Free 10000 Words Essay Examples

A paper of 10000 words is not always an essay. Assignments of such a length are typical for graduate-level studies. The structure of a 10000 words essay will largely depend on the institution, the discipline, and your professor’s requirements. The possible topics might be: cyberbullying among middle-school students, the role of international organizations in global governance, etc.

You will need to conduct an in-depth analysis in order to write a 10000-word essay. The keys to success are: meaningful research, a correctly formulated thesis, a well-thought-out structure, and an extensive bibliography list. Check free 10000-word essay examples on this page to get inspired!

Entertainment & Media

The African American Women Stereotyping in Media

Abstract In the research conducted over the past decades, much attention has been drawn to the effect media discourse has on the audience. As far as ethnic minorities are concerned, such effect has been closely associated with using stereotypical tropes for portraying minority communities either due to ignorance or for...


Separation of Powers in Kuwaiti Criminal Justice System

Abstract Discussions of the separation of powers tend to be related to the administrative state. By contrast, this research addresses the question of separating powers within the criminal justice system of Kuwait, examining the function of this division and the structures that are designed to protect the rights of citizens....

Tech & Engineering

The Effect of Technology on Aviation Security

Abstract The study examined the adoption and implementation of technology in the aviation industry and how this affects security in the industry. The purpose of this research is informed by the threats that the aviation industry continues to experience since the 1960s, when over 130 hijackings were recorded, especially for...


Gender Inequality in Higher Education: Challenges and Solutions

Abstract The problem of gender inequality has been a persistent and unresolved issue in social and professional life in the United States of America and globally. The implications of the problem for higher education proved to be omnipresent, including women’s underrepresentation in leadership positions, gender-based discrimination cases, sexual harassment, inequality-oriented...

10000-Word Essay FAQ

A 10000 words essay would typically be about 40 pages long, assuming it is double-spaced and written with a standard font (Arial or Times New Roman) in 12-point size. If the text is single-spaced, it will be twice shorter. Other factors that influence the 10000-word essay length are formatting and paragraph structure.

How many paragraphs are there in a 10000 words essay? A paper of such a length would contain 100 to 101 paragraphs. This works for an academic writing assignment because a typical paragraph there is about 100 words long.

It usually takes 3 hours 20 minutes to 5 hours and a half to type a text of this length on your keyboard at an average speed. However, if you are assigned a 10000 words essay, it is going to take much more time, as you will need to conduct research, study the sources, and plan your paper. Writing a solid essay of 10000 words will take about 33 hours and a half.

At a rough estimate, 10000 words would take up about 1000 to 1005 lines. However, the exact number of lines in your 10000-word essay depends on a number of factors such as the spacing, the font size, and the margins.

Tech & Engineering

Cyber-Security Threats to Educational Institutions

Abstract The government of Saudi Arabia has made a significant investment in improving the infrastructure in the education sector in the recent past. It has directly supported the digitization of learning in both public and private schools. These institutions have redefined their operations in line with the emerging technology trends....


Flipped Learning in Chemistry Education

Introduction The introduction of computers and the internet has had enormous changes in many aspects of life including the education systems of the world (Engin & Donanci 2016; Foldnes 2016). Through improved technology, many elements of the education and learning systems have developed to allow for improved delivery of knowledge...


Gender Roles in Hollywood Cinema

Introduction Cinema can be regarded as the technology of gender construction and regulation of social relations. It means that movies can instil, correct, and impose particular attitudes, values, models and norms of behaviour. However, at the same time, cinema reflects the dominant social and cultural trends that take place within...


Adolescent Behavior and Childhood Indiscipline

Abstract Lack of discipline among children often results in adolescent delinquency. The research was aimed at discussing the issues revolving around disciplining and making recommendations on how to deal with them. By achieving this objective, disciplining methods used can be more effective hereby translating in fewer cases of adolescent delinquency....


