🧪 Essays on Sciences

One of the hardest things about science is writing papers on the latest discoveries. It seems like every time you sit down to start an academic essay, there’s some new development that renders your previous work obsolete. Even if you manage to stay ahead of the curve, writing a good science paper can be daunting.

One way to reduce the stress of writing a science paper is to use an essay example as a starting point. This can help you understand what other scholars in your field are writing about and how they approach similar tasks. Of course, you’ll still need to do your own research and develop your own original insights, but having a sample essay as starting point can make the writing process much more manageable.

Thus, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by your upcoming science paper, don’t despair. Check out some of our essay examples and get started on a discovery of your own.


International Security: Empirical Studies Analysis

A critical part of doctoral studies is the ability to scrutinize and evaluate academic literature. This paper demonstrates it by analyzing empirical studies crucial to the understanding of international security.


Ethics in Research: Understanding Its Importance

This paper emphasizes the importance of ethics in research by explaining how to uphold ethical principles. An exploration of important ethical issues also forms an integral part of this study.


Darwin’s Theory of Evolution and Natural Selection

“In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment.” Charles Darwin The theory of evolution, according to Darwin, was based on the theory that species that are “fit” survive better in a changing environment,...


Plants in the Coastal Sage Scrub Community

The coastal sage scrub community is low laying shrub found at the coast of California extending to the northern areas of Baja. The plant community is typical of shrubs that have adaptations to cope with the Mediterranean climate of low-lying woodlands on the coast. Due to the softness of the...


Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research Strategies

Qualitative research involves the systematic investigation of a phenomenon in a narrative and a descriptive way. Qualitative research appears to be more realistic in some of the concepts that cannot be expressed in mathematical analysis. However, it lacks uniformity and reliability because respondents have an option to ignore some concepts...


Effect of KCl Solution on the Germination Rate of Mung Bean Seeds

Abstract Germination is an important process that begins plant development. For germination to take place, seeds need to take in water, which initiates a sequence of activities that culminate in the emergence of roots and shoots. The intake of water by the seeds involves the process of osmosis, which is...


Gas Behavior – Boyle’s Law and Charles’s Law

Abstract A gas is one of the three states of matter whose particles are separated by vast distances. Several laws attempt to justify the behavior of gases under varying conditions. Charles’s law illustrates gases’ behavior under varying volumes and temperatures at uniform pressures. Conversely, Boyle’s law demonstrates gas behavior at...


Mathematical Achievements of Rene Descartes

Introduction Rene Descartes was a celebrated mathematician, philosopher, and a scientist. He was born in France in 1596 in the province of La Haye, Tourane (Clarke, 2006). His father was called Joachim Descartes. His mother died when he was hardly two years old. Upon celebrating his eighth birthday, he was...


Critique of Qualitative Research Article

Introduction Qualitative research is normally performed for various purposes. To begin with they are normally conducted when there is minimal knowledge concerning a phenomenon or concept due to inadequate previous research, because it is a recently established area of concern, or if it is an area that change and the...


What a Neonate Would Likely See, Hear, Feel

Firstly, the vision develops the last. The vision and recognition increase as “infants become more alert and active.” As the neonate’s vision is not well developed, he or she can possibly distinguish between the silhouettes since other characteristics will be improved later. The neonates develop hearing techniques in the mother’s...


Nature vs. Nurture: Genetic vs. Environmental Influences

It has been long discovered that genes influence human behavior and health. However, it is also known that people’s environmental surroundings shape their development and health conditions. The extend of the influence of these two factors has been a perennial subject of debate for medical scholars and philosophers alike. I...


P-Value as an Indicator in Hypothesis Testing

Scholars emphasize the significance of the p-value in scientific research and statistics. P-value is the probability of receiving the result that is at least as extreme as the one mentioned in the sample data with the assumption that the null hypothesis is true. When the p-value is less than the...


Embryonic Limb Development and Underlying Mechanisms

The three axes of limb development are proximodistal, dorsoventral and anteroposterior. The proximodistal axis phase refers to the development of the limb from its tip to where it connects to the body. The apical ectodermal ridge (AER) is first formed at the region where FGF10 (fibroblast growth factor 10), which...


