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Learning Theories in Psychology

Introduction Learning is a process that integrates cognitive, emotional and environmental factors in order to acquire and develop one’s knowledge and skills. On the other hand, learning theory is an attempt to explain the process of learning in human beings. It offers description of the way people acquire knowledge and...


The Civil Rights Movement: From Outrage to Change

The Civil Rights Movement has been significant in the history of America as it not only made the people conscious about their pertinent role in the civilization but more importantly resulted in the exact momentum which favored similar reform movements in the 1960s and 1970s. More significantly, it had an...


Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005

Introduction The Public Law 109–41—July 29, 2005 or the Patient Safety And Quality Improvement Act Of 2005 is directed towards the benefit and the betterment of patients within the parameter of healthcare by formulating and enforcing well-defined law in favor of suitable healthcare and patient safety measures. The fundamental approach...


American Futures – Our Life, Our Society, and Immigration

Mark Twain’s View He believes that America is a mostly constituted by immigrants and that this has raised an alarm to the American people since the percentage of immigrants have increased as compared to the case 17th century when immigration was as a result of slave trade whereby the ancestors...


Cold War Causes and Consequences

The cold war is a term used to describe the 40+ years of struggle and rivalry between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and its allies and the United States and its allies. During the Cold War period, the 1940s to late 1980s, global politics were shaped heavily by...


The Gender Gap in Wages Analysis

The gender wage gap refers to the difference in the average hourly earnings of men and women. Though there has been progressing toward gender equality in the workplace, the gap between men’s and women’s earnings persist as evidenced by statistics from various independent bodies like the U.S. Census Bureau. According...


The Impact of Education on Society

Education in the modern world is much more than books and degrees and also involves means opening up minds to a whole new world, the world in which there are no geographical barriers to knowledge. Education is indeed a powerful means to remove the prejudices from our mind relating to...


News, Politics and Racism

Introduction It is very peculiar to consider racism is an ideology where humans are separated into various groups in the belief that some people are superior because they belong to a particular ethnic or national group. It could be summarized that racism is the result of having negative judgments, beliefs,...


Formal Versus Informal Assessments in Education

Basic concepts Assessment, a basic technique to evaluate the students’ performance is of many kinds according to the methods the teachers adopt. Whether it is formal or informal, the ultimate objective is to analyze the pupils. Formal assessment, generally termed as test and data driven method, is a conventional method...

Tech & Engineering

Information Systems Development and Analysis

Information Systems Development (ISD) of an organization involves different processes that are to be collated systematically. To accomplish this task, a number of professionals of various levels like System Analysts, Information Systems Manager, Programmers, etc. work together. The processes of ISD include identifying the needs of clients, planning, analyzing, task...

Politics & Government

Political Realism: Definition, Approaches, Criticism

A realist is an individual who perceives a circumstance in the most pragmatic way. This means they believe that the world can be an ideal place where no wrongdoing has to take place and they want to make everything perfect and in order. A realist often is a person who...


“The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin: Quote Analysis

Abstract This paper explores the possible ways of incorporating quotations and writing about an interesting character and theme in the story of Kate Chopin, “The Story of an Hour”. The theme focuses on Chopin’s view of Mr. and Mrs. Mallard’s marriage, an empty or contented marriage; also this paper focuses...


Degrees of Inequality in the UK

The above graph shows the UK income distribution in 2005–06. It maps out the number of people living in households with at various income tiers, grouped into £10 income bands. The height of the bars is representative of the number of people in each income band. The graph shows the...


American Progressive Era: Benefits and Drawbacks

The Progressive Era in the U.S. is a period that lasted from 1890 to 1920 and was actually known for two distinct characteristics: It was a time where progressive social movements within the county sought to change various aspects of the country, specifically the government and the economy. It was...


Media Violence Laws and Their Effectiveness

Rising levels of violence in the media, be it in movies, computer games, or the Internet, have been a topic of concern for the last several decades. With technological advancements in the television and gaming industry, violent entertainment is becoming more and more realistic. The appearance of computers, game stations,...


