⚙️ Essays on Tech & Engineering

Any tech or engineering student knows these topics can be challenging to write a paper on. However, using a free database of essay examples can help you in that process. Use these examples to study how to structure your own paper, what kind of information to put in, and how to format your work.

By looking at how other students have tackled similar tasks, you can better understand what is expected of you and how to approach your own paper. In short, our free database of tech and engineering essay examples is an invaluable resource for any student working on a paper in these subject areas.

Tech & Engineering

How RFID Technology Is Changing Business by Matt Smith

The article “How RFID Technology Is Changing Business” by Matt Smith outlines the significance of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology in the business environment. Although launched more than 4 decades ago, the practical usage of the RFID in the business environment only began less than a decade ago because of...

Tech & Engineering

The Necessity of IT Systems in Household

IT systems such as computers, personal digital assistants, motion, smoke and fire sensors, pool alarms, home alarms, and security cameras have become common household necessities that communicate simpler, faster, and better by enhancing security and accessibility in both social and business fields. Besides, unlike the use of hi-tech computer programs,...

Tech & Engineering

Quality in Software Development Projects

In software development, quality is the main priority of the company. Specific standards and specifications help programmers to follow high quality and meet the needs and demands of the customers. Typically, a programmer starts to work from a written specification (or spec, as it is commonly known). A specification is...

Tech & Engineering

Improper Language Use In Technical Communication

Amongst programmers, improper language may lead to a failed program or the program producing syntax or logic errors. The use of technical words may cause discontent among business executives in a luncheon. The executives will then lose interest in the subject matter. Inappropriate words in teleconference bring confusion among the...

Tech & Engineering

Data Communications Standards and Making Bodies

The data communication standards are the documents that contain authentic information for the implementation of new technology. The purpose of the standards is to provide one method for integrating different technologies so that they can interoperate without any error. By implementation of standards, the different or same technology products can...

Tech & Engineering

New Urbanism Principles and Urban Sprawl Effects

With the rising levels of new urbanism around the world, it is becoming increasingly necessary for urban planners to put more emphasis on creating a conducive urban setup for both business and social operations. The streets are no longer the calm and beautiful places that they used to be a...

Tech & Engineering

Neural Network: Giving a Definition

A neural network is a different technology which builds intelligent programs using models which is similar or parallel to the neurons of the human brain or it may follow methods that are found in genetic algorithm and artificial life. “Neural networks are appealing because they learn by example and are...

Tech & Engineering

Expert System and Its Major Types

Knowledge-Based It is known as the heart of an expert system. It contains the expert knowledge of a particular domain. A knowledge-based it contains both the general knowledge and case-specific information. “Knowledge representation is the process of choosing an appropriate knowledge formalism, in which the acquired knowledge is encoded so...

Tech & Engineering

Information Search and Interactions in the Internet

‘Information is power’ may be an old saying but it remains true for anyone who accesses critical information. Everyone in the world now is working hard to achieve a competitive advantage by obtaining better-quality information. Communication, which takes various forms, provides a channel through which information is distributed. A business...

Tech & Engineering

IT Project Management: General Requirements

Background The field of Project management has gained prominence as a study discipline in recent times. Many IT (Information Technology) organizations undertake various projects to achieve certain purposes in line with the requirements of their organizations. An organization may sanction a project aimed at increasing its output capacity, determining the...

Tech & Engineering

The Future of Airport Construction in the United States

Introduction In the contemporary world, demand for the air travel has significantly increased. Air travel is one of the fastest means of transport. Therefore, air travel is important both for passengers and cargo. Air travel has significantly promoted trade and hence contributed to economic growth. In the modern world, technology...

Tech & Engineering

Technology Advancements Research Order

Rapid advancement in technology in general has proved to be key driving force not only for the technology field, but for almost all related fields. The Information Technology in particular has proved to be the prime mover for rapid advancements taking place in almost all spheres of human life. For...

Tech & Engineering

Validating the Information From SQL Queries

SQL queries usually require a range of documents in support of their validity. To be proved valid, SQL queries should, most importantly, be qualified. It means that it is needed to assemble a test script so as to document and verify the outcomes of the queries. Datasets can also prove...

Tech & Engineering

Performance Requirements for an E-Assessment System

An electronic assessment system allows students to take their exams online. High-standard requirements are important because the students’ marks depend on the system. The main requirements include reliability, flexibility, manageability, accessibility, affordability, and user-friendly design. Reliability means that the system should be failure-proof and well-protected against cyber threats. Flexibility refers...

