🧪 Essays on Sciences - Page 3


Wolverine Frog: Phylogeny, Environment, Adaptation, and Selection Pressures

The hairy frog is a species of frogs associated with the Central African region. It belongs to the Arthroleptidae family, the genus Trichobatrachus, and is scientifically referred to as Trichobatrachus robustus (Wells 53). Its name originated from the presence of hair-like structures that appear on the body and thighs of...


Researching Sickle-Cell Disease

Abstract Sickle cell disease (SCD) is an inherited genetic disorder that arises from a single nucleotide polymorphism in the beta-globin gene. The resultant change of amino acid in the globin part affects the stability of the protein, which leads to the polymerization of two beta-globin chains of adjacent molecules. The...


Ovary Illness: Medical Analysis

Ovary is highly dynamic organ with constantly changing environment.The ovary is an organ that is constantly subjected to change. Periodic and regular formation and development of fFollicles contribute to production of a large number of somatic and gametic cellsstart to grow at all times and as they develop they produce...


Electromagnetic Compatibility Measurement Near Field

Near and far-fields, EMC, and the low-frequency power supply In any radiation source, whether it is an antenna, some sort of circuitry, or a low-frequency power supply, there is a “near” and a “far” field. Considering the case of a low-frequency power supply and electromagnetic compatibility measurement (EMC,) the dominating...


The Concept of Pharmacogenetic Testing

Pharmacogenetics is a field of study that entails examining the impact of genes on the body’s response to specific medications. This field is also referred to as pharmacogenomics. Genes are made up of DNA sequences that hold information about unique physical traits. However, they also influence the safety and efficacy...


Genetically Modified Food Overview

Introduction This refers to food that is created from organisms whose genes have been modified. Genetically modified Food has its DNA structure changed. DNA is the blueprint of every living organism and by altering it, the characteristics or qualities of plants are changed (Windley, 2008). Discussion The purpose of human-made...


Motivational Actions That Stimulate People to Become Novice Entrepreneurs

Summary The focus of this chapter is on research design. The study addresses the disparity in knowledge surrounding motivationally stimulated experiences or incidents that happen to trigger an available worker (AW) to become a novice entrepreneur (NE). It also focuses on how published work on the characteristics of the available...


Oil-Water-Gas Flows: An Experimental System

Introduction The fundamental nature of the flow of oil, gas, and water in a three-phase stage characterizes the transportation of petroleum mostly from offshore hydrocarbon production and transportation points to onshore storage. In the production stages, water plays a significant role in the regulation of pressure. Pressure changes are critical...


Yield Management From Saudi Arabia Hotels

Introduction Implementation of research results relies fundamentally on the conclusions we mitigate from the results. Quality and accurate findings undergo criticism to evaluate between the conclusions that we make. These conclusions assist humanity to develop and establish incredible strategies of performing to prosper in their day-to-day life situations. It is...


Central Nervous System’s Structure and Functions

According to Cecie, the central nervous system’s function is to transmit information within the body. It is also important for response and coordination of body movements. Beverly reported that the central nervous system forms the major part of the nervous system. It comprises the brain and the spinal cord (Cecie,...


Stem Cells, Their Biology and Applications

Dear Patrick, I wanted to respond to all your queries on stem cells through this letter. First, you need to know what stem cells are. They are unspecialized cells that can differentiate and self regenerate. To differentiate is to develop into another cell type while self-regeneration refers to the process...


Einstein’s Theory of Relativity

Introduction The assumption that all the measurements made on the universe at specific places and time intervals will be similar stood for a long time before the theory of relativity was introduced. Relativity therefore means that measurements will be dependent on the relative motions of the person making the observations...


Determining the Sex of the Gallus Gallus

Results Section 1 The figures above represent gel-electrophoresis test results of a test performed from blood, muscle and feather of a Gallus gallus DNA samples. The figures also highlight the exact measurements of DNA concentration using samples from a Nano-drop machine. Notably, the figures illustrate clear differences in the amount...


Geographical Information Systems for Urban Management

Introduction Geographic information system (GIS) is a term used to describe a comprehensive system that has been designed to manage, analyze, manipulate, store, capture and present geographical data (Longley 2005, p. 21). GIS entails complex use of database technology, cartography as well as statistical analysis. It is an important tool...


