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Nuclear Testing on Marshall Island

For 12 years spanning 1946-58, America exploded 68 nuclear tests on Marshall Island (Barker 23). The tests contributed to America’s military advancement especially with the success of the atomic bomb and its subsequent use to end World War 2. However, the success was only to the Americans. The test yielded...


Health Care Reform, Its History

Early public health reform efforts Health reforms are among one of the main agendas that the Obama administration has been struggling to address. The health reform issue has been a recurring one. It was in the early 1900s that the need to have a comprehensive health care program began to...

Tech & Engineering

Request for Proposal to Software Vendors

Introduction General Information The information contained in this document (RFP) pertains to the Upgrade of Word program at Baderman Island Resort. Confidentiality The information contained herein is confidential and shall not be disclosed to other parties without the Baderman Island Resort’s permission. In case of any disclosure to other parties,...


Bipolar Disorder in Women: Treatment

Introduction Post partum disorders are becoming a common concern especially due to their consequences which include committing suicide and infanticide. Attempts have been made to treat and where possible avoid such disorders taking place. This article will briefly outline the steps which can be taken to treat one such disorder:...


Criminal Justice System and Its Roles

Criminal justice system performs three distinctive roles. These roles include investigations of crimes, prosecution of offenders and delivery of punishment to individuals who are proven guilty of committing an offence. In other words, the main function of a criminal justice system is to ensure that every citizen is protected. This...


Assessment of How EU Law Influenced UK’s Equal Pay Law

As the range of EU competences broaden in the field of employment and industrial relations, EU law is seen to replace national labour laws increasingly as the future progresses (Eurofound, 2011). The passing of the Equal Pay act in 1970 preceded UK’s entry to the European Union in 1973, the...


Advocation of Basic Human Rights for Workers

The International Labor Organization deals with the working conditions, freedom of organizing, maternity protection, child labor, social security discrimination and so much more and won a Nobel Peace prize in 1969. The organization was formed by the League of Nations after World War I as a treaty of Versailles. The...


Impacts of September 11 Attack

Introduction Since the September 11 attack, the United States has spent billions of dollars to improve security and emergency preparedness. Additionally, there have been numerous private and government initiatives aimed at improving public safety. Apart from the initiatives, Americans have taken steps to guarantee their safety. Since the attack, Americans...

Tech & Engineering

Implementing New Information Systems: Microsoft Access vs. Excel

Introduction In the present competitive business environment, organizations are forced to incorporate technology in business undertakings. Development and implementation of information systems is thus a common activity in many organizations (Stair, Reynolds & Reynolds, 2009). With proper implementation and use of information systems, businesses have been able to offer cost...


Social Conflict and Social Processes Theory Assessment

Introduction Theories are statements that are formulated to explain specific aspects of world processes. Theories systematically employ high quality of knowledge and specific scenarios to elaborate the truth concerning certain phenomena. Theories can therefore employ real knowledge or can be hypothetical unless proven. For instance, various theories have been used...


The Origin and Evolution of Segmentation Hypotheses

The author gives three hypotheses concerning the evolution of segmentation. These hypotheses involve the evolution of segments in three main phyla that include arthropods, annelids, and chordates. Hypothesis 1 states that each phylum acquired its segmentation following an independent process. Hypothesis 2 states that segmentation evolved both in an independent...


Primary Prevention for Families in Case of Domestic Abuse

Public health is a term used to refer to measures, strategies, and models that are used to promote the wellbeing of people through prevention of diseases and elimination of factors that pose threats to their health. The main aim of public health is to improve the health of people and...


Violent Crimes’ Impact on Victims and Society

Violent crimes are as old as human history. They have evolved alongside human evolution. Also known as crimes of violence, these crimes involve using force to offend the victim. In legal definition, the objective of the offender is to commit a violent act. They also include actions in which the...


The Consequences of Global Warming on Human Society

Introduction The increase in global temperatures has adversely affected biodiversity. Climatic changes have effects on the health and economy of people in different ways (Riebeek, 2011). Global warming pollutants such as carbon dioxide form a thick layer that blankets the earth. This layer is responsible for trapping heat from the...

