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Maslow’s Motivation and Hierarchy of Needs

Abraham Maslow made five basic assumptions about motivation within his famous theory of personality. The first one is that motivation affects the entire organism, not its part (holistic approach). Secondly, several diverse motives (factors) contribute to motivation’s complexity (Taormina & Gao, 2013). Third, Maslow revealed that human beings are continuously...


Should Certain Drugs Be Legalized?

Introduction The debate on drug legalization is intricate. The debate on whether certain drugs considered harmful to human health should be prohibited or not has always stirred controversies across the public domain. This is not peculiar to the United States. It happens across the world such as in Portugal where...


Chavez’s Connection With Terrorist Groups

State-sponsored terrorism is a term loosely used to describe terrorism sponsored by nation-states. As with terrorism, the precise definition and the identification of particular examples are subjects of heated political dispute but here we take the example of Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, Modern Day Bolivia who has great distaste for...


Laws and Differences Between Them

Substantive law incorporates written statutory rules that govern how people behave and are mostly passed by the legislature. The statutory rules define the crimes and set forth the appropriate punishment mechanisms for such crimes (Walston-Dunham 152). The laws also establish the rights and obligations defining what an individual citizen should...


Participation of African Americans in Clinical Trials

This research will differ substantially from other work carried out on the topic because not only will it get to the root cause of low African American participation in clinical trials by determining the most influential reasons, but it will also look for solutions to this problem of low participation....


Research Methods: Analysis of Two Article

Hopkins, M., & Spillane, J. (2014). Schoolhouse teacher educators: Structuring beginning teachers’ opportunities to learn about instruction. Journal of Teacher Education, 65 (4), 327-339. This article starts with two clearly stated research questions, viz. “Who is doing the work of beginning teacher education inside schools and how do these schoolhouse teacher...


Use of Cascading Styles Sheets (CSS) in Web Design

Cascading style sheet (CSS) is a programming language that defines how a page requested by the client is to be rendered in the web browser. It is used in conjunction with HTML or XHTML markup languages. CSS can be used to manipulate page colors making pages to be more attractive,...

Entertainment & Media

Using of Social Media Sites

Newsgroups A newsgroup is a depository for messages received from various users in remote locations. Newsgroups are normally within a Usenet program and they perform the same function as discussion forums on the internet. People post messages on newsgroups with the aim of letting other users to read and respond...


Are Viruses Alive: Viruses, Viroids, and Prions

According to Villarreal in his article “Are Viruses Alive,” notes that biologists have suggest that viruses, viroids, and prions are in a gray area between living and non-living organisms; they portray some characteristics that qualify them to be living organisms; however some of their characteristics hinder their full qualification (Villarreal,...


Drug Law Enforcement

The Texas state neighbors Mexico on the southeast border of the United States. It also hosts one of the largest shipping ports in the world thus forming a point of entry for goods into the US. The Texan population is formed by a large percentage of migrant labor force mainly...


Business Law: Affirmative Action

“Affirmative action, the set of public policies and initiatives designed to help end past and present discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin was originally enacted to help African-Americans become full citizens of the United States” (Sykes, 1995).In America, affirmative action refers to laws, programs and social...

Tech & Engineering

The Computer Hardware and Software

Different levels of computing require different computer hardware and software according to the computing requirements. This implies that the selection of computer hardware and software should be done by the changing needs of the larger organization and its respective information systems at the various computing levels including personal, workgroup, and...


Education Research Methodology and Statistics

Causal-comparative study This is the method that reveals the casual relationship existing between variables. It relates the subject in question to already available data provided by the management. The approach of this study involves analyzing the effect of the problem and then determining the cause of the problem or of...

Tech & Engineering

The Communication Technology in Internet

Introduction The Internet has evolved into an essential component for vast majorities in their daily lives. It is impossible to cite any organizations, businesses, hospitals, companies, and even offices where the Internet is not used to enhance their performance. The Internet has become a way of life and a primary...