Capture of Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Carbon dioxide refers to a chemical compound that occurs naturally and which is made up of two atoms of oxygen that are covalently bonded to one carbon atom, thus its chemical formula CO2. At standard pressure and temperature, carbon dioxide exists as a gas whose concentration level in the air...


Neutrase From Bacillus Amyloliquefacians: The Effect of Storage

Abstract Enzymes retain their activity and stability over a range of temperatures and time. Typically, that is the case with Neutrase, which is obtained from Bacillus Amyloliquefacians. Experimental data showed behavioral changes for Neutrase when subjected to temperature and time parameters. It showed a denaturing effect of temperature and time...


Demonstration of the Millikan’s Experiment With a Mass of Pennies

Introduction Nobel laureate, Robert Millikan quantified the unit charge of an electron courtesy of his oil drop experiment in the year 1909. As such, in his experimental setup, he was able to charge minute oil droplets under free fall between charged plates inside a chamber, suspend them courtesy of an...


Concern About GM Crops and Animals and Their Health Impact on Human Beings

Data and Facts The cultivation of GM crops has increased exponentially since 1996 when less than three million hectares of crops were GM’ (Grossman 258). In 2008, over 125 million hectares were used to grow biotech crops globally. The United States is the world’s largest cultivator of GM crops with...


Stem Cells: Achievements and Ways for Further Research

Abstract Stem cells have given much hope by promising to significantly increase the numbers and range of patients who could gain from transplants and to offer cell replacement remedies to treat unbearable illnesses such-as diabetes, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s ailment. The subject concerning stem cells is politically charged, quickening environmentalists to...


Human Genome Project and DNA Technologies

Introduction Human Genome Project was formed by the US section of Energy and other Human Genome Programs. The project began in 1990 and was to last for 15 years but technological improvements led to its early completion in 2003. Its main aim was to distinguish human genetic material by finding...


Carboxylic Acids and Esters: Preparation of Methyl Salicylate (Oil of Wintergreen)

Title of the experiment Carboxylic Acids and Esters: Preparation of Methyl Salicylate (Oil of Wintergreen). Objective of the Experiment The objective of the experiment is to synthesize methyl salicylate, which is an ester, from salicylic acid and methanol through the process of esterification. The experiment achieves the objective by reacting...


Research Methods in IAQ Overview

Research methods Survey methods are used when one plans on collecting descriptive information. They may be structured, unstructured, direct, or indirect. Researchers can use the survey method, through questionnaires and interviews, to collect data about various variables. One then uses analytical techniques to make inferences between the variables (McBurney &...


Genetic Engineering and Modifications

Sciences and in-depth knowledge about human and animal genetics have received extensive attention and reached heights that were not expected. Modifications to the genetic information and the types of outcomes have been surprising but at the same time, met with some displeasement. This sort of engineering has resulted in modified...


Separation of the Constituents of an Analgesic Preparation

Objective The objective of this experiment was to separate individual constituents of a given organic sample that had various solubility properties. The chemical process involved extraction of constituent elements because some solutes are highly soluble than others. Drug manufacturers have exploited differences in solubility of individual components in drugs to...


A Study of Dugesia, a Planariam With Its Own Peculiar Characteristics

Phylogeny The planarians, like Dugesia, are one of the types of non-parasitic flatworms that have been an object of numerous investigations and studies due to their phylogeny, anatomy, ecology, and even regeneration peculiarities (Ruppert, Fox, Barnes, 2004). About 70 species of Dugesia are already known (aenigma, japonica, notogaea, etc.), and...


The Origin and Evolution of Segmentation Hypotheses

The author gives three hypotheses concerning the evolution of segmentation. These hypotheses involve the evolution of segments in three main phyla that include arthropods, annelids, and chordates. Hypothesis 1 states that each phylum acquired its segmentation following an independent process. Hypothesis 2 states that segmentation evolved both in an independent...


Research Methods: Analysis of Two Article

Hopkins, M., & Spillane, J. (2014). Schoolhouse teacher educators: Structuring beginning teachers’ opportunities to learn about instruction. Journal of Teacher Education, 65 (4), 327-339. This article starts with two clearly stated research questions, viz. “Who is doing the work of beginning teacher education inside schools and how do these schoolhouse teacher...


