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Popular Sample Essays

Family, Life & Experiences

Three Influential Persons to Invite for Dinner

My choices of invitation for the three most influential persons that have ever lived to my dinner reservation would be Berra Biricik, Immanuel Kant, and Gabriel García Márquez. Berra Biricik, because of her professional mentorship and personal advice that shaped my life. Immanuel Kant, a great philosopher whose ideologies on...


Social Construction of Race, Gender and Sexuality in Youth

Youths are associated with social class, race, gender, and sexuality, for they are influenced under the umbrella of their parental guidance in childhood and have seen the traces of subcultures and youth cultures to the relation between the class ‘parent culture’ and hegemony in the socio-economic structure. This involves a...

Tech & Engineering

The Concept of “Net Neutrality”

The Internet has revolutionized the way people communicate, trade, generate knowledge, and entertain each other. Although less so in recent years, the Internet has been a safe haven for anyone to say and do things they would never say and do in real life. The free access to every piece...

Tech & Engineering

Learn, Work, and Live: Technology and Transformation

The progress of computer technology continues to change society. For example, smart scales help millions of people around the world keep track of weight, percentage of body fat, etc. Some of them can even calculate daily calorie intake as part of an online program for losing weight. Thus, weighing becomes...


Horatio and His Catalog of Ghosts Appearing Reasons

Horatio and Marcellus have a conversation in the first scene of Hamlet – during their discussion the Ghost enters the scene. It is silent and does not inform anything them anything, but Horatio makes a conclusion about the Ghost being an omen of something dreadful coming to their province. He...


Validity and Reliability as Important Concepts in Research

Validity is defined as the strength of any proposition or a conclusion given after conducting research. Validity also means the best of the available approximation that approaches the truth or false results of a proposition. Reliability can be defined as the consistency of a given measurement. It can be a...


Mental Illness’ Term and Related Problems

Mental illness is a health problem that leads to distortion in a person’s way of thinking, feeling, and frame of mind. People suffering from this condition often find it difficult to relate well with others and may have difficulties undertaking routine tasks. There are many problems associated with the use...


“Doll’s House” by H. Ibsen Review

A Doll’s House by Ibsen is an outstanding play because it is said to lay the foundation for a feminist movement to emerge and develop. This piece of art depicts women and their role in the man-dominated society. Back then, women did not have many rights, and all they needed...


The Cells and Connections in Make Up the Layers of the Retina

The retina is 0.3 mm thick complex neurons layers and their connections. Three layers of cell bodies are separated by two layers of axons and dendrites. The retina’s first layer is the ganglion cell layer having a single axon each. In the retina, light is converted to a set of...


Logic of Addiction, Market and Total Subsumption

Logic of Addiction On the road to the transition to adulthood, adolescents are structured depending on the stability and coherence of the given culture. It would not be wrong to say that culture is responsible for addicting adolescents with many ‘false’ habits. Such ‘habits’ when are frequently experienced by adolescents...

Family, Life & Experiences

Personal Time Management Challenges

Time management is a very important instrument that helps to get all necessary tasks done. However, various challenges should be overcome to do things in time. The first serious challenge is interruptions and distractions. These terms encompass multiple external factors. They depend on individual characteristics because what distracts one person...


School of Critical Theory and Marxism

The school of critical theory or “Frankfurt School” main goal was to distinguish the traditional methods and characteristics of scientific knowledge as a presentation of the whole sphere of the objects possessing theoretical meaning from the new theory of knowledge established by the research method of the Institute for Social...


Major Milestones of the Kyoto Treaty and Montreal Protocol

Kyoto Treaty The Kyoto treaty is a protocol established by the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change, which intended to fight global warming to stabilize the concentration of gases from a greenhouse in the atmosphere. The main aim of this was to prevent interference in climate change by dangerous...


Societal Influences on Personality Development

Apart from biological influences on personality, social scientists have found out that society also plays an important role in shaping human personality. The process of personality development is a long one and involves changing a person’s attitude and hence character through the acquisition of information which enables them to build...