Free Movement of Services and Related Legal Cases

ECJ case law surrounding the articles 56-62 TFEU (49-55TEC) Case 33-74 Johannes Henricus Maria van Binsbergen v Bestuur van de Bedrijfsvereniging voor de Metaalnijverheid [1974] ECR 1299 became the backbone of the direct applicability principle1. In Article 56 of the TFEU, it is stated that nationals from member states shall...


Why God and Evolution Can Co-Exist

Introduction Just like Christianity, science is a belief in the existence of the world. Over many years, since educational civilization, science has been in conflict with religion. There have been explorations in space and technological advancements to disapprove of God as the creator of heaven and earth. However, prominent physicists...


“The Quantum Leads in the Wrong Direction” by Wynn

Quantum Leads in the Wrong Direction just presents the instances that have been affecting the natural science field as it sets a straight record by clearly demonstrating the wrong brand of science and comparing it with the true scientific approaches that are pseudoscience which is subject to challenge through critical...


Quantitative and Qualitative Data – Gangs

Introduction Collecting information on criminal gangs is one of the most dangerous undertakings a researcher can venture into due to the risks involved in the whole exercise. Research methodology, which researchers will use on such groups, should clearly state methods and procedures of collecting data to avoid dangerous instances, which...


The Problem of Evil in Modern Theology

Philosophers and theologists discuss the existence of evil in the world for centuries, and it remains urgent in modern life. When people face major catastrophic events, they tend to ask why God let the severe conditions appear, and the argument of teaching humanity a lesson is not convincing enough. The...


The Using of Hypothetical Testing

Statistical Inference The use of hypothetical testing in any educational or scientific research has been considered as essential to analyze the data and information collected in a scientific manner to validate the results of the research. Hypothesis testing is an integral part of the analysis of variances normally used by...


Illegal Immigration and Its Influence on US Healthcare

Introduction The United States of America is one of the leading economies in the world; there are top notch facilities in the country. The health care facilities provided in the country have many flaws and this is because of the illegal immigration and other factors which affect the overall quality...


Abortion: an Inherent Right of Every Woman

The question of whether abortions should be legal remains a topical one for nearly every nation worldwide. This issue is particularly sensitive since there are only two possible options to choose from, a person can be either pro-life or pro-choice. Naturally, it generates endless debates between supporters of the two...


Pollution of the Marine Environment

The world ocean covers over 70% of the Earth’s surface, and hundreds of thousands of marine species contribute to its biodiversity. All the oceanic animals, plants, and bacteria that exist in the ocean are considered marine life. Before the first environmental laws were implemented in the second part of the...


The Crude Oil Processing

Introduction In their lives, people repeatedly encounter gasoline — a light yellow liquid with a unique odor — because it is one of the essential components of the fuel industry. Automobile refueling makes it possible to fill the car with gasoline, and then, by running the engine, the organic liquid...


Climate Change. Problems. Effects

The issue of climate change has gone beyond the framework of environmental problems, and it permeates the global economy. It has promoted relations between countries, and this tendency will persist for the upcoming decades. Moreover, climate change will affect not only the economy but also the culture between countries, and...


Disputes Over the South China Sea

The international conflict regarding the South China Sea has been going on for several years. Several countries participate in disputes over this territory, including the People’s Republic of China, Malaysia, Brunei, the Philippines and Vietnam. These unresolved issues are the main source of conflict in the Asia-Pacific region. Moreover, they...


William Lloyd Garrison in the Abolitionist Movement

Introduction From 1861 to 1865, the US experienced a civil war that was the result of a conflict between the North and the South. The primary reason for the emergence of this disunion within the country was the difference between the sides’ opinions on the abolition of slavery. As with...


Marijuana Addiction and Legalization in the US

Recently, the issue of marijuana addiction and the spread of this substance have drawn much attention from specialists and the general public. The problem is that there are different opinions about whether the use of marijuana should be illegal, or if it can be legally used for specific purposes. Some...


Global Warming: From Theory to Fact

The theory of global warming is becoming more and more popular – it is discussed in the media, many people research on all of the possibilities that may be related to or caused by the warming. There are many articles on the World Wide Web that describe a possible impact...


