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Popular Sample Essays


Joseph Stalin’s Revolutionary Zeal and Its Consequences

Stalin was not considered as Lenin’s successor; his revolutionary zeal helped him to take control over the party and to become its most powerful person. After the death of Lenin in 1924, the party had been divided into two parts: Left and Right. Arguing with the Left part, Stalin expelled...


British Leaders’ Philosophy of Bombing German Cities in WWII

A supreme emergency is used to justify the measures in dealing with the imminent danger that violates one of the main elements of warfare, known as non-combatant immunity or non-targeting civilians. Some British leaders could think that they faced supreme emergency during the Second World War when they had to...


What is Pride and Prejudice Vocabulary Like?

Pride and Prejudice’s vocabulary is rather difficult to read for modern people. One of the reasons might be the change of a writing style over time. In addition, in the novel, free indirect discourse is used to provide insight into the characters’ inner world. More Information Pride and Prejudice was...


Nature vs. Nurture: Genetic vs. Environmental Influences

It has been long discovered that genes influence human behavior and health. However, it is also known that people’s environmental surroundings shape their development and health conditions. The extend of the influence of these two factors has been a perennial subject of debate for medical scholars and philosophers alike. I...


P-Value as an Indicator in Hypothesis Testing

Scholars emphasize the significance of the p-value in scientific research and statistics. P-value is the probability of receiving the result that is at least as extreme as the one mentioned in the sample data with the assumption that the null hypothesis is true. When the p-value is less than the...


Jim Crow and Nation in American Short Stories

In the literary piece called “Of the Two Johns,” the author presents Jim Craw’s system of regulation through schools. Since African-American John strives to open a school to educate his community members, one may assume that he wants to make their lives better. He faces rejection and racial segregation in...


Sinified Buddhism in Chinese Culture

As an ancient religion with clear and powerful theological ideas, Buddhism gained its influence on many territories throughout its long history. Having originated in India, it spread to other countries by means of pilgrimage and trade. Since China of the 4-7th centuries was a trading state actively involved in commercial...

Politics & Government

How Immigration Affects the United States and Other Nations

Due to globalization, immigration has become a prominent trend in many developed nations. In the United States, immigration had both positive and negative impacts on the economy and society. On the one hand, immigration increased the diversity of American society and increased the availability of a cheap workforce, which led...

Tech & Engineering

Global Information Technology Systems’ Adoption Barriers

There are technical and non-technical issues that can obstruct businesses from establishing global information technology systems, including the different standards, technologic-related skills of people, reliability of the connection to the Internet and its speed. The difference in standards that exists on the global level makes the compatibility of technology a...


The Civil War and Its Importance for US History

My chosen turning point in US history is the Civil War. This was basically a war of the American states organized into Confederate States of America against the United States of America. The 11 Southern states departed from the United States of America union to preserve the slavery industry. The...


American Labor Movement After the Civil War

The term labor movement is used to refer to a group or an association of working people, campaigning in their own interest for improved treatment from their respective employers, particularly through the execution of definite laws that surround labor affairs. The labor unions or trade unions are joint organizations in...


The Native Americans’ Perspectives on Life

Native American’s culture and perception of life issues have gone through many changes since the onset of European contact. On an environmental perspective, Native Americans of the Colorado region have attitudes and values that define their perspective on environmental issues like forests, water, agriculture, mining and pollution, settlement among others....

Tech & Engineering

Usability Analysis and Technical Feasibility Tests

Usability analysis is defined as an examination of the information system’s human-computer interaction (HCI). HCI study is the area of the juncture of social sciences streams like psychology and social sciences, on the one hand, and computer science and technology, on the other. HCI researchers have analyzed and designed detailed...

Politics & Government

Sustainability and Development Methods in the United States

Some of the most common words that we hear almost daily include sustainable development, sustainable community, sustainable industry, sustainable agriculture, etc. If we observe, the term “sustainable” is very common in all these terms. In a layman’s language, sustainability is associated with the quality of life in a community. This...