Corporate Social Responsibility in Middle East Football Clubs

Abstract The primary point of this study was to investigate on corporate social responsibility in the Middle East football clubs. This study utilized the deductive methodology of exploration, whereby the hypothesis and the theories were planned in advance before the writing began. Likewise, quantitative examination system was utilized to test...


Building a Cycling Olympic Champion in the UAE

Abstract The ubiquitous need to develop a cycling culture and an Olympic champion underpinned the need to investigate the strategies to use to achieve the research objectives. The study investigated the approaches used to spread the culture among students form different schools including universities in the UAE. The study focused...


Motivating English Learners via Social Media Websites

Abstract This research paper delves primarily into the possible use of social media as means of teaching EFL students in Saudi Arabia. With the growing usage of social media platforms within the country, its usage has become ubiquitous among many students. As a result, this creates the potential opportunity for...


MSc Security and Risk Management

Abstract The present work considers access to firearms and peculiarities can f national and local legislation as possible facilitators of firearm-related homicide rates on the example of two cities, Seattle and Vancouver. The initial supposition guiding the work is that the rates in Seattle, USA are much higher than those...


Environmental Impacts of Heathrow Airport: Demand Towards a Strategic Sustainable Transport

Introduction Background Airport expansion projects pose a challenge on the capacity to realize sustainable environmental protection (Federal Aviation Administration, 2006). Sustainability of environmental protection should be geared towards improving quality of air, waste management, reduction of total suspended particles with regard to PM10 and PM25 that impact negatively on fauna...

Tech & Engineering

Comparison Between Laser Scanner and Total Station

Introduction The archeological, architectural and environmental surveying fields have continued to experience a lot of changes with the ever-developing technology. The latest entrant in technological advancement as far as these fields are concerned is the Laser Scanner (Curles 2000). This gadget is said to have taken the world by storm...


Teachers’ Sense of Self-Efficacy

Introduction Background According to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (2000), “teachers must help every student develop conceptual and procedural understandings of number, operations, geometry, measurement, statistics, probability, functions, and algebra and the connections among ideas… and to develop the self-confidence and interest to do so” (p. 21). Besides,...


Concepts of Green Supply Chain Management

Introduction It is an established fact that products come from raw materials extracted from the environment. The extraction of the material requires a rigorous technological process, sometimes with the use of chemicals and other complicated methods to separate the core element from the raw material that may finally produce a...


The Prospect and Constraint of Ecotourism in Malaysia

Introduction The modern awareness with global climate change and environmental protection has shifted the tourism industry to align with the ecotourism conceptual framework while the economist identified it as a most strapping toll for community based sustainable development for the lees developed or developing countries. The major limitation of the...


Operation Sea Lion: The German Invasion Plan of Britain

Introduction and Background On June 14, 1940 speaking in the House of Commons the then British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill announced that “The Battle of France is over, I expect that the Battle of Britain is about to begin”. (1). This statement of Sir Winston Churchill was a virtual...

Tech & Engineering

Seismic Activity and Its Effect on the Built Environment

Abstract The history of earthquakes is as old as the earth itself. It is a phenomenon that has occurred in different places of the earth and the results have been the deformation of the earth, destruction of buildings, and the loss of human lives. The reason for the occurrence of...

Tech & Engineering

Construction Methods in Earthquake Susceptible Regions

Introduction Over the course of many centuries, there have been numerous instances of natural earthquakes causing great catastrophes to human beings and destroying infrastructure, which has proved to be very costly (Booth 1994). According to Booth (1994, p. 45), the combined monetary value of the damage caused cannot be easily...


Reducing Youth Antisocial Behaviour in Britain

Problem Statement Introduction This dissertation critically illustrates the perceptions of the ‘Youth Antisocial behavior’, connecting with the victims’ response and the factors touching the citizens’ motivation and exploration within the existing exercise of the legislative programs that have emerged, and been experienced in the jurisdiction of England and Wales, through...


