🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏻 Essays on Sociology

If you’re interested in sociology, then you know that this discipline can be fascinating. It’s all about understanding society and the way people interact with each other. When you need to write a sociology paper, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

First things first, choose a topic that really interests you. This will make the research and writing process much more enjoyable. Secondly, take advantage of the free sociology paper samples that are available on EduFixers. These can be excellent resources to learn about proper research and citation methods.


Dog Ownership and Cardiovascular Health: Results from the Kardiovize Project

Summary In their article, Maugeri et al. (2019) studied the association of pet ownership, particularly dogs, with risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD). The research method was a random sample of residents (aged 25 to 64 years) and included 1769 people without a history of CVD. The study was conducted...


Political Socialization in Modern Society

In today’s society, almost everyone has a set of political opinions or principles. Still, most individuals never stop considering why they hold these beliefs or how they came to have them. Even now, it is essential to consider whether those are the peoples’ original thoughts or whether others influenced them....


Equality of Opportunity in the United States

Introduction Inequality in the United States has been experienced by various groups in the country. For instance, women and Black people are two sets of demography that have endured a lack of opportunity in politics, business, and education. Although this is true, on the one hand, Black community has failed...


Human Rights from American Perspective

Introduction Americans widely share values such as opportunity, fairness, dignity, and the belief in creating a better society. These people view these values as important in ensuring the country progresses and attain its “American Dream.” In different countries all over the globe, these values are expressed and understood as human...


Why Video Games Are Not Bad for Children

Let’s discuss why video games are harmful to children or not. Examples Gunter’s study reveals that, despite several decades of research, scholars found no definite link between video game violence and violence in real life. Mass shooter Adam Lanza was suspected of committing his crime due to the bad influence...


The Strategic Goal of Weathermen

Fueled by the events occurring after the Vietnam War, the Weathermen aimed at overthrowing what they deemed as the imperialist power structure within American society and promoting the ideas of Communism. However, the strategy used by the organization was so over-the-place and lacking consistency that its actions were mostly incoherent....


What Actions Prompted the Border Control Offensive

Border control activity is an essential issue for developed and prospective countries nowadays. The major reasons are that the difference between living standards and conditions is great in the countries of the modern world. As people tend to seek a better life, they try to move to the place or...


Social Movements That Embrace a Racist Ideology

The majority of racist movements follow and closely resemble the standard depiction of social movements. These racist social movements are broadly categorized into four distinct branches based on their development and respective ideologies: the Ku Klux Klan, the Christian Identity and neo-Pagan racists, Racist Skinheads, and neo-Nazis. Despite having far-reaching...


Gender Inequality at the Workplace: Causes and Solutions

Gender inequality is viewed as a complex phenomenon that occurs in organizations and various businesses. The most harmful inequalities that women face are related to human resources practice as it deals with training, promotion opportunities, and payment. The nature of gender discrimination is in the interrelation of processes, structures, and...


Experimentation on Human Subjects or Animals

An experiment can be defined as an operation to discover something unknown. In bio-medicine, experimentation on human subjects or animals uses human beings or animals as laboratory specimens to make discoveries. Different people or scholars have tried to endorse the moral justification of the operation while others refute it. This...


“Black Men and Public Space” by Staples

Brent Staples’ essay covers the various instances and effects of racially-motivated wariness and prejudices towards people of color. By revealing the taunting and questionable interactions with judging white people experienced by the author, he emphasizes the negative impact of such incidents. Apart from sharing his own stories, the author includes...


Best Practices for Cyberbullying Prevention

The relevance of cyberbullying as a global problem is growing every day. This is facilitated by developing information technologies, which unite an increasing number of people. However, the papers on this topic and the number of evidence-based interventions remain unsatisfactory (Zhu et al., 2021). This factor, in turn, formulates the...


Social Inequality and Imprisonment in America

Social inequality expressed in the unfair distribution of per capita income may be considered one of the main reasons why the United States is the leading country concerning the number of prisoners. According to Leopold, this phenomenon began to manifest itself in the 1980s, when the wage gap in the...