Suitors’ Behavior Towards Telemakhos, Odysseus, Eumaios

The behavior of the suitors appears to be too harsh when it came to Telemakhos in the disguise story. The suitors don’t seem to cope with anything they think is not casual. This is evidenced by when Odysseus goes back to his own house and experiences rowdy behavior. In addition,...


Sartrean Claim of Existence Preceding Essence

The Sartrean claim that existence precedes essence may be interpreted as yet another philosophical contribution to the classical nature v. nurture debate. A more traditional thesis claims that essence prevails over existence. A prime example would be the notion of humans’ innate rational egoism that pushes them to always pursue...


Embryonic Limb Development and Underlying Mechanisms

The three axes of limb development are proximodistal, dorsoventral and anteroposterior. The proximodistal axis phase refers to the development of the limb from its tip to where it connects to the body. The apical ectodermal ridge (AER) is first formed at the region where FGF10 (fibroblast growth factor 10), which...


University Students Dataset Analysis

From the data given, the age of the students would be the variables since variables represent data that cannot be measured empirically. The cases would be the qualification entry requirements to the university since it is the subject matter of the analysis, and unlike the age of the students, it...


The Neoclassical School of Thought

The three primary qualities of effective punishment by Neoclassical Theory are swiftness, severity, and certainty. Modern justice system often fails with regards to these criteria. First of all, investigations and trials can take months or years, and thus the punishment is postponed. Secondly, the severity of the sentence is often...


Edward Said’s Book, Abufarha’s Ethnography and Power’s Novel

One of the main themes explored throughout Said’s book Culture and Imperialism is the fact that, even though most Western countries had ceased being imperialist, in the geopolitical sense of this word, the legacy of imperialism remains alive and well in the hearts of many Westerners, which explains their arrogant...

Tech & Engineering

Decision Support Systems in Healthcare Administration

A computer-based Decision Support System (CDSS) has yielded a significant impact on the administrative setup of the health care industry. As machines have been used to monitor the performance of the human body and have provided support of the highest level to doctors and clinicians, the use of CDSS takes...


Asian Studies: Ota Yôko’s “Fireflies”

Fireflies, as written by Ota Yoko is about the events of the second world war. In the story, the destruction that comes with the dropping of bombs at Nagasaki and Hiroshima is captured as well as the outcome of other actions related to the war. This story has well pronounced...


Hamlet’s “To Be, or Not to Be” Soliloquy

Hamlet has become an eternal character of classical literature not in vane – his personality has found many revelations in literature, art, and real-life during many centuries to come, and the image of a naïve, pure man who found himself caught into a cage of plotting, cruelty, and blood-thirst for...


Information Validity and Reliability in Research

Information used in research studies encompasses knowledge, messages, facts, numerical indicators, and data obtained from various sources, both objective and subjective. In order to assure truthful and valid research findings, information should be characterized by its completeness, representativeness, credibility, and validity. The credibility of challenging information about the role of...


Understanding the City in Ehrenreich’s Nickel and Dimed

The city can be a complicated place to comprehend especially by a person that has not been brought up close to one. There are certain attitudes that are held towards city dwellers which minimizes the activities that people do there. A couple of years ago, the city was mainly for...


The Hand in “The Story of an Hour” by Chopin

The Hand in the story exhibits that paradox of life that is faced by women. This is so with respect to freedom. Ideally, all people have the freedom to do as they please so long as they can withstand the consequences of their actions. However, for the woman, she does...

Politics & Government

Essential Role of United Nations in the 21st Century

When the United Nations was created upon WWII, its major declared role was to perpetuate peace among countries worldwide. The horrors of the world wars have undeniably led to the creation of this institution. However, the international challenges to peace worldwide have evolved mainly in terms of the rise of...


Jungian Approach Towards Spirituality

According to Jungian psychology, concepts “dream” and “spirituality” are mutually related and have the straightforward implementation and path in figuring out the motives of a man’s dream. Carl Jung was deeply inspired by the work of Sigmund Freud The Interpretation of Dreams and added some new details to the theory...


Value in Science According to Eisner and Bigge

Every academic discipline or activity is usually characterized by its own philosophy based on certain guiding principles and instructions. Truths and values turn out to be critical educational practices or, as defined by Bigger, instruments with the help of which researchers can test their experience and create specific frameworks. Compared...