Earthquake Engineering Considerations and Methods

Abstract Historically, earthquakes have caused immense human and property loss. Besides the valuable human lives lost, earthquakes have caused monetary losses rising to billions of dollars. In the wake of these disasters, engineers have tried to design and construct earthquake-resistant buildings. These buildings adopt new technologies and processes in detecting...


Students Selecting Private Tertiary Education in Singapore

Abstract Education is Singapore has a vibrancy that has seen the establishment of many tertiary institutions. Apart from the three autonomous universities, viz Nanyang Technological University, National University of Singapore and the Singapore Management University, there is a contingent of internationally affiliated and nationally established private Universities that offer comprehensive...

Tech & Engineering

Petrol and Diesel Engines: History and Development

Abstract This is a study report on the historical development of petrol and diesel engines. As the development of these engines is closely related to the automobile industry, the paper tries to correlate the developments in automobile industry with that of the Internal Compression engines. The developments in the various...


Knowledge Management and Its Role in Education

Literature Review Today, knowledge is no longer just another resource in a list that includes labor, capital, and land (Drucker 1994). It has become the resource of knowledge workers. Sharing is the sole method for creation of knowledge. In the new era of knowledge economy, traditional organizations, such as educational...


Terrorism Effects on Tourism in the United Kingdom

Executive Summary This report seeks to throw light on the present scenario regarding the impact of terrorism on tourist traffic in the United Kingdom. It is seen that blatant and unprovoked acts of terrorism has reached alarming proportions throughout the world and has detrimentally affected the economies of both developed...


Sukuk in Kuwait and the Comparison Between Sukuk and Conventional Bonds

Problem Statement Introduction Ernst & Young conducted research considering the estimation of the Islamic financial institutions and explored that the rising demand of Sukuk has already reached US$ 300 billion and would jump up to US$ 900 billion by 2017; moreover, although the product is conflicting with Sharia law, due...


Adolescent Substance Abuse in a Frontier Community

Abstract Recent national data point to the fact that substance abuse among adolescents did not change significantly over the past decades despite the volume of prevention and intervention programs. Frontier communities have specific socioeconomic and cultural characteristics which put frontiers adolescents at high risk for substance abuse. This work aims...

Entertainment & Media

Event Management: Hosting Mega-Events

Executive Summary The purpose of this study is to consider the various aspects of hosting mega-events and how it underpins the economies of the locations in which major and mega-events and international sports events are held. Event Management has gained immense popularity, since it connotes urbanization regeneration, tourist trade, investments,...


Spatial Decision Support System in Abu Dhabi, UAE

Introduction Problem Statement Sustainable development within urban areas has become a great challenge for various governments. The Abu Dhabi Emirate is the capital of United Arab Emirates (UAE) and is one of the fastest developing cities in the region. There is a boom in the infrastructural sector and the city’s...


The Extent of Comprehension With Respect to Digital Citizenship

Abstract This study aimed at exploring the extent of comprehension and knowledge of digital citizenship among Saudi Arabia teachers. A mixed methods research design was chosen for this study in order to identify the scope and perceptions of digital citizenship awareness among Saudi Arabia teachers based on Ribble’s characterization of...

Tech & Engineering

The Communication Systems

Introduction Digital communication systems are undoubtedly the most commonly used nowadays. They are irreplaceable practically in every sphere of human life: studying, work, entertainment. This is due to several factors, which include: their accessibility; simplicity in use; their mobility. In general digital communication deals with transmission of a digital bit...

Tech & Engineering

Liability of Internet Service Provider

Introduction The first chapter of this dissertation will consider the justification of the study, formulate research questions and discuss the objectives and background of the problem, for instance, controversial issues, different type of violation of the copyright act, loopholes of the entire system, liabilities of the internet service providers to...


Differential Population Growth Rates and the Impact on National and Strategic Security

Abstract An in-depth study and analysis of the causal relationships found in the study of migration phenomena in the context of demographic security are central to this thesis. To be more specific, the paper examined the migration states of the United States, Russia, Germany, France, and the Middle Eastern regions...