Whats Solar Power?

For centuries now, most people have used solar power as a source of energy. Although most energy used today has its source from the sun, not all of it can be termed to be solar power. When we talk of solar power in terms of renewable energy, it is associated...

Tech & Engineering

Product Life Cycle of Apple iPhone Assessment

Every product undergoes the five stages of product life cycle (PLC) at a certain period of its manufacturing. These stages are the introduction phase, the growth phase, the maturity phase, the saturation phase, and the decline. When analyzing the PLC of any item, it is necessary to focus on the...


The Guidelines for Special Education

Special education may be defined as a government-supported system that gives all students with disabilities the opportunity to meet their specific and unique learning needs and fulfill their true potential through specialized guidelines. Due to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), in the United States, special education is the...


Early Childhood Education: High Scope and German Early Child Education

Early childhood education has been proven to have a lasting effect on a person’s life. There are numerous ways and education methods that are being used in the provision of learning experience and the necessary skills. High Scope is considered to be an effective learning technique that positively reflects on...


Teacher and School Leadership Capabilities

Introduction A teacher leader is one who takes an active role in various activities of the school. This includes assisting students as well as supporting school projects to ensure that success is achieved. Consequently, a teacher leader helps shape the course of the school, motivates colleagues in their duties, and...

Tech & Engineering

Computer Security: Ping Seeps and Port Scans

Abstract The interior motive of this piece of work is to investigate the security concerns of the company as a result of the introduction of nefarious computer activities called ping sweeps and port scans. Introduction Network security is vital especially for companies dealing with a large amount of data. Protection...


Oil Management and Governance in Niger

Brief Proposal Many countries that are endowed with rich natural resources are often expected to have better social and economic outcomes, compared to their counterparts that do not have these resources (Kadafa 2012). This is why some of the major economies in the Middle East and Africa have better economic...


Theories of Personality and Cognitive Development

Abstract This paper explores and uses Erickson’s theory of personality development as a reference point in explaining experiences Tanya faces in her life. The paper integrates Piagets’ and Erickson’s theories in explaining how individual cognitive development influences human personality. In addition, the paper will use cognitive development theory and personality...

Politics & Government

Theories of Partial Separation of Powers

Partial separation of powers – is the model of governance in which three branches of power overlap in some ways. That means that legislative, executive and judicial branches share some powers and responsibilities. In England, for example, judicial power is involved in the affairs of the government which means the...


Elements of a Negligent Tort

A tort refers to a civil wrong while negligence is a state of having a “don’t care” attitude. Negligent tort refers to an act that is committed as a result of failure by an individual to act in a reasonable manner to another person to whom such an individual is...

Tech & Engineering

Project Management: Project Planning Tools

Introduction A project is a set of tasks undertaken to achieve specific objectives within a precise time frame. Tasks falling under this definition existed many years ago, and they include the construction of pyramids and the great wall in Egypt and China respectively. They had timelines, goals and were temporary...


Metamorphic Rocks: Origin and Formation

Introduction Metamorphic rocks are formed when pre-formed and old rocks undergo metamorphism, which is a process whereby the rocks are exposed to high temperatures and pressure. The rocks are initially under intense pressure due to the outer layers exerting tons and tons of pressure on the inner layers. The pressure...


The War of 1812 Between America and Great Britain

The War of 1812 between America and Great Britain was one of the toughest battles fought by America after its independence. In December 1814, a peace treaty that finally put an end to the war was signed in Europe. By closely looking at the war, we find that even though...


Theory of Moral Reasoning by Kohlberg

Introduction The theory by Lawrence Kohlberg of moral reasoning borrows from the concepts presented by Piaget on cognitive reasoning. It postulates that people go through 3 levels of moral reasoning with 6 stages of which cannot be skipped or reversed. According to him, these stages apply to all people of...

Politics & Government

Abolishing the Death Penalty

Introduction Death penalty is considered to be one of the most barbaric practices in the word and countries which still practice it are indeed at a big loss of their legal dignity. The fact that someone is sentenced to death amounts to killing and is outright wrong no matter the...


