🧪 Essays on Sciences - Page 2


Multivariate Analysis of Variance in Research

Multivariate analysis is one of the most applicable methods of variance analysis in the world. The method is appropriate for use when there are two or more variables that need to be analyzed at one particular instance. This is done to get a clear understanding of the relationship that exists...


A Debtor’s Alternatives to a Bankruptcy Filing

Take no action Filling a bankruptcy will prevent a creditor from seizing property. In most times, creditors are reluctant to initiate legal proceedings against a debtor who has no assets as it may be costly. This might be the alternative to take. Self-money management Through the creation of a personal...


The Effectiveness of a Leader in the Healthcare

The effectiveness of a leader is also important for the achievement of a certain goal. An effective leader should have followers. Motivation is a character trait for such effective leaders. Motivation refers to the act of a leader getting things done by his or her followers at will. Leaders usually...


Bachelor of Science in Nursing Entry into Practice

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) is a professional nursing practice that is governed by national and state regulations. The importance of this is that it helps to ensure that the quality of the care that is offered by nursing practitioners has acceptable credentials, standards, code of ethics, and competencies....


Medical Screening Images With Spin Echo Pulse Sequences

T1 weighting The net magnetization vector (NMV) is spun into the transverse plane after the 90° rf excitation pulse is applied. The recovery of T1 takes place when nuclei lose energy, and NMV starts realigning with B0 leading to the recovery of longitudinal magnetization. Fats usually have a short T1...


Data Collection Method Tools Overview

Data collection methods entail the collection of evidence based on facts or figures where a valid conclusion may be drawn from. Data can be either quantitative or qualitative. The qualitative data is the data obtained from observations, tales or attributes while the qualitative data signifies the data that can be...


Research Designs in a Scientific Study

According to Socialresearchmethod.net “research design provides the glue that holds the research project together. A design is used to structure the research, to show how all of the major parts of the research project — the samples or groups, measures, treatments or programs, and methods of assignment — work together...


The Concepts of Community and Demographics

The Community A community is a group of people living together in the same region, who frequently interact with one another. According to Cohen, it refers to people of a given population living in the same geographical region. They share the same infrastructure of the community such as roads, schools,...


Ethnicity and Race: What’s the Difference?

The notions of ethnicity and race are often misinterpreted or erroneously used as synonyms, and though they are closely related, they still represent completely different ideas. Ethnicity stands for the cultural traits pertaining to people in a certain geographic area, which include their language, religion, and customs. In contrast to...


Race: Anthropological and Biological Definitions

The concept of dividing people into races started as an attempt to study the biological differences of people residing in different territories and leading various lifestyles. However, further studies transferred these ideas to the level of social and cultural differences, and that has brought many contradictions to the initial idea...


The Opioid Crisis in the United States

The opioid crisis in the United States has long been a major national health-related problem. Dayton, Ohio, is a valuable city for analyzing the opioid epidemic and possible mitigation strategies. Montgomery County is the region with the highest number of unintentional opioid overdoses. The reasons for this situation are socio-economic...


Communication Expectations of an 18-Month-Old

The first two years of a child’s life are critical for the development of each domain or skill area – cognitive, emotional, and adaptive. A typical 18-month-old toddler is actively developing and practicing language skills; however, since his or her speech apparatus is not yet fully formed, one should not...


The Major Speech Problems: Causes and Mechanisms

Speech disorders include articulation (phonological), stuttering (fluency), and voice disorders. A phonological or articulation involves errors in sound production, use, representation or organization. There is the substitution of one sound for another, omissions of sounds or distortion of sound. The severity varies from mild to severe and is more common...


Logical Fallacies: Ad Hominem Attacks and Circular Arguments

Despite being the manifestations of logical mistakes, ad hominem arguments can still appeal to different audiences, sometimes including well-educated people. Any person has his or her own opinions about people’s characteristics, and personal preferences affect one’s ability to think critically, especially when it comes to sensitive topics. Thus, if my...


Embryonic Stem Cells vs. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

Production ESCs are formed from a human embryo using the undifferentiated internal mass of cells. In contrast, IPSCs are produced from the reprogramming of different types of somatic cell types from diverse animal species. Both types of stem cells are pluripotent, meaning that they can differentiate into products of the...