Politics & Government

Russia, Georgia, and Australia: Investigation of Police Corruption and Reform

Abstract The paper discusses challenges in modern Russia associated with the corruption in police. An attempt is made to analyse the police reform initiated by former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev in 2011, compare it with police reforms in Georgia and Australia, and estimate the reform effectiveness supported by recent data,...

Tech & Engineering

The Impact of Using Technology in Qatari Organization

Abstract Qatar is one of the fastest developing economies in the Middle East and North Africa region. In this study, the primary goal of the researcher was to investigate and discuss the impact of using technology, especially in the communication sector, on local Qatari organizations. The study relied on both...


High School Teachers’ Perceptions Concerning Technology Integration Into the Curriculum

Introduction Students are able to relate better with technology driven lessons rather than through traditional methods of teaching. This is evidenced by studies such as those by Lih-Juan (2007) that compared the traditional method of education with that of technology driven lessons. It was shown that computer programs and gadgets,...

Politics & Government

Unconventional Warfare and Senior Military Officers

Executive Summary The United States Armed Forces has the primary mandate of ensuring that the country is safe from any form of external attack. For a long time, the potential threat that it had to prepare to fight was hostile nations such as the Soviet Union/Russia, Iran, North Korea, and...

Tech & Engineering

An API Development in The Project “Mapira”

Abstract The Project “Mapira” is based on an API development and ease of access to the geographical stats. This project is aimed at providing the users with a way of accessing features of Mapira through an API channel. Mapira is therefore the name of the website or simply the project....

Politics & Government

Investigation Into the Delays in Major Infrastructure Projects

Abstract In a large infrastructure construction project, chances of coordination failures are numerous because of the large number of stakeholders and project participants involved. Several other factors including peculiar site conditions and nature of construction activities add to events that might cause coordination failures. Project management cannot ignore the impact...


Concrete Incorporating Waste Material Thermal Performance

Abstract An investigation into the thermal performance of waste aggregate concretes was conducted to answer the research question about the thermal behavior of waste aggregate concretes. Typically, the use of waste aggregate concrete has experienced a rise in the construction industry in the recent past. A detailed investigation of the...


Motivation of Student Teachers in China and the UK

Abstract The aim of this research study is to analyse similarities and differences of factors affecting the motivation of student teachers in China and the United Kingdom (UK). The investigation is guided by three objectives. They focus on finding out extrinsic and intrinsic factors influencing the motivation of student teachers...


Employee Commitment and Job Attitude

Abstract The main aim of this research study is to analyze the moderation effect of service quality on the relationship between employee commitment and job attitude of performance for the elderly in the tourism industry. In line with this, the specific objectives were: to determine the effects of biographical factors...


Underage Drinking in the United States: Has Progress Been Made?

Abstract It is to be noted that in the year 2010, about 4,700 deaths occurred due to underage drinking. Although underage drinking is prohibited in the US, it is a known fact that about eleven percent of the total alcohol consumption is being consumed by adolescents. According to the recent...

Politics & Government

Political Settlement in Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

Introduction The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is a protracted conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The conflict started in the late 1980s and took a dramatic turn in the 1990s when both parties battled each other for the disputed region.1 So far, the war has evolved into an armed conflict characterized by ethnic...


Demolition or Refurbishment of Old Domestic Buildings

Introduction The debate on the refurbishment or demolition of old buildings with the underlying need to boost environmental, social, and economic viabilities is a debate that has raged on in many countries over the centuries. According to ODPM (2003) report, UK policies have been reflected in the demolitions of insanitary...


Greece’s and UK’s Risk Escape System Comparison

Abstract The transfer of risk is a concept that has many theories attached to it. It has to be understood from its practical significance. It is in the risk establishment that the different parties get to understand their duties in the contract and the repercussions of not adhering to the...