Tech & Engineering

Software as a Service for Cloud Computing

Software as a Service (SaaS) is the most commonly used service for cloud computing. SaaS is very easy to understand and use. It can be used via a web browser and there is no need to download or install any application. is a universal cloud computing service. The...


Domestic Violence and Abuse

Domestic violence takes different forms in the family. It can be sexual, physical, emotional, financial, or psychological. Family abuse affects many people in the society regardless of their age, culture, gender, religion, or race (Michigan Incident Crime Reporting, 2007). Nurses and caregivers should report any issue related to home abuse....

Tech & Engineering

SAML and XACML: Web Services Security

SAML and XACML applications SAML and XACML are security applications that are used on web services to apply various standards and protocols to be able to allow secure and valid communication between various entities that have been authorized (Internet2, 2011). Toolkits There are toolkits that are used with this application...


Occupational Safety and Health Act

The changes in legislation can profoundly shape the experiences of many people, but the importance of such changes often goes unnoticed. This paper is aimed at discussing one of the legal acts strongly influenced many stakeholders. In particular, it is necessary to focus on the Occupational Safety and Health Act...


Homeland Security Department’s Strategic Planning

Department of Homeland Security The department of homeland security utilizes resources at its disposal to coordinate the transition of multiple agencies into an integrated agency that is responsible for the protection of Americans in their homeland. The department provides its services to the federal government, states and local governments in...

Tech & Engineering

Summary of Boosting Algorithm – Machine Learning

The AdaBoost algorithm performs better than other algorithms by generating a hypothesis with a low training error derived through the combination of many different hypotheses into a single hypothesis. In addition, the combined hypothesis has a smaller variance compared to variance produced by the weak learner, WeakLearn. AdaBoost is effective...


Death Penalty in New York and New Mexico

Death Penalty Abolishment Death penalty refers to legal process of terminating a person’s life as a way of punishment depending on the crimes the person has committed against that law. Some states have up to date held to death penalties whereas some states have actually abolished death penalties. Two states...


Embryonic, Adult Stem Cells, and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell

Uniqueness of Stem Cells The importance of the exploration of stem cells is difficult to overestimate because this study contributed greatly to the further development of biology in terms of analysis of use and potential benefits of using stem cells for regenerative and other operations. So, the treating of diseases...


Juvenile Courts: History and Roles

I hereby submit my application to be admitted into the current justice program. I am mostly attracted by the fact that the University is one of the most reputable universities in the state. Over the years I have learnt that persistence is one of the great virtues that help many...


Annotated Bibliography: Life of Adam Robert

Rykwert, J & Rykwert, 1985, The brothers Adam: the men and the style, Collins, London. The book under consideration is written by the architectural historian, so it is impossible to say that the author provided wrong judgments, as his experience and knowledge in the field of architecture were rather significant....


Noble Truths of Buddha’s

Introduction Buddhism is one of the most influential religions in the world. Buddha, otherwise known as Siddhartha Gautama, reached awakening under the Bodhi Tree. Upon his enlightenment, Buddha gained profound knowledge of the circle of rebirths, the nature of karma, and the four noble truths (Harvey 32). According to Anderson,...


Plato and Aristotle: Thoughts About Education

Education is an important part of life and many philosophers had ideas about the best education. Plato is one philosopher who thought that early education is important and people must work for the benefit of the country. Aristotle, Plato’s student, had a more personal view on education and what role...

Tech & Engineering

Wireless Network: Data and Information Security

Introduction Network security is essential in any network infrastructure. Despite the shortcomings of a wireless network in relation to confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data, an enhanced security can be realized through altering the system ID, disabling identifier broadcasting, encrypting data, using firewalls, and protecting workstations. Securing Wireless Network Securing...


Porter’s Five Forces: Strategy Analysis in Airline Industry

The success of any business in the global industry depends on its ability to develop a powerful competitive strategy. Leaders in the aviation sector need to consider the applicability of Porter’s five forces and consider evidence-based approaches to achieve their potential. The purpose of this paper is to give a...