Overview on Human Body Systems Functions

Cardiovascular system The function of the organ system is to ensure that the body has an effective transport of nutrients, oxygen, hormones, carbon dioxide, blood cells, drug materials, electrolytes, and waste materials from one place to another (Russ, Fagan & Sunthareswaran 2006). The major function is to provide the body...


Radiation Spectroscopy With NaI (TI) Scintillators

Introduction The use of thallium-activated sodium iodide as a scintillation material marked the beginning of the contemporary epoch of gamma-ray spectroscopy. The introduction of thallium-activated sodium iodide enabled scientists to detect gamma rays. Today, gamma-ray spectroscopy through scintillators has advanced into an established science. Spectroscopy is applied in varied scientific...


The Effect of Invasive Plant Species on Birds

Abstract Invasive plant species have an impact in the diversity of bird species in the ecosystem. The study involved examining the habitat of the bird species in Wattle Park in order to determine the effect of invasive plant species introduced intentionally or unintentionally in the park. Major of the invasive...


Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research

Participants Research is an extensive process that entails planning, collection of data, analysis, and drawing conclusions. However, the most important part is identifying the population in which the sample would be drawn from. In this study, participants would be identified in advance through sampling. Those involved in research would be...


1d – 2d Flood Modeling Using PCSWMM

Abstract This study was conducted to develop a 2D model from the 1D model. 1D models, which have been used for flood modeling have shown significant weaknesses, which prompted research into 2D modeling of floods. The main weaknesses of the 1D model are that they are unsuitable for urban and...


Nuclear Energy: Good or Bad for People

Introduction When people are asked whether nuclear energy is a solution to energy crisis in the new century, they would definitely say no. However, a number of individuals do not understand what nuclear energy entails. Many people are of the view that nuclear energy is always associated with accidents. To...


Contemporary Issues Analysis

Jalonick, M. & Neergaard, L 2014, ‘FDA issues new advice on mercury levels in seafood’, Star – Phoenix, 04 June, p. N27. The main idea that is being promoted throughout this article, is that the FDA’s (The U.S. Food and Drug Administration) public stance, in regards to the dangers of consuming...


The Distribution of the Drooping Mistletoe Amyema

Summary One major premise of landscape ecology is that the natural environment tends to be heterogeneous i.e., patchy. Consequently, studies have concentrated on the distribution of various trees in various locations. In Australia, researchers have sought to understand the distribution of mistletoes and other trees in large areas of natural...


Qualitative Research Study of Smoking among Australian Youths

The article by Rachael Green and David Moore reports a qualitative research study conducted to examine smoking among Australian youths in a particular social network (Green & Moore 2013). The researchers collected ethnographical data among 60 young adults between 2005 and 2007. The study also involved semi-structured interviews using 25...


Ethanol as the Primary Biofuel in Many Countries

Introduction The modern world relies on huge amounts of energy to sustain itself. For decades, the energy demands of the world have been met primarily by fossil fuels. However, this major energy source will not be able to meet the energy demands of the world for an indefinite period of...


Are Viruses Alive: Viruses, Viroids, and Prions

According to Villarreal in his article “Are Viruses Alive,” notes that biologists have suggest that viruses, viroids, and prions are in a gray area between living and non-living organisms; they portray some characteristics that qualify them to be living organisms; however some of their characteristics hinder their full qualification (Villarreal,...


Development of Spatial Decision Support for Cities Sustainability

Importance of analyzing spatial city sustainability factors Research by Banai (2005, p.4) shows that the use of geospatial data provides a wide range of solutions to the problems encountered by governments in different areas of land and environmental mapping. Some of the critical areas where geospatial data is applied include...


Lab Report on Thermoelectric Coolers’ designs

Abstract Thermoelectric gadget is an electric gadget that utilizes electric effect that takes place at the junction where is heat is dissipated away leading to a cooling effect. This experiment is aimed at understating the physic behind thermoelectric cooling, determining the temperature of the system by utilizing thermocouples, establishing the...


Amine Grafting Into Microporous Material

Introduction In today’s world, advances in science and technology are responsible for the development of new components meant to improve human life. At the center of these developments is the new materials used to make several products used by man. Depending on the desired properties of an object, a given...