Tech & Engineering

Cognitive Radio Spectrum Sensing and Selection

Abstract The energy detection of unknown signals going through fading channels is an important aspect of communication technology. There are various methods that have been proposed in order to provide approximations to these parameters. Studies have been done by Urkowitz and Kostylev on how to effectively measure the energy content...


Abu Dhabi’s Brand as a Tourists’ Destination

Introduction Destination branding is one of the most critical strategies of obtaining a competitive edge against other places that compete for the same market segment especially in tourism. In essence, the destinations can be a country, region or a city among others. The concept is viewed as a way of...


Delay in Design Architectural Process

Introduction UAE is one of the pioneers in improving economies in the Middle East, and the centre for its improvement relies on the real estate business as a vital segment. It is thought of one of the biggest areas in the UAE economy; the legislature is using billions of dollars...

Politics & Government

Leadership Effectiveness for Marginalized Civil Organizations in Liberia

Abstract This research will explore impacts of leadership effectiveness in strengthening influence of marginalized civil groups and subsets of civil society on the political process in Liberia. Lack of inputs of marginalized civil groups and local communities to make public decisions on budgeting and allocation of resources for development programs...


Personality Properties of White-Collar Criminals

Abstract Over the past three decades, cases of fraud and white-collar crimes have been increasing exponentially in the 21st century. Fraud and white-collar crime is a complex issue in society because its occurrence is dependent on many factors such as organizational structure, organization culture, and personality traits. One of the...


The Impact of Informed Consent Laws on Hysterectomy Decisions Among Women in Mississippi

Introduction The study focuses on women who have undergone a hysterectomy in Mississippi without comprehensive informed consent law. While hysterectomy is one of the most complicated procedures that may result in serious damages to the reproductive systems as well as fatalities, most states, including Mississippi, have not instituted a comprehensive...


The Therapeutic Relationship and its Links to Emotional Intelligence

Introduction According to therapists Picard, Vyzas, and Healey (2001), emotional intelligence (EI) is a fairly new construct in the psychiatric and social literatures. It was not until the early 1990s that researchers, including Salovey and Mayer (1990), Goleman (1995a), Bar-On (1997), and Cooper and Sawaf (1997), de-emphasized the traditional, narrow...

Politics & Government

The Conflict in Syria: The ‘Responsibility to Protect’ Doctrine

The ‘Responsibility to Protect’ (R2P) doctrine is declared by the United Nations Security Council as a new approach to prevent the atrocity crimes globally and to protect the civilians’ rights. The doctrine was developed in the 2000s in response to the humanitarian crises of the 1990s in Rwanda and Kosovo....


Long-Term Trends of Commodity Prices From 1900 to 2011

Abstract This dissertation aims to check the long-term movements of primary commodity price indexes. The data used in this project is the updated version of the index introduced by Grilli and Yang (1988). This new version covers the period from 1900 to 2011 including four kinds of price with two...


Business Rescue Under the Companies Act No.71 of 2008

Executive Summary This empirical study on business rescue would provide insight on how the Companies Act no.71 of 2008 would contribute the leading South African companies to overcome the recessional impact. The paper has organised the case study of ARM, a leading South African company, which seriously evidenced the recessional...


Sustainable Building Materials and Technologies in the Construction and Building Industry

Abstract Sustainable building materials and technologies, which are used in the construction and building industry provide solutions for addressing the problems of discharging waste products and materials into the environment. The process of converting raw materials into finished products, including the conversion of raw materials to cement and concrete consumes...

Tech & Engineering

Computer Programs in Architecture

Introduction Computer architecture is a model used to explain how hardware and software are interconnected to form a system. It explains the structure of the system and how given elements are related to each other. It is noted that this form of architecture can be viewed as the process of...

Tech & Engineering

Improving the IT Security Infrastructure

Research Outline Introduction, Objectives, and Methodology This chapter introduces the main topic – information technology infrastructure, including various subjects in design, architecture, security and many other topics on information systems, knowledge management, globalization, and other related topics. It is the job of managers to make IT infrastructure of an organization...