University Students Dataset Analysis

From the data given, the age of the students would be the variables since variables represent data that cannot be measured empirically. The cases would be the qualification entry requirements to the university since it is the subject matter of the analysis, and unlike the age of the students, it...


Information Validity and Reliability in Research

Information used in research studies encompasses knowledge, messages, facts, numerical indicators, and data obtained from various sources, both objective and subjective. In order to assure truthful and valid research findings, information should be characterized by its completeness, representativeness, credibility, and validity. The credibility of challenging information about the role of...


Value in Science According to Eisner and Bigge

Every academic discipline or activity is usually characterized by its own philosophy based on certain guiding principles and instructions. Truths and values turn out to be critical educational practices or, as defined by Bigger, instruments with the help of which researchers can test their experience and create specific frameworks. Compared...


Use of Genetically Modified Organisms to Produce Our Food

In the recent past, powerful tools and scientific innovations have revolutionized the way agriculture is done. Innovative production and processing have transformed conventional agricultural systems and the world’s capability to generate enough food for its population. Notably, these developments have come with drastic changes in economic forces and social organizations....


How Matter Cycles and Why These Cycles Are Important?

Living organisms experience a regular cyclic movement of matter of which they are composed. This cyclic flow of matter is referred to as the biogeochemical cycle. Through the cyclic flow, the resources utilized by the organisms are not lost but end up in locations that are out of reach of...


Homologous Recombination Repair and Enzymes

There are many enzymes involved in HRR in humans. Several diseases have been linked to defects in individual enzymes. For many enzymes, however, there is no human disease identified. This is because most enzymes involved in HRR do not play an active role in the malignancy of cells. Homologous Recombination...


Political Issues Associated With Medical Research

The dissemination of research findings is often influenced by the pressing need to satisfy the demands of policymakers. The relationship between researchers and policymakers is often poor because of occupational cultural differences and the unrealistic expectations held by both the legislators and the researchers over one another. Political and institutional...


Factors Contributing to Carbon Level Variance

Carbon emission exposure is largely related to the number of vehicles passing through a particular area. The study performed by Akland, Hartwell, Johnson, and Whitmore concluded that citizens are exposed to elevated levels of CO when performing activities associated with transit and being in places that are in close proximity...


Quantitative and Qualitative Research: Topics and Disciplines

Most research studies utilize both qualitative and quantitative research designs. The qualitative data analysis approach is most suitable for a dataset that is largely numerical in nature rather than objective which is best analyzed by a qualitative research study. Quantitative research design usually involves the use of statistical programs such...


How Natural Selection Influenced Evolution

Natural selection is the process by which a population develops a more pronounced expression of a particular trait or loses a particular trait that will enable it to survive in the prevailing environmental conditions. Natural selection is the foundation of the evolution of a population species. A good example, as...


Understanding Project Management: Key Concepts and Practices

Project means a planned activity requiring a set of non-routine tasks for completion in a time-limited effort. To complete a project, we need to plan, organize, direct, and control the organization’s resources for a relatively short-term objective established to complete specific goals and objectives. Though it sounds similar to what...


Elements of Qualitative Research Questions

Qualitative methods apply designs that are emergent and flexible, and this is characteristic of their questions. Creswell recommends some classified words for use at the start of the research questions. This entails the use of words ‘how’ or ‘what’ that imply room for improvement of the current structure of the...


Mixed Methods Research Questions

Mixed method questions blend quantitative and qualitative research questions ends. Thus, within the same mixed-method research question combine qualitative and quantitative study ends. In bringing out the strengths of either qualitative and quantities research questions for this study, preference is made both qualitative and quantitative research questions are stated together...


Qualitative Research Methodology: Pilot Survey and Testing

Innovativeness that can support change within a system should have been derived from thorough research work; to determine whether individual research reports quality to have a quality that can be relied on to implement change the best way of testing is having pilot surveys and testing. Under this process, the...


Relative Density and Frequency of Plants

In the hillside of coastal sage scrub, relative density and relative frequency of plant species compare considerably. The plant community that covers the coastal prairie of the California coast is typical of dominant species and is typical of high relative density with a lower relative frequency. The rationale is that...


Frailty and Sarcopenia Concepts

It should be noted that the concept of frailty had originated from the works of biogerontologists, but it gained increasing importance in recent decades due to its significance for more broad issues related to aging. In general, it is possible to characterize frailty in the following way: it is a...