Tech & Engineering

Critical Path Method in Software Development Projects

In some situations, the critical path method tends to be longer than expected but rarely shorter than expected. This process can be explained by the nature of the critical path methods themselves. The critical path methods help managers and programmers to find the best possible way for project completion. Programmers...

Tech & Engineering

Bureaucratism in Organizations Due to Quality Management

An organization cannot become too bureaucratic because the aim of TQM is to gain improvements in services and products provided. TQM helps to provide continual feedback and constant identification of errors, but the programmers still need to figure out which errors are being identified. A working program is like a...

Tech & Engineering

Non- and Persistent Mode of Hypertext Transfer Protocol

A protocol is a defined set of rules that governs a procedure. In the case of the internet, the Hypertext Transfer Protocol or HTTP is used to define the format of communication between entities and the actions to be taken upon receipt of the communication. This ensures that no conflict...

Tech & Engineering

Pyrotechnics Safety, Risk, Unknown, and Uncertainty

Safety should primarily be prioritized when dealing with pyrotechnics, whether they are home-made or manufactured by professional organizations. Pyrotechnics safety is further supported by the fact that recent incidents involving pyrotechnics caused safety agencies and services to treat such explosives with increased caution once again. The reason behind that is...

Tech & Engineering

Objects Usage in Object-Oriented Design

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming model that employs objects and their relations to design applications and computer programs. It is based on a number of processes, including encapsulation, modularity, polymorphism, and inheritance. In Object-oriented design software engineers approach models system as a group of interacting objects. Each object represents...

Tech & Engineering

The Work of Asymmetric Encryption and Decryption

With symmetric encryption, the key used for encryption has to be shared over the internet. This creates a high risk in terms of the security of the encrypted data and the possibility of the key falling into the wrong hands. As a result in order to waive such risks, asymmetric...

Tech & Engineering

The Work of Symmetric Encryption and Decryption

Encryption is the method by which data can be coded and securely transferred from one location to another. The unauthorized access of the data, as well as protection of data, is the main objective in encryption and decryption of data. The encrypted information is referred to as ciphertext. When it...

Tech & Engineering

Global Information Technology Systems’ Adoption Barriers

There are technical and non-technical issues that can obstruct businesses from establishing global information technology systems, including the different standards, technologic-related skills of people, reliability of the connection to the Internet and its speed. The difference in standards that exists on the global level makes the compatibility of technology a...

Tech & Engineering

Usability Analysis and Technical Feasibility Tests

Usability analysis is defined as an examination of the information system’s human-computer interaction (HCI). HCI study is the area of the juncture of social sciences streams like psychology and social sciences, on the one hand, and computer science and technology, on the other. HCI researchers have analyzed and designed detailed...

Tech & Engineering

Decision Support Systems in Healthcare Administration

A computer-based Decision Support System (CDSS) has yielded a significant impact on the administrative setup of the health care industry. As machines have been used to monitor the performance of the human body and have provided support of the highest level to doctors and clinicians, the use of CDSS takes...

Tech & Engineering

FirstNet Technology Used in Healthcare Facility

The department (ER) uses FirstNet, a user-friendly, fast, and detailed software designed to enable nurses and doctors to, among other things, integrate pre-existing documentation into the patient’s electronic emergency record, manage electronic orders and results viewing, undertake electronic medications management, and facilitate decision support including alerts and operations. The technology...

Tech & Engineering

The Patient Care and Technology: The Improving of Efficiency

We believe that technology applications in health care provisions have the potential to improve patient safety, efficiency, quality, timeliness, quality, and cost. Nonetheless, we fail to consider that technology may also bring challenges to healthcare provisions. Therefore, in order to realize the benefits of technology in health care provisions, we...

Tech & Engineering

Different Remote Access and VPN Protocols

Types of Remote Access Control This technology allows information and technology professionals (IT) to do administrative work and users to perform responsibilities on their computers. This work is done as a local task. It is most useful in troubleshooting a computer problem used by a customer. It prevents time wastage...

Tech & Engineering

Impact of Information Technology in Everyday Life

It is definite that information technology is advancing at a very fast rate to match the needs of contemporary society. Human survival encompasses a variety of issues such as power, food, social connectedness, and other convenient luxuries that make life interesting. For a long time, people have relied on information...