Stressor, and Culture and Organizational Behaviors

Introduction Stress can be defined as the disturbance of the normal body function; while at its optimum conditions. More precisely, stress refers to the imbalance of homeostasis in the body caused by an intruding stimulus; whose response was not well prepared for. Stress can either be positive referred to as...


Communicating With Primates Using Sign Language

Introduction Communication in primates is only possible when there is the presence of a vocal tract to produce sound. The first primates (an australopithecine) never had a fully developed vocal tract compared to the latter homo species. It is out of the incapacity of primates to produce a sound that...


Analysis of EFA, CFA, SEM

In this study, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and regression analysis are applied instead of using the combination of Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). In spite of the fact that CFA and SEM are often selected by researchers in order to examine relationships between variables and test...


Private and Public Schools Comparison

The debate on public versus private schools has no clear cut rights or wrongs. Parents, students, teachers and other education stakeholders value different aspects in schools and one ought to give precedence to those factors that make their experience more enriched. Comparison of Private Versus Public Schools The most distinct...

Politics & Government

Capital Punishment as a National Issue

‘Capital Punishment’ is the lawful punishment by death for a serious crime. The U.S Constitution does not clearly state if Capital Punishment is allowed or not. Its Eighth Amendment states: “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted” ( Anti-Capital Punishment people...


Legislation. Patient Access to Health Care Services

‘’To improve patient access to health care services and provide improved medical care by reducing the excessive burden the liability system places on the health care delivery system’’ (The Library of Congress Thomas 1). The bill is sponsored by Rep Gingrey, Phil [GA-11] and was introduced in the house on...


American Revolution for Disadvantaged Groups

American revolution war which was fought between the Great Britain and 13 Briton colonies was started in 1775 to 1783 on the North American continent It marked the peak of the American revolution by overthrowing the British rule. The American Revolution did not change the society in a great deal...


Karl Marx vs Max Weber: Differing Views on Social Class

Introduction Karl Marx and Max Weber had differing views on social class, thus contributing a lot to the field of sociology in several ways. Basically, the most important contribution the two made can be reflected in their unique and separate approaches to the theory of social class that leads to...


Psychology: Motivation and Work

Every organization functions when all the faculties are at their best state. There is intense need for motivation of the different levels of the work force. Motivation is more of a psychological than physical. There are therefore, theories made to help motivators come up with the appropriate methods and tools...


Martin Luther King Jr in the Vietnam War Era

Martin Luther King Jr was born on January 15th 1929 in Atlanta Georgia and served as a co-pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta from 1914 to 1931. He later attained his first B.A degree in 1948 from Morehouse College. Having served in the church ministry, martin later joined Crozer...


Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act History

Introduction “The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act” was passed in 1974. It is also well known as “the Buckley Amendment”. Buckley is the name of its proponent. It is a federal law of the United States. Privacy of student education records is protected by this law. Educational records mean...


“Rip Van Winkle” by Washington Irving: Summary and Background

Rip Van Winkle was a dearly loved person in his village. He loved being with children. He played, brought toys, and narrated tales for them which they enjoyed overwhelmingly. Thus his popularity was unrivaled in the village when it came to children. Although he was at all times ridiculed by...


Block Play: Method of Teaching

Introduction Block play: was invented by Friedrich Froebel more than two hundred years ago. is designed for children’s educational development is perfect for children’s educational development due to their characteristic playfulness and curiosity. Early age brain development and block play Children exhibit mathematical awareness long before they go to school:...


Drug and Alcohol Abuse and Its Causes

Drug and alcohol abuse is one of the main problems that affected modern society. This problem becomes a real burden for many families living in low-class environments. Drug and alcohol abuse is not an individual problem but a social one caused by poverty and the inability to find a well-paid...


Age Discrimination In America’s Human Resource Offices

Introduction In an organization, age discrimination manifests itself when a person’s age is considered while recruiting, promoting or offering specific job benefits. In America, this discrimination mostly affects aged people who are often singled out in preference of the young recruits. Conversely, there have been several incidences where young workers...