Discovery Learning from the Psychology Viewpoint

Many psychologists who have expounded on this theory seem to agree that the best mode of learning should be focused on the student and headed by the student. The teacher at this point is seen rather as a facilitator of the process rather than the knowledge giver, hence the learner...


Effective Interpersonal Interactions and Barriers

Communication as thought by many people is not an easy task despite the fact that we have grown up with it. Effective interpersonal interaction has been made to be complex, hard, and disappointing because of different barriers that have been put in place. These include structural setbacks like bigger working...


Methods to Protect the Personal Rights That Is Labeled as Vulnerable

Protecting the personal rights of human subjects is a crucial aspect of conducting any kind of research, especially in the case of vulnerable groups. Such vulnerable groups may include subjects with diminished mental or intellectual capacities, incarcerated persons, children and students, subjects in uneven relationships, or individuals who experience certain...


Preparing a Rape Victim for a Trial

The experience of having to go through a criminal justice system and the trial can be overwhelming. However, the preparation of a victim to go through such a process requires the availability of the necessary information regarding the trial justice system and the trial. First, it is important for the...


Factors of the Fair Use Doctrine that Played in Favor of Sony

Sony Corporation of America developed a video recording unit that made film industry members uncomfortable. Companies such as Universal Studios in the film industry decided to sue Sony and its distributors in the district court. These companies felt that Sony was contravening copyright laws. According to Universal Studios, Sony was...


Provide a Couple of Social Issues Examples. What Are the Ways of Dealing With Them?

Social issues are problems that exist within a society and directly or indirectly influence the vast majority of the human population. Some examples of serious social issues that exist today are poverty, gender discrimination, child labor, and hunger. It is difficult to completely eradicate these issues on a global scale,...


Why is Community Service Important?

Community service is suitable for people who are not highly qualified, have a long break from work, or for students. Also, community service is often the sanction that the court provides for the offender to perform. Explanation: However, it is essential to understand that community service in itself is not...


What Defines the Three-Fifths Clause?

The three-fifths clause of the US Constitution was an agreement among states made in 1787 on the representation in the US House of Representatives. Explanation: In May of 1787, delegates from 12 of the 13 states met in Philadelphia at the Constitutional Convention. Their goal was to come up with...


The Pillars of Eemaan and Islam: Hajj and Salah

The pillars of belief (Eemaan) are the principles lying at the root of the whole Muslim culture. The first pillar is the belief in the oneness of God; it is the foundation principle. The second pillar is connected with the existence of angels who are depicted as invisible beings with...


Family Violence and Its Possible Contributors

Family violence is an acute social problem that is crucial to address for a number of reasons, for instance, the need to ensure children’s physical and mental health. As a rule, individual categories of citizens are vulnerable to violence because they are unable to respond appropriately to abusers. In this...


Trauma Types That May Affect a Family

In case the relationships among family members are unhealthy, the risk of psychological trauma increases significantly. Parental abuse and violence against children are severe threats since a child cannot provide adequate resistance and is forced to experience adults’ pressure. The National Child Traumatic Stress Network lists the traumas that arise...


Why is Culture Important?

Culture is a vast concept that unites different social group’s beliefs, languages, rules, and more. Culture influences every aspect of human’s life and contributes to the enrichment of society. It helps to identify personality, fulfil human’s needs to be a part of the community and to be understood. Moreover, culture...


Material Objects in American Culture

The objects of the material world are easily recognizable in my room, although they only slightly reflect American culture. My place is rather modest, as well as the things that are in it. Next to the bed, I have my cell phone, or rather a smartphone, and a charger for...


Water Science. Lake Contamination Types and Sources

Contamination of recreational water in a sewered town occurs when untreated waste substances are discharged into water bodies directly or indirectly. Fecal bacteria are a category of bacteria that come from the feces of humans, domestic and wild animals. Fecal bacteria gain access into rivers and lakes through the human...