“Oration on the Dignity of Man”: Historical Context

Oration on the Dignity of Man reflects the aspects of historical perspective. His manuscript provides the explanation for the importance of the human search for knowledge in a neo-platonic structure. His thinking had a deep inspiration on arts assisting essayists and artists from their medieval task as mere craftsman to...

Entertainment & Media

Twitter as the Most Creative Development

First of all, we should define creativity. Creativity is the ability to create something new by using innovative or unusual approaches. In most cases, creativity comes from the specific vision of a situation and the ability to analyze it from a different angle. For the business world, creativity ensures the...


The Fourteenth Amendment and Discrimination Cases

The Fourteenth Amendment abolished slavery and its consequences, such as racial discrimination. What is more, it stated that no state should make or enforce any law which could abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States. In addition, states cannot deprive any person of life, liberty, or...


Descriptive Statistics of Bicycle Safety

The PICO(T) question to guide the search is the following one: Will the provision of educational strategies help reduce the number of road-accident-related traumas among children within a year by 30%? The research related to the topic of bicycle safety, the role of helmet use, and the associated educational strategies...

Tech & Engineering

FirstNet Technology Used in Healthcare Facility

The department (ER) uses FirstNet, a user-friendly, fast, and detailed software designed to enable nurses and doctors to, among other things, integrate pre-existing documentation into the patient’s electronic emergency record, manage electronic orders and results viewing, undertake electronic medications management, and facilitate decision support including alerts and operations. The technology...


Use of Genetically Modified Organisms to Produce Our Food

In the recent past, powerful tools and scientific innovations have revolutionized the way agriculture is done. Innovative production and processing have transformed conventional agricultural systems and the world’s capability to generate enough food for its population. Notably, these developments have come with drastic changes in economic forces and social organizations....


Social Disorganization Relation to Organized Crime

Social disorganization links to organized crime and evolution. The relation occurs due to the breakdown of social systems caused by social disorganization. This fact is exceptionally true in neighborhoods that live under challenging conditions. Members start forming small groups that transform into criminal gangs. They turn to organized gangs as...


Family and Its Role in the Community

A family is a basic social unit or a group made up of parents and children. The unit may be a single-parent family consisting of one adult parent with a child or children or a traditional family made up of parents and children. They may be living together or separately....


How Matter Cycles and Why These Cycles Are Important?

Living organisms experience a regular cyclic movement of matter of which they are composed. This cyclic flow of matter is referred to as the biogeochemical cycle. Through the cyclic flow, the resources utilized by the organisms are not lost but end up in locations that are out of reach of...

Tech & Engineering

The Patient Care and Technology: The Improving of Efficiency

We believe that technology applications in health care provisions have the potential to improve patient safety, efficiency, quality, timeliness, quality, and cost. Nonetheless, we fail to consider that technology may also bring challenges to healthcare provisions. Therefore, in order to realize the benefits of technology in health care provisions, we...

Politics & Government

State and Federal Government in Ensuring Healthcare Access

The states and the federal government should collaborate in ensuring that there is accessibility and provision of quality services in healthcare. Their collaboration is very vital as it helps in overcoming barriers and challenges in creating high-quality services and affordable health care. The states on their own cannot make changes...


The Ignoring of Depression: Causes and Consequences

Depression is a common mental health disorder, especially in some groups, such as adolescents and middle-aged women. Older people are also vulnerable due to their deteriorating health and quality of life. Depression is a comorbid disorder that leads to serious health issues resulting in significant financial losses for individuals and...


Homologous Recombination Repair and Enzymes

There are many enzymes involved in HRR in humans. Several diseases have been linked to defects in individual enzymes. For many enzymes, however, there is no human disease identified. This is because most enzymes involved in HRR do not play an active role in the malignancy of cells. Homologous Recombination...


Intellectual Rights of Authors and Users

The works of artists and to what degree that work can be shared among others have been under question for a long time. Of course, the person who came up with a melody, lyrics, or another form of a mostly original piece of art should be given credit. It is...