Epigenetic Changes Passed on from Generation to Generation

It is important to understand the basics of epigenetic changes, which occur in DNA. There are many molecular mechanisms of epigenetic reprogramming, which include DNA methylation, as well as processes leading to a change in chromatin state, non-coding RNA. Important and relatively recently discovered factors of epigenetic reprogramming are the...


Genetically Modified Bacteria for Better Bioremediation

The use of genetically engineered microorganisms is a practice that has been occurring since the 1970s. Due to the broad spectrum of applications for bioremediation, as human interference is causing enormous damage to the environment, this has become a promising field of study. The bioengineered microbes are created by identifying...


How Theory Supports the Practice of Science

Science is an enterprise through which a specific type of ordered knowledge about natural phenomena is acquired through controlled observations and theoretical interpretations. A scientific theory explains the modeling of logical constructs into which the known facts related to a theoretical domain, or phenomenon, may be fitted. Therefore, a theory...


The Role Hormones Play in Female Sexual Behavior and Male Sexual Behavior

Androgens such as testosterone influence the brain and behavior in two ways. First, they act prenatally and during early infancy to organize the brain. Second, circulating androgens in later adolescence and adulthood mediate behavior by altering the activity of target neural systems. Davis (2000), in fact, claims that there may...


Hypothesis Testing Procedure with an Example

A statistical hypothesis is a guess regarding a population consideration. Hypothesis testing is a vital component of statistical implications. To prepare a test, some kind of assumption should be used, which is easy to do using tools like a hypothesis generator. The reason is that either it is supposed to...


How Mammal Adaptation to Land and Water

Evolution has it that mammals evolved from reptiles. As explained by Klappenbach on ‘An Introduction to Mammals,’ mammals evolved from “a group of reptiles known as Therapsids.” The adaptations that mammals acquired in favor of their reptile ancestors, is the ability to control their body temperature or a situation known...


Photovoice: Method Experiment Research With Adolescent Mothers

When preparing to collect and analyze qualitative data, several issues should be considered. One of them is the cost of the research, as in most cases it will require quite some budget: paying for the interviewers and collectors of the data, the software, specialists to decode and analyze the information....


The Big Bang Theory and Its Modifications

The Big Bang Theory is the most widely accepted cosmological model that seeks to explain the development of the universe. In the beginning, considerable energies became concentrated at one place, thereby producing a reactionary expansion that caused a big explosion now known as the Big Bang. This model explains that...


Values Brought to the Philosophical Approach to Research

The development of any research is based on how well a person can introduce the chosen philosophical approach. Subjective qualities of perception have to be shaped by past knowledge and present values. Therefore, the identification of values becomes an obligatory step in research. I would like to pay close attention...


Selecting Mixed, Qualitative or Quantitative Research Method

The discussions presented will attempt to provide information that can assist the reader in identifying important reasons behind selection criteria and any advantages or aspects behind the use of the methods identified. Just as it was observed that a study is often a step-by-step process where individual stages are related,...


Research Designs: Similarities and Differences

There are two categories of research designs. The first category is the quantitative research design. As far as this category of research design is concerned, a person resolute the link in between 1 item that an autonomous/independent and a different variable that is a reliant/dependent variable within a certainly given...


Validity and Reliability as Important Concepts in Research

Validity is defined as the strength of any proposition or a conclusion given after conducting research. Validity also means the best of the available approximation that approaches the truth or false results of a proposition. Reliability can be defined as the consistency of a given measurement. It can be a...


The Cells and Connections in Make Up the Layers of the Retina

The retina is 0.3 mm thick complex neurons layers and their connections. Three layers of cell bodies are separated by two layers of axons and dendrites. The retina’s first layer is the ganglion cell layer having a single axon each. In the retina, light is converted to a set of...


Water Science. Lake Contamination Types and Sources

Contamination of recreational water in a sewered town occurs when untreated waste substances are discharged into water bodies directly or indirectly. Fecal bacteria are a category of bacteria that come from the feces of humans, domestic and wild animals. Fecal bacteria gain access into rivers and lakes through the human...


How Many Research Questions Are Needed for a Particular Study?