Postmodernism and Principles of Traditional Social Science

The postmodern approach highlights various perspectives and criticism against the traditional social sciences. It is based on domination and power, as well as challenging management control, bureaucracy, and hierarchy. Its condition is fast, specialized, adaptable to individual performance, and precise. Steward Clegg opines that traditional scientific management is inflexible with...


What Defines Real Freedom?

The world we live in gives so much weight to the word freedom. Countries the world over are in a constant struggle to achieve the culmination of a world wherein real and perfect freedom exists. A quick web search for the meaning of the word on dictionary.com came back with...


Bullying Sexual Minorities: Etiology of a Social Problem

Harassment of individuals of different sexual orientations such as the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, or questioning (GLBTQ) has far-reaching consequences both for the individuals facing harassment and the society in general. Harassment of the GLBTQ is a societal problem that may hinder individual development for the victims because it...


Purchasing Trends of Generation Z

Generation can be defined as a succeeding stage in the reproduction of an original copy. In other words, generation is also known as procreation, which means producing offspring. But the generation we are talking about over here is the stage of natural descent. In the present time’s generation, a group...


Social Security, Poverty and Pension Benefits

Older women are more apt to live in poverty than older men because women reach their retirement threshold when they have lesser financial resources than men. This is due to the fact that women age faster than men, thus when women are retiring at the age of 60 years, men...


Debunking Myths and Mastering the Principles of Interpersonal Communication

Communication is part of life activities and everyday information is exchanged everywhere in the world. Groups of people and businesses send or receive messages that are critical for survival. It’s therefore important to ensure that there is proper communication since; information passed could not just be words. Some important principles...


Early Slave Codes in Southern Colonies

The early slave codes called for the protection of the rights of the slave owners. The codes were so rigidified that the slaves could no longer be manumitted or freed easily. Moreover, free Black settlers of the New Land were prohibited from having white servants or from having a sexual...


The True Cause of Homelessness

The rapidly increasing population across the world; especially in the United States has led to massive homelessness. In this case, people living in areas that are not primarily set for human residence referred to be homeless have been observed to be increasing year by year in US. More importantly, many...


Relationship of Different Members of the Household Based on Their Refusal

Different members of this household are busy working in different places. This means that they do not have adequate time to come home and cook. In addition, there may be only extremely few members in this household and, therefore, they find no need to cook all the time. Most of...


Martin Luther King as a Speaker

Martin Luther King was an activist and the leader of the African-American Civil Rights Movement. He used his charismatic performances to rally people to the Civil Rights cause and maintained that only peaceful means should be used to advance the movement. For his speeches and firm beliefs inequality, he came...


Earnings Differences by Race and Ethnicity

Many common attitudes on wealth in America are based on falsehoods, despite the widespread availability of information and the capacity to check the accuracy of opinions stated in society at any time. For example, it is generally believed that the rich get their wealth by inheritance, but statistically, they are...


Risk, Expatiating on Its Types, Classifications and Methods of Control

Risk occurs when a person is presented with a possibility of gaining or losing something. Whether they will win or lose is determined by the nature of the risk and its control. Values that could be lost in perilous situation include physical and mental health, social status, the emotional state...


Differences Between Values, Morals, Ethics, and Bioethics

Moral rules and restrictions govern human actions. Moral values and norms direct and correct the vital activity of the individual about public opinion. Usually, an individual is oriented towards general standards of morality and performs his/her ethical code. Moreover, the concepts of morality, values, ethics, and bioethics are mostly determined...


Losses Types That Adults May Experience

A loss on older adults usually harms their self-esteem and makes them lose confidence to face life. It even gets worse for the ones who have led respectable lives over the years. The major loss is the loss of a spouse. Losing a person who has been a soul mate,...


Influence on People Behaviors by Celebrities

Approach and Purpose The success of every research study depends on the quality of the selected and analyzed publications. My approach for finding the best sources revolved around the use of reliable online databases. One of them was the chamberlain library for peer reviewed articles. I ensured that the articles...