International Criminal Justice Systems Comparison

There are several types of the criminal justice system. One of them is based on civil law tradition, which implies that various regulations are strictly codified into a single system that should guide the decisions of legal professionals. This collection of regulations is the main source of rules which are...


Social Bonding and Closely Related Theories

This type of theory emphasizes the importance of social bonding, which may include an attachment to families and also developing commitment to social norms and institutions like in the school or at the workplace. They should be accompanied by the belief that these things are critical. This theory posits that...

Politics & Government

Federal Mandates for Healthcare to Implement Standards

National standards for culturally and linguistically appropriate services in health and healthcare, otherwise referred to as the national CLAS principles were designed specifically to strengthen health justness, advance the quality of healthcare, and ensure that healthcare inequalities are eradicated in the state. This would be achieved through the provision of...


State Sponsors of Terrorism

The moral support of politically sympathetic groups occurs when a government embraces the terrorist group’s course, but not the tactics they use. The ideology that these terrorist groups stand for is supported in this notion, but not the acts of violence or terrorism they are using to further their course....


Role of Individual as Explanation for Criminal Behavior

There are several factors that can lead to the commission of acts, and research indicates that these factors may have been present in the life of the criminal but are suppressed. These factors are evident in childhood but become manifest during the mature age. Among the factors that are present...

Tech & Engineering

Different Remote Access and VPN Protocols

Types of Remote Access Control This technology allows information and technology professionals (IT) to do administrative work and users to perform responsibilities on their computers. This work is done as a local task. It is most useful in troubleshooting a computer problem used by a customer. It prevents time wastage...


Political Issues Associated With Medical Research

The dissemination of research findings is often influenced by the pressing need to satisfy the demands of policymakers. The relationship between researchers and policymakers is often poor because of occupational cultural differences and the unrealistic expectations held by both the legislators and the researchers over one another. Political and institutional...


Choosing an Interview or Interrogation Setting

Most criminal information comes from people. Therefore, it is important for an investigator to be proficiently knowledgeable during the interrogation and interviewing. A successful interview requires strategic planning, relevant questioning, and objectivity. Inadequate preparation will result in failure to gather enough information to address issues in questions. To start with,...


Ritzer’s View on Consumption and Children’s Role as Economic Producers

Ritzer’s views on consumption are linked to the role of children in production, consumption, and distribution in several ways. As producers, children focus on rationality by adopting the most efficient ways of participating in economic activities. For instance, children often differentiate between helping their parents and formal employment. They often...


State Legitimization in Philosophers’ Views

For Plato, the state is legitimized by its ability to enforce reason through just laws adopted by the community. If philosophers govern, this precondition can adhere. Hobbes is legitimized by its capacity to enforce order and law on the populace. Though the state is a monstrous Leviathan, it can form...

Politics & Government

The Role of Bureaucracy in Capitalism

According to Weber, capitalism is a system of production, which provides human needs through a rational enterprise that focuses on making profits. A rational enterprise is an establishment that measures its ability to generate income through calculations based on modern bookkeeping techniques. Bureaucracy promotes rationalized capitalism by facilitating the use...


Factors Contributing to Carbon Level Variance

Carbon emission exposure is largely related to the number of vehicles passing through a particular area. The study performed by Akland, Hartwell, Johnson, and Whitmore concluded that citizens are exposed to elevated levels of CO when performing activities associated with transit and being in places that are in close proximity...


Stress and Conflict in Family: Changing the Role Functions

According to Bennett, changing roles can create stress and conflicts within the family setup. In a traditional family setting, men are generally viewed as the breadwinners in their families, while women are considered the caretakers of family members. They prepare meals, take care of the laundry, and ensure that children...

Tech & Engineering

Impact of Information Technology in Everyday Life

It is definite that information technology is advancing at a very fast rate to match the needs of contemporary society. Human survival encompasses a variety of issues such as power, food, social connectedness, and other convenient luxuries that make life interesting. For a long time, people have relied on information...


Quantitative and Qualitative Research: Topics and Disciplines

Most research studies utilize both qualitative and quantitative research designs. The qualitative data analysis approach is most suitable for a dataset that is largely numerical in nature rather than objective which is best analyzed by a qualitative research study. Quantitative research design usually involves the use of statistical programs such...