The Historical Influence of Plague

Among the most significant plagues in European history, the plague of Justinian was one of the most devastating epidemics. It happened around 540 AD in the Byzantine Empire and was named after the emperor Justinian who ruled during the plague’s first outbreak. Interestingly, the epidemic came back to the area...


The Process of Shame to Violence in Bergman Film: “Shame”

“Shame” has shown us that any man or woman is capable of deplorable deeds, when they are placed in conditions that could perpetuate this behavior. Remorse was subjective to each of the characters exhibited. First was Jan, a very sensitive and emotional character. Jan cried often and seemingly did not...


The Advantages and Disadvantages of Presumptions in Custody Decision-Making

The issue of parental preferences for a child is complicated as of the matters stated de facto and those stated de jure. The maternal presumption gives ground for mothers to decide the destiny of a child without taking into account the position of a father. In most cases such practice...


The Relationship Between Child Support and Visitation

The rights of non-custodial parent are protected by different states’ laws in the United Kingdom. The thing is that the frequency of divorces in America is very high and this point needs further evaluation between two parents. Thus, non-custodial parent (meaning father) should provide financial support in the form of...


Psychology and Learning Connections: Types of Research

The modern scientific community uses numerous types of research to establish connections between psychology and learning. They include longitudinal studies, qualitative and quantitative methods, mixed-method designs, observational studies, descriptive research, and many other approaches to studying some phenomena (Lin-Siegler, Dweck, & Cohen, 2016). The advancements of psychology research are widely...


Franklin Roosevelt & Herbert Hoover as American Presidents

Both Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) faced the necessity of stabilizing the American economy after a crisis. Still, one should note that the approaches followed by these leaders to cope with the Great Depression differed significantly. FDR can be discussed as the more effective president than Hoover because...


Three-Term Concept in Buddhism

No Self The question of whether one has either self or No self is asked often among the Buddha religion. In fact, the Buddha agrees that if one does not have a self, then, the person has No Self. The essence of the argument is that human beings ever seek...

Politics & Government

The Role of Government, Employers and Trade Unions

The labour market has a long history of development, which has led to the emergence of various participants. Since the labour market unfolded from feudal to capitalist relations, the latter implied the interaction of influential capitalist owners and industrial workforce. Since working conditions in factories did not meet sanitary and...


How Many Research Questions Are Needed for a Particular Study?

During the implementation stages of the study such as a collection of data, it is important to consider the place in which the study will be conducted. For example, if the research study is to be conducted in a classroom such as the administering of questionnaires, the students may be...


Violent Crime Victimization Rate for Different Ages

I think that people aged 18-20 are the most victimized age group because of their lack of life experience and weak social and financial standing. By a lack of life experience, I mean that people aged 18-20 do not have enough knowledge to distinguish potentially dangerous individuals or situations. Young...


Organizational Diversity Explained

Diversity in organizations is the differences in personality traits among the workforce, including gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, educational status, and disability. It involves developing a working environment where unique contributions are respected. Diversity inspires employees’ motivation and performance standards; hence, the company experiences low turnover rates. The significant diversity...

Tech & Engineering

Information Technology: Management Decisions

Introduction An organization can still make good IT management decisions even under tough conditions; this is as far as the administration is capable of employing specific strategic plans that are relevant to an organization at that particular time. The challenge the management has to face is the knowledge of how...

Entertainment & Media

The Infographics: Social Media Advertising

The information portrayed in the infographics gives a clear picture of how technology is changing the product promotion is done. It emphasizes the importance of social media advertising and the way it has revolutionized marketing. Looking at the infographics, it is clear that even the large companies turn to social...

Politics & Government

U.S. Meeting Post-Cold War Threats to Nuclear Security

The threat to nuclear security after the end of the Cold War can be seen divided between the heritages of the fallen Soviet Union through the newly found states that inherited nuclear weapons, and the states that took an active role in the development of their own nuclear weapons. In...