The Black Cat Café and Sol Stoumen in San Francisco

The Black Cat café which was at first a place for vaudevilles, over time became the iconic representation of the LGBT community. It basically put on the map the gay public of San Francisco. The Black Cat café broke the barriers and embraced the fight for the civil rights of...


Principles of the Major Sociological Perspectives

The three main sociological perspectives include functionalist theory, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionist theory. These approaches consider the same social problems from different angles. Functionalism is based on the works of Herbert Spencer, Emile Durkheim, Auguste Comte, and Robert Merton. The main idea of functionalism is that a strong society...


Social Disorganization Relation to Organized Crime

Social disorganization links to organized crime and evolution. The relation occurs due to the breakdown of social systems caused by social disorganization. This fact is exceptionally true in neighborhoods that live under challenging conditions. Members start forming small groups that transform into criminal gangs. They turn to organized gangs as...


Family and Its Role in the Community

A family is a basic social unit or a group made up of parents and children. The unit may be a single-parent family consisting of one adult parent with a child or children or a traditional family made up of parents and children. They may be living together or separately....


Social Bonding and Closely Related Theories

This type of theory emphasizes the importance of social bonding, which may include an attachment to families and also developing commitment to social norms and institutions like in the school or at the workplace. They should be accompanied by the belief that these things are critical. This theory posits that...


Role of Individual as Explanation for Criminal Behavior

There are several factors that can lead to the commission of acts, and research indicates that these factors may have been present in the life of the criminal but are suppressed. These factors are evident in childhood but become manifest during the mature age. Among the factors that are present...


Ritzer’s View on Consumption and Children’s Role as Economic Producers

Ritzer’s views on consumption are linked to the role of children in production, consumption, and distribution in several ways. As producers, children focus on rationality by adopting the most efficient ways of participating in economic activities. For instance, children often differentiate between helping their parents and formal employment. They often...


Stress and Conflict in Family: Changing the Role Functions

According to Bennett, changing roles can create stress and conflicts within the family setup. In a traditional family setting, men are generally viewed as the breadwinners in their families, while women are considered the caretakers of family members. They prepare meals, take care of the laundry, and ensure that children...


Dealing with Exposure of Myanmar Female Sex Workers

The first major response would be a change in government policy. No preventive or treatment program could ever succeed without proper government policies. While most governments are ready to illegalize prostitution, this move has proved ineffective time after time. It is therefore up to the government to set up effective...


A Less Healthy Family and Its Characteristics

Relationships among loved ones in families in many ways form the background of society and are an indicator that determines modern values ​​and moral and ethical norms. From a sociological perspective, the concept of a healthy family concerns not the health of each of its members but the quality of...


Post-Colonial Theory Applied to Tweets by Teju Cole

The majority of problems that exist in the modern world can be vised as a result of the colonial system that had been used by giant empires for the bigger part of the world’s history. For instance, Tweets by Teju Cole can be analysed by applying the post-colonial theory. In...


Effect of Society and Gender Uniqueness on Communication

Communication can only be effective once the context of the communication is taken into consideration. In certain societies or groups, meanings are constructed and expressed in different ways. For example, in individualist cultures, precedence is normally given to precision. Consequently, the more straightforward a message is, the more likely it...


Affirmative Action: Argument in Favor

Affirmative actions are the policies that are concerned with non-dominant groups, typically minority men or women of all races, which aim at promoting access to employment or education. Affirmative action desires to redress perceived or actual effects of current or past discrimination that is considered to be unfair and encourages...


Consumerism for Citizens and Democratic Societies

In the essay “How Markets Corrupt Children,” Barber discusses and criticizes modern mass culture and consumerism, its impact on children, and their tastes. Barber states that consumerism was born for the third time in this century as a result of a complex combination of circumstances, not the least of which...


How to Change the Political Culture Toward E Pluribus Unum

America is in a political and moral dilemma in trying to reconcile pluralism and includes nonwhites with democratic ideals that the founding fathers espoused. This is not the full meaning of democracy because racism needs to be overcome to gain the expression of E Pluribus Unum. Within the country’s walls,...