It is Possible to Have Cognition without Emotion

In psychology, there has been extensive research based on the debate concerning the interdependency of emotion and cognition. Since these two systems of processing information are based on a complex combination of neurobiological processes in the brain, the intensity of the effect of one on another has been studied in-depth....


Dealing with Exposure of Myanmar Female Sex Workers

The first major response would be a change in government policy. No preventive or treatment program could ever succeed without proper government policies. While most governments are ready to illegalize prostitution, this move has proved ineffective time after time. It is therefore up to the government to set up effective...


How Natural Selection Influenced Evolution

Natural selection is the process by which a population develops a more pronounced expression of a particular trait or loses a particular trait that will enable it to survive in the prevailing environmental conditions. Natural selection is the foundation of the evolution of a population species. A good example, as...

Politics & Government

Is Democracy Under the Siege Since 9/11?

In an open letter to John Howard in 2005, the Law Council of Australia stated, “The Government is using the threat of terrorism to introduce laws that put our most basic civil liberties under threat. The ramifications have the potential to be as terrifying as terrorism itself.” This statement was...

Politics & Government

Influence of Lobbyists in the Legislative Process

The consumer lobby groups and other stakeholders create networks through which they advocate for issues concerning affordability of the insurance covers and also lobby for effective policies that expand the qualification or legibility levels of those to be covered under the insurance. They protect people earning low incomes from paying...

Tech & Engineering

Go Back N (GBN) and Selective Repeating Algorithms

In day-to-day communication, a typical conversation involves a prompt response. Similarly, networked devices also require a similar mechanism to ensure there are no errors. This is the concept behind ACK and NAK used to define Acknowledgement and Negative Acknowledgement in the process of transporting a message from one point to...

Tech & Engineering

Extreme Programming Approach Impact on Programmers

The extreme programming (XP) approach advocates the deliberate delay of certain system features until the time that they are needed. There is also a high expectation of changes in the user requirement even as the project progresses, implying that the problem can be understood better. Extreme programming (XP) encourages frequent...


Mandated Reporting Issues in a Health Care Setting

According to Ramsden & Friendship, the setting is peri-urban with key highways and industries in its environment. The main issues in this setting are domestic violence and child or elderly abuse. In the case of domestic or family violence, mandatory reporting is practiced in situations it is believed someone in...


Technical Handbooks in the Next 50 Years

The current building activities have rendered most of the European area a concrete environment. To have and maintain a green and sustainable environment, standards, and regulations regarding the conservation of forests to improve the percentage of the green environment should be included in the Technical Handbooks. This will be a...

Politics & Government

Checks and Balances the President, Congress, and the Judiciary Have on the Bureaucracy

Separation of powers is one of the most vital principles that do undergird the American government system. This describes the parceling out of functions of government, authority and power to different institutions that possess relative independence in the federal system. This will help to prevent any institution from being controlled...


Occupation Safety and Health Laws in a Company

Many companies have parted with huge chunks of money in payment of fines imposed by OSHA after they were inspected and found wanting. While the fines imposed have not been very huge, there is cause for alarm with the introduction of the maximum fine threshold which revised the rates to...

Tech & Engineering

New Technology Integration and Related Issues

Technological developments in developed and underdeveloped countries Most underdeveloped rarely foster research on new technologies; it will therefore be difficult for the globally expanding corporations to find new knowledge in these nations, and reception of the same may also be rather slow. Firms may also find it difficult to integrate...

Entertainment & Media

Social Networking Sites for Businesses and Users

Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter have improved their values from mere friends’ connections to promoters and marketers of businesses which have proved to be very effective. For instance, the selling of the banner spaces has been used for marketing some companies on these sites. What one needs to...


An Ad About Transport and Clean Energy

Whereas transportation has, over the years, posed a great challenge to the environment, it is important to note that there exist some alternatives to crude oil products like petrol and diesel that have been in use over the years. This is by using environmentally friendly products that, even when consumed...