Stress in Higher Education International Student

Introduction The following is a research essay that focuses on the stress and tension level faced by the higher education bearing international students. It would include all the necessary details and information which would highlight the problems, circumstances, living conditions, and living styles inherited by the higher education students. Discussion...

Tech & Engineering

Supply Chain Management: Dell computer

Dell computer was founded in 1984 by Michael Dell and is today one of the most successful businesses. From the beginning, they integrated a new concept of a direct sales model which eliminated middlemen and sold directly to the consumer, and a build-to-order process of manufacturing which they named Dell...


Changes in Higher Education in Saudi Arabia

The saying that “the only constant thing in this world is change” is an irony most people struggle with. Coming out of one’s comfort zone may be a gruelling process that spans from the introduction of the idea of change to the implementation of the change itself. If change within...

Family, Life & Experiences

Heritage and Identity in Alice Walker’s ‘Everyday Use’

To begin with, let us mention, that the short story “Everyday Use” was written by Alice Walker and it is a remarkable literary work that is worth readers’ attention due to its deep meaning and symbolism. The author manages to convey her ideas by means of describing three unique female...


“A Rose for Emily” a Story by William Faulkner

The story “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner is one of the famous short stories. William Faulkner is one of the well-known American writers of the twentieth century that belongs to the famous Southern writers. The plot of the story centers on the relationship between the Grierson’s family and...


Sociology: Social Stratification, Social Class, Social Mobility, Social Change

Social stratification refers to the unequal distribution of income, power, and resources among members of the same community or nation so that some individuals or families enjoy better lives due to higher income and standards of living as compared to those who lead lives in poverty and do not have...


Bernini, Caravaggio, and Rembrandt Works Comparison

The three artworks discussed – Bernini’s The Ecstasy of St. Theresa, Caravaggio’s The Calling of St. Matthew, and Rembrandt van Rijn’s Resurrection of Christ are now analyzed for their resemblance with the typical artwork of the baroque period in terms of form, content and subject matter. Baroque art of the...


Aspects of Psychology: Erikson’s Stages

Initiative –v Guilt Erikson’s third stage, that of Initiative-v-Guilt, relates primarily to early school years, often pre-schoolers, and their internal struggles at that age. It is highly significant developmentally as the basis for much of what comes later. Erikson believed that through play, many of the issues confronting the developing...


Women in Early America: Women’s Rights

The “golden age” theory originating in the book by Elizabeth Anthony Dexter, Colonial Women of Affairs asserted that the condition of women in the colonial era was better than it was in the capitalist age (Dexter). According to this line of argument, women were scarce in the pre-industrial era, and...


Cross-Cultural Communication Issues

How and in what ways do cultures communicate differently? Cultures communicate differently basing on what is preferred or done in one culture to the others that are not done but preferred to other cultures. culture pluralism comes forth as a result of sticking to the original norms that have coexisted...


Substance Abuse and Its Effect on Health

Introduction Drugs are substances that when absorbed in the bloodstream alter or modify the bodily functions. They manifest in the form of loss of control over the mind, which is the most common and most immediate effect upon consumption. There are numerous drugs easily available in the market and can...


Expressionism: Term Definition

Expressionism (from expression – expressiveness) – a modernist flow in the West European art, mainly in Germany, the first third of 20th century, prevailing in the specific historical period – into the threshold of the First World War. The ideological basis of expressionism became an individualistic protest against the deformed...


The Origins of Hip-Hop Culture

Hip hop dates back to 1970 and is considered to be a cultural movement among Americans and African Americans. Dj Clive ‘Kool Herc’ is considered to be a founder of hip-hop music, he made hip-hop music’s blueprint and culture by building upon the Jamaican tradition of boasting or toasting impromptu...

Tech & Engineering

Project Management in Organizations.

Project design and implementation of an information system in an organization assumes utmost importance today. Hence, teams handling project need to consider both the technical as well as ethical implications of a project plan (Rogerson, 1996). So projects need to adopt ethical sensitivity, make sure ethical issues are well thought-out...