Social Changes Since the 1920s

The 20th century can be considered the age of critical changes in society. Humanity entered this period with patriarchal values and stereotypical judgments that had been relevant for the bigger part of history. These included gender and racial discrimination, male dominance, and the lack of tolerance. However, WWI and WWII...


Current Health Crisis as a Result of the COVID-19

Durkheim’s functionalism theory of society asserts that societies are structures with many parts that are interlinked together and work synergistically to meet the social and biological expectations of their members. Such a model, according to Durkheim, can guide anthropologists to get a clear understanding of the established norms, behaviors, and...


The U.S. Sociology Lacked Imagination: C. Wright Mills

C. Wright Mills is a prominent American sociologist whose works are influenced by the writings of Weber, and Mannheim. In his scientific studies, Mills also follows the ideas of Marxism. One of the concepts developed by Mills is the sociological imagination. This term indicates the existence of the interconnection between...


The Importance of Intercultural Cooperation and Global Governance

According to Samovar et al. (2017), intercultural communication and global governance are now more important than ever because of the progressing globalization, demographic changes, and ecological and political issues. In demographic terms, the authors illustrate their point by a graph of the world’s population growth, demonstrating that the population of...


Global Population Explosion and Its Causes

The global population experiences at present a very rapid growth. This rise is so fast that it has been described as the global population explosion. The size population in the world is 6 billion. According to the projections, 9 billion people will be living in the world by 2050. It...


Causes of the May 2008 Violence Against Foreign Nationals in South Africa

Research has shown that locals had no problem living with foreigners in the same place. This is because foreigners brought resources closer to them than before. However, the violence started because locals believed that foreigners were taking a lot of space and prevented them from expanding their activities, especially in...


Gender Inequality in Academic and Educational Environment

The connection between personal life and external factors such as economic and political changes might seem barely tangible. Yet, it has rather significant power on how one builds relationships with the community. For instance, the problem of the gender pay gap and gender disparities in the workplace, in general, remains...


Masculinity and Manhood in Personal Perception

At present, I may not have a perceived concept of masculinity as a set of components that constituent a single notion. On the one hand, there are certain characteristics that I deem as masculine, such as a voice of specific depth and physiological characteristics. However, there is no single image...


Non-Physiological Gender Differences in Behavior & Attitudes

Behaviorally, males will tend to work towards the provision of certain conditions that create security for the family in a mainly physical way. The actions and behaviors that come with this aspect include the man being with the family in the belief that in case of an attack, he should...


Social Construction of Race, Gender and Sexuality in Youth

Youths are associated with social class, race, gender, and sexuality, for they are influenced under the umbrella of their parental guidance in childhood and have seen the traces of subcultures and youth cultures to the relation between the class ‘parent culture’ and hegemony in the socio-economic structure. This involves a...


Logic of Addiction, Market and Total Subsumption

Logic of Addiction On the road to the transition to adulthood, adolescents are structured depending on the stability and coherence of the given culture. It would not be wrong to say that culture is responsible for addicting adolescents with many ‘false’ habits. Such ‘habits’ when are frequently experienced by adolescents...


School of Critical Theory and Marxism

The school of critical theory or “Frankfurt School” main goal was to distinguish the traditional methods and characteristics of scientific knowledge as a presentation of the whole sphere of the objects possessing theoretical meaning from the new theory of knowledge established by the research method of the Institute for Social...


Societal Influences on Personality Development

Apart from biological influences on personality, social scientists have found out that society also plays an important role in shaping human personality. The process of personality development is a long one and involves changing a person’s attitude and hence character through the acquisition of information which enables them to build...


Effective Interpersonal Interactions and Barriers

Communication as thought by many people is not an easy task despite the fact that we have grown up with it. Effective interpersonal interaction has been made to be complex, hard, and disappointing because of different barriers that have been put in place. These include structural setbacks like bigger working...


Provide a Couple of Social Issues Examples. What Are the Ways of Dealing With Them?