Case Study as Qualitative Research Design

A case study is used in investigating problems that cannot be unearthed by the quantitative study as it is an in-depth examination of a research phenomenon that is utilized in the understanding of an issue that relates to the present situation. This means that it examines a situation in its...


Generalization in Scientific Research

The generalization of research findings is one of the tenets of social research studies that most often than not motivate researchers in the first place to undertake a research study in the area of interest, and as controversial as this might be, most study designs in social sciences are designed...


Big Data Analytics for Different Industries

During the last several years, big data analytics has been identified as a significant business concept in the field of the global economy. Big data means a variety of information that could influence the development of organizations and the people in them. It may shed light on different market trends,...


Epigenetics as a Field of Studies

Epigenetics studies mitotically or meiotically inherited and reversible changes that affect gene expression and genome stability, but occur without a change in the DNA sequence. At the same time, environmental factors, such as metals, persistent organic pollutants, or endocrine disorders caused by chemicals, can influence epigenetic changes. The extension of...


Human Genome Project’s Purpose and Findings

The main strategic task of the Human Genome Project for the future is to study DNA variations at the level of individual nucleotides in different organs and cells of individuals and to identify these differences. Typically, single mutations in human DNA occur on average per thousand unchanged bases. An analysis...


Human Genome Project: Lessons and Surprises

The Human Genome Project was conducted in order to decode the entire genome of a person. The main goal of the project is to determine the sequence of nucleotides in all molecules of human DNA with the simultaneous establishment of localization of all genes. Priority areas were declared structural and...


Gender Factor of Anorexia & Bulimia

Ninety percent of the affected are young females. White upper class and middle-class women usually suffer from this illness. Only 5 % are males. It is believed that males undergo fitness regimes, masking the disorder they would otherwise have expressed. Males would be increasing their body looks and personality to...


The Purpose of the Literature Review in Research

Literature review plays a significant role in any research work. In most of cases, research conducted aims at proving a specific hypothesis or adding value to a known idea. As a result, one starts by giving a review of what is known so as to help the leader understand the...


Energy Management and Nuclear Power Plants Development

An advertisement about nuclear energy in an American scientific magazine runs like this “cleaner and greener”, referring to the energy obtained from nuclear power plants. “Our 103 nuclear power plants don’t burn anything, so they don’t produce greenhouse gases.” The Nuclear institutes try to tell the world that nuclear energy...


Research Methods: Imaging, Recording, Stimulation, Lesion

New innovations in imaging technology have enabled significant advantages which are far better than an autopsy. Thus, imaging brings a better understanding of relationships between the brain structure and functions of memory and speech, and the existence of disorders such as depression, stroke, and schizophrenia can be identified. Imaging also...


How the Bird Flies: Process Analysis

It has long been appreciated that what was achieved during the invention of airplanes, had long been achieved in nature by birds. The basic concept is to create a balance between weight and strength. Flight is a special adaptation of birds that enables them to obtain food, travel, escape from...


Liberty City’s Community Health Factors

The health status of any community is affected by a mix of environmental, community, interpersonal, and individual issues. Public health nurses should consider these areas when providing care to patients as it will enable the healthcare professional to evaluate this person’s needs and expectations. Liberty City in Miami (Florida) is...


Types of Hypotheses and Their Examples

The different types of hypotheses are inductive, deductive, and research. The last is divided into directional or non-directional research and statistical hypotheses, which include a null hypothesis. An example of a directional hypothesis is if the students who use the study pack will score higher on the science test than...


Research Study: Clear Purpose and Research Question

Research should have a clear purpose as it should give benefits for both the writer and the reader. For the reader, a comprehensible purpose enables one to understand the area of study and what the research proposes to improve on the subject. On the other hand, it is a benefit...


Research Design Versus Methods

Research design can be defined as the scientific model that helps in creating research that will be quantifiable, replicable, defensible, and verifiable. Normally, the model can be flexible but it is often used in the day-to-day life and it often brings evidence for any research or a report that one...