During the implementation stages of the study such as a collection of data, it is important to consider the place in which the study will be conducted. For example, if the research study is to be conducted in a classroom such as the administering of questionnaires, the students may be...


Two Forms for Writing Quantitative Research Questions

The extent to which a research study will spell out the relevant details attests to the strength of an exploratory research study. The descriptive research question in this study explores more details on the variables in perspective. A descriptive question could pose, “How do transportation operators in fifty states in...


Two Forms for Writing Qualitative Research Questions

Research questions form the guiding bases for the investigator to focus on during the study. These are systematically stated alongside the purpose statement and central intent sections of a research paper; these fundamentally define, describe and determine the direction of the study. In research write-ups, these form the scope frameworks...


Photoactive Macromolecules: Green Leaves Argument

The case involves a disagreement between Horatio and Ashley. Horatio says that yellow leaves have colored pigments and the green leaves do not while Ashley states that the green leaves have colored pigments. The disagreement between Horatio and Ashley lies in the pigment that is present in the leaves. Horatio...


Germination and Osmosis Analysis

Abstract Living organisms require water for various physiological processes such as respiration and transport of substances. Osmosis is the main physiological process through which water gets into living cells. Germination, which initiates the development of plants, is highly dependent on the availability of water. This experiment aimed at investigating the...


Environmental Biology: Article Review

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the issue of environmental biology in relation to conservation of global environment. In the recent past, biotechnology has been become an important tool in environmental studies and conservation, with various researchers attempting to use genetically modified microorganisms to save the environment. This...


Coefficient of Restitution and Its Variation

Summary Height of the rebound of tennis balls from two different kinds of surfaces have been recorded when these balls were made to fall freely from predetermined height. These values were used to calculate velocity of approach of tennis ball and coefficient of restitution between the tennis ball and the...


Human Condition to Adapt: Factors

With the spatial environments becoming highly dynamic, the human species have undergone significant modifications in their phenotypical characteristics as a result of speciation. The acknowledgment of human beings as interactors, rather than being replicators can be attributed to the currently experienced revolutionary changes to the current man to facilitate fitness...


Research Study Controls for Confounding Variables on the Dependent Variable

Introduction The ability to identify and control the possible confounding variable in any research is one of the critical tasks that researchers have to tackle to produce authentic and reliable results. Just in case a confounding variable is not tackled and then it affects the outcomes of a research, then...


Discussion of MDMA Abuse Neurobiology

Introduction The topic of this paper is the neurobiology of MDMA abuse, an essential topic for understanding the relationship between drug use and a person’s health state. In that way, the included review of relevant articles aids in exploring the negative effects of MDMA on human neural processes. The current...


Harmonic Wave as a Physical Term

Harmonic wave is a physical term describing an oscillatory motion or vibration which moves first in one direction and then back again in the opposite direction. An example is the movement of a string plucked in a musical instrument. In addition, the harmonic wave is usually accompanied by sound production....


Statistics. F-Ratio and Other Technical Terms

F-ratio is a statistical concept in experimental research design, which helps to assess whether variance in two different samples is equal. It is also used to determine the variance within groups of sample data as well as the variance between two groups of data. The F-ration is mostly applied in...


Solar System Development According to Nebular Theory

It has been announced in the nebular theory that the solar system was produced from interstellar dust particles and gaseous materials, especially hydrogen, derived from the bursting material of primitive stars. The revolving series of interstellar matter started to be cleaved and the Sun came on the scene with the...


Interactivity: COVID Science Spotlight at the Exploratorium

From a personal perspective, I would be keen to rate the overall interactivity of this exhibit fairly. Specifically, a rating of 4 would be appropriate since it succeeds in presenting a number of features and sections that resonate with the demands of any given visitor. The designers have also relied...


Aerobic and Anaerobic Pathways of Nitrogen Fixation

Virtually every chemical element on the Periodic Table is vital for sustaining life, but some of them, and nitrogen, in particular, are more important. Nitrogen is involved in a grandiose number of natural elements of the biosphere, including plant and animal proteins, air, dead organic matter, and soil mineral nutrients....


Microorganisms’ Entry to and Exit From the Human Body

Organisms enter human tissues through two fundamental portals, which include mucosal surface and epithelial routes. Epithelial routes are entry portal on the body surface, which includes but are not limited to the skin. However, the mucosal entry portal includes, but is not limited to the digestive tract. Transmission of microorganisms...