Gun Control Policies and Consequences in the US

Introduction The United States of America has by far the highest firearm ownership rate in the world. This tendency is due to the relatively non-restrictive gun control laws of the country, as the right to bear arms is codified in the Constitution. However, gun ownership comes with risks, and the...

Tech & Engineering

Nine Challenges of Alternative Energy

The modern energetic system which relies predominantly on fossil fuel is considered to be dangerous for the environment. Two major drawbacks of non-renewable sources of energy, such as coal or petroleum, are Carbon emissions and their limited reserves. As Chau et al. (2015) claim, “energy generated from fossil fuels produces...


Nuclear vs. Gas: NuScale Power Company

Existing Policies New England currently experiences significant issues concerning its energy industry, which results in conflicting policies. On the one hand, policies support the deployment and development of solar and wind energy capacity in the region. These alternative sources of power displace energy from fossil plants and their emissions. But,...


Religion as Limiting Women Freewill and Freedom of Expression

Introduction Since time in sundry, mankind has been a religious being who believes in the existence of some higher power or medium. The boundary of religion expands between thoughts and mystics in an attempt by mankind to experience self-discovery. These religious teachings influence a belief system organized into notions, cults,...


Legal Drinking Age and U.S. vs. European Alcohol Consumption Patterns

The scopes of alcohol consumption have become a serious concern over the past decades for the world community and the US in particular. Unlike European countries, the US government decided to raise the minimum legal drinking age to 21, while most countries allow alcohol consumption from 18. Such a law...


Music, Media and Culture Influence on Behavior

The issue under investigation Human behavior is a product of various interrelated factors that walk alongside our lives starting with early childhood and is even thought to be closely related to genetics and predicted by it (Hartwell, 2014). The issue under investigation deals with the influence of such variables as...

Entertainment & Media

The Documentary “Cuban Missile Crisis: Three Men Go To War”

This documentary movie describes the events, which have gone down in history as the tensest moment of the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States of America. In spite of the fact that the Cuban Missile Crises have been resolved without a direct armed encounter, the events...


Qualitative Research: Data Collection, Analysis, and Management

Qualitative research is one of the techniques used to gather and analyze data. It can be applied both in the scientific field and regarding business (e.g., market research can be performed using a qualitative approach). It can be useful when trying to gain a general understanding of an issue. Corbin...


Business Research Methods

The two types of discourse Discourse is a tool to convey the meaning of what a person wants to say. There are two major types of discourse such as exposition and argument (Cooper & Schindler, 2014). Exposition comprises statements that describe events or concepts and does not provide any explanations....


“A&P” and “Hills Like White Elephants” Stories Comparison

Introduction The choice of a narrative mode shapes how readers perceive the actions of the main characters. This paper will include an analysis of two short stories, namely Hills Like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway and A&P by John Updike. These literary works exemplify different story-telling techniques that enable the...


Governmental Contract: What Makes It Perfect

Contracts Contracts under seal were applied traditionally, and involved the agreement between different parties being signified by a binding seal on the contract document. This ensured that every party in the contract assumed legal responsibility and liability without having to offer any legal detriment. The importance of contracts under seal...

Tech & Engineering

Project Risk Response Strategy

Risk: Cost Risk Response Strategy: Mitigate Mitigation is a risk response involving “lowering its probability or potential impact” (Kendrick, 2015, p. 196). Although mitigating actions cannot eliminate the risk, they can significantly reduce its negative influence. For example, it is possible to reduce the undesirable consequences of cost risks through...


Psychology of Personality: Agreeableness

Introduction This paper aims to explore an important aspect of my personality—agreeableness. It will also outline the basis of Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory and apply it to analyzing the manifestations of the trait in real life. Discussion It can be said that I am an excessively agreeable person. People who...


Child Development and Education

The first chapter of the book explores the child development field, core developmental issues in children, child development theories, developmental periods, and the aspect of turning theory into practice. Human beings are not static. A continuous phase of psychological and physical transformation is experienced from the point of conception until...