Social issues are problems that exist within a society and directly or indirectly influence the vast majority of the human population. Some examples of serious social issues that exist today are poverty, gender discrimination, child labor, and hunger. It is difficult to completely eradicate these issues on a global scale,...


Why is Community Service Important?

Community service is suitable for people who are not highly qualified, have a long break from work, or for students. Also, community service is often the sanction that the court provides for the offender to perform. Explanation: However, it is essential to understand that community service in itself is not...


Family Violence and Its Possible Contributors

Family violence is an acute social problem that is crucial to address for a number of reasons, for instance, the need to ensure children’s physical and mental health. As a rule, individual categories of citizens are vulnerable to violence because they are unable to respond appropriately to abusers. In this...


Organizational Diversity Explained

Diversity in organizations is the differences in personality traits among the workforce, including gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, educational status, and disability. It involves developing a working environment where unique contributions are respected. Diversity inspires employees’ motivation and performance standards; hence, the company experiences low turnover rates. The significant diversity...


Why We Should Allow Same-Sex Marriages

There is evident recognition of equal rights in support of every human being, either in a straight or of a gay relationship. The issue of equality ends when one starts to argue for gay marriages. There are sharp critics against gay marriages because people have a massive misunderstanding of homosexuality...


Domestic Violence and Social Work Environment

Introduction Domestic violence involves all acts of abuse that occur between couples who are either married or cohabiting. Abuse of members of a household can be termed domestic violence. In the context of this research paper, domestic violence encompasses the use of humiliating words, kicking, beating, choking, and/or killing. Depending...


Ethics in the Information Age

The internet has emerged to be one of most significant developments that began in the last century. The internet technology was initially limited to a few scientists who recognized its use. At present, the internet has been acknowledged across the world, and many people still continue to embrace its use....


Developments Effect on Society and Its Understanding

To begin with, it is vital to analyze Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and any other’s social media influence on the society overall. Firstly, at the times of global pandemic, it became evident that these media contribute a lot in strengthening communities. The help with grocery shopping or dog-walking was enforced by...


The Mobile Commons: Fleeing Ukraine

Those who find themselves on the move happen to create a whole new world. According to Papadopoulos and Tsianos (2013), this is a world of information and knowledge, a world of social relations and sharing of services, a world of sociability, unanimity, and mutual care (190). All of these are...


The Importance of Trust During Negotiations

In the context of negotiations, the opponents commonly have contradictory views and might have high competition over the same resources. The ethical side of negotiations might be impeded by the desire to achieve one’s goal by any means. Therefore, the issue of trust is of great importance when establishing relationships...


Good Start for a New Negotiator

For a new negotiator, it is advisable to familiarize oneself with some essential aspects of negotiation to conduct effective and interest-driven bargaining. First of all, it is important to manage one’s emotions when establishing negotiating contacts. For a beginner, it might be challenging to cope with anxiety and uncertainty, as...


How Social Darwinism Shaped the Modern World

Social Darwinism can be defined as a given number of non-conclusive ideologies that found their way into society in the 1800s. These ideologies used Charles Darwin’s natural selection theory to try and justify some given social, political, or economic views. These people who believed in Darwin’s theory could be referred...


Hofstede’s Cultural Theory and Its Dimensions

Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory is a framework utilized in evaluating the effects of cultures on the behavior of members of a group, company, market, or society. It was developed by Geert Hofstede, who performed a worldwide survey of values of company members, engineers, and managers in IBM and basing his...


How Market and Social Norms Influence Our Everyday Lives

In the modern-day world, the two types of norms, namely social and market ones, incorporate into one influential system that drives people’s decision-making. Social norms are those dealing with values and shared beliefs that exist in society. Market norms are financial terms of cooperation that lead to people’s activity. Both...


Poverty Levels in South Africa Since 1994

There has not been any significant change in the level of poverty in South Africa since the country got independence. In fact, poverty levels have remained high within the country. Stellenbosch University did research in 2000 that showed that the poverty line in South Africa was at about R250 for...