Why Scholars Analyze a Variety of Perspectives Regularly

It is very vital for scholars to get access to as many materials as possible when carrying out any research so as to get firsthand knowledge at the same time they are acquainted with more information on their topic of research. For you to be able to know how people...


Organizations’ Characteristics in the Disaster Context

Studies on the causes of technological disasters have pointed out the existence of common patterns that lead to disasters. The patterns present the characteristics of most organizations. About the organizational setting, there are perception and belief rigidities. This feature has been associated with the complex nature of organizations which dictate...


What Does Anthropology Analyze in the Issue of Language?

Studying languages, the anthropologist prefers to consider the nature of the language, the origin of the words and the thematic of the language in general. Many scholars are sure that each language makes the nations that use it to see the environment from different perspectives. Thus, the perception of reality...


Ethnographic Sketch of Brazilians

This is a group of people who are found in Brazil that is located on the East Central Coast of the South American continent. Being autonomous people, each unit or village is led by a headman. This headman relies on a group of sons and in-laws for support, since his...


How Quantitative & Qualitative Research Contribute to Theory

The methods of carrying out research can be classified into two broad categories: quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative research mainly refers to the empirical examination of phenomena by means of mathematical and statistical techniques. Conversion of data into a measurable form provides an easy way to easily categorize and work with...


Confounds in Research Design: Definition & Examples

A confound is an extraneous variable that is beyond the control of the experimenter. Confounds affect the cause-and-effect relationship between the independent and dependent variables. In this way, they make it difficult for the researcher to determine the effects of the independent variable on the dependent ones. According to Brennan,...


Types of Research Questions in a Qualitative and Quantitative Study

A good study plan consists of nine important elements. The first is the statement of the problem that includes a precise statement of the aim of the study. It may consist of the research questions to be answered in the study, a briefing about the importance of the study, and...


Game Theory-Like Situations in The Walking Dead

The principles of game theory can be observed in the daily life of every person. It is present because the given concept covers the intricacies of choices and anticipatory moves of numerous interactive units. There were various situations in my life where I had to make choices pursuing my interests....


The Importance of the “Knowledge Utilization” Concept

“Knowledge utilization” is a complex process that aims to produce social impact. In criminal justice organizations, the process has three primary applications. The first one is symbolic and can be defined as the usage of information to support specific policies or decisions. Stojkovic et al. exemplify this type of “knowledge...


Three Forms for Writing Quantitative Hypotheses

The first form for writing a quantitative hypothesis is the null hypothesis. The null hypothesis is denoted by H0, where H stands for hypothesis and the subscript zero implies a there is no difference condition, and H0 is read as “H sub zero”. The null hypothesis is a statement about...


Elements Written Into Quantitative Research Questions and Hypotheses

One of the basic elements of the quantitative research question or hypothesis writing is the use of variables. A variable can be independent, meaning that it provides the basis for estimation, or the variable can be dependent, which means that its values are being predicted or estimated. The use of...


Debate on Colored Pigments in Green Leaves

Introduction Issue The case involves a disagreement between Horatio and Ashley. Horatio says that yellow leaves have colored pigments and the green leaves do not while Ashley states that the green leaves have colored pigments. Theoretical background In nature, light occurs in both visible and invisible spectra with varying wavelengths...


The Effects of Atrazine on Vertebrates: Xenopus Laevis

Background information and purpose of the study Many studies have obtained inconsistent findings vis-a-vis the effects of atrazine on vertebrates. To elucidate the effects of the chemical on humans, researchers utilize vertebrate model systems. It has been suggested that the herbicide could have potential effects on morphological features and hormonal...


The Concentrations of KCl on Germination of Mung Beans

Abstract Salinity of a solution has marked influence on the germination of seeds. In this view, the study hypothesized that the rate of germination decreases as the concentration KCl reduces. To establish the impact of salinity on germination of mung seeds, the study employed distilled water and increasing concentrations KCl,...


Seeds Germination in Different Concentrations of KCI Solution

Abstract Germination rates of the mung bean seeds differ when planted in different concentrations of salt. A decision to set up an experiment to investigate these claims was reached. For this experiment, Petri dishes containing 20 seeds of mung bean seeds were placed in 5 separate dishes. The other components...