Islam Spreading Throughout the Greater Middle-East

Islam and the Arabs have mostly populated the Asian continent for a long time. They have succeeded in conquering and spreading throughout the greater Middle East despite strong empires, for example, Byzantines and Persians. They spread out quickly, facilitated by the existence and constant emergence of potential, powerful, charismatic leaders,...


Stress-Coping Strategies In Adulthood

Stress is an inevitable part of our lives since it is a physiological response to life. Whereas some stressors can be managed, others, such as the loss of a loved one or of an inability to perform, can be more demanding. When it becomes long-term, it gets very serious because...


Positive Things to Learn from Medieval Culture

During its history, the human population has experienced a lot of transformations. One of such moments is the Medieval period, when distinct achievements made substantial impacts on people’s life. Industries, education, architecture, music, literature, and the agricultural sector witnessed various changes. Although life during the Middle Age is sometimes difficult...


The Main Reasons of the American Civil War

It was evident that the main reason for the Civil War was the inconsistency in the views on slavery. However, there are far more aspects for consideration in the politics of the parties’ war and interests. First, there is a saying about the American Civil War, which sounds in the...


Health Care Ethics In Psychology: Principles and Problems

In psychology, ethics and professional codes of Practice are the core of the profession. They stipulate norms and conditions of working with clients and their relatives. Sternberg underlines that there are many institutions catering for the needs of the nation in cases they have problems with health, but their cooperation...


Why the Theory of Mind Is Vital

The theory of mind is vital for having a give-and-take conversation and for realizing that other people do not always have the best interests at heart. The theory of mind can be described as the ability to use such concepts as intentions, goals, and perceptions to interpret behavior. With the...


Why We Should Allow Same-Sex Marriages

There is evident recognition of equal rights in support of every human being, either in a straight or of a gay relationship. The issue of equality ends when one starts to argue for gay marriages. There are sharp critics against gay marriages because people have a massive misunderstanding of homosexuality...


John Locke and His Works Review

John Locke was a British born philosopher. Locke was important because he was original. He was a revolutionary thinker who opposed the tyranny of prejudice, dogma, opinion, and ignorance. Though his philosophy has been subject to criticism over the years it is no doubt that it has had a great...


Two Forms for Writing Quantitative Research Questions

The extent to which a research study will spell out the relevant details attests to the strength of an exploratory research study. The descriptive research question in this study explores more details on the variables in perspective. A descriptive question could pose, “How do transportation operators in fifty states in...


Interactive Experiences in Transportation and Logistics Management that Mainstream Global Environment Concerns

The central question,” What interactive experience is shared by transportation and logistics management in mainstreaming global environment concerns?” has characteristics of emerging design and is relatively open-ended. The same applies to the associated sub-questions thereof. The global rise in atmospheric temperatures stemming from global warming is phenomenal, and this has...


Qualitative Research Opportunities in the Field of Transportation

In exploring the growth that transportation is experiencing from its cradle to current, a thin line of distinction may exist to distinguish it from development that is occurring in logistics management. Often that two may seem synonymous especially considering the diversity in the sectors that have customized the two as...


Two Forms for Writing Qualitative Research Questions

Research questions form the guiding bases for the investigator to focus on during the study. These are systematically stated alongside the purpose statement and central intent sections of a research paper; these fundamentally define, describe and determine the direction of the study. In research write-ups, these form the scope frameworks...


Potential Things for Believers to Learn When Studying the Book of Revelation

Despite its prominence in popular culture as the prophetic form of apocalypse, The Book of Revelation is one of the most difficult parts of the Bible to read and comprehend, even for those well-versed in theology. However, Christians and faithful can benefit and learn a lot from studying it. First,...


The Role of Commission of Education and Communication

Why the IUCN Needs a Commission of Education and Communication (CEC) The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) works together with various agencies in order to conserve the universe. The union mobilizes many people across the world in order to promote the idea of conservation. This practice will eventually...