Tech & Engineering

Why the Cleantech Market Is More Volatile Than Other Markets

Cleantech, an abbreviation for clean technology, refers to financial markets, funds, indices, and investments inclusive of companies that enable efficient use of resources that occur naturally and reduce the impact on the environment during the production of these natural resources. These companies do this through activities like clean energy or...


Rights and Freedoms Canadians Enjoy

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms contains the rights which are protected and can be enforced by the legal justice system. There are several fundamental freedoms. They can also assemble freely without restrictions. The freedom of worship, which is part of the belief system of an individual, is also...

Politics & Government

Contemporary Societies Without Political Parties

The power under question is purely political, and so a political party is a well-organized unit that will often participate in electoral processes to elect popular and most deserving leadership. In addition, a political party will at times launch protests in cases where it feels the government has overstepped or...

Politics & Government

Roles of Political Parties in Democratic and Non-Democratic States

Political parties in democratic states have broad-based roles compared to those operating in governments that are not democratic at all. For instance, in a country where democratic ideals are not practiced, political parties have limited powers and duties to perform. In most cases, there is usually a single ruling party...


Tenets of Modern Constitutionalism

One of the underlying tenets of modern constitutionalism is codification. This refers to a systematic way in which constitutional documents are organized into one single collection and are usually in written format. The rules and regulations contained in a codified constitution are used for controlling government excesses and, as a...

Politics & Government

The Pros and Cons of the U.S. Primary System

Some countries, the US included, use a specific method for choosing candidates for elections – it is called primary elections, or plainly the primary. This method is used to allow voters in a certain jurisdiction to choose candidates for the further general election. The primary system has greatly influenced the...

Politics & Government

Federal Principle Incorporated in the Constitution Act, 1867 and Modern Times

As it has been proven by long-standing conflicts and discrepancies between the federal government and provincial government spheres of influence, the federal principle incorporated by the Canadian Constitution Act, 1867, does not survive any criticism in the modern period of time. As it comes from the thorough analysis of the...


Why We Feel Stressed in Situations Where There Is No Danger

Stress is part of human life because people encounter frustrations daily at the workplace and at home. Although there is real evidence of what triggers different types of stress, there are instances when people get stressed out without concrete reasons. In most instances, the stress is self-imposed, and people do...

Politics & Government

Democracy And Contemporary Societies Without Political Parties

The modern world is diverse, and despite the fact that all countries are united by a common territory, nation, and culture, there are still many differing opinions, goals, and standpoints within every separate country. People form groups according to their beliefs and interests, all of them wish to take part...


Role of the United Nations in the Creation of World Law

The United Nations Organisations is an umbrella body that represents and oversees the socio-political and economic interests of the member states. Under the United Nations charter, member countries are bound by laws and regulations which have been mutually agreed upon for purposes of peaceful coexistence and resolution of disputes. It...


How Early Criminologists Approached Female Offending

A few decades ago, it was considered that crime is typically a male phenomenon, and the study of female criminality was mostly disregarded, resulting in the lack of theoretical materials on women’s offending. However, since the 1980s, female law-breaking and domestic violence have fallen into the spotlight of various research...


Aging of the Institutional Corrections Population

Dignity and consideration for human rights should govern the care of all older people, including those who are in prison. For thousands of older people, the prison building is the equivalent of a nursing home. According to Chen (2017), by 2030, about one in three persons in federal or state...


The Definition of the Constitution

The notion ‘constitution’ has several meanings, one of which derives from the ancient, general understanding thereof, and another one means the narrow, modern understanding. Starting from ancient times, the constitution was a cultural phenomenon and meant a general form of government, rule, and code of conduct governing the lives of...


Uncertainty in the Employment Context

Employment contracts are a large part of the contemporary work environment. Used to legally secure the relationship between employees and their employers, these documents contain a variety of specifications depending on the individual and the field of work they are entering into. Contractual obligations are used to bind employees as...

Politics & Government

Underlying Tenets of Modern Constitutionalism

The tendency towards constitutionalism has grasped the majority of nations and countries in the course of the 20th century. Constitutionalism, in fact, dictates the necessity to limit the power and authority of the government to the borders of the constitution that serves to protect human rights and to establish the...