Tech & Engineering

Go Back N (GBN) and Selective Repeating Algorithms

In day-to-day communication, a typical conversation involves a prompt response. Similarly, networked devices also require a similar mechanism to ensure there are no errors. This is the concept behind ACK and NAK used to define Acknowledgement and Negative Acknowledgement in the process of transporting a message from one point to...

Tech & Engineering

Extreme Programming Approach Impact on Programmers

The extreme programming (XP) approach advocates the deliberate delay of certain system features until the time that they are needed. There is also a high expectation of changes in the user requirement even as the project progresses, implying that the problem can be understood better. Extreme programming (XP) encourages frequent...

Tech & Engineering

New Technology Integration and Related Issues

Technological developments in developed and underdeveloped countries Most underdeveloped rarely foster research on new technologies; it will therefore be difficult for the globally expanding corporations to find new knowledge in these nations, and reception of the same may also be rather slow. Firms may also find it difficult to integrate...

Tech & Engineering

Why the Cleantech Market Is More Volatile Than Other Markets

Cleantech, an abbreviation for clean technology, refers to financial markets, funds, indices, and investments inclusive of companies that enable efficient use of resources that occur naturally and reduce the impact on the environment during the production of these natural resources. These companies do this through activities like clean energy or...

Tech & Engineering

The Overlay Networks in Peer-to-Peer Architecture

P2P architecture began to proliferate on the internet relatively recently owing to the need to share data. The main characteristic of P2P networks is that they do not rely directly on the services of an always on server. The end systems usually communicate directly, and peers are intermittently connected and...

Tech & Engineering

Carrier Sense Multiple Access Algorithms Comparison

CSMA/CD is an algorithm for transmission where each node listens to the medium to check if the medium is idle. Once it is detected that the medium is idle, the node begins transmission. However, if during transmission the node detects a collision, the node sends a jam signal that notifies...

Tech & Engineering

How the IP Layer Keeps Packets From Misplaced

The OSI model provides the path for the data transmission process from one point to the other. In essence, the transmission process traverses the seven layers consecutively while the integrity of the packet or the datagram is maintained. Initially, the packet is assigned a logical address which is usually an...

Tech & Engineering

Integrated Hardware and Software Control Codes

The difference between the integrated hardware and the software control codes is that hardware involves saving the control codes in a tangible material. For example, the data being saved involved the use of a computer. In simple knowledge, the computer comprises the hardware and the software system. The hardware coding...

Tech & Engineering

Automated Testing in Ensuring Proper Database Security

Automated testing is a process whereby a computer application is tested for errors or the extent to which it delivers the functionalities of the user using software designed specifically for that purpose. Test preconditions are used as input and the end results are report utility. This testing does not look...

Tech & Engineering

High-Priority Practice Deficiency and Optimization

In the majority of hospitals, the tasks of optimization of the EHR are bestowed upon the IT specialist and, in the cases of large hospital networks, a unified IT department. They conduct frequent rundowns of the system, analyze its deficiencies, and perform repairs and optimizations as needed. One of the...

Tech & Engineering

Contingency Planning Deficiency: Ransomware Prevention

SAFER self-assessment in regards to contingency planning gave moderate-to-good overall results but also offered insights on some of the glaring deficiencies currently presented in the system. One of these deficiencies is the lack of ransomware prevention strategies. As it stands, the state of awareness among hospital personnel in regards to...

Tech & Engineering

Human Mind vs. Computer Thinking & Artificial Intelligence

The human mind is a subject of many philosophical debates and a topic of interest for psychologists and cognitive scientists. Different faculties comprise the mind, including thinking, perception, imagination, and consciousness. Therefore, it can be used as a tool for achieving different goals. By thinking, we may generate new ideas...

Tech & Engineering

Information Technology Planning for a Company

In the case of IT planning, different methods may be employed at different stages. The scenario approach to planning is widely popular among business/IT professionals. It helps in considering alternate options. In this approach, teams of managers and other planners participate in what management author Peter Senge calls virtual world...

Tech & Engineering

Artificial Intelligence and Its Groups

Artificial intelligence technologies are used to make decisions by the top-level management. Basically, AI is a field of science that is based on many disciplines such as computer science, biology, psychology, linguistics, mathematics, and engineering. With AI, computers can be developed to simulate the human thinking process and perform human...