Domestic Violence and Social Work Environment

Introduction Domestic violence involves all acts of abuse that occur between couples who are either married or cohabiting. Abuse of members of a household can be termed domestic violence. In the context of this research paper, domestic violence encompasses the use of humiliating words, kicking, beating, choking, and/or killing. Depending...


Photoactive Macromolecules: Green Leaves Argument

The case involves a disagreement between Horatio and Ashley. Horatio says that yellow leaves have colored pigments and the green leaves do not while Ashley states that the green leaves have colored pigments. The disagreement between Horatio and Ashley lies in the pigment that is present in the leaves. Horatio...


Germination and Osmosis Analysis

Abstract Living organisms require water for various physiological processes such as respiration and transport of substances. Osmosis is the main physiological process through which water gets into living cells. Germination, which initiates the development of plants, is highly dependent on the availability of water. This experiment aimed at investigating the...


Criminal Justice and Workforce Diversity

Roles The criminal justice administrator has a role of carrying out administrative works, preparation of prosecution files in accordance with set policies and ensuring that there is progression of court cases so that they are timely and in an orderly manner. He is also bound to work closely with a...


Environmental Biology: Article Review

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the issue of environmental biology in relation to conservation of global environment. In the recent past, biotechnology has been become an important tool in environmental studies and conservation, with various researchers attempting to use genetically modified microorganisms to save the environment. This...


Scenario Investigation of Waste Management in Australia

Introduction Environmental performance is a critical aspect for facilities offering disposal of waste services in Australia. There exist various legislations on environmental performance, whose aim is to promote and monitor responsible waste management by waste disposal facilities in the country. This report evaluates how SITA Lucas Height Company in NSW...

Tech & Engineering

View of the Fuel Cell Vehicles

Introduction A fuel cell vehicle (FCV), also known as a fuel cell electric vehicle is a kind of motor vehicle that runs on a fuel cell. The fuel cell converts hydrogen fuel stored in a tank fitted to the vehicle to produce electricity. The electricity that is produced is converted...


Ethics in the Information Age

The internet has emerged to be one of most significant developments that began in the last century. The internet technology was initially limited to a few scientists who recognized its use. At present, the internet has been acknowledged across the world, and many people still continue to embrace its use....


Coefficient of Restitution and Its Variation

Summary Height of the rebound of tennis balls from two different kinds of surfaces have been recorded when these balls were made to fall freely from predetermined height. These values were used to calculate velocity of approach of tennis ball and coefficient of restitution between the tennis ball and the...


High School Education: Juvenile Justice System

The presence of school drop out cases has provoked various research bodies to study the effects of the juvenile justice system with regard to graduation of high school education. Siegel (2008) asserts that reviewing the impact of juvenile justice system on graduation of high school education necessitates the need of...


Human Condition to Adapt: Factors

With the spatial environments becoming highly dynamic, the human species have undergone significant modifications in their phenotypical characteristics as a result of speciation. The acknowledgment of human beings as interactors, rather than being replicators can be attributed to the currently experienced revolutionary changes to the current man to facilitate fitness...


Airline Analysis: Aspects Relations

Introduction This analysis provides a relationship between levels of customer satisfaction and quality of services using a likert scale analysis. The service quality variables are denoted by aspects such as tangibility, reliability, responsiveness and assurance of XXX airline management system. Our research indicates that cabin safety and accident rate levels...


Risk Management Program in Aviation

Introduction Risk management program deals with ways that can be used to minimize the possibilities of certain events happening or even reducing the consequences of such events. In the field of aviation, risk management deals with utilizable techniques to improve aviation safety. An effective strategy for managing risks minimizes the...

Tech & Engineering

Technological Advances of Boeing 787 Required by Business Perspective

Introduction Subject and Objectives The business report discusses the technological advances undergone by Boeing 787 from a commercial perspective. In this respect, the case examines possible costs and benefits imposed by technological enhancement to meet the current commercial demands and sustain a competitive edge at the market. The considerations are...