Human Right and Resource Development Society’ Review

‘Human Right and Resource Development Society’ is a potential non-government organization. In the past it played a significant role to promote democracy and human right both in the national and international arena. It took several steps and projects as a part of its pro-democracy and pro-human right activities. It succeeded...


Presenting a Project Concept to an Architect Personality

One of the good things about the INTJ personality type is that they are insightful and mentally quick, diligent in pursuing new ideas and thoughts, and in addition, very resourceful. This makes it even easier to communicate to them in such matters involving complex and risky concepts. For that matter,...


Living Without Fears Sermon: An Experience Page

In order to convey the importance of casting fears aside and standing for what one believes in, one should be able to connect the core concepts in a system of beliefs that provide the support for the main argument. To establish the principles outlined in the passage above, one will...


Americans with Disabilities Act and Violations in Practice

“Disability is a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity.” It is further stated as inability in relation to a personal or group standard. The various natures of disability may be mental, physical, or sensory disorders. “The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 prohibits private employers,...


Substance Use and Movement From One Culture to Another

Movement from one environment creates several scenarios, all of which have the potential to lead to substance and drug abuse. When teenagers are moved to a new cultural environment, there is an innate need to belong in the new environment. The new cultural environment is new to them, and the...


Mediation Styles and Appropriate Use

Facilitative The mediator does not make any decisions about the outcome; instead, he/she supports the parties in making their own decisions, assuming that they are more informed. Example: After settling a conflict, a manager encourages two disputing workers to reach a consensus on the best way to proceed. Therapeutic Rather...


Pandemic and Children’s Education: Sociological Research

Sociologists are interested in the effects the pandemic has had on children’s education. They are considering how online teaching methods may impact the children’s ability to engage with the content. Quantitative Approach The first way to uncover this question is the quantitative way where the students are placed into two...


Ethics: Personal Definition Reassessment

My personal definition of ethics is based on the key aspects that the discipline addresses. Specifically, I see ethics as the field that allows determining which behaviors are morally justified and which are not. This definition helps view ethics as an area that studies the nature of relationships among people...


Black Panthers’ Emergence Factors That Led to It

The Black Panthers Party is arguably one of the most misunderstood social movements of our time. This is highly attributed to the fact that modern perspectives on historical events are often clouded or colored by present preoccupations. The BPP was formed in the 1960s, which was a period characterized by...


Special Credibility Considerations When Preparing a Speech

Credibility is a highly important and essential aspect of a persuasive speech, which is aimed to convince an audience to agree with a certain statement or opinion. One of the most critical special considerations is the authority of a speaker, which can be substantiated by the trust of the audience...


Durkheim’s Social Facts, Division of Labor, and Anomie

Durkheim defined several essential social notions, including social facts, division of labor, and anomie. Thus, social facts are one of the core concepts of functionalism that considers the influence of external factors on human beings. They consist of “manners of acting, thinking, and feeling external to the individual, which is...


The Five Dimensions of Karl Marx’s Manifesto

Karl Marx is a key figure behind the development of the conflict theory, one of the major perspectives of modern sociology. He is the author of The Communist Manifesto, a book of his economic and sociological ideas for the 20th century. The Manifesto is divided into five dimensions: class struggle,...


Negative Impacts of Computers and Software on Society

Computers and their related software have several effects, some being positive while others are negative. One of the negative effects is related to physical health since it makes people, especially children, forget about physical activities, which attracts diseases that are likely to bring about heart failure, obesity, and so on....


Slavery According to David Walker and Grimke Sisters

Introduction Slavery is an act of owning another human being for personal purposes where the owner has the right to limit a slave’s freedom and human rights. Historically, people recognize slavery through the colonization of African countries. However, there are many types of slavery, including sexual harassment, domestic servitude, and...


Importance of Reconciliation for Indigenous Child Welfare

A society as diverse as Canada’s has experienced a long history of inequality and brutality towards the minority. The Aboriginals and all Indigenous communities face discrimination regarding access to health, education, and the right to worship. The Indigenous children were forcibly taken from their homes and compelled to attend residential...