Genetically Engineered Foods

Introduction With the increasing advancement in technology, scientists are currently introducing genetic material from a certain organism, one which contains the desired traits, to another organism, either of the same species or of a different species. This technology is referred to as genetic engineering or recombinant DNA technology. Though this...


Evolution of Dogs

Background The dog (Canis familiaris) is a tame form of the Gray Wolf from which it evolved tens of thousands of years ago. The Gray Wolf is a part of the Canidae family of the order Carnivora. It is generally accepted that the dog is man’s oldest friend, a friendship...


Data Collection and Analysis of Quantitative Data

The aim of the study was to highlight the existence of the Relative Age Effect at a football club in the United Arab Emirates and also to carry out an analysis providing information on how this effect has evolved in recent years. The data used in this case has been...


MANOVA: Reflection and Post-Test

Introduction A researcher is testing new medication designed to improve cholesterol levels. It is important to note that there are two types of cholesterol: low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and high-density lipoproteins (HDL). HDL is also referred to as “good” cholesterol and it is considered to be optimal when its levels are...


Education Research Methodology and Statistics

Causal-comparative study This is the method that reveals the casual relationship existing between variables. It relates the subject in question to already available data provided by the management. The approach of this study involves analyzing the effect of the problem and then determining the cause of the problem or of...


Embryonic, Adult Stem Cells, and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell

Uniqueness of Stem Cells The importance of the exploration of stem cells is difficult to overestimate because this study contributed greatly to the further development of biology in terms of analysis of use and potential benefits of using stem cells for regenerative and other operations. So, the treating of diseases...


Galaxy Formation and Evolution

Introduction From the observations and conclusions made from the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), the era that succeeded the big bang was characterized by homogeneity in the universe that registered variations not exceeding 1 in every 100,000. As it is generally agreed today, the current universe structure was generated as a...


Fabrication of Resonant Tunnelling Diodes

Hall Effect Measurements Before the discovery of quantum mechanics only the resistance R and conductance G considered as measurable physical quantities. Quantum mechanics deals with complex electrical transport measurement. i.e. density n and mobility µ. A Hall Effect measurement utilizes two sample geometries: Long and narrow hall bar Van der...


Triazines Structure and Synthesis

Introduction A multi-component reaction (MCRs) is a combination of chemistry and molecular biology in solving the emerging issues in the medical industry. The reaction is not only environmental friendly but also cheap thus its frequent application in the manufacture of triazine derivatives. Currently, scientists are applying MCR technique in the...


Factors Affecting Resistivity Tools

Background There are varying types of resistivity tool; there designs are functional of the environmental conditions of their place of application (Meyer, 1998). For example, CBG Corporation recently improved upon their resistivity tools designs to revolutionize Geosteerers which are advancement over gamma probes to ensure reliability and ease drilling by...


Australian Employment Relations

Introduction The history of labor relations in Australia is very complex. Since the early 1990s, there have been numerous legislations that have impacted differently on labor relations in this country. The work choices reforms act was the dominant legislation in the industrial relations field in 2005 when the Howard government...


Statistics: Understanding and Exploring Assumptions

It is very vital in statistics to ensure that statistics test assumptions are met, different test statistics have diffeassumptionsption wish are based on the test being carried out. The assumptions ascertain that the result obtaobtained isnot biased in any way, this ensures the tests are reliable, objective, and accurate. They...


Chemistry: Reactive Metabolites

Introduction The process of developing and introducing new drugs involves mainly the biotransformation of drugs that are already in existence. This processes result in chemically reactive metabolites of varying pharmacological and toxicological effects, which necessitates the need for profiling and screening, in order to identify the general beneficial effects of...


Concepts of Stem Cell Research

Introduction Although advantages of scientific discoveries are prevalent in any societal setting, majority of such discoveries have many associated controversies, which ca be economic, social, political, or ethical related. This is because; although the professionals may appreciate such discoveries, religion fanatics or other antagonism groups in the society, with different...


“The Quantum Leads in the Wrong Direction” by Wynn

Quantum Leads in the Wrong Direction just presents the instances that have been affecting the natural science field as it sets a straight record by clearly demonstrating the wrong brand of science and comparing it with the true scientific approaches that are pseudoscience which is subject to challenge through critical...