Bean Seeds Germination Experiment: KCL Solution

Abstract Germination is a process that combines several factors of growth among them oxygen, water and other ingredients for growth. A successful germination of seeds requires a favorable life supporting environment. To achieve this, plastic bags with ten bean seeds each were prepared and four different concentrations of KCL solution...


Nuclear Reactors: Review

Introduction Fission is a process utilized by atomic bomb and nuclear reactor to produce energy. However, whereas nuclear reactor generates electricity, atomic bomb explodes after producing the energy. Therefore, because of these differences, nuclear reactor cannot explode like an atomic bomb. (Irvine 2011). Therefore, it is significant to understand the...


Qualitative Research: Main Issues

Abstract With the increasing need for research, qualitative research has been widely used to collect information and determine the relationship and phenomena which are unknown to man. Due to this fact, it is of great importance for researchers to be familiar with the concepts of qualitative research and develop the...


Image Sharpening and Softening: Blurring, Deblurring

One of the image processing applications is image sharpening and softening which eliminates undesirable side effects like halos, grain and artifacts (Christian, 2009); this helps to increase or decrease edge definition in an image. Depending on the kind of image one is interested in, one may be able to reduce...


Interview With Chief Nursing Officer: Maribel Torres

Hialeah Hospital in Miami, Florida, has more than 900 staff members in employ. The position of the Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) is occupied by Maribel Torres, who devotes more than twenty years of life to nursing (“Leadership Profile,” 2020). Being the CNO, Maribel takes responsibility for the maintenance of patient...


Conducting a Study: The Role of Researcher’s Ethical Principles

Post One Well-trained and skilled persons can understand the various challenges faced in research. However, this does not strictly refer to qualified and experienced researchers. For other qualitative research programs, such as undergraduate research, the institutions should employ qualified and experienced researchers as supervisors for their learners (Lemon & Hayes,...


Data Collection and Researcher’s Roles

Researchers are responsible for choosing valid and reliable methodology to address the questions addressing relevant issues some groups of people face. Researchers try to remain unbiased when doing research, which can be difficult to attain. The data collection process has certain challenges, and the researcher has to be careful in...


The Concept of Archimedes’ Force

Introduction This laboratory work explores the concept of Archimedes’ force as a pushing force that allows physical bodies to float on the surface of the water. The main criterion for determining the ability to float or sink is to compare the body’s density with the density of the liquid in...


Nature of the Relationship Between Force and Motion

Introduction In the present laboratory work, the nature of the relationship between the force applied to the smartcart and the acceleration, as well as between the acceleration and the mass of the cart, was evaluated. For this purpose, two different experiments were performed: in the first, the mass of the...


Research Questions vs. Interview Questions

Key Concepts Research Question A research question is a tool that allows formulating the objectives of the upcoming research work and determines the focus of the methodology, for instance, qualitative or quantitative. According to Fandino (2019), a good research question is the outcome of properly aligned objectives that, combined with...


Comparative Approach to “What Makes Democracy”

Introduction The comparative approach to study of politics and government takes on a systematic study and comparison of diverse political systems. Rather than focusing on a particular object of study, comparative politics focuses the inquiry on the method, asking the deeper ‘why’ questions. This allows for a greater comprehension not...


Selecting Research Methodology

The criterion The description of methods The definitions of methods of collecting data in sociology Questionnairesare a method of collecting social information about the object under study through direct or indirect communication between the sociologist and the interviewee by recording the respondent’s answers to questions posed by the sociologist. Interviewsare...


Aircraft Cyberattacks: Pearson Correlation Analysis

Introduction There is a need to understand how the aviation industry can prevent frequent aircraft cyberattacks by offering training to pilots and crew. A deeper analysis has been conducted on the sample collected from 150 different training centers across Triple E, Colorado. The analysis was performed later using the Pearson...


Comparing Qualitative and Quantitative Research Designs

Both the qualitative and quantitative research designs have similar rigor, with the argument that each has unique approaches to approaching a study question. In contrast to quantitative exploration, which is receptive to data and utilizes a literary technique to conform to a school of thought using sample size, the qualitative...