Distinction Between Polyamory and Adultery

Polyamory and adultery sound alike for the majority of human beings, but still these two things cannot be so easily assimilated. One should distinguish them in order not to be confused. Generally, polyamory is said to be the philosophy and practice of loving several people simultaneously with honesty and sincerity,...


What Is Institutional Discrimination? Why Is It Bad?

Institutional discrimination definition is the discrimination by a large group, society, organization or social institution against members of a minority. Institutional discrimination may take place in the educational system, in commercial and production organizations, in the legal and judicial system, etc. Quite often there are cases of institutional discrimination in...


Racial Inequality in the Modern United States

While slavery and segregation were abolished decades ago, American society is still suffering from its legacy. At the same time, racial prejudices affect African Americans and representatives of other races – Latin Americans, Native Americans, citizens of Asian origin, and other minorities. Inequality manifests itself in the opportunities that citizens...


Institutional Responses to the Current Crisis: The COVID-19 Pandemics

In the framework of this webinar, the topic of the combined crisis was discussed, involving the crisis of community violence, the COVID-19 pandemics, and civil unrest. Regarding current pandemics, it is essential to implement various intervention strategies in safety, calming, self-efficiency, connectedness, and hope. The psychological state of humans all...


Immigration as a Refugee and Immigration in the USA

Immigration as a Refugee The process of immigration as a refugee starts with arriving in the country and searching for a financial sponsor. At the time, one stays in a refugee camp with poor conditions and dangerous people, such as winos or prostitutes (Santoli 283). The person providing further assistance...


Economic Inequality in the American Society

Introduction With the rise of technological advancements, globalization, and relative political stability, the world population has experienced a significant increase in wealth over the last several decades. Nevertheless, this wealth is concentrated in the pockets of the world’s tiniest portion, while the rest still struggle everyday to make ends meet....


Black Lives Matter: Final Project Part One

Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a valuable international movement that protects the rights and freedoms of Black people, increases their inclusiveness, and addresses all racially motivated incidents and violence, including white privilege. This movement is quite successful nowadays, but some people still refuse to judge others based on their actual...


Human Trafficking Spread in the Modern World

Did you know that in the modern world, slavery is still widespread in the form of human trafficking? According to the International Labor Organization, in 2017, about 24.9 million people were in slavery and exploited for sex or labor (as cited in Human trafficking by the numbers, 2017). The practice...


Institutional Discrimination: Traditional and Modern Types

Discrimination is a treatment expressed in the form of harmful actions against minority groups. It can happen almost anywhere, and the minorities may be oppressed for gender, race, social status, religion, and other aspects. Intolerance may occur with individuals but also can be at an organizational or institutional level. Institutional...


Plagiarism in Michelle Obama’s and Melania Trump’s Speeches

This essay illustrates the analysis of a video that juxtaposed Melania Trump’s speech with Michelle Obama’s speech. Since the two paragraphs in the speeches of Michelle Obama and Melania Trump turned out to be almost identical, Melania Trump’s speech can be called plagiarism. Not all of the speech is plagiarism,...


China’s Civil Society and Non-Profit Organizations

Civil society in China is still budding. The country has long lived under a communist regime whereby such a notion is something odd. The reforms that China has undergone are new, only three decades old, and affected mainly the economic sector. This left a huge gap in social development to...


The Communications Ideas of Mead and Goffman

The social life of people is a rather specific matter to speculate on. This can be explained by such an interesting fact that each of us lives this social life but only a few of us stop to think what social life is and why it involves such a variety...


The “No-Growth” Movements in American Communities

The rapid development of cities is creating three phenomenons. The first one is urban decay. Ghettos are rising up to swallow inner cities and the poverty and squalor are enough to make residents flee to the suburbs. The next one is called urban sprawl where the outer-fringes of the city...


The Urban Sprawl and Some of the Environmental Problems Associated With Sprawl

As more and more people flock to cities urbanization threatens to make the city an inhospitable place. Overcrowding, urban decay, and high cost of living are just some of the implications. As the center of cities succumb to the ghettos and as vacant lots begin to be converted to residential...