Tech & Engineering

Security Defenses Against DDoS Attacks

Introduction In the recent past, a rise in the use of the internet by both primary and secondary users has experienced a rise in different forms of attacks. These attacks range from worms and viruses to thefts of personal information. In addition to that, new and emerging forms of attacks...

Tech & Engineering

Oil From Shale: Potential, Problems & Development

Abstract In answer to the quest for a sustainable and secure supply of combustible liquid hydrocarbon fuels and gases, the development and recovery of oil from oil shale provides a fundamental answer to the need for meeting current energy demands for use in industry and other areas demanding fuels oils....

Tech & Engineering

Performance of Public Construction Projects in Abuja, Nigeria

Abstract Research into the facts behind the failure of public construction projects in Abuja Nigeria to meet time and budgetary allocations strongly pointed to the failure of local, internationalcontractors, and the government to incorporate a performance evaluation mechanism to evaluate the performance of the awarded projects during the implementation phase....

Politics & Government

Contributions of Public and Private School to US People

Introduction When something is made a priority, it is by definition supposed to get better. The American public schools continue to struggle through hardships to deliver high-quality educational services to an increasingly diverse group of students despite the nation’s public schools being made a high priority by the nation’s policymakers...


Comparative Study of Ecological Developments From a Domestic to an Urban Level Projects

Introduction General Analysis Research about Ecological Issues Human society is inconsistent in interaction with its environs through the daily activities it engages in. In the process, there is a distortion in the naturalness of the environment where these interactions occur. The bracing of the environment, preservation of its organs, ensuring...

Tech & Engineering

Online Banking Relationship in Saudi Arabia

Abstract Internet banking offers a kind of self-service technology that is fast assuming an important full-fledged allotment medium for utilization of banking products and banking services, especially in developed countries. Since the internet was introduced to the bank industry in Saudi Arabia in the 1980’s banks in the kingdom have...


Faculty Mentoring Program for Student Persistence

Abstract This study is investigating the effects of a faculty mentoring program on student performance and retention with regard to the first time undergraduates of Fall 2009 of the Prince George’s Community College, an African-American college primarily. The aim is to probe the extent of retention in the years prior...


Problems Experienced to Control Crime in Nigeria

Introduction Nigeria is a beautiful country with varied landscapes. It is such a huge country that the climate varies greatly from one place to another. Rich in biodiversity and tropical vegetations, it is really a tempting place for many tourists to visit. But the crime status is so concerning in...


Design and Development of Greener Vehicle Ventilation System

Abstract The issue of global warming and associated risks has been the cause for much debate in recent years. Despite the grave danger posed by this looming climatic disaster many countries are hard pressed to increase pressure within their borders in relation to suggested regulatory legislation. The issue of compliance...


Intelligence Community Current Position

Introduction Following Sun Tzu’s famous dictum, we are introduced to a practical means of implementing it. It sounds much like fourth generation warfare or even like hybrid warfare: Be wherever the enemy does not expect you to be, do whatever the enemy does not think you will do and portray...

Politics & Government

Public Administration Associated With City Funding

Outline This paper examines the ramifications of public administration, especially in the context of its pecuniary and fiscal aspects. Public administration associated with city funding involves several complex matters because of the heterogeneous character of the urban areas. City budgeting includes means of allocation of all the resources particularly in...

Tech & Engineering

Impact Analysis of Green Computing in Advertising Company

Abstract Plummeting on IT energy costs, lengthening the life of the hardware, and decreasing carbon emissions are but a few of the factors contributing to green computing in diverse institutions and commercial organizations. It is popular public knowledge that global warming is a most important problem which all and sundry...

Tech & Engineering

The Concept of Reinforced Embankment on Soft Foundation

Abstract Geosynthetic reinforcements on foundations and other soft soil masses is a cost-effective engineering method that substitutes conventional methods which are prohibitively expensive for embankment constructions. Geosynthetics improve engineering materials confining properties of soft soils to withstand pressures due to the earth. Different forces with varying magnitude and effects on...