Qualitative Method for Research Proposal

The success and validity of any study depend on the choice of the research method. Different research approaches may be used to analyze the results of a study. However, a researcher must select the best research method in order to draw a practical conclusion. This proposal presents and justifies the...


Embryonic Stem Cells for Growing Body Parts

Introduction Background Life begins when a single cell develops into tissues, muscles, bones, and organs that give rise to different body parts. Stem cell research promises to be of potential help to people living with body damaging diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart diseases, and many others. ESC has the...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media Strategy for Public Relations

Research Purpose The modern globalized society that is used to move fast and make its everyday operations more efficient cannot exist without the use of social media. Therefore, every business, private or public, every agency, or a non-profit organization has to tailor their strategies to fit the needs of potential...


Early Reform Movements and American Civil War

Introduction American history is rich and fascinating. The American civil war is one of the most significant historical events. The reform movement and the industrial revolution are also very important aspects of American history. This paper will look at the early reform movements and the causes of the American civil...


The Great Depression History

Introduction The Great Depression was a landmark event in the history of the United States that also influenced the flow of the global history. Starting with Black Thursday (October 24, 1929) and the Stock Market Crash, the Great Depression unravelled with such events as the increase of unemployment rates, farmers...


Global Warming Policies and Options

Introduction Global warming signifies the continued heating of the surface of the earth and the entire environment, which encompasses ice caps and oceans to mention a few. The global increase in atmospheric temperature has been evidently discerned in recent times. Consistent with the Environmental Protection Agency, the average temperature of...


Organic and Non-Organic Makeup

Makeup is an inseparable element of most girls and women’s toilet. Nowadays, in the era of diversity, there are thousands of manufacturers, which offer numerous options for cosmetics in order to satisfy the particular needs of different consumers. However, it is important to realize that there is a significant difference...

Politics & Government

Inventing the American Presidency

Introduction Each US administration has arguably supported a different type of healthcare system (Davies, 2013). The sitting president, in a bid to ensure that Americans get a comprehensive health care plan, often devises his own system that is supported by the president’s party. For instance, a healthcare system fronted by...


InvestigationCentral Agency for Psychical Research

Introduction Humanity has been known to possess psychic abilities since the dawn of time. It has many names – clairvoyance, premonition, remote viewing, the sixth sense… However, only after the real science has been applied, we have been able to strip the phenomenon of all the unnecessary vibe of mysticism...


Problem-Solving Process and Its Approaches

Problem-solving is considered one of the essential human cognitive processes since it is a higher-layer process. Problem-solving is closely related to other cognitive processes. These processes are pensiveness, searching, erudition, decision-making, inference, psychoanalysis, and synthesis. Problem-solving is related to other cognitive processes through the object-attribute model. Studies show that problem...


Liquefied Natural Gas and Its Properties

Natural gas Natural gas provides the primary source of energy in homes and industries due to its availability. Moreover, it is cheap and has high-energy content. Chandra states that natural gas is the “most flexible of all primary fossil fuels because it can be burned directly to generate power and...


Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

In the occurrence of increased and evolving outrages concerning sexual harassment and violence in the place of work, one might wonder how such problems can be eradicated. Sexual harassment in the workplace denotes the aggravation of either female or male employees by another, mainly of the opposite sex, based on...


Teaching and Supporting Adult Learners

How has adult learning changed over time? The constitution of what is adult learning has changed over time. Initially, the term related to literacy for immigrants’ and workers’ education. Today, the concept captures the entire process of educating adults, irrespective of the context and the aim of educating them. This...


Recognizing and Avoiding Plagiarism

Plagiarism refers to the use of materials produced by other people without acknowledging that the data was derived from them. In other words, plagiarism is the violation of a person’s or an organization’s intellectual property. There are several types of plagiarism, each of which can be recognized in a text....


Application of Skills-Education Evaluation

Application of Skills-Education Evaluation Type of assessment The type of assessment to be administered is a formal assessment. This is a conventional type of assessment used to assess the general progress of students and compare their performance with their peers (Weaver para 2). It is also used to measure the...