Descriptive Statistics on Aviation Security Threats

Introduction Aircraft cybersecurity threats have been an increasing area of interest to aviation due to advancements in technology that complicate the operations and delivery of services in the aeronautics industry. With improvement in the operations systems from both in the ground and airline operations, there is increased interconnectivity between various...


The Nervous System and the Human Brain

Nervous System The nervous system is one of the most important systems of the human body, and its study is a process that requires a comprehensive analysis of its functions. This system consists of the CNS and PNS, which, in turn, consist of the brain and spinal cord, as well...


Selecting Methods and Conducting Research

Introduction Social studies have been increasing in complexity as the number of investigating variables and their aspects expand. Yet, the main objective of any research, which is to provide a validating and unbiased perspective on the matter, remains permanent. In this regard, it is essential to reflect on the study...


Five Qualitative Approaches to the Inquiry

There are five qualitative approaches to the inquiry which may be used in the research, depending on its peculiarity, purpose and research questions that are aimed to be answered. Narrative research, phenomenological research, grounded theory research, ethnographic research, and case study research are the approaches to qualitative research which exist...


Genetics Knowledge and Its Role in Medicine

Nurses have been playing an integral role in ensuring patients’ welfare. One way they use to achieve better healthcare is through alerting individuals at risk of given diseases through the incorporation of genetic information. There are several implications of genetic and genomic in drug abuse. Genomic technologies can be used...


Oxidation Reaction: The Primary Salt Effect

The central purpose of this experiment is to study the primary salt effect in the oxidation reaction of iodide ions to iodine during sodium thiosulfate titration. Reference to Procedure All steps of the procedure of this experiment were performed according to the theoretical guidelines given by Amdur & Hammes (1966),...


Chemical Equilibrium in Solution

Introduction The dispersion of molecules of iodine 12 between immiscible liquids solvents, water, or carbon tetrachloride was used to estimate the molarity of the 12 substances involved at balance in the aqueous solution. The lack of information regarding activity coefficients for any complexes present complicates the investigation. Early scientists recognized...


Mixed Method Research Study: Strategies in Everyday Personal Goals

Mixed research method refers to the emerging of research that advances in qualitative and quantitative data within a single program of inquiry. The main goal of mixed method research is to expand and reinforce a study’s conclusion that contributes to the published literature. Qualitative and quantitative research correspond to each...


Research Methods Critical Analysis

Introduction Research is an important part of the development of science in the modern world. The quality of any study is largely determined by the methods that are used in it. Both suitable methods can be selected, which can help to reveal the research question, and unsuitable ones, which limit...


Comparison of Rome and the US

The article of Ibeji (2011) compares two great republics – the Roman Empire and the United States of America. The main idea proclaimed by Ibeji (2011) is that both Rome and the US unintentionally became global superpowers and even hegemons. The primary means to achieving a superior position in the...


Quantitative and Qualitative Research and Its Aims

Quantitative research is concerned with the calculation of observation results. Quantitative data is any data presented in a numerical format, such as statistics, percentages, etc. Causal-comparative research is done primarily to explain and better understand the causal processes involved in creating an event, feature, or relationship, usually by bringing together...


Quantitative Research and Its Four Designs

The quantitative research approach focuses on quantifiable data, such as numbers and figures, in both collection and analysis (Aspers & Corte, 2019). It is scientific in nature, with the use of statistical data reducing the time and efforts researchers need to describe the results (Eyisi, 2016). The types of quantitative...


Quantitative Methods and Analysis

Quantitative Measures Quantitative research methods highlight objective measures, numerical and mathematical analysis of information. Data is gathered through surveys, questionnaires, polls, or manipulation of pre-existing records using computational techniques (Brancati 2018). Therefore, the main focus is collecting numerical data and simplifying it for people (Brancati 2018). Also, it aims at...


Striate Cortical Damage in Monkeys and Humans

Background Visual cortex damage or lesions may often lead to blindness which, in many patients’ cases, is impossible to treat. After the cortex damage, another specific peculiarity of the human occipital lobe occurs (Bagins et al., 2019). The patients may locate visual stimuli being unaware of position, shape, color, and...