Western Ideologies – Journal on Each Philosopher

Ignatius of Loyola (1491 – July 31, 1556) was a historic figure who altered the history of Spain much due to the Catholic Reformation that was basically held due to his contribution also. He was a Spanish knight. Origin – Basque noble family. He studied Latin in Spain and then...


Furman v. Georgia: A Death Penalty Criminal Case

The case of Furman v. Georgia was decided alongside two other claims by the Supreme Court of the U.S. constituting cruelty and unusual punishment. Initially, arguments on murder cases had started during the case of Robinson v. California, where the supreme court gave a ruling that the clause on “cruel...


Rise of the State System in Egypt

After the First World War, there was a significant decline in Western political ideology in the Middle East. Major countries like Russia have been defeated and humiliated by the Japanese forces, which was unthinkable in the past. This news had led to several actions that have been appearing in the...


African Americans’ Rights

The Civil War brought many changes to the political and social environment of the United States, but the most significant of them was granting rights to African Americans. In 1863, President Lincoln introduced Emancipation Proclamation, which declared all slaves free in the Union-controlled territories. This established the foundation for further...


Fire Protection Engineering

I chose my major which is fire protection engineering because it is one of the most dynamic engineering fields and has become an increasingly important engineering field in the contemporary world. The construction industry has boomed over the last few decades and this boom necessitates more fire engineers because fire...


Solid Waste Management

Introduction As Kuwait’s economy grows, the total amount of generated solid waste also increases. In addition, increasing urban density and active building add to the issues with industrial by-products and garbage. Management, utilization, and recycling are paramount processes that help Kuwait continue sustainable growth and achieve prosperity. Current State of...


US Involvement in Vietnam

The reasons behind Vietnamese war remain heavily debated by contemporary historians. However, it remains clear that US diplomatic strategies (1940s-1970s) resulted in the direct military involvement, ending the lives of 58,000 Americans in Southeast Asia. This paper explains the path of US involvement in Vietnam during Japanese occupation, First Indochina...


Roles of Probation and Parole

Probation and parole are forms of community supervision that help to decrease the population of prisons. While these forms are sometimes used interchangeably by people outside the criminal justice system, these matters are different. The present paper compares and contrasts these two forms of community supervision and discusses their benefits...

Entertainment & Media

The Case of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Relationship

The case study selected was that of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who split from the royal family of the UK in February 2020. The research looked at how the media used different framing theories to come up with relevant media content for their respective audiences. Since their wedding, different...

Politics & Government

Relations Between Executive and Legislative Branches of the Government

Branches of the U.S. government – legislative, executive, and judicial – are designed to co-exist and complement each other. The underlying principle of constitutionalism implies that each division has special powers, structure, and functions. The purpose of the paper is to illustrate and analyze relations between the legislative and executive...

Family, Life & Experiences

The Importance of Family and Community Engagement in Elementary Schools

Family-school engagements are increasingly seen as powerful avenues for more equitable, culturally responsive, and collaborative schools (Auerbach, 2009). Although family engagement is not only desirable but also possible in schools, less research with insufficient data on its feasibility is documented. Institutional administrators are expected to be directly involved in initiating,...


The Teaching of Islam and Its Interpretation in Different Parts of the World

Introduction More than one and a half billion people around the world are zealous followers of Islam (Almonds 2010). This religion is also considered to be the fastest-growing major religion nowadays. There exist numerous interpretations of the Muslim religion around the world. Basically, Muslims are divided into three major denominations...


Fossil Fuels and Alternative Energy Sources

Introduction The increase in energy demand and increasing global climate change have called for the need for less dependency on fossil fuels to help curb greenhouse gas emissions. Fossil fuels can be defined as geology, plant, and animal organic material deposits over a long period. The majorly used fossil fuel...