Tech & Engineering

Information Systems and Organizational Structure

IS has affected the structure and work roles of almost all the functions in an organizational infrastructure through maintaining and assessing the quality of its employees which conforms to the IT staffing, planning, recruiting, training, and retaining its staff. Limiting IT in the CEO or CTO position is outdated by...

Tech & Engineering

Information Systems: Internet Security in a Corporation

The IS function of security for any organization, particularly in an online business organization, is to manage risk, whether real or perceived. IS in context with the risk management provides the tools to help the developers decide between inaction and action-to enable you to compare the losses incurred with inaction...

Tech & Engineering

Prototyping: What Is It and Why Is It Used?

Prototyping is used in the design phase of the SDLC, whenever a new system model is built; particularly prototypes are used to give the end-user a convenience for manipulation. Prototypes are used within organizations as a significant tool for Systems Analysis and Design (SAD). Prototypes act as tools that are...

Tech & Engineering

Organizational Roles in a Tech Feasibility Study

The Adobe team was divided into two groups: the creative team and the technical team. The goal of the creative team was to define the look and feel, i.e. the requirements for the user interface, design the user interface, and architect the user interface. The goal of the technical team was to develop the user interface components including...

Tech & Engineering

Windows 7 Operating System’s New Features

Windows 7’s primary feature is its improved graphics, which made the given OS better looking. Another key feature is the fact that Windows 7 provided a much smoother experience to its users compared to previous versions, such as Windows Vista or Windows XP. In addition, Windows Defender in Windows 7...

Tech & Engineering

The Philosophical Foundations of Research Methodologies

An important class of cryptographic algorithms is Message Authentication Codes (MAC) algorithms. Such algorithms are designed to ensure message integrity and authentication of their source. To do this, the MAC produced by such an algorithm is added to the message – a binary set depending on the message and on...

Tech & Engineering

The Concept of Elliptic Curve Cryptography Algorithm

Elliptic cryptography is a section of cryptography that studies asymmetric systems of encryptions on the basis of elliptic curvatures on the finite fields. The primary advantage of using the elliptic encryption approach is the fact that current sub-exponential algorithms are fully capable to decode it. RSA and its derivatives are...

Tech & Engineering

The Concept of “Net Neutrality”

The Internet has revolutionized the way people communicate, trade, generate knowledge, and entertain each other. Although less so in recent years, the Internet has been a safe haven for anyone to say and do things they would never say and do in real life. The free access to every piece...

Tech & Engineering

Learn, Work, and Live: Technology and Transformation

The progress of computer technology continues to change society. For example, smart scales help millions of people around the world keep track of weight, percentage of body fat, etc. Some of them can even calculate daily calorie intake as part of an online program for losing weight. Thus, weighing becomes...

Tech & Engineering

Information Technology: Management Decisions

Introduction An organization can still make good IT management decisions even under tough conditions; this is as far as the administration is capable of employing specific strategic plans that are relevant to an organization at that particular time. The challenge the management has to face is the knowledge of how...

Tech & Engineering

View of the Fuel Cell Vehicles

Introduction A fuel cell vehicle (FCV), also known as a fuel cell electric vehicle is a kind of motor vehicle that runs on a fuel cell. The fuel cell converts hydrogen fuel stored in a tank fitted to the vehicle to produce electricity. The electricity that is produced is converted...

Tech & Engineering

Technological Advances of Boeing 787 Required by Business Perspective

Introduction Subject and Objectives The business report discusses the technological advances undergone by Boeing 787 from a commercial perspective. In this respect, the case examines possible costs and benefits imposed by technological enhancement to meet the current commercial demands and sustain a competitive edge at the market. The considerations are...

Tech & Engineering

Man-Portable Air Defense System (MANPADS)

Write three pages about presenting your opinion of what the current state-of-the-art MANPAD mitigation system should be. Reinforce your opinion with facts Travel and tourism are now among the world’s largest industries. Air travel has become a vital constituent in contemporary day travel as a result of its fast speed...

Tech & Engineering

Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access

WiMAX is a wireless broadband communication technology that uses an OFDMA modulation scheme and IP networking and data transport protocol. The standards implemented for mobile WiMAX deployment are IEEE 802.16e-2005 and WiMAX Forum Network Working Group specification. WiMAX provides fixed and mobile wireless broadband connectivity with a base station without...