Group Counseling for Different Populations

Group counseling is one of the therapy approaches that coexist with individual therapy empowering treatment of various psychological problems. Group counseling has particular benefits for treating problems related to intrapersonal and interpersonal issues as well as for helping people change. For example, it can be useful for such conditions as...


Conflict of Interest

It may be necessary to utilize a guideline to identify if the conflict of interests is present in a particular situation. The first goal is to determine all parties that are involved. The next step is to evaluate duties that one may owe to his or her clients. Personal interests...


The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: Its Pros and Cons

Introduction Health care provision is essential for all citizens. The insurance companies and health institutions must adhere to the health care act to provide excellent services to all citizens. The new program has its gains and disadvantages. The Major Positives in the PPACA The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act...


Uniform Introduction Policy at Public Schools

Abstract The present paper is aimed at creating a detailed outline for the research paper on the topic of necessity of school uniform policy implementation at public schools. The outline consists of a thesis statement on which future research will be based and three main points of the research confirming...


The Legalization of Marijuana in the USA

Introduction The legalization of marijuana in the U. S. has become one of the most debated topics in the last few years. Even though numerous studies have proved cannabis to be much safer than alcohol and tobacco, most U.S. states have strict laws with regards to marijuana use, possession, and...

Tech & Engineering

Field of Project Management

Project management is a science whereby project components are put in an organized manner. This is when a new product or service is being developed and launched or when a certain marketing campaign is being done. All this is geared towards achieving certain goals in an organization. In a general...

Politics & Government

Dubai Municipality: Total Quality Management

Total quality management is a collection of principles and methods whose main concern is the continuous improvement of institutions. Its main aim is the sustainable output of a desirable quality. Its implementation in an institution requires complete leadership commitment. The leadership of the Dubai Municipality is aware of this fact...


The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) is one of the significant health care laws in the history of the United States. The Act has elicited heated debates with proponents and opponents endeavoring to prove or disprove its usefulness in the contemporary evolving health care arena. However, this paper...


Business Organizations Forms

Introduction A form of business organization is the general structure in which a business is constituted. There are three forms of business organizations namely: sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporations. A sole proprietorship is a business form that is run and owned by one individual (Angualia, 2010). The advantages of a...


Information Technology Acts

Introduction As technology improves over the years, there is an ever-increasing risk of going against accepted codes of conduct. This is mainly because improvements create loopholes that cannot be foreseen. In this respect, various bodies have responded by setting up acts and laws to deal with the issues that arise....

Tech & Engineering

Midfield Terminal: Abu Dhabi Airports Project

Project management process There are different processes involved in project management. They include project planning, organizing the processes of the project, and controlling the resources therein. Project planning management aims at connecting available resources to achieve the stipulated goals. Midfield Terminal Baggage system is one of the largest international projects...


Biological Psychology

What are the core assumptions of the biopsychological approach? Biopsychology or biological psychology is a branch of psychology that considers the influence of the central nervous system and the neurotransmitters on behaviors, thoughts, and feelings of individuals. Biopsychology then assumes that every behavior, thought, or feeling expressed by an individual...


Claims of Policy on School Bus Fees

Bus Fees Issue: Parents Should Not Pay The issue concerning the bus fees has emerged quite recently. The majority of parents oppose the introduction of such fees. However, not many parents express their point of view. To my mind, parents pay enough money to school so there is no need...

Politics & Government

Death Penalty as Barrier to Fair Punishment

Introduction Capital punishment (also known as the death penalty) remains one of the most contentious issues in many societies. This is the case because the process is cruel, degrading, and inhuman in nature. The contentious issues associated with the death penalty can be used to explain why it is unacceptable....


Natural Selection, Mutations, Gene Flows and Drift

The life of all organisms is explained using the evolution theory, which identifies four forces that are responsible for the survival or extinction of organisms. However, it is important to understand the common terms used in the theory of evolution, among them species and population. Species is the term used...