Measures of Cognitive Functioning

Introduction Learning about the measures of cognitive functioning, one has to look at several theories of intelligence to obtain a full understanding of how the mind works. Piaget’s theory of intelligence was divided up into stages of development so one could understand what was deemed normal development during each stage...


The Role of Multicomponent Reactions

Abstract In science, when more than three or more chemical elements combine within a single system or vessel to form a component the resultant product is a compound that has in it some of the chemical properties of the individual elements. This type of reaction is referred to as a...


The Evolution of Insect Wings in Relation to Environmental Changes

Introduction The question of insect wings evolution has always been controversial in the field of evolution. It is interesting especially since fossil evidence for winged insects remain full of missing links. The evolution of wings in different species of insects is based on their biological ancestry and adaptation to the...


Ocean Wave Energy Technologies

Energy It is quite hard to understand or to define exactly what energy is. However, it is scientifically agreed that energy is the power manifested in changing things from one form or state to another, or the ability to perform or do work. For instance, to walk from a lecture...


Site-Directed Mutagenesis on Double Stranded DNA

Introduction Programmed removal of a region of DNA and the introduction of predetermined DNA sequence is an important process in molecular biology that allows for manipulation of genes to yield the desired phenotypic expressions. Site directed mutagenesis is one of the methods applied in modern genetic studies to manipulate nucleotide...


Biosphere: Sydney in Australia

Abstract The green spaces in Australia mainly comprise of reserves and parks. Green space acts as a source recreation, relaxation, adventure, and inspiration. They are also home to various plants and animal species. Due to the high rate of industrial development and a rapid increase in Australia’s population, this has...


Alternative Fuels and Chemical Structures

Today’s world is well aware that our dependence on oil as a primary source of energy cannot be sustained. As a result, it is necessary for us to discover other forms of energy. Toward the end, a number of alternatives have been brought forward. These can include hydrogen, ethanol, solar...


Reproduction: Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormones

Abstract GnRH substituents have wide-scale applications in treating diverse categories of reproduction-related cancers that are associated with the release of gonadotropin from the pituitary. We hypothesized that GnRH antagonists also suppress OSE proliferation which is the common cause of OEC’s in humans and primates. Marmoset monkey was used as an...


The Using of Hypothetical Testing

Statistical Inference The use of hypothetical testing in any educational or scientific research has been considered as essential to analyze the data and information collected in a scientific manner to validate the results of the research. Hypothesis testing is an integral part of the analysis of variances normally used by...


Reproductive Biology Analysis

Using monoclonal cytokeratin antibody, which signifies the development of cytoskeleton in growing epithelial cells and hence determines the proliferation ability, we detected in estrous sheep a high degree of multiplication in both OSE layer within the ovary and in cultured OSE cells isolated from this layer. Keratin markers distinguish OSE...


Pregnancy Effect on the Morphology and Proliferative Activity of the Ovarian Surface Epithelium and Ovarian Follicles

The immunohistochemical analyses of OSE layer using PCNA and Ki67 clearly revealed proliferative activity only in cycling ewes, that too in close proximity to steroidogenic antral follicles and CL, suggesting that ovulation stimulates multiplication of OSE cells. Apparently, this enables the post-ovulatory replenishment of existing cells with new ones. Further,...


Scientific Taxonomy and Earth’s Biodiversity

The characteristics which classify all the species that have been selected in the list in the Kingdom Animalia is that they are known as Metazoa and are heterotrophic and multicellular organisms. They consume their food and then digest it in their internal cavities. This category does not contain any prokaryotes...


Genetics: Zinc Finger Protein 42 (Rex-1) in Mice

Introduction The genetic expression of specified cell types is a clear achievement of activities of gene in the development of organisms. In this category, REX1 has the longest history as a marker gene that belongs to stem cells of undifferentiated pluripotent which dates back to 1989. The function of Rex-1...


The San Andreas Fault

Introduction The San Andreas Fault is definitely one of the most significant and infamous geological formations in the United States landscape. Stretching for approximately 800 miles and having a depth of 10 miles, it is one of the biggest known networks of faults on land that mark the boundary between...


Geology of the Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon is one of the first geological landscapes in the world that curves into a series of flat plateaus, with an average of one mile deep and ten miles across. Geologically, the Grand Canyon is classified as a young one because of its curvature in the last six...