Tech & Engineering

Biometric Security as a High Security System

Abstract In the present age of globalisation, close proximity of different nationalities often raises security issues in all countries. To combat the situation almost all countries have now resorted to biometrics security to identify and ward off the elements that can harm the security of the nation and its socio-industrial...

Tech & Engineering

Fatigue on Pilots in Aviation Industry

Outline This paper is going to take a look at fatigue as an issue that affects pilots in the aviation industry. The following factors will be discussed in this proposal The definition of fatigue. The causes of fatigue on pilots. The effects of fatigue on pilots’ performance in the industry....


Elements of a Green City: Case Study of Masdar City

Abstract This study focuses on the use of green energy technologies in today’s cities. The benefits of green energy will be studied in depth and an understanding of how green energy is produced will be acquired. The study will carry out a case study oon Masdar city, a planned city...

Entertainment & Media

Multi-Factor Authentication for Social Networking Website

Introduction Social networking is not a new notion. Even before the advent of the internet, social networks existed in the form of, for example, a university, a club, etc. Social networking means at least three or more individuals meeting up and exchanging information. This was based on the understanding that...


A Critical Evaluation of Cities as Centers for Career Opportunities

Abstract This cross-sectional study made use of a quantitative research design to comprehensively evaluate what the United States of America has to offer for future management assistant in terms of existing career opportunities and possibilities for advancement in three major cities, namely New York City, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia. The...


Comparison of Microbiological Water Quality Standards for Swimming Beaches

Abstract Water quality is a contentious issue in Hong Kong. Hong Kong island is densely populated and heavily commercialized. The water use and the need to flush waste water or sewage from the populated areas of the population cause the pollution of the local waters, the same water that is...

Politics & Government

Using Facebook as a Reliable Means of Attracting Youths to Politics

Abstract After sweeping over America, Canada and other developed nations, social networking sites are making inroads into the African community. Many African countries have adopted this form of virtual socialization, and Nigeria is such one country. These sites include Twitter, MySpace, and Hi5 among others. However, Facebook seems to have...


Humanitarian Intervention Between Theory and Application

Introduction Humanitarian intervention can be described as a new principle in international legal system but it is an ancient phenomenon. It has now become a part of the positive international law and being employed as a mechanism to prevent use of force towards gullible mankind around the world. The humanitarian...

Tech & Engineering

Electronic Data Interchange in Shipping: Legal Issues

Introduction Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) involves the conduct of business transactions by exchanging the documents in electronic formats using web-based applications or Internet. EDI covers a wide range of transactions including placing purchase orders, offering price quotations, customer order confirmations, order status enquiries, shipping and the associated transactions such as...

Politics & Government

ICTY: The Training of Staff and Selection in the Recruitment Process Staff

Abstract ICTY – International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia investigates crimes committed by the former military rulers of Yugoslavia. The crimes investigated are crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing and murder on a large scale. Experienced investigators who are recruited from the police forces of different countries conduct investigations and...


Family Violence Carrying Over ‘Intergenerationally’

Introduction Statement of The Problem Having read through several research articles and other materials this researcher has discovered that witnessing violence in the family leads to several psychological problems in later life and adulthood. A pattern is seen whereby children who grow up in abusive homes turn out to be...


Predicting Reservoir Performance of a Natural Gas Reservoir

Abstract Natural resources are a gift of God to mankind. Natural resources play a pivotal role in the success of any nation. Gas and oil reservoirs are different and this report deals with numerous approaches in order to Predict Reservoir Performance of a Natural Gas Reservoir. There are a number...

Politics & Government

Implementation of E-Government in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Abstract The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has advanced its position from the 80th rank in the year 2005 to 70th rank in the year 2008 in the matter of e-government readiness as assessed by the United Nations. However, the implementation of e-government initiatives by the country was not an easy...