Tech & Engineering

Differences Between Active Detection and Passive Detection in Networks

Active detection occurs when an automatic response is taken to detect an intrusion on the network. It may involve increasing the sensitivity level of the detection, which collects additional information about the intruder or the attacker on the network. Passive detection merely logs the intruder and notifies someone by email...

Tech & Engineering

Hardware and Software of a Network System

A network system contains hardware and software components that enable users and computers to share resources such as files and devices. The following are the various components of a network system: Nodes: these are the computers or devices attached to the network. The nodes can send and receive data within...

Tech & Engineering

The Difference Between Static and Dynamic Routing

Routing is a term used in reference to the practice of controlling as well as moving a given packet of data across a desirable network. There are two forms of algorithms that find use in routing: dynamic and static routing. A routing table is a file or database that stores...


Application Architectures in Use Today

Application architecture determines which hardware performs each of the four basic functions of an application: data storage, data access logic, application logic, and presentation logic. There are three main types of application architecture that are used today: server-based, client-based, and client-server architecture. Client-server architecture is considered to be the most...

Tech & Engineering

Critical Path Analysis in Software Development Organization

In my organization, critical path analysis is based on synthesis and analysis. This is not self-evident; it is also not always true. Especially if a program is built up from small sections, like Henry’s prototype, there may not be an overall design by the time it has grown into a...

Tech & Engineering

ISO 9000 and Capability Maturity Model in Project Management

ISO 9000 and the Capability Maturity Model would be of value for my organization because programmers use reference materials to verify and to reinforce what they know, and also to refresh their memories when they need to recall something they haven’t used in a while. Programmers use examples not simply...

Tech & Engineering

The Various IT Roles in Sales

For an information system to run well, it requires various personnel to play various roles and give services; for instance, in the case of sales, it is comprised of IT personnel like an IT manager, network administrator, programmer /software trainer, Web Administrator, Systems support/Helpdesk. IT Manager An IT manager can...

Tech & Engineering

Mobile Switching Center and Management in Networks

In this era of mobile internet, a major component in the network is the Mobile Switching Center (MSC), whose primary service is the routing of calls and data services. It is through this center that end-to-end connection services, handover, and mobility requirements are handled. This center is useful in locating...

Tech & Engineering

The Least Helpful Actions in the Case of Identity Theft

The least helpful actions in the case of identity theft seem to be either doing nothing at all and hoping everything will get back to normal by itself or panicking mindlessly. Explanation: Identity theft is a crime that has become utterly widespread nowadays (millions of people become victims yearly). Precisely...

Tech & Engineering

Will Autonomous Vehicles Be Driven on the Battlefield?

Autonomous vehicles are vehicles that can self-operate without the use of a human driver. Some self-driving cars can still have a driver present to perform the general oversight and shoot back at the attackers rather than doing the driving. Unlike the situation with the small bots assisting on the battlefield,...

Tech & Engineering

Wired and Wireless Media in Modern Networks

Both wired and wireless media have a place in modern computer networks, and it is crucial to choose the correct option depending on the intended use case. The main advantages of wired connections are their security and higher speed for the price. However, such physical links are limited by distance,...

Tech & Engineering

Organisational E-Policies for Data Protection

Information ethics is a complex issue since, on the one hand, technology allows companies to use data in order to improve their operations and customer experiences, while on the other, collecting and using information arises privacy concerns. The most recent case that highlights the importance of ethical discussions regarding information...

Tech & Engineering

Sociotechnical Design Approach to Information Systems

As the name suggests, the sociotechnical design implies the application of social principles when planning and developing software applications. Designing information systems that incorporate both the social and technical elements is vital because it enables easy integration of these information systems into the operations of an organisation. As technology becomes...

Tech & Engineering

Data Capture: Optical Mark vs. Character Recognition

Data capture can be defined as the collection, interpretation, and storage of the information into the computer. Data capture solutions are available so as to reduce the burden of data entry and also to save money and time. Before designing the data capture solutions, the needs of the organization have...

Tech & Engineering

AyaNova Software’s Information and Analyses

AyaNova work order and service management software have been able to develop powerful features in order to help deal with all aspects of service and repair including automated work orders, service setting up, service calls, preventative maintenance, and searchable database all at an affordable license cost that is based on...