Tech & Engineering

Steam Injection Oil Recovery

Steam injection oil recovery is one of the most common ways of oil extraction, that has been in use since at least the 1960s (Dong et al. 1191). The process is implemented during the tertiary stage of enhanced oil recovery, which occurs during the exploitation of an oil well after...


Drug Abuse and Modern Society

Social Media and Drug Abuse Prevention Social media has become one of the most significant communication channels for the vast majority of people and US residents in particular. On the one hand, people now have immediate access to communication with users all over the world, as well as the ability...


The Effect of Students’ Learning Styles on Their Performance

This article reports a study that investigated the effect of students’ learning styles on their performance when instructed using web-based tools. Its main aim was to find out whether student performance improves when learning and instruction occur in a web-based environment (Kozub, 2010). Individual student learning is closely tied to...


The Problems With Farming and Animal Consumption

Introduction The global human population is increasing. Food has now become an important concern due to the increased population. The high population has reduced farming areas at the expense of building homesteads (Pollan, 2007). Wild animals have suffered the most. As a result, global meat production has decreased. A new...

Politics & Government

World Bank as an Example of an International Non-Governmental Organization

Non-Governmental Organizations are private, voluntary organizations made up of persons or associations that convene with a common objective. They range from grassroots organizations to known worldwide organizations. Some of the non-governmental organizations are funded by private means, while others depend partly on governmental funds1. Other non-governmental organizations meet their objectives...

Politics & Government

Theories of International Organization

Introduction The international organization is viewed from a number of perspectives according to the different international relations theorists. The theorists include realists, neo-functionalist and regime theorists. The formation and governance of international organizations have presented a challenge globally. There are a few theories that attempt to explain and give a...


Women in Business: Leadership Positions

Introduction Women have suffered for a long time because of gender inequalities associated with cultural practices and social stereotypes. Affirmative actions have led to the emancipation of few women, and more needs to be done to ensure there is equality in society. The number of career women has increased because...

Politics & Government

European Economic Community and European Court of Justice

The world has several times seen the unions of countries and nations, some of which are still present today. EEC stands for European Economic Community and is one such union. The original name for EEC is the Treaty of Rome, which was signed on March 25, 1957. The European Community...


Why Claude Levi-Strauss Is Considered the Father of Modern Anthropology?

Claude Levi-Strauss contributed greatly to the field of anthropology. Thus, he is considered the father of modern anthropology. Born in Brussels and raised in Paris by French parents, Claude became one of the leading and most respectable intellectuals in France soon after the World War because he managed to revolutionize...


“Preventing Chronic Diseases” by Choi and Pak

The article “A catalog of biases in questionnaires” by Choi and Pak presents an argument on the importance of avoiding bias while designing questionnaires for the patients which appears to be very important for the results of medical examinations. The article discusses the results of investigations conducted within different medical...

Politics & Government

Corporate Social Responsibility Public Policy

Introduction Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is important within the private sector. All corporations are obliged to provide assistance to communities. It is important for firms to give back both to their consumers and the general environment. This explains the basic foundation of CSR (Utting & Marques, 2009). There exist significant...


The Effects of Climate Change

It is evidently true that there has been a significant increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmospheres by up to 40 percent today, than it was in the years preceding the industrial revolution (L11). There is equally a strong correlation between the concentration of carbon dioxide and...


Methodology in Early Childhood

Abstract This dissertation investigates the literature that is available on methodologies in early childhood. These are basic guidelines that are geared towards finding solutions to particular problems through proper analysis of the methods that have been employed by a discipline. Methodology in Early Childhood The methods applied in early childhood...


External, Internal, and Construct Validity

The global business demands of industry have made use of many employees through harsh working conditions and inhumane treatment. Malaysian people are being sent by the Vietnamese government to work in conditions that almost never meet proper conditions and procedures. The government and the industry focuses too much on the...


How Has European Union Slowly Eroded the Sovereignty of the UK Parliament

‘The doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty is one of the most fundamental elements of British constitution’ (Tabarelli 2013). According to this doctrine allows the parliament to adopt and alter the laws in a way it considers appropriate. Historically, the UK parliament had an unlimited legislative power, and the judicial system in...