A Less Healthy Family and Its Characteristics

Relationships among loved ones in families in many ways form the background of society and are an indicator that determines modern values ​​and moral and ethical norms. From a sociological perspective, the concept of a healthy family concerns not the health of each of its members but the quality of...


Italian and French Opera Between 1670 and 1750

The Baroque era heralded several major changes to opera as a genre in both French and Italian culture. The Italian opera demonstrated a clear case of style dominating over substance. For instance, the number of voices used in arias was increased significantly to 4–8, as in Giovanni Gabrielli’s In Ecclesiis....

Politics & Government

The Keynesian Fiscal Policies

The Keynesian theory put forward that a nation prospers not because of the physical assets but because of the revenue they get. The income is the whole amount of the income the population of the country receives. This can be evaluated by the working money in a countries economy that...


Understanding Project Management: Key Concepts and Practices

Project means a planned activity requiring a set of non-routine tasks for completion in a time-limited effort. To complete a project, we need to plan, organize, direct, and control the organization’s resources for a relatively short-term objective established to complete specific goals and objectives. Though it sounds similar to what...


Helping Skills in Working With the Client

When creating a favorable impression on a client, being a practitioner in oil and gas in the Middle East, it is of crucial importance to subconsciously follow the principles of helping skills throughout the communication. When working with a client, I will explicitly execute these skills in order to encourage...

Politics & Government

The Territories and the Municipalities in the Politics of Nation-Building in Canada

The politics of nation-building in Canada is mostly the responsibility of the federal government. The Constitution Act of 1867 granted the federal government the power to conduct nation-building, is in force even nowadays, and establishes the clear dominance of federal decisions concerning nation-building over all other levels of government. However,...

Family, Life & Experiences

Personal Memory of Miami and Link to Race and Ethnicity

First of all, it is worth saying that I am an American of a mostly European race with genetic admixtures of unidentified ethnicities. I have visited Miami several times, and I remember it as an amazing and unique big city located on the southeast side of Florida. It seems that...


Robert Wilson, a Current Stage and Theatre Director

Robert Wilson is a famous art director, writer, performer, and stage designer. He is considered to be one of the most outstanding representatives of the theatrical advance guard. Though his first performances had been shown in America, he made a name for himself in Europe, after the staging of his...


John Locke’s “Second Treatise of Government”

In chapter five of the Second Treatise of Government, John Locke describes property as one’s life, liberty, and estate. According to Locke, individuals have dominion over themselves and as a result, own the rights to their freedom. Individuals also have authority over physical property that they acquire during their lifetime....


Adam Smith on the American Economy in the 1890-1920s

Referring to Adam Smith’s argument on the role of dealers and manufacturers in oppressing the public, it is possible to find analogies with the impact of corporations between 1890 and the New Deal. During the discussed period, the American economy has changed from focusing on agriculture and workshops to developing...


Elements of Qualitative Research Questions

Qualitative methods apply designs that are emergent and flexible, and this is characteristic of their questions. Creswell recommends some classified words for use at the start of the research questions. This entails the use of words ‘how’ or ‘what’ that imply room for improvement of the current structure of the...


Mixed Methods Research Questions

Mixed method questions blend quantitative and qualitative research questions ends. Thus, within the same mixed-method research question combine qualitative and quantitative study ends. In bringing out the strengths of either qualitative and quantities research questions for this study, preference is made both qualitative and quantitative research questions are stated together...


Qualitative Research Methodology: Pilot Survey and Testing

Innovativeness that can support change within a system should have been derived from thorough research work; to determine whether individual research reports quality to have a quality that can be relied on to implement change the best way of testing is having pilot surveys and testing. Under this process, the...

Politics & Government

The U.S. and Adoption of IFRS

The United States will accept IFRS because of its well-built moral tradition and its long-standing intolerance for unethical conduct. Its economic and financial principles have been applied by other nations as a benchmark to assess their economic and accounting success until lately. The United States must lead in adhering to...


Relative Density and Frequency of Plants

In the hillside of coastal sage scrub, relative density and relative frequency of plant species compare considerably. The plant community that covers the coastal prairie of the California coast is typical of dominant species and is typical of high relative density with a lower relative frequency. The rationale is that...