China’s History, Economy, Culture and Political System

History China was one of the earliest civilized nations in the world and the source of world major inventions like gunpowder, paper, printing and compass. It is the nation with the world’s longest system of writing and the most widely spoken language in the world, Chinese. It is against this...


Nuclear Share of Electricity Generation

Different opinions surrounded the topic of nuclear power usage for the last 50 years. While some people strongly suggest that nuclear power is dangerous, other people state that nuclear power is far more progressive and cleaner than coal and oil sourced energy. This paper will uncover the basic physical principles...


The Nuclear Accident at Three Mile Islands

The ability to produce power by influencing atoms, either by breaking them apart or fusing them, is nuclear power. By dividing its atoms, a material such as uranium may be utilized to generate heat and even electricity. Usually, power plants need the energy to produce electricity, while nuclear reactors do...


Hospital Errors and Infections: Research Methods

Method To conduct a successful and valid research, it is important to determine the methods one is going to use during it. There are various methods in healthcare researches that are used; they are all based on research paradigms also known as qualitative and quantities methods. Depending on the type...


Genetic Cloning: Advantages and Disadvantages

Abstract Cloning is the process of creating a copy of particular organisms, including genes, tissues, and cells. There are three types of cloning, which are gene, reproductive and therapeutic ones. Although its beneficial effect is undeniable, for instance, providing an opportunity to have children for ones, who have specific illnesses,...


Importance of the Consent Principle in Ethical Research

The fourth principle of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights is consent, which refers to the pre-emptive acceptance of the human subject to participate in an ethical study. It is established to protect the decision of the human subjects during any research. Ethical research involves active interaction with...


Aspects of Tay–Sachs Disease

Currently, medical experts are aware of numerous genetic diseases, diverse in the severity of their course, consequences, and the effect on the organs. In this regard, Tay–Sachs disease is one of the most complicated and simultaneously rarest disorders, which still cannot be entirely treated by any available means. The objective...


Business Statistics. Regression Models for Forecasting

Scatter diagram A scatter diagram is a diagram that plots two related variables. The explanatory variable is on the x – axis while the explained variable is on the y – axis. In this case, the price of houses is plotted on the y – axis while the area of...


Loving Organic Foods: Case Report

Background Information The present report was commissioned by the chief analyst of the Diligent Consulting Group as a fulfillment of the request of Loving Organic Foods company. The request was to explore the factors that may motivate the customers to increase their spending on organic foods. Linear regression analysis revealed...


Comparing Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods of Study

The Rationale for Choosing the Methods Considered The rationale for choosing each of the three main types of methods for a study (quantitative, qualitative, mixed) as given in the video “Musings: Aligning Research Question and Methodology” (n.d.) is summarized below. Quantitative Methods If enough research on the topic already exists,...


Narrative Inquiry as a Research Design

In order to perform research with a high degree of reliability and validity, scholars need to obtain data from primary sources, be it results of experiments or personal opinions collected from respondents. In qualitative research, information is gathered through various kinds of observation. Scholars prepare surveys, ask for people’s views,...


Light Propagation Through Stratified Medium

Background: Visible Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum Electromagnetic radiation is one of the many ways through which energy travels through space. The complete range of electromagnetic radiation is represented by the electromagnetic spectrum. Visible light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum and has a medium wavelength compared to the spectrum’s...


The Urinary System and Cardiovascular System in the Human Body

The most common and important organ system present in the human body is the respiratory, circulatory, endocrine, digestive, reproductive, integumentary and nervous systems (Tortora and Derrickson, 2018). All these systems have specific functions, but they cannot independently function as they rely on one another to work properly. Each system is...


Human Anatomy and Physiology

Human body Organs The human body functions through a network of connections of the organ systems. Each organ system is structured to serve a specific purpose that enables the body to maintain homeostasis (Tortora and Derrickson, 2017, p. 19). The body system functions like a computer connection, whereby if there...


The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Test

The analysis of variance (ANOVA) test is an important statistical test for identifying change which is statistically significant in data groups. It is also helpful in identifying similarity in data groups whose significance is not statistically significant. Two-way ANOVA is important in comparing the means between data groups as they...