Politics & Government

The Relationship of Determinants of Risk Governance in the Government of Dubai

Abstract The government of Dubai has been heavily focusing on the public sector and investing in the infrastructural development of mega-projects to support and increase the economic growth of the nation and have reliable alternatives to the gas and oil sector. These mega-projects may include the construction of major buildings,...


Dubai Electricity and Water Authority: Case Study

Introduction In the current competitive and knowledge-driven business environment, organizations are keen on finding ways to edge out their rivals in the market (Tidd 2017). The sustainability of any organization is currently defined by its ability to be unique in its product offering, understand the changing needs of the target...


Adult Learning in Web-Based ESL Acquisition Programs

Abstract Adult Learning In Web-Based ESL Acquisition Programs find the approach a significant success. Typically, that is because the web-based applications such as Odysseyware, the wiki application, and a range of other applications provide an environment and features that support different modes to teach the adults students in ESL acquisition...


Myths of Giftedness Children and the Barriers of Parents

Introduction We generally associate the word ‘myth’ with historical beliefs and practices. But even the modern world has some myths that have evolved during the past couple of years. Such myths are prevalent in various fields and the education sector also has a particular myth that is the core of...

Politics & Government

Crime in Springfield, Illinois: Real or Perceived

Abstract There is a problem in Springfield, Illinois. According to Forbes magazine, Springfield, Illinois is the third most dangerous city in the United States. Springfield, Illinois is also the fourth most dangerous city in the United States for women. This determination was made by Forbes magazine after reviewing the 2010...

Politics & Government

Reformation of Afghan National Police

List of Abbreviations Afghan Border Police = ABP Afghan National Army = ANA Afghan National Police = ANP Afghan Uniformed Police = AUP Afghan Counter-Narcotics Police = ACNP Afghan National Civil Order Police = ANCOP Army Forces Strategic Command = AFSC Army Space and Missile Defense Command = ASMDC Combined...


Growth and Vulnerabilities in Microfinance

Introduction Microfinance refers to the kind of banking service offered to the people with no jobs, low income earners or to people with little access to the financial services. In other words, Microfinance is a combination of many financial services aimed at people earning low income. As a result of...

Entertainment & Media

Interactive Pervasive Advertising Systems in Indoor Retail Environments

Introduction Ads in Society Ads occupy a significant space of the contemporary life of the society because research studies show ads to positively correlate with the behavioral characteristics and influence the purchasing patterns of individuals, alter perceptions about product quality, and consumer tastes while creating brand loyalty and product differentiation...

Politics & Government

Exploring Leadership Experiences of Military Leaders

Introduction to the Problem The Military has long been recognized for regimental structures of discipline and development. The primary focus of leader and leadership development in the military revolves around military leaders’ ability to provide command and control to units engaged in battle. Known as kinetic operations, military leaders learn...

Politics & Government

United Stated Army Inspector General Process Optimization

The Inspector General is an investigative personnel in the military or any other civil organization (AR 20-1, 2010). Different government as well as different arms of civil organizations have a designated office of the Inspector General. This is essential as it ensures that the investigative, inspection, assistance, teaching, and training...


Flexible Grouping Effects on Student Achievement

Introduction The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 requires that all students in the United States show clear progress towards meeting educational performance standards in mathematics, English/Language Arts (ELA), social studies, and the sciences (Abedi & Dietel, 2004). In an effort to measure this progress, high-stakes examinations, such as...


Servant Leadership: An Analysis of Women’s Basketball Coaches from the Peach Belt Conference

Abstract While calls for effective leadership are needed in the coaching profession, there remains a gap regarding the type of leadership style that coaches in sports settings may use to influence student-athletes toward achieving peak performance through coaching excellence to improve one’s win-loss record, enhance student-athlete grade point average, and...


The Right for Saudi Arabian Women to Drive Car: Challenges and Implication

Abstract The role of women in the Muslim cultures and societies has been of very little importance as they are considered minors and do not possess any independent identity away from their male relatives. The monopoly of male theologians and jurists in Middle Eastern Society is liable for the most...