Tech & Engineering

Information Systems: Overcoming Ethical Problems

There are six dimensions of the ethical problems that circulate IS in our everyday lives which include employment, health, privacy, crime, working conditions, and individuality. However, overcoming ethical issues in the work environment requires IS to detect computer or cybercrime through various security management tools and technologies that detect unauthorized...

Tech & Engineering

World Internet Users Population Statistics for 2019

Globally, the number of individuals who have access and actively use the Internet differs, depending on the specific area. The % of the population using the Internet within different regions differs significantly, which is partially a result of technical difficulties associated with the ability to provide Internet connection in some...

Tech & Engineering

Firewalls and Access Control Plan Usage

Firewalls are used to protect computers from being hacked. A firewall is a system or group of systems that enforces an access control plan between two or more networks. In general, a firewall restricts access between trusted and untrusted networks. Most often, firewalls protect a trusted corporate network from the...

Tech & Engineering

Role of the Internet in Healthcare Services

In recent years, the internet has been adopted in many sectors, and the healthcare industry has not been left behind. The impact of this is that people have lived healthy lives through the use of the internet in managing health. However, the level of adoption of the internet is not...

Tech & Engineering

Information System for Grades Input, Review and Management

A database can be defined as a set of related information that is organized in a way such that a computer analyst can promptly access a required piece of information. Commonly used databases are organized by records, fields, and files. A database contains data that can be graphical, textual, or...

Tech & Engineering

How Technology Influenced the Development of Society

The Stone, Bronze, and Iron ages were the early civilization ages where natural resources were converted into tools, such as spears and hoes, to make work easier. The tools were further advanced during the industrial age, and new technologies developed during the present information era. Therefore, a special relationship exists...

Tech & Engineering

Transport Control Protocol Congestion and Flow Control

The TCP handles the data between the two points. In accomplishing this, constraints such as varying speeds of the devices communicating can result in issues along the communication line. Flow control is the method of assessing how much data to send based on the rate at which the receiver accepts...

Tech & Engineering

Multiprotocol Label Switching Routing Protocol

Multiprotocol Label Switching, also known as MPLS, is a method that is widely used in high-performance telecommunication networks to transmit data from one node on a network to another. This protocol was designed mainly to improve on the weaknesses inherent in the ATM or Asynchronous Transfer Mode architecture. The ATM...

Tech & Engineering

Software Usage in Management

Software’s have risen to become a fundamental part of the management of production chains. The public and private sectors have all focused-on adoption of effective and reliant chains of supply. The movement of goods and related information is critical for every industry. This has facilitated the development of supply-chain management...

Tech & Engineering

The Concept of IP Subnetting

IP stands for Internet Protocol, whose address is a figure that distinctively categorizes a computer on a Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) network. The IP network makes it possible for packets to be addressed to this computer. Subnetting can be defined as the system of subdividing an existing physical network...

Tech & Engineering

The Concept of Windows Security

Windows security was initiated in the early years of computer usage, especially for personal computers, which did not place much thought on network connections. This means that they had no specific security features built in the beginning. However, when internet communication was gaining root in the early 1990s, Windows NT...

Tech & Engineering

The Concept of TCP/IP Protocol

The network layer is the most vulnerable part of TCP/IP in terms of its functionality. In most cases, network layers are where the Internet protocol and internet control message protocol are situated. The use of ICMP is to give reliable information, while IP is applied in virtually every communication within...

Tech & Engineering

Metrics to Determine the Effectiveness of the Network

Metrics have been used both to measure the performance of businesses and also the computer systems, especially the network. IT governance which is the harmonization of business processes, resources, and IT structures in performing business processes, is involved in measuring the performance of the network. There are several metrics that...

Tech & Engineering

Telemedicine, Wi-Fi, and Green Computing

Green computing is an area in computing that emphasizes information technology that is environmentally sustainable. It is a process in which the disposal of computers, servers, printers, mobile phones, monitors, storage devices, and other associated devices is done in an environmentally friendly manner. This means minimal impact on the environment....

Tech & Engineering

Mobile Computing and Network Usage for the Company

Mobile computing can be defined as the use of portable devices like laptops and smartphones to access information or do business transactions and enable people who are doing business to maintain the consistency of doing business day and night. This means that business transactions have become omnipresent. Mobile computing is...

Tech & Engineering

Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection

Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) is a computer connection access strategy in which: a carrier detecting scheme is deployed, then a data station that detects another signal while transmitting a frame, sends forth a jam signal, and then delays the next release only to resend the frame...