The Key Feature of the Main Categories of Microorganisms

Microorganisms are minuscule life forms that exist as unicellular, multicellular, or cell bunches. They can be partitioned into six noteworthy sorts, which are summarized below. Bacteria Microbes are unicellular life forms. The unicellular life forms are portrayed as prokaryotic because they do not have a core. They exist in four...


The Difference Between Operant and Classical Conditioning

The classical conditioned reflex is based on the association of conditional and unconditional stimuli, in contrast to operant, formed as a result of a connection between the stimulus and the result of the response. Explanation: While I.P. Pavlov studied classical conditioning, foreign laboratories conducted research in the field of instrumental...


Game Theory in The Walking Dead Game

Game theory may not be a useful tool for predicting behavior, but it is a good tool for analyzing situations in order to identify the best action for a rational player. Since the Nash equilibrium includes strategies that are the best response to the behavior of another player, the use...


Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Research

According to Denzin “no single research method adequately solves the problem of rival causal factors, thus the mixed methods approach is expected to create reliable explanation through triangulation”. Nevertheless, mixed research has its share of complications in terms of what extent of quantitative and qualitative plans are employed in mixed...


Data Analysis in Quantitative Research

In general, quantitative research measures or counts to answer a specific research question. In this process, the original data obtained by a researcher are traditionally language-based or numerical. The research may be defined as quantitative if the study’s ultimate output implies the analysis of a measurement of a count. The...


How Gram Stain is Used to Classify Bacteria

Gram stain is an important diagnostic feature and correlates with many properties of bacteria. According to their ability to stain with dyes of the trimethylphenol series, all bacteria are divided into two groups: gram-positive and gram-negative. Gram-positive bacteria retain the complex of gentian violet with iodine when the drug is...


Neurotransmitters, Neuromodulators and Their Action

Neurotransmitters include acetylcholine, GABA, glycine, and glutamate. Neuromodulators include norepinephrine, epinephrine, serotonin, dopamine, TRH, ACTH, vasopressin, LHRH, CCK, VIP, substance P, and enkephalins. Acetylcholine is an excitatory neurotransmitter, but it can also have inhibitory effects. Acetylcholine is found at numerous synapses within the nervous system and is an important chemical messenger...


Neuron Communication and Its Process

Nervous signals are transmitted either electrically or chemically. While electrical signals operate inside the neuron, chemical mechanisms operate between different neurons, i.e., at the synapses. The electrical discharge starts at the cell body and then travels down the axon to the various synaptic connections. In the inactive state, the interior of...


Neuron, Its Basic Internal Structures and Functions

The internal structures inside a neuron include the cell surface, nucleus, and the cytoplasm and its organelles (rough endoplasmic reticulum, polyribosomes, mitochondria, and Golgi apparatus). Cell surface-the surface or limiting membrane of the neuron plays a role in the initiation and transmission of signals. The plasma membrane is a double...


Geologic Resources, Their Occurrence and Use

Natural resources are substances that form on the Earths’ crust in their original form; that is, they normally occur on their own without any influence from human beings. These resources are either efficient for human survival or useful in men’s study of the environment around them. Mineral resources are naturally...


Numbers, Tables, and Graphs for Data Visualization

Numbers, tables, and graphs are very useful when describing a single set of values or showing an association between two sets of values. A single set of values are used in everyday life. For instance, the teaching staff is fond of using single sets of values when evaluating the learners’...


Clinical Studies and Trials in the United States

The website ClinicalTrials.gov sponsored by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, provides profound information about diverse clinical studies and trials. Nonetheless, this source discovers the topic from the perspective of clinical research, as it is one of the essential sources of evidence-based practice in the medical sphere. Before reviewing the...


Descartes’ Method of Doubt Analysis

Descartes elevate common basis for doubting beliefs, however he focus his attention mainly to fundamental ground for uncertainty. He first offers the argument dream which translate into doubt even the most clear of beliefs we obtain from our senses for instance current belief such as position of my hands. Descartes...


The Most Famous Wine Regions in France

Wine production in France dates back to the Roman Empire era and has gone through many changes both in quality, drinking habits and mode of grape cultivation over the years. French wine production is widely spread in almost all the regions in the country due to the rich climatic conditions...