Incarceration of Mothers or Female Guardians Analysis

Introduction Recidivism among people who served out a jail term is quite high especially when it comes to low-income communities. It has been acknowledged that corrective programs can assist inmates to adapt better to the new life and integrate into the community after imprisonment (Latessa, Listwan & Koetzle, 2014; McClure...

Politics & Government

Public Service Delivery and Customers’ Happiness

Introduction The UAE and Dubai governments strive for raising public services to the new level, from e-government to smart government. The smart government tools involve measurement of consumers’ satisfaction and happiness and provision of the corresponding reports to assess efficiency of various programs. The government of Dubai launched such incentives...


Online Learning and Adult Learning

Introduction Online learning is becoming more and more popular nowadays. This option is convenient for people who are busy and have no time for full-time education. It is possible to conduct the online education of adults with the help of various methods and practices; however, one of the most important...


Applying Mixed Methods to Evidence-Based Practice

Introduction The research design involving mixed methods counseling encompasses the use of research methods that are quantitative and qualitative within the same investigation. This combination creates a critical analysis of the research problem being handled. The use of a mix of the formula is a chief research model that avails...

Tech & Engineering

Big Data and Tiered Storage for Organizations

Organizations depend on data for growth. Analyzing data helps business owners to come up with effective strategies of conducting day-to-day business activities. In line with the importance of data to an organization, companies are coming up with cost effective and efficient ways of storing data. Storage of present management changes...


Themes in “The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao” by Junot Diaz

The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Diaz Junot offers an astounding picture of the modern American experience. The narrator and other characters relate the endless and unfathomable atrocities that the dictator in their country committed. Notably, the unfair treatment compelled Oscar’s mother, Belicia Cabral to seek refuge in...


Environmental Factors in Personality Development

Over the decades, different scholars have defined personality in diverse ways. However, there is no central definition to describe personality based on what contributes to the development of an individual’s personality. A generalized definition suggests that an individual’s personality entails the patterns of thought and responses that make one act...


Advantages of Online Courses

Online courses are often called the future of education, which provides students with less stressful alternatives to traditional classes in schools, colleges, and universities. People are highly convinced that online education and courses deliver numerous opportunities. There are three main reasons for the growing interest in online learning through the...


Extrasolar Planets Search and Current Achievements

Introduction Astronomers have always strived to penetrate the sky and look at the invisible. It is very difficult to observe extrasolar planets directly. The radial velocity method and the transit methods are used to find them. The purpose of this research paper is to explore the current achievements in the...

Politics & Government

Vienna Convention and Diplomatic Relations

Introduction The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations is a vital act in the system of international relations. It governs the conduct and status of diplomatic entities throughout the world. It builds the legal foundation for diplomatic interactions between independent states. For any diplomat, this document possesses extreme importance, since it...


Homeland Security of the United States

Homeland security is a defensive security measure towards protecting the United States in opposition to the action of terrorist (Carafano & Sauter, 2005, p.xiv). The word homeland security came into existence in 2003 as a result of the extensive structural alteration of various United States governing authority and administrative unit...


Gender Social Construction Theory Explanation

Introduction From the perspective of social construction theory, gender is a social construct that some people confuse for biological realities. According to the theory, there is no one-to-one correspondence between the biological sex and the actual gender defined by society. The idea of gender being socially constructed means that gender...


Sales Contract: Elements

Contract plays a vital role in aspects of agreement between parties for exchange of goods and services. Contracts in actual practice allow the parties of the agreement to become satisfied for their conduct of sales or exchange. The relationship between two parties for the terms and conditions of sales and...


Does Evolution Explain Human Nature?

Evolution Respected schools of thought, have overlapping ideologies of what Evolution is all about. Almost all of them, seem to see Evolution as an alteration in traits of a given generation or population. When a given population is divided into sub-units, usually very small in nature, these units or groups...