Tech & Engineering

Software Development Personnel and Roles

Software development personnel Developing software for large corporations like Exxon Mobil is a long and complicated matter. It usually requires a large team of personnel from various fields in the software industry. The type of personnel required in such a case is given below. Software analyst This person is considered...

Tech & Engineering

Trends and Mistakes in Software Development

Many software projects contain a database component, typically a relational database (RDBMS). With sufficient processing power and correct database design, a good RDBMS can easily handle large databases. Object-oriented data and the expanded use of multimedia data types place a huge strain on RDBMS systems developed to hold relatively small...

Tech & Engineering

Avionics and Aircraft Maintenance Technicians’ Skills

A person who loves electronics and gadgetry and wishes to be part of a profession that deals with such elements will obviously become very efficient as an avionics and aircraft technician. This is one of the cherished professions of many energetic, high-spirited youths of the day. “It’s a highly specialized...

Tech & Engineering

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for Interior

Architects, real estate professionals, facility managers, engineers, interior designers, landscape architects, construction managers, lenders, and government officials all use LEED to help transform the built environment to sustainability. State and local governments across the country are adopting LEED for public-owned and public-funded buildings; there are LEED initiatives in federal agencies,...

Tech & Engineering

The Role of Technology in Globalization

Information and communication technology (ICT) has boosted intercultural communication considerably in the past decades. Access to the Internet allows people from all over the globe to exchange information at a moment’s notice. Using the Internet decreases the costs of communication drastically, as it does not rely on physical media that...

Tech & Engineering

Data Mining Tools and How to Use Them

The emergence of the Internet allowed organisations to receive large quantities of data about their consumers, which can be used to enhance the efficiency of operations. However, in order to successfully interpret and use this information, it has to be collected and sorted correctly, which is the main task of...

Tech & Engineering

Database vs. Flat Files System

Databases allow storing files on servers, for example, online shops, and retrieve the information when necessary. A distinct feature of a database is that it is a set of data that can be accessed in various ways. When compared to traditional file storage on a computer, one can argue that...

Tech & Engineering

Database Entities and Relations in the Real World

A database comprises a collection of related data and information such that the data is about a single topic. It typically consists of tables of organized information for a specific function. Database operations are of 4 types – Create, Read, Update and Delete and are collectively known as CRUD operations....

Tech & Engineering

Information Technology-Enabled Business Transformation

Level One: Localized exploitation Localized exploitation is the first level in IT-enabled business transformation. It insists on the decentralization of decision-making over isolated systems among different functional and operational managers. It insists on making changes in the deployment of the IT applications of the firm to enhance the business process....


The Technology Behind Solar Energy

Sun is the primary source of clean and abundant energy. It is estimated that 120,000 TW of radiation is deposited by the sun on the surface of the Earth. This will be more than enough for all energy requirements by human beings. The sun is the only natural power source...

Tech & Engineering

The Level of Demand for Energy in the World

Technological advancement starting from the industrial revolution has increased the demand for energy. If we look at the history of man’s usage of energy, sun was the first energy source which provided light and heat to early humans. The discovery of fire resulted in the possibility of burning wood for...

Tech & Engineering

Technology Industries Developing Technology Strategies

Technology strategies are tailored to the use of information technology and other resources to fulfill the objectives of an organization (Tune, 2017). The businesses operating in the high technology industry rely on technology as the basis of their business model. Since technological developments can happen relatively quickly, for instance, one...

Tech & Engineering

Four Major Types of Innovation

Satell (2017) defines four types of innovation – breakthroughs, sustaining, basic research, and disruptive. Disruptive and it implies a completely new product, approach to operations, or service that changes the existing models within an industry. An example is Apple, which introduced a breakthrough innovation with its smartphone since mobile phone...

Tech & Engineering

Technological Innovation and Its Importance to Firms

Technological innovation is a vital aspect of operations and development for any business because it provides new opportunities and allows them to create better, more efficient products or services as well as adjust operations for better efficiency. In general, this concept refers to a multidimensional strategy of generating an idea...

Tech & Engineering

Multi-Effect Evaporation: Review

Multi-effect evaporation systems are utilized by industries to desalinate seawater. A multi-effect evaporator works on the principle that lowering pressure would result in lower boiling temperature of water. The system involves the use of a series of water boiling containers arranged in a decreasing pressure manner (Sayyaadi & Saffari, 2010)....