Vertebrate Eye Development at Different Stages

The vertebrate eye originates from the frontal neural plate, the ectoderm of the head surface and mesenchyme drawn from the neural crest. There is a need for proper synchronization of ocular tissues to guarantee the formation of a functional eye. The frontal neural plate gives rise to the single central...


Developmental Biology: Myocardial Atrial Chambers Study

Intra-organ communication is necessary for the growth and development of organs. Biochemical signalling is involved in communication in the heart through molecules such as BMPs, Wnts, FGFs. Conversely, cell-to-cell communication occurs through the Ephrin, Notch, or Neuregulin/ErbB2 pathways. However, the mode of communication that synchronizes the growth of the endocardium...


Geology: Lithosphere vs. Asthenosphere

The Earth is divided into two parts; the lithosphere (the outer layer) and the asthenosphere. Their differences are depicted in their physical and in the motion of their plates. Lithosphere (Plate margins) Asthenosphere (plate interiors) Forms the outer layer   Composed of crust and mantle Composed of melted rocks The...


Endogenic & Exogenic Processes Producing Landscape Response

The recent earthquakes and landslides reported in the media recently are said to be a result of geological processes producing significant landscape responses. The recent earthquakes in Haiti and Chile, for instance, have been reported to be a result of Earth’s shifting tectonic plates causing significant land responses. The frequency...


Mammals Types Based on Their Development

The three types of mammals classified on the basis of how their young develop are the following: monotremes, marsupials, and placental mammals. Quite very distinct from other mammals, monotremes can lay eggs rather than give birth to their young. Only three types of mammals can be classified as monotremes. These...


Epic Dreams and Their Characteristics

Epic dreams are one of the types of dreams, which are also known as cosmic, great, or numinous dreams. In spite of many other dreams, epic dreams are quite huge that people can hardly ignore them: lots of details, which are represented in epic dreams, are remembered for a long...


Geology: How Fossils Are Formed

Fossils are preserved remains or traces of dead animals or other organisms. Fossil formation begins with the death of a creature. When the dead animal settles at the bottom, the first reaction is the decaying of the fleshy parts. As a next step, the sediments cover the remains of the...


Statistics. Prior Probability: What Is It?

Prior probability is the estimated probability of the state of affairs before a practical survey is conducted to acquire relevant details. This is usually a conclusion based on past events. For instance, Peter passed the test (A) last year; therefore, the probability P (Pc) he will pass test C is...


The Practical Importance of the Discrete Logarithm Problem

The basic practical implication of the Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP) is the fact that no classical approach can compute discrete logarithms, which makes them secure and safe. It is important to note that both Diffie-Hellman key exchange (DHKE) and Elgamal encryption scheme (EES) are based on the DLP concept. Key...


Values and Objectivity in Science

Values in science most often appear in the form of methodological norms and procedures for scientific research, the methods of conducting experiments, and assessing their results. According to Bigge, they express the most important vital meanings that have developed during the formation of society. At the same time, scientific values...


Qualitative Research Evaluation Criteria

Reliability in any type of study suggests that the study must be stable, or the researcher’s propensity to constantly re-code similar data similarly as outlined in the study every time the research is done is possible. Reliability can thus be referred to as replicability or duplicability of the same data...


Researcher’s Role in Quantitative Versus Qualitative Study

The quantitative research method is mainly objective in nature and is largely concerned with researching the quantitative aspect of a study. It utilizes statistical tools in data collection, entry, and analysis. The most widely used methods of data collection, in this case, are observations, tests, questionnaires, surveys, and the use...


A Pilot Test Prior to Implementing a Full Evaluation

An evaluation pilot test refers to a trial of several aspects of the process with individuals or groups of people who resemble those expected to be included in the final evaluation. According to Bastable, these include a trial of the data collection process, analysis plan, and the instruments used in...


Three Stages of Human Cultural Evolution

Anthropologists assert that the human culture has developed over time from simpler forms to modern complex forms. This subject has been analyzed both in unilinear and multilinear phenomena. In general, human cultural evolution has been categorized into three stages. These stages are savagery, barbarism, and civilization. Anthropologists differentiate these stages...