Tombs Egypt During the Period of 3200 BC to 1200 BC

Introduction Death encompasses the cultural traits of all irrespective of religious beliefs, race, status and political views, as everyone on this earth is ordained to die one day. The human history is thus marked by the evolution of the various societies developing complex and intrinsic rituals to combat the looming...

Tech & Engineering

Man-Portable Air Defense System (MANPADS)

Write three pages about presenting your opinion of what the current state-of-the-art MANPAD mitigation system should be. Reinforce your opinion with facts Travel and tourism are now among the world’s largest industries. Air travel has become a vital constituent in contemporary day travel as a result of its fast speed...


Research Study Controls for Confounding Variables on the Dependent Variable

Introduction The ability to identify and control the possible confounding variable in any research is one of the critical tasks that researchers have to tackle to produce authentic and reliable results. Just in case a confounding variable is not tackled and then it affects the outcomes of a research, then...

Entertainment & Media

Reasons for Prosperity of Cirque du Soleil

Cirque du Soleil is undoubtedly an incredible phenomenon of modern time that also continues to be an extremely prosperous theatrical production in comparison with the whole entertainment industry chronology. Moreover, this organization is one of the most successful international businesses that made his creator, Guy Laliberté, a billionaire starting from...

Entertainment & Media

Media in the Political System Overview

Media in the political system are forms of communication facilitating the production, propagation, and exchange of political views with the help of networks providing opportunities for engagement and cooperation. The system has numerous purposes in a democratic society, including informing the public by providing them with the information necessary for...


Pop Art Culture – Andy Warhol’s Mao

Usually, in certain movements, there is one exact person who glorified it most, and often it is not the founder, but such a star, with whom the whole direction is associated. When mentioning pop art, bright paintings and acid colors appear in the imagination. Among them, pieces created by Andy...


The Final Scene of the Singin’ in the Rain: Review

I have selected the final scene of the Singin’ in the Rain because I liked it the most. In this five-minute long cut, Lina lip-syncs into a microphone while Kathy sings instead of her behind the curtain. At the end of it, R.F., Don, and Cosmo reveal the real star...


Developments Effect on Society and Its Understanding

To begin with, it is vital to analyze Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and any other’s social media influence on the society overall. Firstly, at the times of global pandemic, it became evident that these media contribute a lot in strengthening communities. The help with grocery shopping or dog-walking was enforced by...


Analysis of “The Way to Rainy Mountain” by Momaday

The first chapter of the first division of the book is The Setting Out, which introduces the readers into the arousal of the Kiowa tribe. Its main meaning is to allow the reader to meet the story, the Kiowa culture, and to describe the process of the Kiowa’s creation. The...


Clare in the “Passing” Novel by Nella Larsen

The novel “Passing” by Nella Larsen revolves around the life of Clare, who assumes the life of a white lady despite being African-American. However, the story tells of a monumental cultural transformation that occurs after the first world war and serves to define the concepts of gender and race in...


“I Was Sleeping Where the Black Oaks Move” by Erdrich

Louise Erdrich’s poem “I Was Sleeping Where the Black Oaks Move” retells the story of assumingly the author’s home being destroyed by a flood while she and her grandfather are left to witness the event. Such a traumatic experience is something that a person will remember their entire life, affecting...


The Mobile Commons: Fleeing Ukraine

Those who find themselves on the move happen to create a whole new world. According to Papadopoulos and Tsianos (2013), this is a world of information and knowledge, a world of social relations and sharing of services, a world of sociability, unanimity, and mutual care (190). All of these are...


Review of Child Development Benchmarks

Introduction Children and adolescents’ physical and social demands must be satisfied for them to grow and develop normally. The amount to which parents, families, communities, and societies can satisfy these developmental demands has long-term ramifications for the types of people they will become. By 18 years, many teenagers are filled...


Biographical Criticism of Wilde’s “The Picture of Dorian Gray”

Introduction According to the literary theory of cultural studies, it is crucial to examine novels from the perspective of socio-cultural context and the author’s biography. The Picture of Dorian Gray, written by Oscar Wilde, is an excellent example of a story that encompasses the author’s values and aspirations. In his...