Resonant Like Dependence of Yeast Growth Rate on Microwave Frequency

Introduction The interaction of the different processes of life and electromagnetic fields has always intrigued scientists and researchers since when it was found in the early 18th century [8]. Since then the scientists have worked with different frequency ranges of which the most important ones are the microwave frequency. One...


Anaplasma Phagocytophilum and Tick Genes Analysis

Anaplasma phagocytophilum, the contributing agent of human granulocytic anaplasmosis and tick-borne fever, is the recently renamed obligate intracellular bacterium following the restructuring of the families Rickettsiaceae and Anaplasmataceae in the order Rickettsiaceae. It causes disease in humans, horses, dogs, and ruminants. This name was given replacing three species of granulocytic...


The Crude Oil Processing

Introduction In their lives, people repeatedly encounter gasoline — a light yellow liquid with a unique odor — because it is one of the essential components of the fuel industry. Automobile refueling makes it possible to fill the car with gasoline, and then, by running the engine, the organic liquid...


Medication Error Risks and Program Evaluation Methodology

Qualitative research usually represents the researcher’s point of view on certain issues including experiences. The research is always suitable for answering questions that examines general human behaviour, motives and the hindrances. Qualitative research seeks to critically analyze issues that are very significant in identification of research problem, development of the...


Can DNA Editing (CRISPR Technology) Treat Genetic Disease?

The discovery of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) as the genetic material and coding of information within it has been the driving principle used in biomedical research activities all over the world. Scientists are currently exploiting the microbiological techniques including polymerase chain reactions (PCR) and DNA cleavage by the restriction enzymes in...


Cell Communication and Signaling

Introduction All living organisms are made up of cells that could comprise the entire animal as in bacteria or which build up their organs and body systems. This has been used as a basis to claim that they must have descended from one source via evolution. Cells are therefore very...


Elastomer Manufacturing Process

Mixing Different additives are combined with elastomers, for example, antioxidants, re-enforcing elements, pigments, processing aids, softeners, and curing agents. Dispersion kneader aids the combination since it mixes all components under high pressure, controlled heat, and stipulated mixing durations (Barbera et al. 710). The mixture generates compound lumps that are obtained...


Treatment With Gene Therapy

Gene therapy is a fundamentally new approach, representing a combination of biomedical technologies for treating gene defects by introducing new genetic constructs into the body that can restore or replace a defective gene. Such therapy allows people to fix errors caused by mutations in the DNA structure or DNA damage...


Moon Formation and Lunar Astronomical Missions

Introduction The history of human existence is closely connected with the only natural satellite of the planet — the Moon. This celestial body accompanied the development of the Earth practically from the very beginning: Moon was present at all stages of the planet’s geochemical and biological evolution. Thus, the origin...


The Problems With Farming and Animal Consumption

Introduction The global human population is increasing. Food has now become an important concern due to the increased population. The high population has reduced farming areas at the expense of building homesteads (Pollan, 2007). Wild animals have suffered the most. As a result, global meat production has decreased. A new...


The Developments in Quantitative and Qualitative Research Today

The methods used by modern researchers continuously evolve. These techniques tend to become more sophisticated and accurate; moreover, they are more oriented to the needs of people or the challenges that they face. This paper is aimed at discussing the recent developments in both quantitative and qualitative research. It seems...


The Structure of Inherited Cardiomyopathy

Structure and function of bulk proteins of myocardial microfilaments The cellular units of cardiac muscle fibers, myocytes (10-20 µm diameters and 50-100 µm length) are connected end-to-end in series by a network of interdigitating cell membrane called intercalated discs, comprising two units, the desmosomes and gap junctions. These intervening structures...


Antibacterial Susceptibility of Various Seaweeds to Know Pathogenic Bacteria

Introduction Seaweeds are organisms that look like plants that are found on seashores. This is the term that refers to the wide marine algae that mostly grow in shallow waters. The algae in the marine environment provide food and home to the different sea animals and add beauty to the...


The Mixed Methods Research Designs

Cresewell (2011, p. 430) defines mixed methods research design as “a procedure for collecting, analyzing, and ‘mixing’ both qualitative and quantitative research methods in a single study so as to understand a research problem”. In terms of rationale, mixed methods research design has several characteristics. First, it calls for the...