Significance of Business Research in Facilitating Business Success

Introduction The concept of business research is very dynamic and congruent in any business environment. The aspect of business research involves strategic inquiry into a phenomenon in order to establish the reality or evidence that might have catalyzed the situation. In the contemporary business environment, the aspect of business research...


Flipped Learning in Chemistry Education

Introduction The introduction of computers and the internet has had enormous changes in many aspects of life including the education systems of the world (Engin & Donanci 2016; Foldnes 2016). Through improved technology, many elements of the education and learning systems have developed to allow for improved delivery of knowledge...


Astronomy: The Jovian Moon Europa

Introduction Ten years from now the National Aeronautics Space Administration of the United States of America popularly known as NASA is planning to send an orbiter to the Jovian Moon Europa (Silber, p.1). NASA is coordinating an international fleet of probes to once again invade the environs of Jupiter and...


Retaining Walls: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction Retaining walls are special types of soil used to support the earth and avoid thoil from moving downwards. The idea is to even out slopes and make available constructive areas at diverse elevations. Therefore, a retaining wall is a construction or a structure designed and built to resist the...


Analysis of Piles and Pile Cap Foundation

Introduction In pile foundations, pile cap families are used; the pile cap families are shipped with the Revit structure. Pile foundation may be simply considered as a structure supported by piles. Pile foundation is applicable in environments where the circumstances of the soil are not good. Pile foundation provides for...


Raft Foundation: Advantages, Disadvantages and Types

Introduction Foundations are used with soils that have a low bearing density; despite this the soil should be firm enough to support high columns and wall loads. Foundation can be supported by piles and these piles aid in minimizing the structured settlement which is built on a soil that is...


Qualitative and Mixed Methods: Research Method and Research Design

Various research methods are used for different purposes in order to reach the research goal. There are three main types of such methods: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research. Incompatibility thesis implies that solely one of the two research methods should be used (either qualitative or quantitative). Nevertheless, a creative...


Inhibition of Gas Hydrate Formation During Multiphase Hydrocarbon Transportation

Abstract The transportation of oil and gas from offshore fields provides a significant challenge to the oil and gas industry because of the problems associated with the formation of gas hydrates within the piping system used to transport the fluids. Here, gas hydrates are crystalline solids that form when a...


Earthquake Engineering Considerations and Methods

Abstract Historically, earthquakes have caused immense human and property loss. Besides the valuable human lives lost, earthquakes have caused monetary losses rising to billions of dollars. In the wake of these disasters, engineers have tried to design and construct earthquake-resistant buildings. These buildings adopt new technologies and processes in detecting...


Substitution Reactions of Alcohols

Objective of the Experiment The primary objective of carrying out this experiment is to examine how alcohols undergo substitution reactions. In particular, the experiment uses 1-butanol to examine the formation of 1-bromobutane through a nucleophilic substitution reaction. The following equation provides a summary of the nucleophilic substitution reaction involving 1-Butanol...


Bacterial Diseases and Quorum Sensing

Abstract The bacteria require communication among themselves in order to survive and to establish communities. This is especially so in the case of biofilm formation, which is one of the most resistant mechanisms of bacterial survival. Bacteria have been using these biofilms in the production of various toxins and in...


The Role of Quorum Sensing in Bacterial Disease

There is increasing evidence that bacteria can “talk” to each other, and in gram-negative bacteria, the “language” used for monitoring and responding to their own abundance has recently been termed quorum sensing. ( Fuqua, 269-75) In at least one human pathogen, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, this apparently universal gram-negative “language” seems to...


Dallal’s “Introduction to Simple Linear Regression”

Abstract The use of linear regression is to predict a trend in data or predict the value of a variable (dependent) from the value of another variable (independent), by fitting a straight line through the data. Dallal (2000), examined how significant the linear regression equation is, how to use it...


Lancelet: Phylogeny, Environment, Adaptations, and Selective Pressures

Lancelets are fish-like organisms from the chordate family. They belong to the genus Branchiostoma and their scientific name is Branchiostoma lanceolatum. A lancelet’s most prominent feature is its notochord, an evolutionary trait that is synonymous with the chordates. Although lancelets resemble fish, they belong to the category of invertebrates. A...