Beowulf as an Epic Hero of an Anglo-Saxon Poem

Introduction Beowulf is an old Anglo-Saxon poem written around the 10th century. It tells about the heroic deeds and victories of a warrior named Beowulf. Although this text was written in old English and a very long time ago, the debate about the meaning of the poem and the characterization...


Paradox in “Ozymandias” by Percy Bysshe Shelley

In poetry, poets focus on arresting the attention while provoking the fresh thinking of their audience. It is done through paradox, which refers to the tensions exposed at the surface of verses in the poem that result in deceptive irony and insincerity a poem. Cleanth Brooks strongly believed that a...


Is Satan the True Hero of “Paradise Lost” by John Milton

Introduction Paradise Lost by John Milton is a classical work of literature with a detailed plot representing Christian myth. Its look on Satan and his rebellion against God was new for his time and is still discussed by scholars. The reason for this is that, in early books of Milton’s...


The Novel “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley

Introduction Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is a Gothic novel with science fiction elements that tells the story of a researcher Victor Frankenstein, who made a creature out of corpse parts and brought them to life. Authors in fiction decide which stories to tell and their implications based on their knowledge...


The Book “Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic” by Alison Bechdel

Introduction Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic is a literary work done by Alison Bechdel published in 2007. The author describes her life in the family setting by establishing grounds that led to a battle between her and Bruce, who is her father. Majorly in the book, Bechdel describes how she...


Allusions in “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” by T.S. Eliot

Allusions are a sort of reference that the author uses by directly or indirectly mentioning someone or something outside of the context to enrich it with a specific meaning. Consequently, if a reader knows the reference, he might be able to better understand and see the author’s work from a...


The Poem “The Hill We Climb” by Amanda Gorman

Amanda Gorman is an American poet and activist who has received several awards and prizes. The author was born in 1998, and during this time, Gorman managed to become a widely known activist. He is the youngest poet who read the poem during a presidential inauguration. In the verse The...


Literary Analysis pf Stevenson’s Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Introduction The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a novel written by Robert Louis Stevenson in the nineteenth century. One main character in the novel is Dr. Jekyll, who is reasonable and has morals, but he is two-faced. The other character is Mr. Hyde, who is aggressive,...


“Who Moved My Cheese” by Johnson

The book entitled “Who moved my cheese” is one of the best motivational books of the 20th century. The book raises the issue of change and its place in a person’s everyday life. Faced with unexpected events, people tend to panic and stick to once fruitful course of action when...


Feminism in Chopin’s and Glaspell’s Works

Introduction Feminism was a central topic of many literary works in the late 19th-early 20th century, while Trifles by Susan Glaspell and “The Storm” by Kate Chopin are among them. These writing pieces describe the times when women were not considered equal members of society, which provided representatives of this...


The Fault of Fate in the Death of Romeo and Juliet

Several factors led to the death of young people in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. These factors are the enmity between families, Friar Laurence, the marriage plans of Lord Capulet, and the wrong decisions of the lovers themselves. At the very start of Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare expresses his indignation toward...


US Student Debt System: Consequences’ Analysis

Employees with college educations avoided some of the worst impacts during the pandemic’s peak. The student loan problem is currently looming, even though student loan installments have been stopped since March 27, 2020 (Hess, 2021, par. 1). The moratorium was slated to end in October 2021, and lawmakers and experts...


Discussion of MDMA Abuse Neurobiology

Introduction The topic of this paper is the neurobiology of MDMA abuse, an essential topic for understanding the relationship between drug use and a person’s health state. In that way, the included review of relevant articles aids in exploring the negative effects of MDMA on human neural processes. The current...


Goddess of the Moon in Malaysian Mythology

Malaysian mythology is a set of mythological representations of the Malagasy race, which is the indigenous population of the island of Madagascar, whose ancestors moved from the islands of the Malay Archipelago. The primary source for studying mythology is the records of Malagasy folklore produced by Europeans and Malagasy scholars...