Dr. Martin Luther King’s Speech “I Have a Dream”

Introduction Dr. Martin Luther King’s legendary “I have a dream” speech was spontaneous, from the heart since he had not made any prior preparations concerning on how he would address the crowd, he spoke with passion and raw emotion, using clearly constructed imagery, symbolism and spiritual connotation making his speech...

Tech & Engineering

Project Planning Using a Formal Time Line

Introduction Project planning is a function that outlines how to execute a project within a given timeframe, usually with defined stages, and with allocated resources. Project planning divides activity into four key areas these are “setting objectives, identifying deliverables, planning the schedule and making supporting plans. Supporting plans may include...

Family, Life & Experiences

Parenting Gifted Children Successfully Score

Parenting is a very important influence on the development of children, both in the physical and cognitive aspects. According to Campbell, parenting influences the child’s social development (1997). There are several challenges, which are even multiple in the parenting of gifted children. Some scales and scoring systems have been developed...


Qualitative and Quantitative Research Method

Qualitative Research Question Qualitative research is mainly used in social sciences. However, the method can be applied in other disciplines such as marketing and psychology (Finlay, 2002). This research method aims at studying human behavior and determining the reasons which trigger such behavior. It also tries to know how people...


Male and Female Communication Styles Differences

Numerous studies on gender differences in syntax, semantics, non-verbal behaviors, the use of particular words and other aspects of communication, have identified that men and women differ in their communication styles. Simma Lieberman, in his article, “Differences in Male and Female Communication Styles”, describes men’s communication style as more of...


Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night”: Character Analysis on Public Speaking

Introduction Public speaking involves speaking before a group of people. It is a structured process that has a deliberate intention of entertaining, influencing or informing the listeners. It is almost similar to presentation, normally done in business meetings. People involved in public speaking are leaders and highly influential people such...


Male and Female Roles in Contemporary Society

Introduction Societies both traditional and modern have been assigning roles to men and women based on their gender. However, these gender roles are just but perceived behavioral norms that a given social group or society assigns to males or females (Jacobson & Mazur, 1995). This concept is more pronounced in...


Drug and Alcohol Abuse Issue Review

A drug is any substance which when taken transforms the functioning of the body of the human being either positively or negatively. Drug abuse is the excessive use of drugs, whether for medicinal or for non medicinal purposes. Many youths currently take drugs to stimulate the functioning of their bodies,...

Politics & Government

Immigration and Racial Profiling and the Role of Law Enforcement

Introduction Immigration is a very contentious issue. The role of law enforcement in enforcing immigration policy is at times controversial. A lot of debate has emerged. Police and other government agencies have been accused of insinuating racial profiling. These accusations have been evidenced by numerous lawsuits. Numerous minority groups have...


Communication & Collaboration Strategy for Diverse Audience

Introduction Everybody has different learning styles and personality types. This indeed affect the way people learn, communicate and even the way they understand things. While developing an effective communication and collaboration strategy, it is important to recognize these differences in order to achieve common goals among a group of individuals....


Aesthetics in Alice Walker’s ‘Everyday Use’

Alice Walker had a number of aesthetic goals in her short story, Everyday Use. The most pronounced aesthetic goal in the short story is the cultural heritage of any given community in general and for the African American family that is used in the short story in particular (Eagleton 67-68)....


Kurt Vonnegut’s Novel “Slaughterhouse 5” as an Anti-War Book

The novel was written during the Second World War when many people were going through the aftermath of the war. The writer got the inspiration for the novel from the war. The novel features an important character by the name of Bill whose pilgrim’s tales are narrated. The novel reveals...


Animal Rights and Its Importance

Animal rights refer to a movement that ensures that animals are not used by humans in a way that causes harm to them. People cause a lot of suffering to animals, specifically domestic animals, with the argument that they are their property and thus they are entitled to treat them...


French Romanticism Features in Camille Saint-Saens’s Music

Abstract Camille Saint-Saens is one of the most prominent composers and pianists of the Romantic era whose contribution to the field of conducting and teaching is remarkable. Among Saint-Saens’s works, Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso in A minor composed in 1863 for Pablo de Sarasate is recognized as an independent and...