Politics & Government

International Human Rights and Environmental Law

International law is a notion which became spread with the development of international relationships and globalization of them. Initially, international law consisted of the norms and rules which regulated relationships between different stated. This law is referred to when the interests of two countries are involved and the legal norms...


Qualitative and Quantitative Researches Methods

Differences between Quantitative and Qualitative Studies Certain differences exist between quantitative and qualitative research methods. Researchers use qualitative methods to collect, interpret, and analyze data. This method is also subjective. A qualitative approach uses various methods to collect data such as in-depth interviews, observations, and focus groups (Christensen, Johnson &...


Quantitative Research Design: Adolescents in School

Introduction I will be focusing on the article which studies child trend in school environment and adolescence well-being written by Marin and Brown (Marin and Brown, 2008). The study employed quantitative research methodology where the researcher went out to collect data from the field. This research focuses on a broader...


Social Psychology: Group Influence on the Self

Conformity and obedience Conformity and obedience are described as social behaviors that people engage in while undertaking their daily activities. The behavior of people is influenced by the society that they live in. However, obedience and conformity have been subjected to scrutiny by psychologists in order to help them analyze...

Politics & Government

Marijuana, Its Medical and Economic Benefits

Currently, many people associate harmful narcotics with harmless stimulants. This also happened in 1920s, most people perceived marijuana as a mind altering drug. They compared it with addictive drugs such as heroin and cocaine. However, marijuana was widely used before that time. It was among the legal drugs in countries...


Personal Mission: Fashion Industry

Personal mission My mission is to use the knowledge that I have acquired in school to create a positive impact on the fashion industry by designing products that will improve people’s lives. Also, my dream is to design products that will be useful, functional, and aesthetically appealing to be appreciated...


Pacific Palms Hotel

Brief introduction of the Hotel Company Majestic Realty offers a wide range of services for the starting land acquisition to long-run property management. The company was founded in 1948, with its headquarters situated in Los Angeles. Its major mission is to expand its market and pursue retail land that will...


Ethics and Law: Descartes’s Rationalism

Relationship between morals, ethics, and laws Jurisprudence is the philosophy considering the relationship between morals, ethics, and laws. In the regulation of public relations, the law interacts with morality and ethics (Wendel, 2014). Every law case requires not only the comprehensive analysis of the situation but also the identification of...


Politics of Location

People can describe themselves using various categories of social identity. Such aspects of social identity define a person’s position in his or her specific community. This fact explains why such aspects of identity will dictate a person’s social power. As well, the social construction of identity has the potential to...


English Suffixes and Typical Base Words

The suffix –proof can be attached to ‘base’ words which belong to the word class of nouns, e.g. water, fire, sound: waterproof, fireproof, soundproof. The suffix –ness can be attached to adjectives, e.g. damp, sad, happy: dampness, sadness, happiness. The suffix –able can be attached to verbs, e.g. read, accept,...


Adolescent Physical Inactivity and Socioeconomic Factors

Introduction The article under analysis is called The Relationship Between Neighborhood Socioeconomic Characteristics and Physical Inactivity Among Adolescents Living in Boston, Massachusetts. Having the main aim to determine the influence of different social conditions on the level of activity among adolescents, the authors of the article use different statistical methods...

Family, Life & Experiences

Families from Global Sociological Perspectives

Writers of different articles, books, and journals of families in a global perspective use different sociological approaches to the matter. The most dominant approaches used are the functionalist perspective, feminist conflict perspective, and symbolic perspective. Although the three perspectives seem to be independent, they complement each other. According to functionalism...

Family, Life & Experiences

Planning a Wedding Between Two Individuals

Major Decision The decision that would fit this case is behavioral decision making. Planning a wedding for a Hindu and a Catholic is quite difficult to make. Looking at the cultural differences and challenges to be faced ahead, it is quite difficult to make such decisions. Making the decision follows...


Law of the Jungle in Kipling’s “The Jungle Book”

There is a great number of different masterpieces of literature in the world. Each of them describes some peculiar phenomenon or event. The majority of books are devoted to human beings and their feelings and emotions. There are, however, some works that are devoted to animals and their touching allegiance...