The Largest Risk of Iodine-131 on the Public

When the short-lived iodine splits, there is the formation of thyroid cells. When these cells collect or combine into one, they form iodide, which is as radioactive as the initial component material. The particles that result from these lines, form unstable radioiodine, which can cause delayed effects and chronic and...


Ethnographic Study Recruiting Probability Participants Sample

An ethnographic research simply means studying a population that carries patterns of culture among the individuals within a specific culture. The culture may consist of divergent ethnic, religious, and racial groups too. Since ethnographic research aims at targeting the whole population, there is a need to acquire a sample from...


Systemic and Systematic Thinking Distinction

Systematic thinking is taken up with the intention of succeeding in our career goals and in life. The main concepts of this method are identifying and analysing the problem before acting, formulating multiple options, defining and establishing selection criteria, taking the final decision boldly and with confidence. The whole emphasis...


Critical Thinking: Food and Water Security

The primary elements of critical thinking are analyzing, applying standards, logical reasoning, information seeking, and predicting. Conducting a proper analysis of a given phenomenon is crucial for critical thinking, as it allows separating the information into distinct parts for discovering the underlying relationships between them (Scheffer & Rubenfeld, 2001). After...


What Is Alcohol: Discussion

Alcoholic is a form of beverage that contains ethanol, a member of hydroxyl group. Ethanol is commonly referred to as alcohol by International Food Information Service and can only be used for human consumption if mixed with agricultural products. However, pure ethanol cannot be consumed by humans, as it is...


Safety Case Regime for the Mining Industry in Victoria

The safety case approach to mining safety in Australia is a measure that requires mine operators to submit case reports to the mining department of labor illustrating its initiative towards management of safety. Mines require the department’s approval before conducting the initiative. The measure is broad-based and objectively uses legislation...


What You Need to Know About Energy: Developing Survey Instruments

In today’s world, it is seen that energy resources are easily consumed away in many ways. And it will be going to pose a real threat to mankind really soon if the energy sources exhaust in the near future. Many people do believe in using renewable sources for energy like...


What Is the Purpose of Correlation Studies, and What It Is Possible to Achieve With It?

Correlation studies are used by researchers to describe and predict the direction and strength of relations among variables. Explanation: A correlational study is predictive and descriptive research that shows the relationship between variables. If someone finds a correlation between variable X and variable Y, then he/she knows that a change...


Data Analysis in Draucker’s & Mackey’s Studies

Mackey et al. utilized a matrix analysis methodology in order to process and assess the obtained data. However, the specifics of these methods’ operational processes were excluded from the article. In addition, the study mentioned that it became apparent that patients could be grouped but never explained how exactly it...


Design Description in Draucker’s & Mackey’s Studies

Even though the contents of the paper by Mackey et al. included some information about semi-structured interviews and qualitative research, the researchers did not describe the study design, which led to confusion while reading the article. The study did not provide any explanation about the factors influencing the eligibility of...


Qualitative Design of Draucker’s & Mackey’s Studies

Mackey et al. describe a qualitative study they have conducted as a series of semi-structured interviews. They identify the purpose of their research as “to explore the experiences and perceptions of patients who regain employment after a burn injury and to contrast these with the experiences of those who remain...


The Study of DNA If It Were Today

The book of James D. Watson is a great illustration of “cut-throat” competition that often takes place in science. It turns out that science is far not a quiet field limited by reading books, looking through the microscope, and calculating numbers. We see that uncovering nature’s secrets turns into a...


Experiment in the Discovery of the Structure of DNA

Discovery is never an isolated breakthrough; as a rule, a scientist manages to make a discovery owing to the opportunity to work with the results of other researchers’ work. Thus, it is often quite difficult to evaluate who has made the most significant contribution to taking one more step forward....


The Importance of the Null Hypothesis

A hypothesis is a statementabout a population parameter that has to undergo a verification process to check its clarity or prove its efficacy in regard to its representation of that particular parameter. A hypothesis could either be null or alternate. “The null hypothesis is a statement that is not rejected...


Smiling and Mood Rise: Research Design

An experimental study to investigate a research question requires experimental and control subjects. Three different designs, namely, within-subjects, between-subjects, and matched participants, can be used to investigate the question; does smiling improve the mood? In a between-participants design, each group of subjects receives a different treatment. In this research, the...