Importance of a Teacher in Child Development

The family has been undergoing the biggest transformation compared to all other institutions. Unlike in the past, the family is no longer a haven for children. Today, children spend most of their time in school. Most of these children join school when their brains have not fully formed up to...


Justifying US Atomic Bombing of Japan in 1945

Introduction The Second World War began in 1939 September when France and Britain declared war against Germany after Germany invaded Poland; resentments from the First World War, unresolved issues, and nationalistic issues are the main causes of the Second World War. Background In 1937, Germany and other states including the...


Gender Roles and Norms in Early World History

Introduction The early world history suggests a great number of different examples of gender roles and norms of behavior for men and women. Some regions allowed women equal rights with men, while other forced women to be the real power behind the throne. We can trace common ideologies in different...


The Belmont Report: Research Methods and Designs

Research designs and methods used to conduct surveys have been strictly censured in the past decade. Institutional review board resolutions are now an enhanced role with regard to research activities done by policy research and academic institutions. There are new guidelines introduced by Federal agencies that compel academic, professional and...


Informed Consent as a Basic Right of Clients

Introduction Informed consent is a fundamental right of clients receiving professional help. Each client has the right to informed consent. It is the basic right because clients need assistance in becoming educated and willing participants in the therapy of their choice or treatment offered by a professional. The primary objective...


Who Is Responsible for Global Warming: Human or Nature

Introduction The modern world is full of different dangers and nature may become the main danger. Climate change may bring a lot of inconveniences to people’s life or even the elimination of the whole of mankind. Nature is a very powerful instrument that is not only used by people but...

Tech & Engineering

Learning Theories Behind New Technologies

Introduction The role of new technologies in contemporary education is well-recognized and largely studied by numerous scholars. There are various opportunities for the integration of these technologies into the educational process as well as considerable challenges. This paper aims to discuss several questions and concerns related to theories and models...


Different Approaches to Learning

Instruction Learning Instruction learning is a widely accepted learning strategy that provides various opportunities to understand the content through processing, knowledge construction, developing classroom interest, and positive attitude of the students. Students in a classroom enjoy an assortment of physical and mental abilities; therefore the effective acquisition of knowledge is...


“The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Covey

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People was written by Stephen Covey which became a well-designed plan for personal development. The seven habits are an amazing group of inspiring standards for all those who seek to live a happy, complete, and meaningful life and are very much relevant in the...

Politics & Government

Politics and Policy in State and Local Governments

Introduction The United States of America has witnessed various periods of federalism, which is described as the continuous evolution of the relationship and balance of power between the federal government and the various state and local governments. The first federalist movement occurred in the 18th century, and the need for...


“The Catcher in the Rye” by J. D. Salinger

“The Catcher in the Rye” by J.D. Salinger should be taught in High school because this work includes the psychological moments appropriate to the age of high school. J.D. Salinger is one of the most famous representatives of the New York literary school of 1940 – 60-ies of the XX-th...

Tech & Engineering

Lifecycle of a Project Management

Introduction Managing projects is a complicated and expensive proposition. Extreme care should be taken at all stages to see that any project is managed efficiently. A brief report on the project life cycle is given below. It is proposed that this is the way that future projects will be managed...

Politics & Government

Wrongful Conviction and the Death Penalty

There has been a strong and strident call to replace the death penalty in the US and supplant it with sentences that run from two to three decades. Any conviction entails a margin of error and should therefore be capable of being overturned. This will permit the wrongfully convicted persons...


“The Souls of Black Folk” by Du Bois

Du Bois was very good at many traits for instance he was a civil rights activist, a professor of Sociology, a writer, and in addition to this, he also tried his hands at many more things. When he was 95 years of age, he became a citizen of Ghana. Du...


American History from the 1890s Through World War I

Introduction In the late 18th century during the government of James Monroe, the United States of America’s central government policy was to keep the native residents out of reach of the white borders into the Indian corollary cycle. At around the year 1990, the United States of America had gained...