The Parisian Culture: European and Islamic Cultures

Introduction The paper aims to answer the question about the aspects of cross-cultural encounters in Paris as well as about the origins of the modern intercultural interactions that are observed in the city as a result of the racial and cultural diversity. Thesis: The modern Parisian culture includes different interdependent...


Modern Popular Culture

Criteria for Defining Modern Popular Culture In light of developing a criterion for defining modern popular culture, it is essential to consider that the concept incorporates two aspects which include modernity and popularity. The aspect of popularity contends that popular culture is widely accepted by the concerned people. On the...


“The Age of Empire: 1875-1914” by Eric Hobsbawm

The Age of Empire: 1875-1914 is a historical book written by Eric Hobsbawm. The author described the period as significant towards the development of our present global economy and politics. One important thing about the book is that the author divides historians of the 19th century into two groups: those...


Fairmont Mayakoba Riviera Maya Resort’s Management

Introduction All business organizations strive to maximize their annual returns by setting appropriate strategies. Strategies vary depending on services or products offered. One of the most effective strategies commonly used is ensuring customer satisfaction. Organizations usually emphasize value-added services and products to increase their market space. Factors such as the...


The Manhattan Project and Its Effects

Manhattan Project: Outline The Manhattan Project Purpose of the Manhattan Project Social and Cultural Effects of the Project Political and technological effects of the Project Manhattan Project The Manhattan Project was a code name for a military project that was conducted during World War II between 1942 and 1946. The...


The Artist Georgia O’Keeffe: Motivation and Inspiration

“A person in my life who has motivated me and continues to do so” Georgia O’Keeffe Numerous personalities have motivated me and continue to do so. In this context, Georgia O’Keeffe has been my inspirational pillar due to her artistic values, determination in life, and transformational leadership. Born in1887, O’Keeffe grew...


Sciences, Nature, and Religion Intertwining

“And Yet It Moves!”: What It Takes to Be a Scientist If one is a genius, the others call him a lunatic – this is one of the saddest life axioms. Like the genii of all times, Galileo Galilei was mistakenly considered a weird man – which, perhaps, saved his...


Data Collection Methods and Effectiveness

General definition of the types of research methods The Traditional Academic Research method involves elucidating, foretelling and scheming educational experiences (Mills, 2011). There are two methods of data collection that can be used in Action Reaction Research and they are quantitative and qualitative research methods. Quantitative research involves collecting numerical...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media Marketing for Generation Y

Introduction How does the use of social media such as Facebook effectively help in the development and awareness of a commercial ad towards generation Y? Modern businesses intensively integrate social media in their operations, particularly in marketing because of its uncountable benefits. Many brands have grown from a domestic level...


Middle Childhood and Adolescence Development

Middle childhood and adolescence period comes with a number of changes to teens. This is a transition stage that involves exploration and freedom among teens. It is also a period when teens have to deal with issues of self-consciousness and a search for self-identity. Peer pressure is a significant factor...


Hub-and-Spoke Concept Benefits in the Transportation Sector

In recent years, the hub-and-spoke concept has found wide usage in the various modes of transportation, which operate in increasingly competitive and market-oriented environments (Hsu & Hsieh, n.d.). The hub-and-spoke concept basically denotes a system of connections and interconnections set in the same manner as the chariot wheel, whereby all...


Electric Cars in Short and Long-Term Perspective

In the present time, gasoline cars are cost-efficient vehicles. A petrol-fueled vehicle is a more practical solution to the immense transportation needs of the 21st century. The cost of conversion from a gasoline engine to an electric engine is high. This is the reason for the delay in adopting electric...


Intermodal Transportation: Baltimore and Philadelphia Ports

Introduction Based on research findings, the rate of population growth globally has been pushing policy makers to rethink the way services are delivered. Arguably, this has led to an increase in cargo flows throughout different ports in the world (Konings, Priemus & Nijkamp, 2008). It is for this reason that...