“Out, Out” by Robert Frost

The poem “Out, Out” by Robert Frost is a realistic depiction of the flow of life in rural areas where it is shown how it can be interrupted suddenly. This paper analyzes the poem in terms of its narration and its main theme. The setting of the poem could be...


Woman’s Position in the Society

Introduction The analysis of the gender concept has been popular over the centuries. This notion covered a lot of national interactions and gender protests. It should be noted that the roles and dominance of genders cannot be fixed or exactly identified. A lot of authors tried to examine the role...


“A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner

Introduction “A Rose for Emily” By William Faulkner is one of the typical stories, reflecting the main character, Emily as soul of conflicts, disintegrated soul. The whole story revolves round one main character, Emily and one town, narrated by an unknown narrator. Emily lives a luxurious life in a poor...

Politics & Government

Pro Death Penalty Classic Argument.

The law is a very specific type of classification. It is enacted in such a way that wrong and right, black and white, self-defense, and unjustifiable acts are clearly defined and acted upon. For example, The bouncing check law does not punish a person for the act of issuing a...


Social Responsibility in Society and Business

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and investor activism have become more commonplace in modern corporations and central to the core of emerging companies. Aspects such as political participation, climate change, diversity, and human rights are among some of these issues which can take on various forms depending on the industry or...


Social Learning Theory

One of the major perspectives within behaviorism, social learning theory, states that behaviors are learned through observation and imitation. Even though children and adolescents are particularly exposed to social learning, there are almost no age limitations to the development of new behaviors. Due to the development of communication technologies, the...


Reading Between the Lines: My Papa’s Waltz and Mending Wall

Theodore Roethke – My Papa’s Waltz Being easily one of the most misunderstood poems in the history of American poetry, My Papa’s Waltz is appealing to the general audience in many ways. Personally, I like the poem for several reasons, one of them being the atmosphere that the given poem...


The Characters of Eleonora and Tia Roma Comparison

Topic Is it relevant to discuss Eleonora in “Eleonora” by Edgar Allan Poe and Tia Roma in Torquemada at the Stake by Benito Perez Galdos as agents of knowledge or as objectified characters? Textual evidence Quote #1 (from text #1) Eleonora “grieved to think that, having entombed her in the...

Tech & Engineering

Technology and Its Impact on Teaching

Digitalization of different spheres and professions of the modern world brings significant changes to everyday activities. One of the fields in which technology is emerging the most rapidly during the last decades in education. Therefore, technological tools and digital methods have become more widespread in educational spheres. Our institution has...


Sociological Issues in the Concept of “Double-Consciousness” by Du Bois

The Concept of “Double-Consciousness “ Du Bois’s book became a sensation of the time and is still a work that shows the view and feelings of black people in America from historical and sociological sides. The concept of “double-consciousness” reflects the state of African Americans who are forced to identify...


Personal Development Plan

Personal development plan is a step by step guidance that an individual lay down, based on self awareness, own reflection and assessment, expectations or endings, and strategies that one is willing to apply to affect this plan in order to accomplish his or her life goals. Competencies I am a...


Ivan the Terrible – A Statesman or a Madman?

Introduction Ivan the Terrible was one of the most famous and influential Russian rulers in its history. He is remembered for his reforms of the Russian state, which strengthened the central power of the monarch and weakened the nobility and the Boyars, as well as for his expansion to the...

Politics & Government

World Trade Organization as a Global Institution

The World Trade Organization is the sole global body that deals with fairness in trade among nations. It designs rules to ensure that large economies and small economies are at par in economic growth. However, its policies and propositions are not popular with most nations. It aims to facilitate demand...

Politics & Government

Comparative Analysis of Realism and Neorealism in International Relations

Introduction Realism and neo-realism originated from war in the 5th Century BC. Hans made his first contribution to the concepts in 1948. Kenneth Waltz further made his contributions to the concepts in 1979 and he did this by first describing the concepts separately. Realism Realism is a term that has...

