations, which is an excellent complement to the previously received theoretical knowledge. It is clear that professional growth and...


Hong Kong Student’s Experiences in Canada

The role of higher education institutions in society may be difficult to define, though many individuals can do it by analyzing their own experiences. I have a good understanding of it as an international student who studies in a country with completely different traditions and standards compared with the ones...

Politics & Government

A Long-Term Versus Acute International Crisis

A long-term crisis has lasting effects on the people of countries that are involved in it. This manifests itself in a situation when every generation is taught to detest their opponents. Every side blames it on the other one, and this pattern continues over many decades, which inherently hinders any...


Self-Care Activities to Deal With Anxiety

The self-care exercises have shown to be imperative for identifying my personal views on how the high levels of stress can be reduced and managed. The five activities chosen to reach the desired self-care goals include spending time in nature, getting a massage, having a 20-minute nap, blocking out 30...


Difference in the Cultural Connotation of the Two Images

Image A represents the logo of the organization of Amnesty International aimed at suggesting the role of the company in protecting against unfair imprisonment as a social injustice. The image presents a burning candle encircled by a wire. The wire would represent the unjust torture of the prisoners. The other...


Noun Phrases and Their Semantic Role in the Sentences

The pilot flew the plane.In this sentence, ‘The pilot’ plays the semantic role of an agent since the noun is linked to a verb in the Active Voice. The specified NP aligns with its grammatical role in the sentence since ‘The pilot’ is a subject in it. ‘The plane,’ in...


The Five Theories of Migration to Construct a Coherent Theory of Migration

The theories of migration are: The Neoclassical theory bases its arguments on differential wages. This means that international migration is necessitated by the scarcity of labor in some nations and the surplus of labor in others. The geographical disparity in labor supply and demand acts as the incentive of migration....


Racial Tensions and Immigration in California

The state of California has always been famous for its ethnic and cultural diversity. However, various groups and nations have never been treated fairly and respectfully enough. As mentioned by Starr: “American California was founded on racial distinctions and repressions: the disenfranchisement of black and Asians, the aggression against Mexican...

Politics & Government

The Various Types of Federal Systems

There is a direct connection between the country’s political organization and its economic capability; through the organization of communication and transportation networks, arrangements for land tenure systems, etc. the state takes care of enhancing human opportunity, exploiting natural resources, etc. An efficient communication system is of strategic importance for political...

Politics & Government

The Executive Branch and the Formulation of Public Policy

The executive branch of government is one of the oldest ones, and indeed, at the present period of time it is one of the most powerful ones in any kind of state, be it a democracy or an autocracy. “Every political system has an executive in which leadership is concentrated...

Politics & Government

International Negotiations: Shaping Character and Outcomes

Countries that win wars have complete leverage over the ones which lose them and therefore can demand anything they want from their opponents during the process of negotiations. For example, after the Second World War, Germany was in ruins and despised by the whole world for the atrocities it committed...


Civil Rights vs. Black Lives Matter Movement

After learning about the Civil Rights Movement in the United States, I have a better understanding of the current protests in the country. I believe that the current Black Lives Matter movement is comparable to the Civil Rights Movement in various respects. One of the similarities between the two movements...


Teachers’ Misunderstandings with English Language Learners

Teaching is the art of imparting knowledge to the learner. Learning, on the other hand, is the acceptance of knowledge by the mind of the learner. No student is particularly similar to the other, especially in terms of the ability to understand things. Some students understand quickly, while others are...


How Quantitative & Qualitative Research Contribute to Theory

The methods of carrying out research can be classified into two broad categories: quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative research mainly refers to the empirical examination of phenomena by means of mathematical and statistical techniques. Conversion of data into a measurable form provides an easy way to easily categorize and work with...

Politics & Government

Education and Law Enforcement Issues in the United States

The role of political leaders is to promote the formulation of policies that resonate with the demands of their people. President-elect Joe Biden needs to consider evidence-based strategies to address the gaps in education and law enforcement. As a participant in the intended meetings to advise Biden, I am planning...


Confounds in Research Design: Definition & Examples

A confound is an extraneous variable that is beyond the control of the experimenter. Confounds affect the cause-and-effect relationship between the independent and dependent variables. In this way, they make it difficult for the researcher to determine the effects of the independent variable on the dependent ones. According to Brennan,...


How Wiesel’s Understanding of God Changes in the Book “Night”

The book “Night” by Wiesel, which was awarded the Nobel Prize, depicted the events of World War II and touched upon the problem of the Holocaust. The author of the book was the prisoner of Buchenwald, and he saw with his own eyes all those terrible events. The book, written...


Post-WWII Events That Caused Loss of Faith in American Way

When the United States finally joined the Allied Powers and helped in delivering victory against the Axis Powers, Americans felt untouchable and unstoppable, especially after the American Forces successfully used the revolutionary atomic bombs against Japan. However, several events after the war led many of them to lose faith in...


Resurrection in the Old Testament

Resurrection in the Old Testament is depicted in multiple ways. Although this theme is predominantly expressed in the New Testament, one can state that the roots of resurrection are present in the Old Testament as well. For example, Daniel refers to rebirth in the following – “and many of those...


Industrial Economics and Its Social Impact on Britain

Historians acknowledge the importance of the 18th century to Great Britain. Britain and some parts of Europe witnessed a dramatic shift in agricultural practices from traditional farming methods to mechanized farming. Land availability was a major contributing factor that led to the agricultural revolution. As a result, farmers embraced the...


World History. Liberalism, Democracy, Socialism

Liberalism is a distinct political movement that came about during the age of enlightenment. It was a prominent ideological perspective among philosophers, economists, and scientists. The main thrust of this ideology was to support the issue of equality of all before the eyes of the law. Furthermore, a liberal government...


Counseling the Culturally Diverse Individuals

As an independent woman who grew up in a predominantly western society, I tend to prefer egalitarian relationships over hierarchical ones. I believe that an equal spread of responsibilities between two partners that form a family is necessary for the cohesive development of the social institution that provides greater happiness...


Social Support Theory and Crime Prevention

Concerning its scientific novelty, the social support theory attempts to find new links between the transmission of social capital and risk factors for crime. Its basic concept, social support, has been known long before the emergence of Cullen’s theory and used to study the factors impacting the sources of crime...


The Importance of Demons to the Life of the Early Christian Ascetics

The presence of demons in a human life is the truth that cannot be neglected. People say that they may suffer from the demons in their heads, the religious people talk about the necessity to resist and fight against the demons, and philosophers underline the fact that every demon has...


The Impact of Individualism, Ethnic Nationalism, and Class Rule on Society

The three ideologies – individualism, ethnic nationalism, and class rule emerged to connect opinions regarding social, political, and cultural nature of the society. According to Lockard (2011), nationalism unifies people who share the same culture on a particular territory. It can be argued that such an approach illuminates any possibility...