Intermodal Transport Definition and Conceptualization

Since its inception into mainstream logistical discourse, there have been several attempts to define and conceptualize the term intermodal transport. As a result, it has been variously used to refer to a gamut of activities involving the transportation of people or cargo (Dewitt & Clinger, 2000). In this paper, the...


Alternative Energy Sources vs Fossil Fuels

Introduction In recent years, an increasing number of countries have been relying on advances in technology to develop alternative energy sources with the view to reducing dependence on fossil fuels. The drive to develop alternative energy sources has been ignited by the high prices of oil and natural gas (Douglass,...


Building New Airports: Reasons and Aspects

Since the invention of the airplane, airports have become an integral part of modern life. Airports comprise a significant constituent of the transportation infrastructure. There are different types of airports that serve various needs on the local and international levels. The future of airport development is predetermined by the freight...


Commercial Aviation Aspects and Contributions

One of the major roles of commercial aviation is to link different people and help them reach different areas. This aspect also affects the US as well as global economy (Wensveen, 2011). As far as the US economy is concerned, people can cover significant distances within hours, which facilitates their...


Air Transportation Industry Management in the US

The economic downturn in the United States over the past few years has influenced all spheres of everyday life of the society. Most industries have experienced changes in their financial strength during the recent decade. Air transportation industry has gone under significant changes based on the outcomes of the economic...


Sex and Gender in “Sociology” by Macionis and Gerber

Introduction Various social aspects define individuals. The gender and age discipline is the defining unit among age sets within the community. However, gender roles are key aspects of a traditional society, with women accorded the lowest positions within the societal task completion. In the book, there is a depiction of...

Entertainment & Media

WalMart Company’s Communication Strategies

Introduction Wal-Mart is the largest retail store in the world. This firm is operating in a highly competitive industry. To manage this type of competition, this firm needs a communication system that will make it pass the relevant information to the stakeholders within the shortest period. The communication strategy that...


21st Century Skills Development

Introduction The 21st century is considered to be the century of media, information, and technology. The world around us is very different from what it was in the days before – it is evolving at an alarming rate. Students need to keep up and ride the wave of change if...


Marx’s and King’s Notions of Alienation Differences

Karl Marx developed the Theory of Alienation to explain the relationship between capitalism and its effect on the wellbeing of workers. According to the theory, workers lose control of their lives after securing employment and as such become alienated from their families, communities, and society. Marx maintained that workers lack...


Social Issues: Abortion in US

According to Weitz (2010, p. 161), “abortion occurs when a woman decides to terminate her pregnancy”. This practice makes sure the pregnancy does not result in a child. Many individuals use prescription drugs or surgeries to terminate their pregnancies. These methods depend on the stage of the pregnancy. Abortion has...


Social Issues: The Uses of Global Poverty

Poverty refers to a situation of server deprivation of basic human wants. With the help of eleven functions of global poverty, readers can understand why poverty exists in today’s society. Poverty has influenced the price of commodities, making products affordable for wealthy nations. Developing countries provide ground for the manufacture...


Environment: Greenhouse Gases and Hydrological Cycles

Greenhouse gases emissions are a variety of gaseous compounds that are air pollutants, which include, but not limited to, carbon dioxide and chlorofluorocarbons. These gases act as a “lid” trapping energy from the sun and, preventing the heat from going back out into space so that the earth can cool....


Environment: Global Warming and Rapidly Rising Sea Levels

Global sea level rise has centrally featured in most debates in recent times, although it is not entirely a new phenomenon. The water level has been rising over the years, but marked changes were witnessed in the twentieth century. “The increase in the sea level in the twentieth century alone...


Does Money Determine Success?

I do not agree with the notion peddled around that only individuals who get more money are successful. More money does not determine success in life. It is obvious that money accords comfort since one can get anything needed at any time. Nevertheless, I disagree that it implies one is...

Politics & Government

Democracy Threats

Introduction The purpose of voting is to elect political leaders through the democratic process. All citizens in the United States and democracies in the world have the right to vote. Voting is the only way through citizens exercises power on who to represent them and determine how to be represented....