Maleimide (Polymer): Structure and Properties

Introduction Maleimide is unsaturated imide which is commonly used as a building block in organic synthesis. The general chemical formula of this compound is H2C2(CO)2NH. The IUPAC name of maleimide is 2,5-Pyrroledione. Its molecular formula is C4H3NO2 with a molar mass of 97.07 g/mol and a melting point 91-93 °C...


Why Claude Levi-Strauss Is Considered the Father of Modern Anthropology?

Claude Levi-Strauss contributed greatly to the field of anthropology. Thus, he is considered the father of modern anthropology. Born in Brussels and raised in Paris by French parents, Claude became one of the leading and most respectable intellectuals in France soon after the World War because he managed to revolutionize...


“Preventing Chronic Diseases” by Choi and Pak

The article “A catalog of biases in questionnaires” by Choi and Pak presents an argument on the importance of avoiding bias while designing questionnaires for the patients which appears to be very important for the results of medical examinations. The article discusses the results of investigations conducted within different medical...


Acid Rain Effect on Plant Growth

Introduction Scientific experiment refers to a process of demonstrating a fact or a truth in the physical world. The experimental scientific method is a rational and logical order of steps followed to come up with conclusions. Gauch (2003). Problem statement How does acid rain affect the growth in height (cm)...


External, Internal, and Construct Validity

The global business demands of industry have made use of many employees through harsh working conditions and inhumane treatment. Malaysian people are being sent by the Vietnamese government to work in conditions that almost never meet proper conditions and procedures. The government and the industry focuses too much on the...


Correlation and Regression Analysis

Introduction This research will attempt to answer the question: ‘What combination of personal attributes, i.e. enthusiasm, integrity, toughness, confidence, fairness, warmth, humility, and industriousness, best predicts effective leadership or mentorship?’ Correlation and regression analyses will be used in the study to establish the relationship between the independent and the dependent...


Characteristic of the United Arab Emirates

Introduction A significant increase in crises and disasters globally has necessitated the use of strategic responses when handling the dangers posed by these calamities. Governments are responsible for deploying federal schemes to augment their nation’s readiness for tragedy and attacks. Therefore, administrations can have a significant impact on state and...


Predicting Reservoir Performance of a Natural Gas Reservoir

Abstract Natural resources are a gift of God to mankind. Natural resources play a pivotal role in the success of any nation. Gas and oil reservoirs are different and this report deals with numerous approaches in order to Predict Reservoir Performance of a Natural Gas Reservoir. There are a number...


Chebyshev Polynomials Theories, Math Analyse

Introduction Chebyshev polynomials sequences of orthogonal (perpendicular) polynomials that can be defined recursively as with Lucas numbers and Fibonacci numbers. The polynomials were named after Pafnuty Chebyshev, and are related to the de Moivre’s formula, a function relating complex numbers to trigonometry. Normally there is a clear distinction between what...


Reproduction of Marmoset Monkeys

Materials and methods Animals Two to three-year-old adult female common marmoset monkeys (Callithrix jacchus) with bodyweight ~350 g, and having a regular 28 d ovulatory cycles or gestation periods between 141 d and 145 d, were housed in cages for the study. Prior to do any experiment, permission from local...


Bacterial Research Immunohistochemistry

Materials and methods Animals Ovaries for histological analysis and isolation of OSE cells were procured from cycling the heifers, butchered infrom the local abattoir. Ovaries were sorted and collected from the pregnant heifers brought to the abattoir at different stages of gestation, (mid pregnancy; i.e. 55-80 d, n = 4)...


Applying Mixed Methods to Evidence-Based Practice

Introduction The research design involving mixed methods counseling encompasses the use of research methods that are quantitative and qualitative within the same investigation. This combination creates a critical analysis of the research problem being handled. The use of a mix of the formula is a chief research model that avails...


Statistical Assessment: Correlation Analysis

Introduction and Literature Review Correlation analysis is a statistical assessment technique employed when studying the strength of an association between two continuous variables (Pollock 2015). Correlation analysis determines possible links between variables. However, it does not identify the cause-effect aspect of the connection because it does not consider other variables...