Entertainment & Media

The Beatles: Eight Days a Week – the Touring Years

The documentary film The Beatles: Eight Days a Week – the Touring Years hit the box offices on 15 September in the United Kingdom, home to the famous band members. The director of the film is Ron Howard, a filmmaker and an actor from the USA. The film focuses on...


School-Family-Community Partnership Policies

Student Achievement Parental involvement within the educational system is generally considered a positive phenomenon from teachers’ perspectives. While parents tend to develop a positive attitude toward the specified idea as well, their initial reaction tends to include reluctance. There is a difference between discrimination, prejudice, and stereotype. Stereotypes, including both...


English as a Second Language Program Implementation

Plan of Implementing a Program of ESL Learning English as a second language is getting more and more popular nowadays. I am excited to have received an opportunity to be responsible for organizing and implementing a program of ESL teaching in our district. While the immigrant population in our area...

Tech & Engineering

Denver International Airport’s Baggage-Handling System

Summarize the problems BAE encountered in implementing the baggage-handling system for the Denver International Airport. Implementing the baggage-handling system for the Denver International Airport BAE faced a number of issues. First of all, there was an error concerning time management. The baggage-handling system had to be installed within very strict...


Cosmetic Testing on Animals

Introductory Paragraph The use of laboratory animals is among the most common practices in experimental pharmacology, cosmetics production, and even weapons development. Although this approach to testing is extremely popular nowadays, the appropriateness of animal tests in the cosmetics industry belongs to highly debatable topics capable of polarizing society. Despite...


Stereotype Threat: Effects on Education

Introduction The article Stereotype threat: effects on education addresses the existing stereotypes about race and gender. This article is authored by two prolific scholars; Carry Smith, a Mississippi State University Ph.D. candidate, and Li-Chung Hung an assistant professor at the Taiwanese University. The article focuses on the stereotypes surrounding females...


A Scoring Rubric for an Essay Exam

Writing an essay is not an easy task – following the assignment guidelines, introducing some elements of originality, and at the same time managing to stay within the boundaries of the topic, offering solid bibliography is very hard. However, assessing the level of students’ performance on the given type of...


Waste Handling and Control as Fundamental Phenomena

Waste handling and control is a fundamental phenomenon in the world today. Besides contributing to a safe living environment, it safeguards the human population against exposure to health related hazards. Waste handling and control encompasses a wide range of activities. They include; collection, storage, transportation, treatment, and disposal. These processes...


“How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie

Part One Part one of the book presents the essential practices of handling people. Chapter one under part one begins with the affirmation that if people want to collect honey, they should not kick the beehive. This means that attacking other individuals is worthless because it only puts them on...


Students’ Learning and Teachers’ Support

I did the interview on eight high school students from four different high schools in Texas. The aim of the interview was to show the importance of listening to students before the administration implements decisions affecting them. The inspiration behind the process is the obvious problems in our institutions like...

Tech & Engineering

Communicating Project Management

Scope Management Plan Work Performance Analysis In Scope Out of Scope Uncertain Efficient procurement management services None Variances in procurement management needs Cost friendly procurement management services None Customized services might surpass the projected cost Customized procurement management services Limited customer budget Changed customer preference Variance Analysis In Scope Out...

Tech & Engineering

E-Learning Types, Tools, and Technologies

Concept of E-Learning E-learning presents new vistas of learning for people of all ages. A three-dimensional environment interacting with typical objects on screen is an excellent technique for gaining fresh skills and discovering unknown abilities. Through Simulation techniques, it is possible to gain new concepts of e-learning by means of...


Immigration and Ethnic Relations in the US

Introduction African Americans are one of the most ancient immigrants in the US and thus play essential roles in the country (Second Generation Immigrant Minorities 2). Throughout history, defining ethnic relations hinges on two broad perspectives, viz. black or white, with the whites standing out as the superior race whilst...


Antioch Unified School District: Recovery Plan

Introduction Antioch Unified School District is one of the most successful school districts in the United States with regards to the implementation of the emergency response project (AUSD, 2011). Due to this fact, the school district received a grant from the ministry of education to sustain its projects (U.S Department...